/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that toolbox can be opened right after a tab is added, while the document // is still loading. add_task(async function testOpenToolboxOnLoadingDocument() { const TEST_URI = `https://example.com/document-builder.sjs?` + `html=Test`; // ⚠️ Note that we don't await for `addTab` here, as we want to open the toolbox just // after the tab is addded, with the document still loading. info("Add tab…"); const onTabAdded = addTab(TEST_URI); const tab = gBrowser.selectedTab; info("…and open the toolbox right away"); const onToolboxShown = gDevTools.showToolboxForTab(tab, { toolId: "webconsole", }); await onTabAdded; ok(true, "The tab as done loading"); const toolbox = await onToolboxShown; ok(true, "The toolbox is shown"); info("Check that the console opened and has the message from the page"); const { hud } = toolbox.getPanel("webconsole"); await waitFor(() => Array.from( hud.ui.window.document.querySelectorAll(".message-body") ).some(el => el.innerText.includes("page loaded")) ); ok(true, "The console opened with the expected content"); });