/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // @ts-check /** * @template P * @typedef {import("react-redux").ResolveThunks

} ResolveThunks

*/ /** * @typedef {Object} StateProps * @property {string} presetName * @property {number} interval * @property {string[]} threads * @property {string[]} features * @property {import("../@types/perf").Presets} presets */ /** * @typedef {Object} ThunkDispatchProps * @property {typeof actions.changePreset} changePreset */ /** * @typedef {Object} OwnProps * @property {() => void} onEditSettingsLinkClicked */ /** * @typedef {ResolveThunks} DispatchProps * @typedef {StateProps & DispatchProps & OwnProps} Props * @typedef {import("../@types/perf").State} StoreState * @typedef {import("../@types/perf").FeatureDescription} FeatureDescription */ "use strict"; const { PureComponent, createFactory, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react.js"); const { div, select, option, button, ul, li, span, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom-factories.js"); const { connect, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-redux.js"); const actions = require("resource://devtools/client/performance-new/store/actions.js"); const selectors = require("resource://devtools/client/performance-new/store/selectors.js"); const { featureDescriptions, } = require("resource://devtools/client/performance-new/utils.js"); const Localized = createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/fluent-react.js").Localized ); /** * This component displays the preset selection for the DevTools panel. It should be * basically the same implementation as the popup, but done in React. The popup * is written using vanilla JS and browser chrome elements in order to be more * performant. * * @extends {React.PureComponent} */ class DevToolsPresetSelection extends PureComponent { /** @param {Props} props */ constructor(props) { super(props); /** * Create an object map to easily look up feature description. * @type {{[key: string]: FeatureDescription}} */ this.featureDescriptionMap = {}; for (const feature of featureDescriptions) { this.featureDescriptionMap[feature.value] = feature; } } /** * Handle the select change. * @param {React.ChangeEvent} event */ onPresetChange = event => { const { presets } = this.props; this.props.changePreset(presets, event.target.value); }; render() { const { presetName, presets, onEditSettingsLinkClicked } = this.props; let presetDescription; const currentPreset = presets[presetName]; if (currentPreset) { // Display the current preset's description. presetDescription = Localized({ id: currentPreset.l10nIds.devtools.description, }); } else { // Build up a display of the details of the custom preset. const { interval, threads, features } = this.props; presetDescription = div( null, ul( { className: "perf-presets-custom" }, li( null, Localized( { id: "perftools-devtools-interval-label" }, span({ className: "perf-presets-custom-bold" }) ), " ", Localized({ id: "perftools-range-interval-milliseconds", $interval: interval, }) ), li( null, Localized( { id: "perftools-devtools-threads-label" }, span({ className: "perf-presets-custom-bold" }) ), " ", threads.join(", ") ), features.map(feature => { const description = this.featureDescriptionMap[feature]; if (!description) { throw new Error( "Could not find the feature description for " + feature ); } return li( { key: feature }, description ? description.name : feature ); }) ) ); } return div( { className: "perf-presets" }, div( { className: "perf-presets-settings" }, Localized({ id: "perftools-devtools-settings-label" }) ), div( { className: "perf-presets-details" }, div( { className: "perf-presets-details-row" }, select( { className: "perf-presets-select", onChange: this.onPresetChange, value: presetName, }, Object.entries(presets).map(([name, preset]) => Localized( { id: preset.l10nIds.devtools.label }, option({ key: name, value: name }) ) ), Localized( { id: "perftools-presets-custom-label" }, option({ value: "custom" }) ) ) // The overhead component will go here. ), div( { className: "perf-presets-details-row perf-presets-description" }, presetDescription ), button( { className: "perf-external-link", onClick: onEditSettingsLinkClicked, }, Localized({ id: "perftools-button-edit-settings" }) ) ) ); } } /** * @param {StoreState} state * @returns {StateProps} */ function mapStateToProps(state) { return { presetName: selectors.getPresetName(state), presets: selectors.getPresets(state), interval: selectors.getInterval(state), threads: selectors.getThreads(state), features: selectors.getFeatures(state), }; } /** * @type {ThunkDispatchProps} */ const mapDispatchToProps = { changePreset: actions.changePreset, }; module.exports = connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps )(DevToolsPresetSelection);