"use strict"; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () { var extendStatics = function (d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; return function (d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; })(); Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.DevToolsNameGenerator = exports.DevToolsNameResolver = exports.NameSectionReader = exports.WasmDisassembler = exports.LabelMode = exports.NumericNameResolver = exports.DefaultNameResolver = void 0; /* Copyright 2016 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var WasmParser_js_1 = require("./WasmParser.js"); var NAME_SECTION_NAME = "name"; var INVALID_NAME_SYMBOLS_REGEX = /[^0-9A-Za-z!#$%&'*+.:<=>?@^_`|~\/\-]/; var INVALID_NAME_SYMBOLS_REGEX_GLOBAL = new RegExp(INVALID_NAME_SYMBOLS_REGEX.source, "g"); function formatFloat32(n) { if (n === 0) return 1 / n < 0 ? "-0.0" : "0.0"; if (isFinite(n)) return n.toString(); if (!isNaN(n)) return n < 0 ? "-inf" : "inf"; var view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8)); view.setFloat32(0, n, true); var data = view.getInt32(0, true); var payload = data & 0x7fffff; var canonicalBits = 4194304; // 0x800..0 if (data > 0 && payload === canonicalBits) return "nan"; // canonical NaN; else if (payload === canonicalBits) return "-nan"; return (data < 0 ? "-" : "+") + "nan:0x" + payload.toString(16); } function formatFloat64(n) { if (n === 0) return 1 / n < 0 ? "-0.0" : "0.0"; if (isFinite(n)) return n.toString(); if (!isNaN(n)) return n < 0 ? "-inf" : "inf"; var view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8)); view.setFloat64(0, n, true); var data1 = view.getUint32(0, true); var data2 = view.getInt32(4, true); var payload = data1 + (data2 & 0xfffff) * 4294967296; var canonicalBits = 524288 * 4294967296; // 0x800..0 if (data2 > 0 && payload === canonicalBits) return "nan"; // canonical NaN; else if (payload === canonicalBits) return "-nan"; return (data2 < 0 ? "-" : "+") + "nan:0x" + payload.toString(16); } function formatI32Array(bytes, count) { var dv = new DataView(bytes.buffer, bytes.byteOffset, bytes.byteLength); var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) result.push("0x" + formatHex(dv.getInt32(i << 2, true), 8)); return result.join(" "); } function formatI8Array(bytes, count) { var dv = new DataView(bytes.buffer, bytes.byteOffset, bytes.byteLength); var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) result.push("" + dv.getInt8(i)); return result.join(" "); } function memoryAddressToString(address, code) { var defaultAlignFlags; switch (code) { case 64768 /* v128_load */: case 64769 /* i16x8_load8x8_s */: case 64770 /* i16x8_load8x8_u */: case 64771 /* i32x4_load16x4_s */: case 64772 /* i32x4_load16x4_u */: case 64773 /* i64x2_load32x2_s */: case 64774 /* i64x2_load32x2_u */: case 64775 /* v8x16_load_splat */: case 64776 /* v16x8_load_splat */: case 64777 /* v32x4_load_splat */: case 64778 /* v64x2_load_splat */: case 64779 /* v128_store */: defaultAlignFlags = 4; break; case 41 /* i64_load */: case 55 /* i64_store */: case 43 /* f64_load */: case 57 /* f64_store */: case 65026 /* i64_atomic_wait */: case 65041 /* i64_atomic_load */: case 65048 /* i64_atomic_store */: case 65055 /* i64_atomic_rmw_add */: case 65062 /* i64_atomic_rmw_sub */: case 65069 /* i64_atomic_rmw_and */: case 65076 /* i64_atomic_rmw_or */: case 65083 /* i64_atomic_rmw_xor */: case 65090 /* i64_atomic_rmw_xchg */: case 65097 /* i64_atomic_rmw_cmpxchg */: case 64861 /* v128_load64_zero */: defaultAlignFlags = 3; break; case 40 /* i32_load */: case 52 /* i64_load32_s */: case 53 /* i64_load32_u */: case 54 /* i32_store */: case 62 /* i64_store32 */: case 42 /* f32_load */: case 56 /* f32_store */: case 65024 /* atomic_notify */: case 65025 /* i32_atomic_wait */: case 65040 /* i32_atomic_load */: case 65046 /* i64_atomic_load32_u */: case 65047 /* i32_atomic_store */: case 65053 /* i64_atomic_store32 */: case 65054 /* i32_atomic_rmw_add */: case 65060 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_add_u */: case 65061 /* i32_atomic_rmw_sub */: case 65067 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_sub_u */: case 65068 /* i32_atomic_rmw_and */: case 65074 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_and_u */: case 65075 /* i32_atomic_rmw_or */: case 65081 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_or_u */: case 65082 /* i32_atomic_rmw_xor */: case 65088 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_xor_u */: case 65089 /* i32_atomic_rmw_xchg */: case 65095 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_xchg_u */: case 65096 /* i32_atomic_rmw_cmpxchg */: case 65102 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_cmpxchg_u */: case 64860 /* v128_load32_zero */: defaultAlignFlags = 2; break; case 46 /* i32_load16_s */: case 47 /* i32_load16_u */: case 50 /* i64_load16_s */: case 51 /* i64_load16_u */: case 59 /* i32_store16 */: case 61 /* i64_store16 */: case 65043 /* i32_atomic_load16_u */: case 65045 /* i64_atomic_load16_u */: case 65050 /* i32_atomic_store16 */: case 65052 /* i64_atomic_store16 */: case 65057 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_add_u */: case 65059 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_add_u */: case 65064 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_sub_u */: case 65066 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_sub_u */: case 65071 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_and_u */: case 65073 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_and_u */: case 65078 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_or_u */: case 65080 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_or_u */: case 65085 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_xor_u */: case 65087 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_xor_u */: case 65092 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_xchg_u */: case 65094 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_xchg_u */: case 65099 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_cmpxchg_u */: case 65101 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_cmpxchg_u */: defaultAlignFlags = 1; break; case 44 /* i32_load8_s */: case 45 /* i32_load8_u */: case 48 /* i64_load8_s */: case 49 /* i64_load8_u */: case 58 /* i32_store8 */: case 60 /* i64_store8 */: case 65042 /* i32_atomic_load8_u */: case 65044 /* i64_atomic_load8_u */: case 65049 /* i32_atomic_store8 */: case 65051 /* i64_atomic_store8 */: case 65056 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_add_u */: case 65058 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_add_u */: case 65063 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_sub_u */: case 65065 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_sub_u */: case 65070 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_and_u */: case 65072 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_and_u */: case 65077 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_or_u */: case 65079 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_or_u */: case 65084 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_xor_u */: case 65086 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_xor_u */: case 65091 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_xchg_u */: case 65093 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_xchg_u */: case 65098 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_cmpxchg_u */: case 65100 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_cmpxchg_u */: defaultAlignFlags = 0; break; } if (address.flags == defaultAlignFlags) // hide default flags return !address.offset ? null : "offset=" + address.offset; if (!address.offset) // hide default offset return "align=" + (1 << address.flags); return "offset=" + (address.offset | 0) + " align=" + (1 << address.flags); } function limitsToString(limits) { return (limits.initial + (limits.maximum !