/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { gDevTools, } = require("resource://devtools/client/framework/devtools.js"); const { LocalizationHelper } = require("resource://devtools/shared/l10n.js"); const L10N = new LocalizationHelper( "devtools/client/locales/toolbox.properties" ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "openDocLink", "resource://devtools/client/shared/link.js", true ); exports.OptionsPanel = OptionsPanel; function GetPref(name) { const type = Services.prefs.getPrefType(name); switch (type) { case Services.prefs.PREF_STRING: return Services.prefs.getCharPref(name); case Services.prefs.PREF_INT: return Services.prefs.getIntPref(name); case Services.prefs.PREF_BOOL: return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(name); default: throw new Error("Unknown type"); } } function SetPref(name, value) { const type = Services.prefs.getPrefType(name); switch (type) { case Services.prefs.PREF_STRING: return Services.prefs.setCharPref(name, value); case Services.prefs.PREF_INT: return Services.prefs.setIntPref(name, value); case Services.prefs.PREF_BOOL: return Services.prefs.setBoolPref(name, value); default: throw new Error("Unknown type"); } } function InfallibleGetBoolPref(key) { try { return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(key); } catch (ex) { return true; } } /** * Represents the Options Panel in the Toolbox. */ function OptionsPanel(iframeWindow, toolbox, commands) { this.panelDoc = iframeWindow.document; this.panelWin = iframeWindow; this.toolbox = toolbox; this.commands = commands; this.telemetry = toolbox.telemetry; this.setupToolsList = this.setupToolsList.bind(this); this._prefChanged = this._prefChanged.bind(this); this._themeRegistered = this._themeRegistered.bind(this); this._themeUnregistered = this._themeUnregistered.bind(this); this._disableJSClicked = this._disableJSClicked.bind(this); this.disableJSNode = this.panelDoc.getElementById( "devtools-disable-javascript" ); this._addListeners(); const EventEmitter = require("resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js"); EventEmitter.decorate(this); } OptionsPanel.prototype = { get target() { return this.toolbox.target; }, async open() { this.setupToolsList(); this.setupToolbarButtonsList(); this.setupThemeList(); this.setupAdditionalOptions(); await this.populatePreferences(); return this; }, _addListeners() { Services.prefs.addObserver("devtools.cache.disabled", this._prefChanged); Services.prefs.addObserver("devtools.theme", this._prefChanged); Services.prefs.addObserver( "devtools.source-map.client-service.enabled", this._prefChanged ); gDevTools.on("theme-registered", this._themeRegistered); gDevTools.on("theme-unregistered", this._themeUnregistered); // Refresh the tools list when a new tool or webextension has been // registered to the toolbox. this.toolbox.on("tool-registered", this.setupToolsList); this.toolbox.on("webextension-registered", this.setupToolsList); // Refresh the tools list when a new tool or webextension has been // unregistered from the toolbox. this.toolbox.on("tool-unregistered", this.setupToolsList); this.toolbox.on("webextension-unregistered", this.setupToolsList); }, _removeListeners() { Services.prefs.removeObserver("devtools.cache.disabled", this._prefChanged); Services.prefs.removeObserver("devtools.theme", this._prefChanged); Services.prefs.removeObserver( "devtools.source-map.client-service.enabled", this._prefChanged ); this.toolbox.off("tool-registered", this.setupToolsList); this.toolbox.off("tool-unregistered", this.setupToolsList); this.toolbox.off("webextension-registered", this.setupToolsList); this.toolbox.off("webextension-unregistered", this.setupToolsList); gDevTools.off("theme-registered", this._themeRegistered); gDevTools.off("theme-unregistered", this._themeUnregistered); }, _prefChanged(subject, topic, prefName) { if (prefName === "devtools.cache.disabled") { const cacheDisabled = GetPref(prefName); const cbx = this.panelDoc.getElementById("devtools-disable-cache"); cbx.checked = cacheDisabled; } else if (prefName === "devtools.theme") { this.updateCurrentTheme(); } else if (prefName === "devtools.source-map.client-service.enabled") { this.updateSourceMapPref(); } }, _themeRegistered(themeId) { this.setupThemeList(); }, _themeUnregistered(theme) { const themeBox = this.panelDoc.getElementById("devtools-theme-box"); const themeInput = themeBox.querySelector(`[value=${theme.id}]`); if (themeInput) { themeInput.parentNode.remove(); } }, async setupToolbarButtonsList() { // Ensure the toolbox is open, and the buttons are all set up. await this.toolbox.isOpen; const enabledToolbarButtonsBox = this.panelDoc.getElementById( "enabled-toolbox-buttons-box" ); const toolbarButtons = this.toolbox.toolbarButtons; if (!toolbarButtons) { console.warn("The command buttons weren't initiated yet."); return; } const onCheckboxClick = checkbox => { const commandButton = toolbarButtons.filter( toggleableButton => toggleableButton.id === checkbox.id )[0]; Services.prefs.setBoolPref( commandButton.visibilityswitch, checkbox.checked ); this.toolbox.updateToolboxButtonsVisibility(); }; const createCommandCheckbox = button => { const checkboxLabel = this.panelDoc.createElement("label"); const checkboxSpanLabel = this.panelDoc.createElement("span"); checkboxSpanLabel.textContent = button.description; const checkboxInput = this.panelDoc.createElement("input"); checkboxInput.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); checkboxInput.setAttribute("id", button.id); if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(button.visibilityswitch, true)) { checkboxInput.setAttribute("checked", true); } checkboxInput.addEventListener( "change", onCheckboxClick.bind(this, checkboxInput) ); checkboxLabel.appendChild(checkboxInput); checkboxLabel.appendChild(checkboxSpanLabel); return checkboxLabel; }; for (const button of toolbarButtons) { if (!button.isToolSupported(this.toolbox)) { continue; } enabledToolbarButtonsBox.appendChild(createCommandCheckbox(button)); } }, setupToolsList() { const defaultToolsBox = this.panelDoc.getElementById("default-tools-box"); const additionalToolsBox = this.panelDoc.getElementById( "additional-tools-box" ); const toolsNotSupportedLabel = this.panelDoc.getElementById( "tools-not-supported-label" ); let atleastOneToolNotSupported = false; // Signal tool registering/unregistering globally (for the tools registered // globally) and per toolbox (for the tools registered to a single toolbox). // This event handler expect this to be binded to the related checkbox element. const onCheckboxClick = function(telemetry, tool) { // Set the kill switch pref boolean to true Services.prefs.setBoolPref(tool.visibilityswitch, this.checked); if (!tool.isWebExtension) { gDevTools.emit( this.checked ? "tool-registered" : "tool-unregistered", tool.id ); // Record which tools were registered and unregistered. telemetry.keyedScalarSet( "devtools.tool.registered", tool.id, this.checked ); } }; const createToolCheckbox = tool => { const checkboxLabel = this.panelDoc.createElement("label"); const checkboxInput = this.panelDoc.createElement("input"); checkboxInput.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); checkboxInput.setAttribute("id", tool.id); checkboxInput.setAttribute("title", tool.tooltip || ""); const checkboxSpanLabel = this.panelDoc.createElement("span"); if (tool.isToolSupported(this.toolbox)) { checkboxSpanLabel.textContent = tool.label; } else { atleastOneToolNotSupported = true; checkboxSpanLabel.textContent = L10N.getFormatStr( "options.toolNotSupportedMarker", tool.label ); checkboxInput.setAttribute("data-unsupported", "true"); checkboxInput.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } if (InfallibleGetBoolPref(tool.visibilityswitch)) { checkboxInput.setAttribute("checked", "true"); } checkboxInput.addEventListener( "change", onCheckboxClick.bind(checkboxInput, this.telemetry, tool) ); checkboxLabel.appendChild(checkboxInput); checkboxLabel.appendChild(checkboxSpanLabel); // We shouldn't have deprecated tools anymore, but we might have one in the future, // when migrating the storage inspector to the application panel (Bug 1681059). // Let's keep this code for now so we keep the l10n property around and avoid // unnecessary translation work if we need it again in the future. if (tool.deprecated) { const deprecationURL = this.panelDoc.createElement("a"); deprecationURL.title = deprecationURL.href = tool.deprecationURL; deprecationURL.textContent = L10N.getStr("options.deprecationNotice"); // Cannot use a real link when we are in the Browser Toolbox. deprecationURL.addEventListener("click", e => { e.preventDefault(); openDocLink(tool.deprecationURL, { relatedToCurrent: true }); }); const checkboxSpanDeprecated = this.panelDoc.createElement("span"); checkboxSpanDeprecated.className = "deprecation-notice"; checkboxLabel.appendChild(checkboxSpanDeprecated); checkboxSpanDeprecated.appendChild(deprecationURL); } return checkboxLabel; }; // Clean up any existent default tools content. for (const label of defaultToolsBox.querySelectorAll("label")) { label.remove(); } // Populating the default tools lists const toggleableTools = gDevTools.getDefaultTools().filter(tool => { return tool.visibilityswitch && !tool.hiddenInOptions; }); const fragment = this.panelDoc.createDocumentFragment(); for (const tool of toggleableTools) { fragment.appendChild(createToolCheckbox(tool)); } const toolsNotSupportedLabelNode = this.panelDoc.getElementById( "tools-not-supported-label" ); defaultToolsBox.insertBefore(fragment, toolsNotSupportedLabelNode); // Clean up any existent additional tools content. for (const label of additionalToolsBox.querySelectorAll("label")) { label.remove(); } // Populating the additional tools list. let atleastOneAddon = false; for (const tool of gDevTools.getAdditionalTools()) { atleastOneAddon = true; additionalToolsBox.appendChild(createToolCheckbox(tool)); } // Populating the additional tools that came from the installed WebExtension add-ons. for (const { uuid, name, pref } of this.toolbox.listWebExtensions()) { atleastOneAddon = true; additionalToolsBox.appendChild( createToolCheckbox({ isWebExtension: true, // Use the preference as the unified webextensions tool id. id: `webext-${uuid}`, tooltip: name, label: name, // Disable the devtools extension using the given pref name: // the toolbox options for the WebExtensions are not related to a single // tool (e.g. a devtools panel created from the extension devtools_page) // but to the entire devtools part of a webextension which is enabled // by the Addon Manager (but it may be disabled by its related // devtools about:config preference), and so the following visibilityswitch: pref, // Only local tabs are currently supported as targets. isToolSupported: toolbox => toolbox.target.isLocalTab, }) ); } if (!atleastOneAddon) { additionalToolsBox.style.display = "none"; } else { additionalToolsBox.style.display = ""; } if (!atleastOneToolNotSupported) { toolsNotSupportedLabel.style.display = "none"; } else { toolsNotSupportedLabel.style.display = ""; } this.panelWin.focus(); }, setupThemeList() { const themeBox = this.panelDoc.getElementById("devtools-theme-box"); const themeLabels = themeBox.querySelectorAll("label"); for (const label of themeLabels) { label.remove(); } const createThemeOption = theme => { const inputLabel = this.panelDoc.createElement("label"); const inputRadio = this.panelDoc.createElement("input"); inputRadio.setAttribute("type", "radio"); inputRadio.setAttribute("value", theme.id); inputRadio.setAttribute("name", "devtools-theme-item"); inputRadio.addEventListener("change", function(e) { SetPref(themeBox.getAttribute("data-pref"), e.target.value); }); const inputSpanLabel = this.panelDoc.createElement("span"); inputSpanLabel.textContent = theme.label; inputLabel.appendChild(inputRadio); inputLabel.appendChild(inputSpanLabel); return inputLabel; }; // Populating the default theme list themeBox.appendChild( createThemeOption({ id: "auto", label: L10N.getStr("options.autoTheme.label"), }) ); const themes = gDevTools.getThemeDefinitionArray(); for (const theme of themes) { themeBox.appendChild(createThemeOption(theme)); } this.updateCurrentTheme(); }, /** * Add extra checkbox options bound to a boolean preference. */ setupAdditionalOptions() { const prefDefinitions = []; if (GetPref("devtools.custom-formatters")) { prefDefinitions.push({ pref: "devtools.custom-formatters.enabled", l10nLabelId: "options-enable-custom-formatters-label", l10nTooltipId: "options-enable-custom-formatters-tooltip", id: "devtools-custom-formatters", parentId: "context-options", }); } const createPreferenceOption = ({ pref, label, l10nLabelId, l10nTooltipId, id, onChange, }) => { const inputLabel = this.panelDoc.createElement("label"); if (l10nTooltipId) { this.panelDoc.l10n.setAttributes(inputLabel, l10nTooltipId); } const checkbox = this.panelDoc.createElement("input"); checkbox.