/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { LocalizationHelper } = require("resource://devtools/shared/l10n.js"); const L10N = new LocalizationHelper( "devtools/client/locales/toolbox.properties" ); const DevToolsUtils = require("resource://devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils.js"); const { DOMHelpers } = require("resource://devtools/shared/dom-helpers.js"); // The min-width of toolbox and browser toolbox. const WIDTH_CHEVRON_AND_MEATBALL = 50; const WIDTH_CHEVRON_AND_MEATBALL_AND_CLOSE = 74; const ZOOM_VALUE_PREF = "devtools.toolbox.zoomValue"; loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "Toolbox", "resource://devtools/client/framework/toolbox.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "Hosts", "resource://devtools/client/framework/toolbox-hosts.js", true ); /** * Implement a wrapper on the chrome side to setup a Toolbox within Firefox UI. * * This component handles iframe creation within Firefox, in which we are loading * the toolbox document. Then both the chrome and the toolbox document communicate * via "message" events. * * Messages sent by the toolbox to the chrome: * - switch-host: * Order to display the toolbox in another host (side, bottom, window, or the * previously used one) * - raise-host: * Focus the tools * - set-host-title: * When using the window host, update the window title * * Messages sent by the chrome to the toolbox: * - switched-host: * The `switch-host` command sent by the toolbox is done */ const LAST_HOST = "devtools.toolbox.host"; const PREVIOUS_HOST = "devtools.toolbox.previousHost"; let ID_COUNTER = 1; function ToolboxHostManager(commands, hostType, hostOptions) { this.commands = commands; // When debugging a local tab, we keep a reference of the current tab into which the toolbox is displayed. // This will only change from the descriptor's localTab when we start debugging popups (i.e. window.open). this.currentTab = this.commands.descriptorFront.localTab; // Keep the previously instantiated Host for all tabs where we displayed the Toolbox. // This will only be useful when we start debugging popups (i.e. window.open). // This is used to re-use the previous host instance when we re-select the original tab // we were debugging before the popup opened. this.hostPerTab = new Map(); this.frameId = ID_COUNTER++; if (!hostType) { hostType = Services.prefs.getCharPref(LAST_HOST); if (!Hosts[hostType]) { // If the preference value is unexpected, restore to the default value. Services.prefs.clearUserPref(LAST_HOST); hostType = Services.prefs.getCharPref(LAST_HOST); } } this.eventController = new AbortController(); this.host = this.createHost(hostType, hostOptions); this.hostType = hostType; this.setMinWidthWithZoom = this.setMinWidthWithZoom.bind(this); this._onToolboxUnload = this._onToolboxUnload.bind(this); this._onMessage = this._onMessage.bind(this); Services.prefs.addObserver(ZOOM_VALUE_PREF, this.setMinWidthWithZoom); } ToolboxHostManager.prototype = { async create(toolId) { await this.host.create(); if (this.currentTab) { this.hostPerTab.set(this.currentTab, this.host); } this.host.frame.setAttribute("aria-label", L10N.getStr("toolbox.label")); this.host.frame.ownerDocument.defaultView.addEventListener( "message", this._onMessage, { signal: this.eventController.signal } ); const toolbox = new Toolbox( this.commands, toolId, this.host.type, this.host.frame.contentWindow, this.frameId ); toolbox.once("toolbox-unload", this._onToolboxUnload); // Prevent reloading the toolbox when loading the tools in a tab // (e.g. from about:debugging) const location = this.host.frame.contentWindow.location; if (!location.href.startsWith("about:devtools-toolbox")) { this.host.frame.setAttribute("src", "about:devtools-toolbox"); } this.setMinWidthWithZoom(); return toolbox; }, setMinWidthWithZoom() { const zoomValue = parseFloat(Services.prefs.getCharPref(ZOOM_VALUE_PREF)); if (isNaN(zoomValue)) { return; } if ( this.hostType === Toolbox.HostType.LEFT || this.hostType === Toolbox.HostType.RIGHT ) { this.host.frame.style.minWidth = WIDTH_CHEVRON_AND_MEATBALL_AND_CLOSE * zoomValue + "px"; } else if ( this.hostType === Toolbox.HostType.WINDOW || this.hostType === Toolbox.HostType.PAGE || this.hostType === Toolbox.HostType.BROWSERTOOLBOX ) { this.host.frame.style.minWidth = WIDTH_CHEVRON_AND_MEATBALL * zoomValue + "px"; } }, _onToolboxUnload() { // The "toolbox-unload" event is currently emitted right before destroying // the target. Run destroy() in the next tick to allow the target to be // destroyed. DevToolsUtils.executeSoon(() => { this.destroy(); }); }, _onMessage(event) { if (!event.data) { return; } const msg = event.data; // Toolbox document is still chrome and disallow identifying message // origin via event.source as it is null. So use a custom id. if (msg.frameId != this.frameId) { return; } switch (msg.name) { case "switch-host": this.switchHost(msg.hostType); break; case "switch-host-to-tab": this.switchHostToTab(msg.tabBrowsingContextID); break; case "raise-host": this.host.raise(); this.postMessage({ name: "host-raised", }); break; case "set-host-title": this.host.setTitle(msg.title); break; } }, postMessage(data) { const