/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { createFactory, PureComponent, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react.js"); const dom = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom-factories.js"); const PropTypes = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-prop-types.js"); const AnimationName = createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/inspector/animation/components/graph/AnimationName.js") ); const DelaySign = createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/inspector/animation/components/graph/DelaySign.js") ); const EndDelaySign = createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/inspector/animation/components/graph/EndDelaySign.js") ); const SummaryGraphPath = createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/inspector/animation/components/graph/SummaryGraphPath.js") ); const { getFormattedTitle, getFormatStr, getStr, numberWithDecimals, } = require("resource://devtools/client/inspector/animation/utils/l10n.js"); class SummaryGraph extends PureComponent { static get propTypes() { return { animation: PropTypes.object.isRequired, getAnimatedPropertyMap: PropTypes.func.isRequired, selectAnimation: PropTypes.func.isRequired, simulateAnimation: PropTypes.func.isRequired, timeScale: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; } constructor(props) { super(props); this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this); } onClick(event) { event.stopPropagation(); this.props.selectAnimation(this.props.animation); } getTitleText(state) { const getTime = time => getFormatStr("player.timeLabel", numberWithDecimals(time / 1000, 2)); const getTimeOrInfinity = time => time === Infinity ? getStr("player.infiniteDurationText") : getTime(time); let text = ""; // Adding the name. text += getFormattedTitle(state); text += "\n"; // Adding the delay. if (state.delay) { text += getStr("player.animationDelayLabel") + " "; text += getTime(state.delay); text += "\n"; } // Adding the duration. text += getStr("player.animationDurationLabel") + " "; text += getTimeOrInfinity(state.duration); text += "\n"; // Adding the endDelay. if (state.endDelay) { text += getStr("player.animationEndDelayLabel") + " "; text += getTime(state.endDelay); text += "\n"; } // Adding the iteration count (the infinite symbol, or an integer). if (state.iterationCount !== 1) { text += getStr("player.animationIterationCountLabel") + " "; text += state.iterationCount || getStr("player.infiniteIterationCountText"); text += "\n"; } // Adding the iteration start. if (state.iterationStart !== 0) { text += getFormatStr( "player.animationIterationStartLabel2", state.iterationStart, getTimeOrInfinity(state.iterationStart * state.duration) ); text += "\n"; } // Adding the easing if it is not "linear". if (state.easing && state.easing !== "linear") { text += getStr("player.animationOverallEasingLabel") + " "; text += state.easing; text += "\n"; } // Adding the fill mode. if (state.fill && state.fill !== "none") { text += getStr("player.animationFillLabel") + " "; text += state.fill; text += "\n"; } // Adding the direction mode if it is not "normal". if (state.direction && state.direction !== "normal") { text += getStr("player.animationDirectionLabel") + " "; text += state.direction; text += "\n"; } // Adding the playback rate if it's different than 1. if (state.playbackRate !== 1) { text += getStr("player.animationRateLabel") + " "; text += state.playbackRate; text += "\n"; } // Adding the animation-timing-function // if it is not "ease" which is default value for CSS Animations. if ( state.animationTimingFunction && state.animationTimingFunction !== "ease" ) { text += getStr("player.animationTimingFunctionLabel") + " "; text += state.animationTimingFunction; text += "\n"; } // Adding a note that the animation is running on the compositor thread if // needed. if (state.propertyState) { if ( state.propertyState.every(propState => propState.runningOnCompositor) ) { text += getStr("player.allPropertiesOnCompositorTooltip"); } else if ( state.propertyState.some(propState => propState.runningOnCompositor) ) { text += getStr("player.somePropertiesOnCompositorTooltip"); } } else if (state.isRunningOnCompositor) { text += getStr("player.runningOnCompositorTooltip"); } return text; } render() { const { animation, getAnimatedPropertyMap, simulateAnimation, timeScale, } = this.props; const { iterationCount } = animation.state; const { delay, endDelay } = animation.state.absoluteValues; return dom.div( { className: "animation-summary-graph" + (animation.state.isRunningOnCompositor ? " compositor" : ""), onClick: this.onClick, title: this.getTitleText(animation.state), }, SummaryGraphPath({ animation, getAnimatedPropertyMap, simulateAnimation, timeScale, }), delay ? DelaySign({ animation, timeScale, }) : null, iterationCount && endDelay ? EndDelaySign({ animation, timeScale, }) : null, animation.state.name ? AnimationName({ animation, }) : null ); } } module.exports = SummaryGraph;