== undefined ? " " + limits.maximum : "")); } var paddingCache = ["0", "00", "000"]; function formatHex(n, width) { var s = (n >>> 0).toString(16).toUpperCase(); if (width === undefined || s.length >= width) return s; var paddingIndex = width - s.length - 1; while (paddingIndex >= paddingCache.length) paddingCache.push(paddingCache[paddingCache.length - 1] + "0"); return paddingCache[paddingIndex] + s; } var IndentIncrement = " "; function isValidName(name) { return !INVALID_NAME_SYMBOLS_REGEX.test(name); } var DefaultNameResolver = /** @class */ (function () { function DefaultNameResolver() { } DefaultNameResolver.prototype.getTypeName = function (index, isRef) { return "$type" + index; }; DefaultNameResolver.prototype.getTableName = function (index, isRef) { return "$table" + index; }; DefaultNameResolver.prototype.getMemoryName = function (index, isRef) { return "$memory" + index; }; DefaultNameResolver.prototype.getGlobalName = function (index, isRef) { return "$global" + index; }; DefaultNameResolver.prototype.getElementName = function (index, isRef) { return "$elem" + index; }; DefaultNameResolver.prototype.getEventName = function (index, isRef) { return "$event" + index; }; DefaultNameResolver.prototype.getFunctionName = function (index, isImport, isRef) { return (isImport ? "$import" : "$func") + index; }; DefaultNameResolver.prototype.getVariableName = function (funcIndex, index, isRef) { return "$var" + index; }; DefaultNameResolver.prototype.getFieldName = function (typeIndex, index, isRef) { return "$field" + index; }; DefaultNameResolver.prototype.getLabel = function (index) { return "$label" + index; }; return DefaultNameResolver; }()); exports.DefaultNameResolver = DefaultNameResolver; var EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = []; var DevToolsExportMetadata = /** @class */ (function () { function DevToolsExportMetadata(functionExportNames, globalExportNames, memoryExportNames, tableExportNames, eventExportNames) { this._functionExportNames = functionExportNames; this._globalExportNames = globalExportNames; this._memoryExportNames = memoryExportNames; this._tableExportNames = tableExportNames; this._eventExportNames = eventExportNames; } DevToolsExportMetadata.prototype.getFunctionExportNames = function (index) { var _a; return (_a = this._functionExportNames[index]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; }; DevToolsExportMetadata.prototype.getGlobalExportNames = function (index) { var _a; return (_a = this._globalExportNames[index]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; }; DevToolsExportMetadata.prototype.getMemoryExportNames = function (index) { var _a; return (_a = this._memoryExportNames[index]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; }; DevToolsExportMetadata.prototype.getTableExportNames = function (index) { var _a; return (_a = this._tableExportNames[index]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; }; DevToolsExportMetadata.prototype.getEventExportNames = function (index) { var _a; return (_a = this._eventExportNames[index]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; }; return DevToolsExportMetadata; }()); var NumericNameResolver = /** @class */ (function () { function NumericNameResolver() { } NumericNameResolver.prototype.getTypeName = function (index, isRef) { return isRef ? "" + index : "(;" + index + ";)"; }; NumericNameResolver.prototype.getTableName = function (index, isRef) { return isRef ? "" + index : "(;" + index + ";)"; }; NumericNameResolver.prototype.getMemoryName = function (index, isRef) { return isRef ? "" + index : "(;" + index + ";)"; }; NumericNameResolver.prototype.getGlobalName = function (index, isRef) { return isRef ? "" + index : "(;" + index + ";)"; }; NumericNameResolver.prototype.getElementName = function (index, isRef) { return isRef ? "" + index : "(;" + index + ";)"; }; NumericNameResolver.prototype.getEventName = function (index, isRef) { return isRef ? "" + index : "(;" + index + ";)"; }; NumericNameResolver.prototype.getFunctionName = function (index, isImport, isRef) { return isRef ? "" + index : "(;" + index + ";)"; }; NumericNameResolver.prototype.getVariableName = function (funcIndex, index, isRef) { return isRef ? "" + index : "(;" + index + ";)"; }; NumericNameResolver.prototype.getFieldName = function (typeIndex, index, isRef) { return isRef ? "" : index + ("(;" + index + ";)"); }; NumericNameResolver.prototype.getLabel = function (index) { return null; }; return NumericNameResolver; }()); exports.NumericNameResolver = NumericNameResolver; var LabelMode; (function (LabelMode) { LabelMode[LabelMode["Depth"] = 0] = "Depth"; LabelMode[LabelMode["WhenUsed"] = 1] = "WhenUsed"; LabelMode[LabelMode["Always"] = 2] = "Always"; })(LabelMode = exports.LabelMode || (exports.LabelMode = {})); var WasmDisassembler = /** @class */ (function () { function WasmDisassembler() { this._skipTypes = true; this._exportMetadata = null; this._lines = []; this._offsets = []; this._buffer = ""; this._indent = null; this._indentLevel = 0; this._addOffsets = false; this._done = false; this._currentPosition = 0; this._nameResolver = new DefaultNameResolver(); this._labelMode = LabelMode.WhenUsed; this._functionBodyOffsets = []; this._currentFunctionBodyOffset = 0; this._currentSectionId = -1 /* Unknown */; this._logFirstInstruction = false; this._reset(); } WasmDisassembler.prototype._reset = function () { this._types = []; this._funcIndex = 0; this._funcTypes = []; this._importCount = 0; this._globalCount = 0; this._memoryCount = 0; this._eventCount = 0; this._tableCount = 0; this._elementCount = 0; this._expression = []; this._backrefLabels = null; this._labelIndex = 0; }; Object.defineProperty(WasmDisassembler.prototype, "addOffsets", { get: function () { return this._addOffsets; }, set: function (value) { if (this._currentPosition) throw new Error("Cannot switch addOffsets during processing."); this._addOffsets = value; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(WasmDisassembler.prototype, "skipTypes", { get: function () { return this._skipTypes; }, set: function (skipTypes) { if (this._currentPosition) throw new Error("Cannot switch skipTypes during processing."); this._skipTypes = skipTypes; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(WasmDisassembler.prototype, "labelMode", { get: function () { return this._labelMode; }, set: function (value) { if (this._currentPosition) throw new Error("Cannot switch labelMode during processing."); this._labelMode = value; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(WasmDisassembler.prototype, "exportMetadata", { get: function () { return this._exportMetadata; }, set: function (exportMetadata) { if (this._currentPosition) throw new Error("Cannot switch exportMetadata during processing."); this._exportMetadata = exportMetadata; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(WasmDisassembler.prototype, "nameResolver", { get: function () { return this._nameResolver; }, set: function (resolver) { if (this._currentPosition) throw new Error("Cannot switch nameResolver during processing."); this._nameResolver = resolver; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); WasmDisassembler.prototype.appendBuffer = function (s) { this._buffer += s; }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.newLine = function () { if (this.addOffsets) this._offsets.push(this._currentPosition); this._lines.push(this._buffer); this._buffer = ""; }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.logStartOfFunctionBodyOffset = function () { if (this.addOffsets) { this._currentFunctionBodyOffset = this._currentPosition; } }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.logEndOfFunctionBodyOffset = function () { if (this.addOffsets) { this._functionBodyOffsets.push({ start: this._currentFunctionBodyOffset, end: this._currentPosition, }); } }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.typeIndexToString = function (typeIndex) { if (typeIndex >= 0) return this._nameResolver.getTypeName(typeIndex, true); switch (typeIndex) { case -16 /* funcref */: return "func"; case -17 /* externref */: return "extern"; case -18 /* anyref */: return "any"; case -19 /* eqref */: return "eq"; case -22 /* i31ref */: return "i31"; case -25 /* dataref */: return "data"; } }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.typeToString = function (type) { switch (type.kind) { case -1 /* i32 */: return "i32"; case -2 /* i64 */: return "i64"; case -3 /* f32 */: return "f32"; case -4 /* f64 */: return "f64"; case -5 /* v128 */: return "v128"; case -6 /* i8 */: return "i8"; case -7 /* i16 */: return "i16"; case -16 /* funcref */: return "funcref"; case -17 /* externref */: return "externref"; case -18 /* anyref */: return "anyref"; case -19 /* eqref */: return "eqref"; case -22 /* i31ref */: return "i31ref"; case -25 /* dataref */: return "dataref"; case -21 /* ref */: return "(ref " + this.typeIndexToString(type.index) + ")"; case -20 /* optref */: return "(ref null " + this.typeIndexToString(type.index) + ")"; case -24 /* rtt */: return "(rtt " + this.typeIndexToString(type.index) + ")"; case -23 /* rtt_d */: return "(rtt " + type.depth + " " + this.typeIndexToString(type.index) + ")"; default: throw new Error("Unexpected type " + JSON.stringify(type)); } }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.maybeMut = function (type, mutability) { return mutability ? "(mut " + type + ")" : type; }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.globalTypeToString = function (type) { var typeStr = this.typeToString(type.contentType); return this.maybeMut(typeStr, !!type.mutability); }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.printFuncType = function (typeIndex) { var type = this._types[typeIndex]; if (type.params.length > 0) { this.appendBuffer(" (param"); for (var i = 0; i < type.params.length; i++) { this.appendBuffer(" "); this.appendBuffer(this.typeToString(type.params[i])); } this.appendBuffer(")"); } if (type.returns.length > 0) { this.appendBuffer(" (result"); for (var i = 0; i < type.returns.length; i++) { this.appendBuffer(" "); this.appendBuffer(this.typeToString(type.returns[i])); } this.appendBuffer(")"); } }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.printStructType = function (typeIndex) { var type = this._types[typeIndex]; if (type.fields.length === 0) return; for (var i = 0; i < type.fields.length; i++) { var fieldType = this.maybeMut(this.typeToString(type.fields[i]), type.mutabilities[i]); var fieldName = this._nameResolver.getFieldName(typeIndex, i, false); this.appendBuffer(" (field " + fieldName + " " + fieldType + ")"); } }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.printArrayType = function (typeIndex) { var type = this._types[typeIndex]; this.appendBuffer(" (field "); this.appendBuffer(this.maybeMut(this.typeToString(type.elementType), type.mutability)); }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.printBlockType = function (type) { if (type.kind === -64 /* empty_block_type */) { return; } if (type.kind === 0 /* unspecified */) { return this.printFuncType(type.index); } this.appendBuffer(" (result "); this.appendBuffer(this.typeToString(type)); this.appendBuffer(")"); }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.printString = function (b) { this.appendBuffer('"'); for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { var byte = b[i]; if (byte < 0x20 || byte >= 0x7f || byte == /* " */ 0x22 || byte == /* \ */ 0x5c) { this.appendBuffer("\\" + (byte >> 4).toString(16) + (byte & 15).toString(16)); } else { this.appendBuffer(String.fromCharCode(byte)); } } this.appendBuffer('"'); }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.printExpression = function (expression) { for (var _i = 0, expression_1 = expression; _i < expression_1.length; _i++) { var operator = expression_1[_i]; this.appendBuffer("("); this.printOperator(operator); this.appendBuffer(")"); } }; // extraDepthOffset is used by "delegate" instructions. WasmDisassembler.prototype.useLabel = function (depth, extraDepthOffset) { if (extraDepthOffset === void 0) { extraDepthOffset = 0; } if (!this._backrefLabels) { return "" + depth; } var i = this._backrefLabels.length - depth - 1 - extraDepthOffset; if (i < 0) { return "" + depth; } var backrefLabel = this._backrefLabels[i]; if (!backrefLabel.useLabel) { backrefLabel.useLabel = true; backrefLabel.label = this._nameResolver.getLabel(this._labelIndex); var line = this._lines[backrefLabel.line]; this._lines[backrefLabel.line] = line.substring(0, backrefLabel.position) + " " + backrefLabel.label + line.substring(backrefLabel.position); this._labelIndex++; } return backrefLabel.label || "" + depth; }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.printOperator = function (operator) { var code = operator.code; this.appendBuffer(WasmParser_js_1.OperatorCodeNames[code]); switch (code) { case 2 /* block */: case 3 /* loop */: case 4 /* if */: case 6 /* try */: if (this._labelMode !== LabelMode.Depth) { var backrefLabel_1 = { line: this._lines.length, position: this._buffer.length, useLabel: false, label: null, }; if (this._labelMode === LabelMode.Always) { backrefLabel_1.useLabel = true; backrefLabel_1.label = this._nameResolver.getLabel(this._labelIndex++); if (backrefLabel_1.label) { this.appendBuffer(" "); this.appendBuffer(backrefLabel_1.label); } } this._backrefLabels.push(backrefLabel_1); } this.printBlockType(operator.blockType); break; case 11 /* end */: if (this._labelMode === LabelMode.Depth) { break; } var backrefLabel = this._backrefLabels.pop(); if (backrefLabel.label) { this.appendBuffer(" "); this.appendBuffer(backrefLabel.label); } break; case 12 /* br */: case 13 /* br_if */: case 212 /* br_on_null */: case 214 /* br_on_non_null */: case 64322 /* br_on_cast */: case 64323 /* br_on_cast_fail */: case 64352 /* br_on_func */: case 64355 /* br_on_non_func */: case 64353 /* br_on_data */: case 64356 /* br_on_non_data */: case 64354 /* br_on_i31 */: case 64357 /* br_on_non_i31 */: this.appendBuffer(" "); this.appendBuffer(this.useLabel(operator.brDepth)); break; case 64326 /* br_on_cast_static */: case 64327 /* br_on_cast_static_fail */: { var label = this.useLabel(operator.brDepth); var refType = this._nameResolver.getTypeName(operator.refType, true); this.appendBuffer(" " + label + " " + refType); break; } case 14 /* br_table */: for (var i = 0; i < operator.brTable.length; i++) { this.appendBuffer(" "); this.appendBuffer(this.useLabel(operator.brTable[i])); } break; case 9 /* rethrow */: this.appendBuffer(" "); this.appendBuffer(this.useLabel(operator.relativeDepth)); break; case 24 /* delegate */: this.appendBuffer(" "); this.appendBuffer(this.useLabel(operator.relativeDepth, 1)); break; case 7 /* catch */: case 8 /* throw */: var eventName = this._nameResolver.getEventName(operator.eventIndex, true); this.appendBuffer(" " + eventName); break; case 208 /* ref_null */: this.appendBuffer(" "); this.appendBuffer(this.typeIndexToString(operator.refType)); break; case 16 /* call */: case 18 /* return_call */: case 210 /* ref_func */: var funcName = this._nameResolver.getFunctionName(operator.funcIndex, operator.funcIndex < this._importCount, true); this.appendBuffer(" " + funcName); break; case 17 /* call_indirect */: case 19 /* return_call_indirect */: this.printFuncType(operator.typeIndex); break; case 28 /* select_with_type */: { var selectType = this.typeToString(operator.selectType); this.appendBuffer(" " + selectType); break; } case 32 /* local_get */: case 33 /* local_set */: case 34 /* local_tee */: var paramName = this._nameResolver.getVariableName(this._funcIndex, operator.localIndex, true); this.appendBuffer(" " + paramName); break; case 35 /* global_get */: case 36 /* global_set */: var globalName = this._nameResolver.getGlobalName(operator.globalIndex, true); this.appendBuffer(" " + globalName); break; case 40 /* i32_load */: case 41 /* i64_load */: case 42 /* f32_load */: case 43 /* f64_load */: case 44 /* i32_load8_s */: case 45 /* i32_load8_u */: case 46 /* i32_load16_s */: case 47 /* i32_load16_u */: case 48 /* i64_load8_s */: case 49 /* i64_load8_u */: case 50 /* i64_load16_s */: case 51 /* i64_load16_u */: case 52 /* i64_load32_s */: case 53 /* i64_load32_u */: case 54 /* i32_store */: case 55 /* i64_store */: case 56 /* f32_store */: case 57 /* f64_store */: case 58 /* i32_store8 */: case 59 /* i32_store16 */: case 60 /* i64_store8 */: case 61 /* i64_store16 */: case 62 /* i64_store32 */: case 65024 /* atomic_notify */: case 65025 /* i32_atomic_wait */: case 65026 /* i64_atomic_wait */: case 65040 /* i32_atomic_load */: case 65041 /* i64_atomic_load */: case 65042 /* i32_atomic_load8_u */: case 65043 /* i32_atomic_load16_u */: case 65044 /* i64_atomic_load8_u */: case 65045 /* i64_atomic_load16_u */: case 65046 /* i64_atomic_load32_u */: case 65047 /* i32_atomic_store */: case 65048 /* i64_atomic_store */: case 65049 /* i32_atomic_store8 */: case 65050 /* i32_atomic_store16 */: case 65051 /* i64_atomic_store8 */: case 65052 /* i64_atomic_store16 */: case 65053 /* i64_atomic_store32 */: case 65054 /* i32_atomic_rmw_add */: case 65055 /* i64_atomic_rmw_add */: case 65056 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_add_u */: case 65057 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_add_u */: case 65058 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_add_u */: case 65059 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_add_u */: case 65060 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_add_u */: case 65061 /* i32_atomic_rmw_sub */: case 65062 /* i64_atomic_rmw_sub */: case 65063 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_sub_u */: case 65064 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_sub_u */: case 65065 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_sub_u */: case 65066 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_sub_u */: case 65067 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_sub_u */: case 65068 /* i32_atomic_rmw_and */: case 65069 /* i64_atomic_rmw_and */: case 65070 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_and_u */: case 65071 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_and_u */: case 65072 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_and_u */: case 65073 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_and_u */: case 65074 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_and_u */: case 65075 /* i32_atomic_rmw_or */: case 65076 /* i64_atomic_rmw_or */: case 65077 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_or_u */: case 65078 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_or_u */: case 65079 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_or_u */: case 65080 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_or_u */: case 65081 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_or_u */: case 65082 /* i32_atomic_rmw_xor */: case 65083 /* i64_atomic_rmw_xor */: case 65084 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_xor_u */: case 65085 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_xor_u */: case 65086 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_xor_u */: case 65087 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_xor_u */: case 65088 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_xor_u */: case 65089 /* i32_atomic_rmw_xchg */: case 65090 /* i64_atomic_rmw_xchg */: case 65091 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_xchg_u */: case 65092 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_xchg_u */: case 65093 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_xchg_u */: case 65094 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_xchg_u */: case 65095 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_xchg_u */: case 65096 /* i32_atomic_rmw_cmpxchg */: case 65097 /* i64_atomic_rmw_cmpxchg */: case 65098 /* i32_atomic_rmw8_cmpxchg_u */: case 65099 /* i32_atomic_rmw16_cmpxchg_u */: case 65100 /* i64_atomic_rmw8_cmpxchg_u */: case 65101 /* i64_atomic_rmw16_cmpxchg_u */: case 65102 /* i64_atomic_rmw32_cmpxchg_u */: case 64768 /* v128_load */: case 64769 /* i16x8_load8x8_s */: case 64770 /* i16x8_load8x8_u */: case 64771 /* i32x4_load16x4_s */: case 64772 /* i32x4_load16x4_u */: case 64773 /* i64x2_load32x2_s */: case 64774 /* i64x2_load32x2_u */: case 64775 /* v8x16_load_splat */: case 64776 /* v16x8_load_splat */: case 64777 /* v32x4_load_splat */: case 64778 /* v64x2_load_splat */: case 64779 /* v128_store */: case 64860 /* v128_load32_zero */: case 64861 /* v128_load64_zero */: var memoryAddress = memoryAddressToString(operator.memoryAddress, operator.code); if (memoryAddress !== null) { this.appendBuffer(" "); this.appendBuffer(memoryAddress); } break; case 63 /* current_memory */: case 64 /* grow_memory */: break; case 65 /* i32_const */: this.appendBuffer(" " + operator.literal.toString()); break; case 66 /* i64_const */: this.appendBuffer(" " + operator.literal.toString()); break; case 67 /* f32_const */: this.appendBuffer(" " + formatFloat32(operator.literal)); break; case 68 /* f64_const */: this.appendBuffer(" " + formatFloat64(operator.literal)); break; case 64780 /* v128_const */: this.appendBuffer(" i32x4 " + formatI32Array(operator.literal, 4)); break; case 64781 /* i8x16_shuffle */: this.appendBuffer(" " + formatI8Array(operator.lines, 16)); break; case 64789 /* i8x16_extract_lane_s */: case 64790 /* i8x16_extract_lane_u */: case 64791 /* i8x16_replace_lane */: case 64792 /* i16x8_extract_lane_s */: case 64793 /* i16x8_extract_lane_u */: case 64794 /* i16x8_replace_lane */: case 64795 /* i32x4_extract_lane */: case 64796 /* i32x4_replace_lane */: case 64799 /* f32x4_extract_lane */: case 64800 /* f32x4_replace_lane */: case 64797 /* i64x2_extract_lane */: case 64798 /* i64x2_replace_lane */: case 64801 /* f64x2_extract_lane */: case 64802 /* f64x2_replace_lane */: this.appendBuffer(" " + operator.lineIndex); break; case 64520 /* memory_init */: case 64521 /* data_drop */: this.appendBuffer(" " + operator.segmentIndex); break; case 64525 /* elem_drop */: var elementName = this._nameResolver.getElementName(operator.segmentIndex, true); this.appendBuffer(" " + elementName); break; case 38 /* table_set */: case 37 /* table_get */: case 64529 /* table_fill */: { var tableName = this._nameResolver.getTableName(operator.tableIndex, true); this.appendBuffer(" " + tableName); break; } case 64526 /* table_copy */: { // Table index might be omitted and defaults to 0. if (operator.tableIndex !== 0 || operator.destinationIndex !== 0) { var tableName = this._nameResolver.getTableName(operator.tableIndex, true); var destinationName = this._nameResolver.getTableName(operator.destinationIndex, true); this.appendBuffer(" " + destinationName + " " + tableName); } break; } case 64524 /* table_init */: { // Table index might be omitted and defaults to 0. if (operator.tableIndex !== 0) { var tableName = this._nameResolver.getTableName(operator.tableIndex, true); this.appendBuffer(" " + tableName); } var elementName_1 = this._nameResolver.getElementName(operator.segmentIndex, true); this.appendBuffer(" " + elementName_1); break; } case 64259 /* struct_get */: case 64260 /* struct_get_s */: case 64261 /* struct_get_u */: case 64262 /* struct_set */: { var refType = this._nameResolver.getTypeName(operator.refType, true); var fieldName = this._nameResolver.getFieldName(operator.refType, operator.fieldIndex, true); this.appendBuffer(" " + refType + " " + fieldName); break; } case 64304 /* rtt_canon */: case 64305 /* rtt_sub */: case 64306 /* rtt_fresh_sub */: case 64324 /* ref_test_static */: case 64325 /* ref_cast_static */: case 64264 /* struct_new_default */: case 64258 /* struct_new_default_with_rtt */: case 64263 /* struct_new */: case 64257 /* struct_new_with_rtt */: case 64284 /* array_new_default */: case 64274 /* array_new_default_with_rtt */: case 64283 /* array_new */: case 64273 /* array_new_with_rtt */: case 64275 /* array_get */: case 64276 /* array_get_s */: case 64277 /* array_get_u */: case 64278 /* array_set */: case 64279 /* array_len */: { var refType = this._nameResolver.getTypeName(operator.refType, true); this.appendBuffer(" " + refType); break; } case 64280 /* array_copy */: { var dstType = this._nameResolver.getTypeName(operator.refType, true); var srcType = this._nameResolver.getTypeName(operator.srcType, true); this.appendBuffer(" " + dstType + " " + srcType); break; } case 64281 /* array_init */: case 64282 /* array_init_static */: { var refType = this._nameResolver.getTypeName(operator.refType, true); var length_1 = operator.brDepth; // Overloaded field. this.appendBuffer(" " + refType + " " + length_1); break; } } }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.printImportSource = function (info) { this.printString(info.module); this.appendBuffer(" "); this.printString(info.field); }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.increaseIndent = function () { this._indent += IndentIncrement; this._indentLevel++; }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.decreaseIndent = function () { this._indent = this._indent.slice(0, -IndentIncrement.length); this._indentLevel--; }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.disassemble = function (reader) { var _this = this; var done = this.disassembleChunk(reader); if (!done) return null; var lines = this._lines; if (this._addOffsets) { lines = lines.map(function (line, index) { var position = formatHex(_this._offsets[index], 4); return line + " ;; @" + position; }); } lines.push(""); // we need '\n' after last line var result = lines.join("\n"); this._lines.length = 0; this._offsets.length = 0; this._functionBodyOffsets.length = 0; return result; }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.getResult = function () { var linesReady = this._lines.length; if (this._backrefLabels && this._labelMode === LabelMode.WhenUsed) { this._backrefLabels.some(function (backrefLabel) { if (backrefLabel.useLabel) return false; linesReady = backrefLabel.line; return true; }); } if (linesReady === 0) { return { lines: [], offsets: this._addOffsets ? [] : undefined, done: this._done, functionBodyOffsets: this._addOffsets ? [] : undefined, }; } if (linesReady === this._lines.length) { var result_1 = { lines: this._lines, offsets: this._addOffsets ? this._offsets : undefined, done: this._done, functionBodyOffsets: this._addOffsets ? this._functionBodyOffsets : undefined, }; this._lines = []; if (this._addOffsets) { this._offsets = []; this._functionBodyOffsets = []; } return result_1; } var result = { lines: this._lines.splice(0, linesReady), offsets: this._addOffsets ? this._offsets.splice(0, linesReady) : undefined, done: false, functionBodyOffsets: this._addOffsets ? this._functionBodyOffsets : undefined, }; if (this._backrefLabels) { this._backrefLabels.forEach(function (backrefLabel) { backrefLabel.line -= linesReady; }); } return result; }; WasmDisassembler.prototype.disassembleChunk = function (reader, offsetInModule) { if (offsetInModule === void 0) { offsetInModule = 0; } if (this._done) throw new Error("Invalid state: disassembly process was already finished."); while (true) { this._currentPosition = reader.position + offsetInModule; if (!reader.read()) return false; switch (reader.state) { case 2 /* END_WASM */: this.appendBuffer(")"); this.newLine(); this._reset(); if (!reader.hasMoreBytes()) { this._done = true; return true; } break; case -1 /* ERROR */: throw reader.error; case 1 /* BEGIN_WASM */: this.appendBuffer("(module"); this.newLine(); break; case 4 /* END_SECTION */: this._currentSectionId = -1 /* Unknown */; break; case 3 /* BEGIN_SECTION */: var sectionInfo = reader.result; switch (sectionInfo.id) { case 1 /* Type */: case 2 /* Import */: case 7 /* Export */: case 6 /* Global */: case 3 /* Function */: case 8 /* Start */: case 10 /* Code */: case 5 /* Memory */: case 11 /* Data */: case 4 /* Table */: case 9 /* Element */: case 13 /* Event */: this._currentSectionId = sectionInfo.id; break; // reading known section; default: reader.skipSection(); break; } break; case 15 /* MEMORY_SECTION_ENTRY */: var memoryInfo = reader.result; var memoryIndex = this._memoryCount++; var memoryName = this._nameResolver.getMemoryName(memoryIndex, false); this.appendBuffer(" (memory " + memoryName); if (this._exportMetadata !== null) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this._exportMetadata.getMemoryExportNames(memoryIndex); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var exportName = _a[_i]; this.appendBuffer(" (export " + JSON.stringify(exportName) + ")"); } } this.appendBuffer(" " + limitsToString(memoryInfo.limits)); if (memoryInfo.shared) { this.appendBuffer(" shared"); } this.appendBuffer(")"); this.newLine(); break; case 23 /* EVENT_SECTION_ENTRY */: var eventInfo = reader.result; var eventIndex = this._eventCount++; var eventName = this._nameResolver.getEventName(eventIndex, false); this.appendBuffer(" (event " + eventName); if (this._exportMetadata !== null) { for (var _b = 0, _c = this._exportMetadata.getEventExportNames(eventIndex); _b < _c.length; _b++) { var exportName = _c[_b]; this.appendBuffer(" (export " + JSON.stringify(exportName) + ")"); } } this.printFuncType(eventInfo.typeIndex); this.appendBuffer(")"); this.newLine(); break; case 14 /* TABLE_SECTION_ENTRY */: var tableInfo = reader.result; var tableIndex = this._tableCount++; var tableName = this._nameResolver.getTableName(tableIndex, false); this.appendBuffer(" (table " + tableName); if (this._exportMetadata !== null) { for (var _d = 0, _e = this._exportMetadata.getTableExportNames(tableIndex); _d < _e.length; _d++) { var exportName = _e[_d]; this.appendBuffer(" (export " + JSON.stringify(exportName) + ")"); } } this.appendBuffer(" " + limitsToString(tableInfo.limits) + " " + this.typeToString(tableInfo.elementType) + ")"); this.newLine(); break; case 17 /* EXPORT_SECTION_ENTRY */: // Skip printing exports here when we have export metadata // which we can use to print export information inline. if (this._exportMetadata === null) { var exportInfo = reader.result; this.appendBuffer(" (export "); this.printString(exportInfo.field); this.appendBuffer(" "); switch (exportInfo.kind) { case 0 /* Function */: var funcName = this._nameResolver.getFunctionName(exportInfo.index, exportInfo.index < this._importCount, true); this.appendBuffer("(func " + funcName + ")"); break; case 1 /* Table */: var tableName = this._nameResolver.getTableName(exportInfo.index, true); this.appendBuffer("(table " + tableName + ")"); break; case 2 /* Memory */: var memoryName = this._nameResolver.getMemoryName(exportInfo.index, true); this.appendBuffer("(memory " + memoryName + ")"); break; case 3 /* Global */: var globalName = this._nameResolver.getGlobalName(exportInfo.index, true); this.appendBuffer("(global " + globalName + ")"); break; case 4 /* Event */: var eventName = this._nameResolver.getEventName(exportInfo.index, true); this.appendBuffer("(event " + eventName + ")"); break; default: throw new Error("Unsupported export " + exportInfo.kind); } this.appendBuffer(")"); this.newLine(); } break; case 12 /* IMPORT_SECTION_ENTRY */: var importInfo = reader.result; switch (importInfo.kind) { case 0 /* Function */: this._importCount++; var funcIndex = this._funcIndex++; var funcName = this._nameResolver.getFunctionName(funcIndex, true, false); this.appendBuffer(" (func " + funcName); if (this._exportMetadata !== null) { for (var _f = 0, _g = this._exportMetadata.getFunctionExportNames(funcIndex); _f < _g.length; _f++) { var exportName = _g[_f]; this.appendBuffer(" (export " + JSON.stringify(exportName) + ")"); } } this.appendBuffer(" (import "); this.printImportSource(importInfo); this.appendBuffer(")"); this.printFuncType(importInfo.funcTypeIndex); this.appendBuffer(")"); break; case 3 /* Global */: var globalImportInfo = importInfo.type; var globalIndex = this._globalCount++; var globalName = this._nameResolver.getGlobalName(globalIndex, false); this.appendBuffer(" (global " + globalName); if (this._exportMetadata !== null) { for (var _h = 0, _j = this._exportMetadata.getGlobalExportNames(globalIndex); _h < _j.length; _h++) { var exportName = _j[_h]; this.appendBuffer(" (export " + JSON.stringify(exportName) + ")"); } } this.appendBuffer(" (import "); this.printImportSource(importInfo); this.appendBuffer(") " + this.globalTypeToString(globalImportInfo) + ")"); break; case 2 /* Memory */: var memoryImportInfo = importInfo.type; var memoryIndex = this._memoryCount++; var memoryName = this._nameResolver.getMemoryName(memoryIndex, false); this.appendBuffer(" (memory " + memoryName); if (this._exportMetadata !== null) { for (var _k = 0, _l = this._exportMetadata.getMemoryExportNames(memoryIndex); _k < _l.length; _k++) { var exportName = _l[_k]; this.appendBuffer(" (export " + JSON.stringify(exportName) + ")"); } } this.appendBuffer(" (import "); this.printImportSource(importInfo); this.appendBuffer(") " + limitsToString(memoryImportInfo.limits)); if (memoryImportInfo.shared) { this.appendBuffer(" shared"); } this.appendBuffer(")"); break; case 1 /* Table */: var tableImportInfo = importInfo.type; var tableIndex = this._tableCount++; var tableName = this._nameResolver.getTableName(tableIndex, false); this.appendBuffer(" (table " + tableName); if (this._exportMetadata !