/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { Component, createFactory, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react.js"); const dom = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom-factories.js"); const PropTypes = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-prop-types.js"); const { div, button } = dom; const MenuButton = createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/shared/components/menu/MenuButton.js") ); const ToolboxTabs = createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/framework/components/ToolboxTabs.js") ); loader.lazyGetter(this, "MeatballMenu", function() { return createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/framework/components/MeatballMenu.js") ); }); loader.lazyGetter(this, "MenuItem", function() { return createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/shared/components/menu/MenuItem.js") ); }); loader.lazyGetter(this, "MenuList", function() { return createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/shared/components/menu/MenuList.js") ); }); loader.lazyGetter(this, "LocalizationProvider", function() { return createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/fluent-react.js") .LocalizationProvider ); }); loader.lazyGetter(this, "DebugTargetInfo", () => createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/framework/components/DebugTargetInfo.js") ) ); loader.lazyGetter(this, "ChromeDebugToolbar", () => createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/framework/components/ChromeDebugToolbar.js") ) ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "getUnicodeUrl", "resource://devtools/client/shared/unicode-url.js", true ); /** * This is the overall component for the toolbox toolbar. It is designed to not know how * the state is being managed, and attempts to be as pure as possible. The * ToolboxController component controls the changing state, and passes in everything as * props. */ class ToolboxToolbar extends Component { static get propTypes() { return { // The currently focused item (for arrow keyboard navigation) // This ID determines the tabindex being 0 or -1. focusedButton: PropTypes.string, // List of command button definitions. toolboxButtons: PropTypes.array, // The id of the currently selected tool, e.g. "inspector" currentToolId: PropTypes.string, // An optionally highlighted tools, e.g. "inspector" (used by ToolboxTabs // component). highlightedTools: PropTypes.instanceOf(Set), // List of tool panel definitions (used by ToolboxTabs component). panelDefinitions: PropTypes.array, // List of possible docking options. hostTypes: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ position: PropTypes.string.isRequired, switchHost: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }) ), // Current docking type. Typically one of the position values in // |hostTypes| but this is not always the case (e.g. for "browsertoolbox"). currentHostType: PropTypes.string, // Are docking options enabled? They are not enabled in certain situations // like when the toolbox is opened in a tab. areDockOptionsEnabled: PropTypes.bool, // Do we need to add UI for closing the toolbox? We don't when the // toolbox is undocked, for example. canCloseToolbox: PropTypes.bool, // Is the split console currently visible? isSplitConsoleActive: PropTypes.bool, // Are we disabling the behavior where pop-ups are automatically closed // when clicking outside them? // // This is a tri-state value that may be true/false or undefined where // undefined means that the option is not relevant in this context // (i.e. we're not in a browser toolbox). disableAutohide: PropTypes.bool, // Are we displaying the window always on top? // // This is a tri-state value that may be true/false or undefined where // undefined means that the option is not relevant in this context // (i.e. we're not in a local web extension toolbox). alwaysOnTop: PropTypes.bool, // Is the toolbox currently focused? // // This will only be defined when alwaysOnTop is true. focusedState: PropTypes.bool, // Function to turn the options panel on / off. toggleOptions: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // Function to turn the split console on / off. toggleSplitConsole: PropTypes.func, // Function to turn the disable pop-up autohide behavior on / off. toggleNoAutohide: PropTypes.func, // Function to turn the always on top behavior on / off. toggleAlwaysOnTop: PropTypes.func, // Function to completely close the toolbox. closeToolbox: PropTypes.func, // Keep a record of what button is focused. focusButton: PropTypes.func, // Hold off displaying the toolbar until enough information is ready for // it to render nicely. canRender: PropTypes.bool, // Localization interface. L10N: PropTypes.object.isRequired, // The devtools toolbox toolbox: PropTypes.object, // Call back function to detect tabs order updated. onTabsOrderUpdated: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // Count of visible toolbox buttons which is used by ToolboxTabs component // to recognize that the visibility of toolbox buttons were changed. // Because in the component we cannot compare the visibility since the // button definition instance in toolboxButtons will be unchanged. visibleToolboxButtonCount: PropTypes.number, // Data to show debug target info, if needed debugTargetData: PropTypes.shape({ runtimeInfo: PropTypes.object.isRequired, descriptorType: PropTypes.string.isRequired, }), // The loaded Fluent localization bundles. fluentBundles: PropTypes.array.isRequired, }; } constructor(props) { super(props); this.hideMenu = this.hideMenu.bind(this); this.createFrameList = this.createFrameList.bind(this); this.highlightFrame = this.highlightFrame.