window = this.host.frame.contentWindow; window.postMessage(data, "*"); }, destroy() { Services.prefs.removeObserver(ZOOM_VALUE_PREF, this.setMinWidthWithZoom); this.eventController.abort(); this.eventController = null; this.destroyHost(); // When we are debugging popup, we created host for each popup opened // in some other tabs. Ensure destroying them here. for (const host of this.hostPerTab.values()) { host.destroy(); } this.hostPerTab.clear(); this.host = null; this.hostType = null; this.commands = null; }, /** * Create a host object based on the given host type. * * Warning: bottom and sidebar hosts require that the toolbox target provides * a reference to the attached tab. Not all Targets have a tab property - * make sure you correctly mix and match hosts and targets. * * @param {string} hostType * The host type of the new host object * * @return {Host} host * The created host object */ createHost(hostType, options) { if (!Hosts[hostType]) { throw new Error("Unknown hostType: " + hostType); } const newHost = new Hosts[hostType](this.currentTab, options); return newHost; }, /** * Migrate the toolbox to a new host, while keeping it fully functional. * The toolbox's iframe will be moved as-is to the new host. * * @param {String} hostType * The new type of host to spawn * @param {Boolean} destroyPreviousHost * Defaults to true. If false is passed, we will avoid destroying * the previous host. This is helpful for popup debugging, * where we migrate the toolbox between two tabs. In this scenario * we are reusing previously instantiated hosts. This is especially * useful when we close the current tab and have to have an * already instantiated host to migrate to. If we don't have one, * the toolbox iframe will already be destroyed before we have a chance * to migrate it. */ async switchHost(hostType, destroyPreviousHost = true) { if (hostType == "previous") { // Switch to the last used host for the toolbox UI. // This is determined by the devtools.toolbox.previousHost pref. hostType = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREVIOUS_HOST); // Handle the case where the previous host happens to match the current // host. If so, switch to bottom if it's not already used, and right side if not. if (hostType === this.hostType) { if (hostType === Toolbox.HostType.BOTTOM) { hostType = Toolbox.HostType.RIGHT; } else { hostType = Toolbox.HostType.BOTTOM; } } } const iframe = this.host.frame; const newHost = this.createHost(hostType); const newIframe = await newHost.create(); // Load a blank document in the host frame. The new iframe must have a valid // document before using swapFrameLoaders(). await new Promise(resolve => { newIframe.setAttribute("src", "about:blank"); DOMHelpers.onceDOMReady(newIframe.contentWindow, resolve); }); // change toolbox document's parent to the new host newIframe.swapFrameLoaders(iframe); if (destroyPreviousHost) { this.destroyHost(); } if ( this.hostType !== Toolbox.HostType.BROWSERTOOLBOX && this.hostType !== Toolbox.HostType.PAGE ) { Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREVIOUS_HOST, this.hostType); } this.host = newHost; if (this.currentTab) { this.hostPerTab.set(this.currentTab, newHost); } this.hostType = hostType; this.host.setTitle(this.host.frame.contentWindow.document.title); this.host.frame.ownerDocument.defaultView.addEventListener( "message", this._onMessage, { signal: this.eventController.signal } ); this.setMinWidthWithZoom(); if ( hostType !== Toolbox.HostType.BROWSERTOOLBOX && hostType !== Toolbox.HostType.PAGE ) { Services.prefs.setCharPref(LAST_HOST, hostType); } // Tell the toolbox the host changed this.postMessage({ name: "switched-host", hostType, }); }, /** * When we are debugging popup, we are moving around the toolbox between original tab * and popup tabs. This method will only move the host to a new tab, while * keeping the same host type. * * @param {String} tabBrowsingContextID * The ID of the browsing context of the tab we want to move to. */ async switchHostToTab(tabBrowsingContextID) { const { gBrowser } = this.host.frame.ownerDocument.defaultView; const previousTab = this.currentTab; const newTab = gBrowser.tabs.find( tab => tab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext.id == tabBrowsingContextID ); // Note that newTab will be undefined when the popup opens in a new top level window. if (newTab && newTab != previousTab) { this.currentTab = newTab; const newHost = this.hostPerTab.get(this.currentTab); if (newHost) { newHost.frame.swapFrameLoaders(this.host.frame); this.host = newHost; } else { await this.switchHost(this.hostType, false); } previousTab.addEventListener( "TabSelect", event => { this.switchHostToTab(event.target.linkedBrowser.browsingContext.id); }, { once: true, signal: this.eventController.signal } ); } this.postMessage({ name: "switched-host-to-tab", browsingContextID: tabBrowsingContextID, }); }, /** * Destroy the current host, and remove event listeners from its frame. * * @return {promise} to be resolved when the host is destroyed. */ destroyHost() { return this.host.destroy(); }, }; exports.ToolboxHostManager = ToolboxHostManager;