/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Tests that getPanelWhenReady returns the correct panel in promise // resolutions regardless of whether it has opened first. var toolbox = null; const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf8,test for getPanelWhenReady"; add_task(async function() { const tab = await addTab(URL); toolbox = await gDevTools.showToolboxForTab(tab); const debuggerPanelPromise = toolbox.getPanelWhenReady("jsdebugger"); await toolbox.selectTool("jsdebugger"); const debuggerPanel = await debuggerPanelPromise; is( debuggerPanel, toolbox.getPanel("jsdebugger"), "The debugger panel from getPanelWhenReady before loading is the actual panel" ); const debuggerPanel2 = await toolbox.getPanelWhenReady("jsdebugger"); is( debuggerPanel2, toolbox.getPanel("jsdebugger"), "The debugger panel from getPanelWhenReady after loading is the actual panel" ); await cleanup(); }); async function cleanup() { await toolbox.destroy(); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); toolbox = null; }