== null) { for (var _m = 0, _o = this._exportMetadata.getTableExportNames(tableIndex); _m < _o.length; _m++) { var exportName = _o[_m]; this.appendBuffer(" (export " + JSON.stringify(exportName) + ")"); } } this.appendBuffer(" (import "); this.printImportSource(importInfo); this.appendBuffer(") " + limitsToString(tableImportInfo.limits) + " " + this.typeToString(tableImportInfo.elementType) + ")"); break; case 4 /* Event */: var eventImportInfo = importInfo.type; var eventIndex = this._eventCount++; var eventName = this._nameResolver.getEventName(eventIndex, false); this.appendBuffer(" (event " + eventName); if (this._exportMetadata !== null) { for (var _p = 0, _q = this._exportMetadata.getEventExportNames(eventIndex); _p < _q.length; _p++) { var exportName = _q[_p]; this.appendBuffer(" (export " + JSON.stringify(exportName) + ")"); } } this.appendBuffer(" (import "); this.printImportSource(importInfo); this.appendBuffer(")"); this.printFuncType(eventImportInfo.typeIndex); this.appendBuffer(")"); break; default: throw new Error("NYI other import types: " + importInfo.kind); } this.newLine(); break; case 33 /* BEGIN_ELEMENT_SECTION_ENTRY */: var elementSegment = reader.result; var elementIndex = this._elementCount++; var elementName = this._nameResolver.getElementName(elementIndex, false); this.appendBuffer(" (elem " + elementName); switch (elementSegment.mode) { case 0 /* Active */: if (elementSegment.tableIndex !== 0) { var tableName_1 = this._nameResolver.getTableName(elementSegment.tableIndex, false); this.appendBuffer(" (table " + tableName_1 + ")"); } break; case 1 /* Passive */: break; case 2 /* Declarative */: this.appendBuffer(" declare"); break; } break; case 35 /* END_ELEMENT_SECTION_ENTRY */: this.appendBuffer(")"); this.newLine(); break; case 34 /* ELEMENT_SECTION_ENTRY_BODY */: var elementSegmentBody = reader.result; this.appendBuffer(" " + this.typeToString(elementSegmentBody.elementType)); break; case 39 /* BEGIN_GLOBAL_SECTION_ENTRY */: var globalInfo = reader.result; var globalIndex = this._globalCount++; var globalName = this._nameResolver.getGlobalName(globalIndex, false); this.appendBuffer(" (global " + globalName); if (this._exportMetadata !== null) { for (var _r = 0, _s = this._exportMetadata.getGlobalExportNames(globalIndex); _r < _s.length; _r++) { var exportName = _s[_r]; this.appendBuffer(" (export " + JSON.stringify(exportName) + ")"); } } this.appendBuffer(" " + this.globalTypeToString(globalInfo.type)); break; case 40 /* END_GLOBAL_SECTION_ENTRY */: this.appendBuffer(")"); this.newLine(); break; case 11 /* TYPE_SECTION_ENTRY */: var typeEntry = reader.result; var typeIndex = this._types.length; this._types.push(typeEntry); if (!this._skipTypes) { var typeName = this._nameResolver.getTypeName(typeIndex, false); var superTypeName = undefined; if (typeEntry.supertype !== undefined) { superTypeName = this.typeIndexToString(typeEntry.supertype); } if (typeEntry.form === -32 /* func */) { this.appendBuffer(" (type " + typeName + " (func"); this.printFuncType(typeIndex); this.appendBuffer("))"); } else if (typeEntry.form === -35 /* func_subtype */) { this.appendBuffer(" (type " + typeName + " (func_subtype"); this.printFuncType(typeIndex); this.appendBuffer(" (supertype " + superTypeName + ")))"); } else if (typeEntry.form === -33 /* struct */) { this.appendBuffer(" (type " + typeName + " (struct"); this.printStructType(typeIndex); this.appendBuffer("))"); } else if (typeEntry.form === -36 /* struct_subtype */) { this.appendBuffer(" (type " + typeName + " (struct_subtype"); this.printStructType(typeIndex); this.appendBuffer(" (supertype " + superTypeName + ")))"); } else if (typeEntry.form === -34 /* array */) { this.appendBuffer(" (type " + typeName + " (array"); this.printArrayType(typeIndex); this.appendBuffer("))"); } else if (typeEntry.form === -37 /* array_subtype */) { this.appendBuffer(" (type " + typeName + " (array_subtype"); this.printArrayType(typeIndex); this.appendBuffer(") (supertype " + superTypeName + ")))"); } else { throw new Error("Unknown type form: " + typeEntry.form); } this.newLine(); } break; case 22 /* START_SECTION_ENTRY */: var startEntry = reader.result; var funcName = this._nameResolver.getFunctionName(startEntry.index, startEntry.index < this._importCount, true); this.appendBuffer(" (start " + funcName + ")"); this.newLine(); break; case 36 /* BEGIN_DATA_SECTION_ENTRY */: this.appendBuffer(" (data"); break; case 37 /* DATA_SECTION_ENTRY_BODY */: var body = reader.result; this.appendBuffer(" "); this.printString(body.data); break; case 38 /* END_DATA_SECTION_ENTRY */: this.appendBuffer(")"); this.newLine(); break; case 25 /* BEGIN_INIT_EXPRESSION_BODY */: case 44 /* BEGIN_OFFSET_EXPRESSION_BODY */: this._expression = []; break; case 26 /* INIT_EXPRESSION_OPERATOR */: case 45 /* OFFSET_EXPRESSION_OPERATOR */: var operator = reader.result; if (operator.code !== 11 /* end */) { this._expression.push(operator); } break; case 46 /* END_OFFSET_EXPRESSION_BODY */: if (this._expression.length > 1) { this.appendBuffer(" (offset "); this.printExpression(this._expression); this.appendBuffer(")"); } else { this.appendBuffer(" "); this.printExpression(this._expression); } this._expression = []; break; case 27 /* END_INIT_EXPRESSION_BODY */: if (this._expression.length > 1 && this._currentSectionId === 9 /* Element */) { this.appendBuffer(" (item "); this.printExpression(this._expression); this.appendBuffer(")"); } else { this.appendBuffer(" "); this.printExpression(this._expression); } this._expression = []; break; case 13 /* FUNCTION_SECTION_ENTRY */: this._funcTypes.push(reader.result.typeIndex); break; case 28 /* BEGIN_FUNCTION_BODY */: var func = reader.result; var type = this._types[this._funcTypes[this._funcIndex - this._importCount]]; this.appendBuffer(" (func "); this.appendBuffer(this._nameResolver.getFunctionName(this._funcIndex, false, false)); if (this._exportMetadata !== null) { for (var _t = 0, _u = this._exportMetadata.getFunctionExportNames(this._funcIndex); _t < _u.length; _t++) { var exportName = _u[_t]; this.appendBuffer(" (export " + JSON.stringify(exportName) + ")"); } } for (var i = 0; i < type.params.length; i++) { var paramName = this._nameResolver.getVariableName(this._funcIndex, i, false); this.appendBuffer(" (param " + paramName + " " + this.typeToString(type.params[i]) + ")"); } for (var i = 0; i < type.returns.length; i++) { this.appendBuffer(" (result " + this.typeToString(type.returns[i]) + ")"); } this.newLine(); var localIndex = type.params.length; if (func.locals.length > 0) { this.appendBuffer(" "); for (var _v = 0, _w = func.locals; _v < _w.length; _v++) { var l = _w[_v]; for (var i = 0; i < l.count; i++) { var paramName = this._nameResolver.getVariableName(this._funcIndex, localIndex++, false); this.appendBuffer(" (local " + paramName + " " + this.typeToString(l.type) + ")"); } } this.newLine(); } this._indent = " "; this._indentLevel = 0; this._labelIndex = 0; this._backrefLabels = this._labelMode === LabelMode.Depth ? null : []; this._logFirstInstruction = true; break; case 30 /* CODE_OPERATOR */: if (this._logFirstInstruction) { this.logStartOfFunctionBodyOffset(); this._logFirstInstruction = false; } var operator = reader.result; if (operator.code == 11 /* end */ && this._indentLevel == 0) { // reached of the function, closing function body this.appendBuffer(" )"); this.newLine(); break; } switch (operator.code) { case 11 /* end */: case 5 /* else */: case 7 /* catch */: case 25 /* catch_all */: case 10 /* unwind */: case 24 /* delegate */: this.decreaseIndent(); break; } this.appendBuffer(this._indent); this.printOperator(operator); this.newLine(); switch (operator.code) { case 4 /* if */: case 2 /* block */: case 3 /* loop */: case 5 /* else */: case 6 /* try */: case 7 /* catch */: case 25 /* catch_all */: case 10 /* unwind */: this.increaseIndent(); break; } break; case 