/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests that opening the stacktrace details panel in the netmonitor and console * show the expected stacktraces. */ add_task(async function() { const URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_single-get-page.html"; const REQUEST = "http://example.com/browser/devtools/client/netmonitor/test/request_0"; const { monitor } = await initNetMonitor(URL, { requestCount: 1, }); const { document, store, windowRequire } = monitor.panelWin; const Actions = windowRequire("devtools/client/netmonitor/src/actions/index"); store.dispatch(Actions.batchEnable(false)); info("Starting test... "); const allRequestsVisible = waitUntil( () => document.querySelectorAll(".request-list-item").length == 2 ); await waitForAllNetworkUpdateEvents(); await reloadBrowser(); await allRequestsVisible; const onStackTracesVisible = waitUntil( () => document.querySelector("#stack-trace-panel .stack-trace .frame-link"), "Wait for the stacktrace to be rendered" ); // Select the request initiated by html_single-get-page.html EventUtils.sendMouseEvent( { type: "mousedown" }, document.querySelector( `.request-list-item .requests-list-file[title="${REQUEST}"]` ) ); // Wait for the stack trace tab to show await waitUntil(() => document.querySelector(".network-details-bar #stack-trace-tab") ); clickOnSidebarTab(document, "stack-trace"); await onStackTracesVisible; // Switch to the webconsole. const { hud } = await monitor.toolbox.selectTool("webconsole"); await waitFor( () => hud.ui.outputNode.querySelector( ".webconsole-output .cm-s-mozilla.message.network" ), "Wait for the network request log to show" ); const fetchRequestUrlNode = hud.ui.outputNode.querySelector( `.webconsole-output .cm-s-mozilla.message.network span[title="${REQUEST}"]` ); fetchRequestUrlNode.click(); const messageWrapper = fetchRequestUrlNode.closest(".message-body-wrapper"); await waitFor( () => messageWrapper.querySelector(".network-info"), "Wait for .network-info to be rendered" ); // Select stacktrace details panel and check the content. messageWrapper.querySelector("#stack-trace-tab").click(); await waitFor( () => messageWrapper.querySelector("#stack-trace-panel .frame-link"), "Wait for stacktrace to be rendered" ); return teardown(monitor); });