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { this.props.toolbox.on("panel-changed", this.hideMenu); } componentWillUnmount() { this.props.toolbox.off("panel-changed", this.hideMenu); } hideMenu() { if (this.refs.meatballMenuButton) { this.refs.meatballMenuButton.hideMenu(); } if (this.refs.frameMenuButton) { this.refs.frameMenuButton.hideMenu(); } } /** * A little helper function to call renderToolboxButtons for buttons at the start * of the toolbox. */ renderToolboxButtonsStart() { return this.renderToolboxButtons(true); } /** * A little helper function to call renderToolboxButtons for buttons at the end * of the toolbox. */ renderToolboxButtonsEnd() { return this.renderToolboxButtons(false); } /** * Render all of the tabs, this takes in a list of toolbox button states. These are plain * objects that have all of the relevant information needed to render the button. * See Toolbox.prototype._createButtonState in devtools/client/framework/toolbox.js for * documentation on this object. * * @param {String} focusedButton - The id of the focused button. * @param {Array} toolboxButtons - Array of objects that define the command buttons. * @param {Function} focusButton - Keep a record of the currently focused button. * @param {boolean} isStart - Render either the starting buttons, or ending buttons. */ renderToolboxButtons(isStart) { const { focusedButton, toolboxButtons, focusButton } = this.props; const visibleButtons = toolboxButtons.filter(command => { const { isVisible, isInStartContainer } = command; return isVisible && (isStart ? isInStartContainer : !isInStartContainer); }); if (visibleButtons.length === 0) { return null; } // The RDM button, if present, should always go last const rdmIndex = visibleButtons.findIndex( button => button.id === "command-button-responsive" ); if (rdmIndex !== -1 && rdmIndex !== visibleButtons.length - 1) { const rdm = visibleButtons.splice(rdmIndex, 1)[0]; visibleButtons.push(rdm); } const renderedButtons = visibleButtons.map(command => { const { id, description, disabled, onClick, isChecked, className: buttonClass, onKeyDown, } = command; // If button is frame button, create menu button in order to // use the doorhanger menu. if (id === "command-button-frames") { return this.renderFrameButton(command); } if (id === "command-button-errorcount") { return this.renderErrorIcon(command); } return button({ id, title: description, disabled, className: `devtools-tabbar-button command-button ${buttonClass || ""} ${isChecked ? "checked" : ""}`, onClick: event => { onClick(event); focusButton(id); }, onFocus: () => focusButton(id), tabIndex: id === focusedButton ? "0" : "-1", onKeyDown: event => { onKeyDown(event); }, }); }); // Add the appropriate separator, if needed. const children = renderedButtons; if (renderedButtons.length) { if (isStart) { children.push(this.renderSeparator()); // For the end group we add a separator *before* the RDM button if it // exists, but only if it is not the only button. } else if (rdmIndex !== -1 && renderedButtons.length > 1) { children.splice(children.length - 1, 0, this.renderSeparator()); } } return div( { id: `toolbox-buttons-${isStart ? "start" : "end"}` }, ...children ); } renderFrameButton(command) { const { id, isChecked, disabled, description } = command; const { toolbox } = this.props; return MenuButton( { id, disabled, menuId: id + "-panel", toolboxDoc: toolbox.doc, className: `devtools-tabbar-button command-button ${ isChecked ? "checked" : "" }`, ref: "frameMenuButton", title: description, onCloseButton: async () => { // Only try to unhighlight if the inspectorFront has been created already const inspectorFront = toolbox.target.getCachedFront("inspector"); if (inspectorFront) { const highlighter = toolbox.getHighlighter(); await highlighter.unhighlight(); } }, }, this.createFrameList ); } renderErrorIcon(command) { let { errorCount, id } = command; if (!errorCount) { return null; } if (errorCount > 99) { errorCount = "99+"; } return button( { id, className: "devtools-tabbar-button command-button toolbox-error", onClick: () => { if (this.props.currentToolId !== "webconsole") { this.props.toolbox.openSplitConsole(); } }, title: this.props.currentToolId !