/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars, no-undef */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const saveButton = "button.save"; const prettifyButton = "button.prettyprint"; const { MockFilePicker } = SpecialPowers; MockFilePicker.init(window); MockFilePicker.returnValue = MockFilePicker.returnOK; Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/toolkit/content/tests/browser/common/mockTransfer.js", this ); function awaitSavedFileContents(name, ext) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { MockFilePicker.showCallback = fp => { try { ok(true, "File picker was opened"); const fileName = fp.defaultString; is( fileName, name, "File picker should provide the correct default filename." ); is( fp.defaultExtension, ext, "File picker should provide the correct default file extension." ); const destFile = destDir.clone(); destFile.append(fileName); MockFilePicker.setFiles([destFile]); MockFilePicker.showCallback = null; mockTransferCallback = async function(downloadSuccess) { try { ok( downloadSuccess, "JSON should have been downloaded successfully" ); ok(destFile.exists(), "The downloaded file should exist."); const { path } = destFile; await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => IOUtils.exists(path)); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(async () => { const { size } = await IOUtils.stat(path); return size > 0; }); const buffer = await IOUtils.read(path); resolve(new TextDecoder().decode(buffer)); } catch (error) { reject(error); } }; } catch (error) { reject(error); } }; }); } function createTemporarySaveDirectory() { const saveDir = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile); saveDir.append("jsonview-testsavedir"); if (!saveDir.exists()) { info("Creating temporary save directory."); saveDir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0o755); } info("Temporary save directory: " + saveDir.path); return saveDir; } const destDir = createTemporarySaveDirectory(); mockTransferRegisterer.register(); MockFilePicker.displayDirectory = destDir; registerCleanupFunction(function() { mockTransferRegisterer.unregister(); MockFilePicker.cleanup(); destDir.remove(true); ok(!destDir.exists(), "Destination dir should be removed"); }); add_task(async function() { info("Test 1 save JSON started"); const JSON_FILE = "simple_json.json"; const TEST_JSON_URL = URL_ROOT + JSON_FILE; const tab = await addJsonViewTab(TEST_JSON_URL); const response = await fetch(new Request(TEST_JSON_URL)); info("Fetched JSON contents."); const rawJSON = await response.text(); const prettyJSON = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(rawJSON), null, " "); isnot( rawJSON, prettyJSON, "Original and prettified JSON should be different." ); // Attempt to save original JSON via saveBrowser (ctrl/cmd+s or "Save Page As" command). let data = awaitSavedFileContents(JSON_FILE, "json"); saveBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser); is(await data, rawJSON, "Original JSON contents should have been saved."); // Attempt to save original JSON via "Save" button data = awaitSavedFileContents(JSON_FILE, "json"); await clickJsonNode(saveButton); info("Clicked Save button."); is(await data, rawJSON, "Original JSON contents should have been saved."); // Attempt to save prettified JSON via "Save" button await selectJsonViewContentTab("rawdata"); info("Switched to Raw Data tab."); await clickJsonNode(prettifyButton); info("Clicked Pretty Print button."); data = awaitSavedFileContents(JSON_FILE, "json"); await clickJsonNode(saveButton); info("Clicked Save button."); is( await data, prettyJSON, "Prettified JSON contents should have been saved." ); // saveBrowser should still save original contents. data = awaitSavedFileContents(JSON_FILE, "json"); saveBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser); is(await data, rawJSON, "Original JSON contents should have been saved."); }); add_task(async function() { info("Test 2 save JSON started"); const TEST_JSON_URL = "data:application/json,2"; await addJsonViewTab(TEST_JSON_URL); info("Checking that application/json adds .json extension by default."); const data = awaitSavedFileContents("index.json", "json"); await clickJsonNode(saveButton); info("Clicked Save button."); is(await data, "2", "JSON contents should have been saved."); }); add_task(async function() { info("Test 3 save JSON started"); const TEST_JSON_URL = "data:application/manifest+json,3"; await addJsonViewTab(TEST_JSON_URL); info("Checking that application/manifest+json does not add .json extension."); const data = awaitSavedFileContents("index", null); await clickJsonNode(saveButton); info("Clicked Save button."); is(await data, "3", "JSON contents should have been saved."); });