31 /* END_FUNCTION_BODY */: this._funcIndex++; this._backrefLabels = null; this.logEndOfFunctionBodyOffset(); // See case BinaryReaderState.CODE_OPERATOR for closing of body break; default: throw new Error("Expectected state: " + reader.state); } } }; return WasmDisassembler; }()); exports.WasmDisassembler = WasmDisassembler; var UNKNOWN_FUNCTION_PREFIX = "unknown"; var NameSectionNameResolver = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(NameSectionNameResolver, _super); function NameSectionNameResolver(functionNames, localNames, eventNames, typeNames, tableNames, memoryNames, globalNames, fieldNames) { var _this = _super.call(this) || this; _this._functionNames = functionNames; _this._localNames = localNames; _this._eventNames = eventNames; _this._typeNames = typeNames; _this._tableNames = tableNames; _this._memoryNames = memoryNames; _this._globalNames = globalNames; _this._fieldNames = fieldNames; return _this; } NameSectionNameResolver.prototype.getTypeName = function (index, isRef) { var name = this._typeNames[index]; if (!name) return _super.prototype.getTypeName.call(this, index, isRef); return isRef ? "$" + name : "$" + name + " (;" + index + ";)"; }; NameSectionNameResolver.prototype.getTableName = function (index, isRef) { var name = this._tableNames[index]; if (!name) return _super.prototype.getTableName.call(this, index, isRef); return isRef ? "$" + name : "$" + name + " (;" + index + ";)"; }; NameSectionNameResolver.prototype.getMemoryName = function (index, isRef) { var name = this._memoryNames[index]; if (!name) return _super.prototype.getMemoryName.call(this, index, isRef); return isRef ? "$" + name : "$" + name + " (;" + index + ";)"; }; NameSectionNameResolver.prototype.getGlobalName = function (index, isRef) { var name = this._globalNames[index]; if (!name) return _super.prototype.getGlobalName.call(this, index, isRef); return isRef ? "$" + name : "$" + name + " (;" + index + ";)"; }; NameSectionNameResolver.prototype.getEventName = function (index, isRef) { var name = this._eventNames[index]; if (!name) return _super.prototype.getEventName.call(this, index, isRef); return isRef ? "$" + name : "$" + name + " (;" + index + ";)"; }; NameSectionNameResolver.prototype.getFunctionName = function (index, isImport, isRef) { var name = this._functionNames[index]; if (!name) return "$" + UNKNOWN_FUNCTION_PREFIX + index; return isRef ? "$" + name : "$" + name + " (;" + index + ";)"; }; NameSectionNameResolver.prototype.getVariableName = function (funcIndex, index, isRef) { var name = this._localNames[funcIndex] && this._localNames[funcIndex][index]; if (!name) return _super.prototype.getVariableName.call(this, funcIndex, index, isRef); return isRef ? "$" + name : "$" + name + " (;" + index + ";)"; }; NameSectionNameResolver.prototype.getFieldName = function (typeIndex, index, isRef) { var name = this._fieldNames[typeIndex] && this._fieldNames[typeIndex][index]; if (!name) return _super.prototype.getFieldName.call(this, typeIndex, index, isRef); return isRef ? "$" + name : "$" + name + " (;" + index + ";)"; }; return NameSectionNameResolver; }(DefaultNameResolver)); var NameSectionReader = /** @class */ (function () { function NameSectionReader() { this._done = false; this._functionsCount = 0; this._functionImportsCount = 0; this._functionNames = null; this._functionLocalNames = null; this._eventNames = null; this._typeNames = null; this._tableNames = null; this._memoryNames = null; this._globalNames = null; this._fieldNames = null; this._hasNames = false; } NameSectionReader.prototype.read = function (reader) { var _this = this; if (this._done) throw new Error("Invalid state: disassembly process was already finished."); while (true) { if (!reader.read()) return false; switch (reader.state) { case 2 /* END_WASM */: if (!reader.hasMoreBytes()) { this._done = true; return true; } break; case -1 /* ERROR */: throw reader.error; case 1 /* BEGIN_WASM */: this._functionsCount = 0; this._functionImportsCount = 0; this._functionNames = []; this._functionLocalNames = []; this._eventNames = []; this._typeNames = []; this._tableNames = []; this._memoryNames = []; this._globalNames = []; this._fieldNames = []; this._hasNames = false; break; case 4 /* END_SECTION */: break; case 3 /* BEGIN_SECTION */: var sectionInfo = reader.result; if (sectionInfo.id === 0 /* Custom */ && WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(sectionInfo.name) === NAME_SECTION_NAME) { break; } if (sectionInfo.id === 3 /* Function */ || sectionInfo.id === 2 /* Import */) { break; } reader.skipSection(); break; case 12 /* IMPORT_SECTION_ENTRY */: var importInfo = reader.result; if (importInfo.kind === 0 /* Function */) this._functionImportsCount++; break; case 13 /* FUNCTION_SECTION_ENTRY */: this._functionsCount++; break; case 19 /* NAME_SECTION_ENTRY */: var nameInfo = reader.result; if (nameInfo.type === 1 /* Function */) { var names = nameInfo.names; names.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; _this._functionNames[index] = WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name); }); this._hasNames = true; } else if (nameInfo.type === 2 /* Local */) { var funcs = nameInfo.funcs; funcs.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, locals = _a.locals; var localNames = (_this._functionLocalNames[index] = []); locals.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; localNames[index] = WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name); }); }); this._hasNames = true; } else if (nameInfo.type === 3 /* Event */) { var names = nameInfo.names; names.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; _this._eventNames[index] = WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name); }); this._hasNames = true; } else if (nameInfo.type === 4 /* Type */) { var names = nameInfo.names; names.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; _this._typeNames[index] = WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name); }); this._hasNames = true; } else if (nameInfo.type === 5 /* Table */) { var names = nameInfo.names; names.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; _this._tableNames[index] = WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name); }); this._hasNames = true; } else if (nameInfo.type === 6 /* Memory */) { var names = nameInfo.names; names.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; _this._memoryNames[index] = WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name); }); this._hasNames = true; } else if (nameInfo.type === 7 /* Global */) { var names = nameInfo.names; names.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; _this._globalNames[index] = WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name); }); this._hasNames = true; } else if (nameInfo.type === 10 /* Field */) { var types = nameInfo.types; types.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, fields = _a.fields; var fieldNames = (_this._fieldNames[index] = []); fields.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; fieldNames[index] = WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name); }); }); } break; default: throw new Error("Expectected state: " + reader.state); } } }; NameSectionReader.prototype.hasValidNames = function () { return this._hasNames; }; NameSectionReader.prototype.getNameResolver = function () { if (!this.hasValidNames()) throw new Error("Has no valid name section"); // Fix bad names. var functionNamesLength = this._functionImportsCount + this._functionsCount; var functionNames = this._functionNames.slice(0, functionNamesLength); var usedNameAt = Object.create(null); for (var i = 0; i < functionNames.length; i++) { var name_1 = functionNames[i]; if (!name_1) continue; var goodName = !(name_1 in usedNameAt) && isValidName(name_1) && name_1.indexOf(UNKNOWN_FUNCTION_PREFIX) !