== "webconsole" ? this.props.L10N.getStr("toolbox.errorCountButton.tooltip") : null, }, errorCount ); } highlightFrame(id) { const { toolbox } = this.props; if (!id) { return; } toolbox.onHighlightFrame(id); } createFrameList() { const { toolbox } = this.props; if (toolbox.frameMap.size < 1) { return null; } const items = []; toolbox.frameMap.forEach((frame, index) => { const label = toolbox.target.isWebExtension ? toolbox.target.getExtensionPathName(frame.url) : getUnicodeUrl(frame.url); const item = MenuItem({ id: frame.id.toString(), key: "toolbox-frame-key-" + frame.id, label, checked: frame.id === toolbox.selectedFrameId, onClick: () => toolbox.onIframePickerFrameSelected(frame.id), }); // Always put the top level frame at the top if (frame.isTopLevel) { items.unshift(item); } else { items.push(item); } }); return MenuList( { id: "toolbox-frame-menu", onHighlightedChildChange: this.highlightFrame, }, items ); } /** * Render a separator. */ renderSeparator() { return div({ className: "devtools-separator" }); } /** * Render the toolbox control buttons. The following props are expected: * * @param {string} props.focusedButton * The id of the focused button. * @param {string} props.currentToolId * The id of the currently selected tool, e.g. "inspector". * @param {Object[]} props.hostTypes * Array of host type objects. * @param {string} props.hostTypes[].position * Position name. * @param {Function} props.hostTypes[].switchHost * Function to switch the host. * @param {string} props.currentHostType * The current docking configuration. * @param {boolean} props.areDockOptionsEnabled * They are not enabled in certain situations like when the toolbox is * in a tab. * @param {boolean} props.canCloseToolbox * Do we need to add UI for closing the toolbox? We don't when the * toolbox is undocked, for example. * @param {boolean} props.isSplitConsoleActive * Is the split console currently visible? * toolbox is undocked, for example. * @param {boolean|undefined} props.disableAutohide * Are we disabling the behavior where pop-ups are automatically * closed when clicking outside them? * (Only defined for the browser toolbox.) * @param {Function} props.selectTool * Function to select a tool based on its id. * @param {Function} props.toggleOptions * Function to turn the options panel on / off. * @param {Function} props.toggleSplitConsole * Function to turn the split console on / off. * @param {Function} props.toggleNoAutohide * Function to turn the disable pop-up autohide behavior on / off. * @param {Function} props.toggleAlwaysOnTop * Function to turn the always on top behavior on / off. * @param {Function} props.closeToolbox * Completely close the toolbox. * @param {Function} props.focusButton * Keep a record of the currently focused button. * @param {Object} props.L10N * Localization interface. * @param {Object} props.toolbox * The devtools toolbox. Used by the MenuButton component to display * the menu popup. * @param {Object} refs * The components refs object. Used to keep a reference to the MenuButton * for the meatball menu so that we can tell it to resize its contents * when they change. */ renderToolboxControls() { const { focusedButton, canCloseToolbox, closeToolbox, focusButton, L10N, toolbox, } = this.props; const meatballMenuButtonId = "toolbox-meatball-menu-button"; const meatballMenuButton = MenuButton( { id: meatballMenuButtonId, menuId: meatballMenuButtonId + "-panel", toolboxDoc: toolbox.doc, onFocus: () => focusButton(meatballMenuButtonId), className: "devtools-tabbar-button", title: L10N.getStr("toolbox.meatballMenu.button.tooltip"), tabIndex: focusedButton === meatballMenuButtonId ? "0" : "-1", ref: "meatballMenuButton", }, MeatballMenu({ ...this.props, hostTypes: this.props.areDockOptionsEnabled ? this.props.hostTypes : [], onResize: () => { this.refs.meatballMenuButton.resizeContent(); }, }) ); const closeButtonId = "toolbox-close"; const closeButton = canCloseToolbox ? button({ id: closeButtonId, onFocus: () => focusButton(closeButtonId), className: "devtools-tabbar-button", title: L10N.getStr("toolbox.closebutton.tooltip"), onClick: () => closeToolbox(), tabIndex: focusedButton === "toolbox-close" ? "0" : "-1", }) : null; return div({ id: "toolbox-controls" }, meatballMenuButton, closeButton); } /** * The render function is kept fairly short for maintainability. See the individual * render functions for how each of the sections is rendered. */ render() { const { L10N, debugTargetData, toolbox, fluentBundles } = this.props; const classnames = ["devtools-tabbar"]; const startButtons = this.renderToolboxButtonsStart(); const endButtons = this.renderToolboxButtonsEnd(); if (!startButtons) { classnames.push("devtools-tabbar-has-start"); } if (!endButtons) { classnames.push("devtools-tabbar-has-end"); } const toolbar = this.props.canRender ? div( { className: classnames.join(" "), }, startButtons, ToolboxTabs(this.props), endButtons, this.renderToolboxControls() ) : div({ className: classnames.join(" ") }); const debugTargetInfo = debugTargetData ? DebugTargetInfo({ alwaysOnTop: this.props.alwaysOnTop, focusedState: this.props.focusedState, toggleAlwaysOnTop: this.props.toggleAlwaysOnTop, debugTargetData, L10N, toolbox, }) : null; // Display the toolbar in the MBT and about:debugging MBT if we have server support for it. const chromeDebugToolbar = toolbox.commands.targetCommand.descriptorFront .isBrowserProcessDescriptor ? ChromeDebugToolbar() : null; return LocalizationProvider( { bundles: fluentBundles }, div({}, chromeDebugToolbar, debugTargetInfo, toolbar) ); } } module.exports = ToolboxToolbar;