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); if (GetPref(pref)) { checkbox.setAttribute("checked", "checked"); } checkbox.setAttribute("id", id); checkbox.addEventListener("change", e => { SetPref(pref, e.target.checked); if (onChange) { onChange(e.target.checked); } }); const inputSpanLabel = this.panelDoc.createElement("span"); if (l10nLabelId) { this.panelDoc.l10n.setAttributes(inputSpanLabel, l10nLabelId); } else if (label) { inputSpanLabel.textContent = label; } inputLabel.appendChild(checkbox); inputLabel.appendChild(inputSpanLabel); return inputLabel; }; for (const prefDefinition of prefDefinitions) { const parent = this.panelDoc.getElementById(prefDefinition.parentId); // We want to insert the new definition after the last existing // definition, but before any other element. // For example in the "Advanced Settings" column there's indeed a // text at the end, and we want that it stays at the end. // The reference element can be `null` if there's no label or if there's // no element after the last label. But that's OK and it will do what we // want. const referenceElement = parent.querySelector("label:last-of-type + *"); parent.insertBefore( createPreferenceOption(prefDefinition), referenceElement ); } }, async populatePreferences() { const prefCheckboxes = this.panelDoc.querySelectorAll( "input[type=checkbox][data-pref]" ); for (const prefCheckbox of prefCheckboxes) { if (GetPref(prefCheckbox.getAttribute("data-pref"))) { prefCheckbox.setAttribute("checked", true); } prefCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function(e) { const checkbox = e.target; SetPref(checkbox.getAttribute("data-pref"), checkbox.checked); }); } // Themes radio inputs are handled in setupThemeList const prefRadiogroups = this.panelDoc.querySelectorAll( ".radiogroup[data-pref]:not(#devtools-theme-box)" ); for (const radioGroup of prefRadiogroups) { const selectedValue = GetPref(radioGroup.getAttribute("data-pref")); for (const radioInput of radioGroup.querySelectorAll( "input[type=radio]" )) { if (radioInput.getAttribute("value") == selectedValue) { radioInput.setAttribute("checked", true); } radioInput.addEventListener("change", function(e) { SetPref(radioGroup.getAttribute("data-pref"), e.target.value); }); } } const prefSelects = this.panelDoc.querySelectorAll("select[data-pref]"); for (const prefSelect of prefSelects) { const pref = GetPref(prefSelect.getAttribute("data-pref")); const options = [...prefSelect.options]; options.some(function(option) { const value = option.value; // non strict check to allow int values. if (value == pref) { prefSelect.selectedIndex = options.indexOf(option); return true; } return false; }); prefSelect.addEventListener("change", function(e) { const select = e.target; SetPref( select.getAttribute("data-pref"), select.options[select.selectedIndex].value ); }); } if (!this.target.chrome) { const isJavascriptEnabled = await this.commands.targetConfigurationCommand.isJavascriptEnabled(); this.disableJSNode.checked = !isJavascriptEnabled; this.disableJSNode.addEventListener("click", this._disableJSClicked); } else { // Hide the checkbox and label this.disableJSNode.parentNode.style.display = "none"; const triggersPageRefreshLabel = this.panelDoc.getElementById( "triggers-page-refresh-label" ); triggersPageRefreshLabel.style.display = "none"; } }, updateCurrentTheme() { const currentTheme = GetPref("devtools.theme"); const themeBox = this.panelDoc.getElementById("devtools-theme-box"); const themeRadioInput = themeBox.querySelector(`[value=${currentTheme}]`); if (themeRadioInput) { themeRadioInput.checked = true; } else { // If the current theme does not exist anymore, switch to auto theme const autoThemeInputRadio = themeBox.querySelector("[value=auto]"); autoThemeInputRadio.checked = true; } }, updateSourceMapPref() { const prefName = "devtools.source-map.client-service.enabled"; const enabled = GetPref(prefName); const box = this.panelDoc.querySelector(`[data-pref="${prefName}"]`); box.checked = enabled; }, /** * Disables JavaScript for the currently loaded tab. We force a page refresh * here because setting browsingContext.allowJavascript to true fails to block * JS execution from event listeners added using addEventListener(), AJAX * calls and timers. The page refresh prevents these things from being added * in the first place. * * @param {Event} event * The event sent by checking / unchecking the disable JS checkbox. */ _disableJSClicked(event) { const checked = event.target.checked; this.commands.targetConfigurationCommand.updateConfiguration({ javascriptEnabled: !checked, }); }, destroy() { if (this.destroyed) { return; } this.destroyed = true; this._removeListeners(); this.disableJSNode.removeEventListener("click", this._disableJSClicked); this.panelWin = this.panelDoc = this.disableJSNode = this.toolbox = null; }, };