== 0; if (!goodName) { if (usedNameAt[name_1] >= 0) { // Remove all non-unique names. functionNames[usedNameAt[name_1]] = null; usedNameAt[name_1] = -1; } functionNames[i] = null; continue; } usedNameAt[name_1] = i; } return new NameSectionNameResolver(functionNames, this._functionLocalNames, this._eventNames, this._typeNames, this._tableNames, this._memoryNames, this._globalNames, this._fieldNames); }; return NameSectionReader; }()); exports.NameSectionReader = NameSectionReader; var DevToolsNameResolver = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(DevToolsNameResolver, _super); function DevToolsNameResolver(functionNames, localNames, eventNames, typeNames, tableNames, memoryNames, globalNames, fieldNames) { return _super.call(this, functionNames, localNames, eventNames, typeNames, tableNames, memoryNames, globalNames, fieldNames) || this; } DevToolsNameResolver.prototype.getFunctionName = function (index, isImport, isRef) { var name = this._functionNames[index]; if (!name) return isImport ? "$import" + index : "$func" + index; return isRef ? "$" + name : "$" + name + " (;" + index + ";)"; }; return DevToolsNameResolver; }(NameSectionNameResolver)); exports.DevToolsNameResolver = DevToolsNameResolver; var DevToolsNameGenerator = /** @class */ (function () { function DevToolsNameGenerator() { this._done = false; this._functionImportsCount = 0; this._memoryImportsCount = 0; this._tableImportsCount = 0; this._globalImportsCount = 0; this._eventImportsCount = 0; this._functionNames = null; this._functionLocalNames = null; this._eventNames = null; this._memoryNames = null; this._typeNames = null; this._tableNames = null; this._globalNames = null; this._fieldNames = null; this._functionExportNames = null; this._globalExportNames = null; this._memoryExportNames = null; this._tableExportNames = null; this._eventExportNames = null; } DevToolsNameGenerator.prototype._addExportName = function (exportNames, index, name) { var names = exportNames[index]; if (names) { names.push(name); } else { exportNames[index] = [name]; } }; DevToolsNameGenerator.prototype._setName = function (names, index, name, isNameSectionName) { if (!name) return; if (isNameSectionName) { if (!isValidName(name)) return; names[index] = name; } else if (!names[index]) { names[index] = name.replace(INVALID_NAME_SYMBOLS_REGEX_GLOBAL, "_"); } }; DevToolsNameGenerator.prototype.read = function (reader) { var _this = this; if (this._done) throw new Error("Invalid state: disassembly process was already finished."); while (true) { if (!reader.read()) return false; switch (reader.state) { case 2 /* END_WASM */: if (!reader.hasMoreBytes()) { this._done = true; return true; } break; case -1 /* ERROR */: throw reader.error; case 1 /* BEGIN_WASM */: this._functionImportsCount = 0; this._memoryImportsCount = 0; this._tableImportsCount = 0; this._globalImportsCount = 0; this._eventImportsCount = 0; this._functionNames = []; this._functionLocalNames = []; this._eventNames = []; this._memoryNames = []; this._typeNames = []; this._tableNames = []; this._globalNames = []; this._fieldNames = []; this._functionExportNames = []; this._globalExportNames = []; this._memoryExportNames = []; this._tableExportNames = []; this._eventExportNames = []; break; case 4 /* END_SECTION */: break; case 3 /* BEGIN_SECTION */: var sectionInfo = reader.result; if (sectionInfo.id === 0 /* Custom */ && WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(sectionInfo.name) === NAME_SECTION_NAME) { break; } switch (sectionInfo.id) { case 2 /* Import */: case 7 /* Export */: break; // reading known section; default: reader.skipSection(); break; } break; case 12 /* IMPORT_SECTION_ENTRY */: var importInfo = reader.result; var importName = WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(importInfo.module) + "." + WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(importInfo.field); switch (importInfo.kind) { case 0 /* Function */: this._setName(this._functionNames, this._functionImportsCount++, importName, false); break; case 1 /* Table */: this._setName(this._tableNames, this._tableImportsCount++, importName, false); break; case 2 /* Memory */: this._setName(this._memoryNames, this._memoryImportsCount++, importName, false); break; case 3 /* Global */: this._setName(this._globalNames, this._globalImportsCount++, importName, false); break; case 4 /* Event */: this._setName(this._eventNames, this._eventImportsCount++, importName, false); default: throw new Error("Unsupported export " + importInfo.kind); } break; case 19 /* NAME_SECTION_ENTRY */: var nameInfo = reader.result; if (nameInfo.type === 1 /* Function */) { var names = nameInfo.names; names.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; _this._setName(_this._functionNames, index, WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name), true); }); } else if (nameInfo.type === 2 /* Local */) { var funcs = nameInfo.funcs; funcs.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, locals = _a.locals; var localNames = (_this._functionLocalNames[index] = []); locals.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; localNames[index] = WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name); }); }); } else if (nameInfo.type === 3 /* Event */) { var names = nameInfo.names; names.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; _this._setName(_this._eventNames, index, WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name), true); }); } else if (nameInfo.type === 4 /* Type */) { var names = nameInfo.names; names.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; _this._setName(_this._typeNames, index, WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name), true); }); } else if (nameInfo.type === 5 /* Table */) { var names = nameInfo.names; names.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; _this._setName(_this._tableNames, index, WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name), true); }); } else if (nameInfo.type === 6 /* Memory */) { var names = nameInfo.names; names.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; _this._setName(_this._memoryNames, index, WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name), true); }); } else if (nameInfo.type === 7 /* Global */) { var names = nameInfo.names; names.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; _this._setName(_this._globalNames, index, WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name), true); }); } else if (nameInfo.type === 10 /* Field */) { var types = nameInfo.types; types.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, fields = _a.fields; var fieldNames = (_this._fieldNames[index] = []); fields.forEach(function (_a) { var index = _a.index, name = _a.name; fieldNames[index] = WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(name); }); }); } break; case 17 /* EXPORT_SECTION_ENTRY */: var exportInfo = reader.result; var exportName = WasmParser_js_1.bytesToString(exportInfo.field); switch (exportInfo.kind) { case 0 /* Function */: this._addExportName(this._functionExportNames, exportInfo.index, exportName); this._setName(this._functionNames, exportInfo.index, exportName, false); break; case 3 /* Global */: this._addExportName(this._globalExportNames, exportInfo.index, exportName); this._setName(this._globalNames, exportInfo.index, exportName, false); break; case 2 /* Memory */: this._addExportName(this._memoryExportNames, exportInfo.index, exportName); this._setName(this._memoryNames, exportInfo.index, exportName, false); break; case 1 /* Table */: this._addExportName(this._tableExportNames, exportInfo.index, exportName); this._setName(this._tableNames, exportInfo.index, exportName, false); break; case 4 /* Event */: this._addExportName(this._eventExportNames, exportInfo.index, exportName); this._setName(this._eventNames, exportInfo.index, exportName, false); break; default: throw new Error("Unsupported export " + exportInfo.kind); } break; default: throw new Error("Expectected state: " + reader.state); } } }; DevToolsNameGenerator.prototype.getExportMetadata = function () { return new DevToolsExportMetadata(this._functionExportNames, this._globalExportNames, this._memoryExportNames, this._tableExportNames, this._eventExportNames); }; DevToolsNameGenerator.prototype.getNameResolver = function () { return new DevToolsNameResolver(this._functionNames, this._functionLocalNames, this._eventNames, this._typeNames, this._tableNames, this._memoryNames, this._globalNames, this._fieldNames); }; return DevToolsNameGenerator; }()); exports.DevToolsNameGenerator = DevToolsNameGenerator;