/** * Copyright (c) 2013 Lea Verou. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // Based on www.cubic-bezier.com by Lea Verou // See https://github.com/LeaVerou/cubic-bezier "use strict"; const EventEmitter = require("resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js"); const { PREDEFINED, PRESETS, DEFAULT_PRESET_CATEGORY, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/CubicBezierPresets.js"); const { getCSSLexer } = require("resource://devtools/shared/css/lexer.js"); const XHTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; /** * CubicBezier data structure helper * Accepts an array of coordinates and exposes a few useful getters * @param {Array} coordinates i.e. [.42, 0, .58, 1] */ function CubicBezier(coordinates) { if (!coordinates) { throw new Error("No offsets were defined"); } this.coordinates = coordinates.map(n => +n); for (let i = 4; i--; ) { const xy = this.coordinates[i]; if (isNaN(xy) || (!(i % 2) && (xy < 0 || xy > 1))) { throw new Error(`Wrong coordinate at ${i}(${xy})`); } } this.coordinates.toString = function() { return ( this.map(n => { return (Math.round(n * 100) / 100 + "").replace(/^0\./, "."); }) + "" ); }; } exports.CubicBezier = CubicBezier; CubicBezier.prototype = { get P1() { return this.coordinates.slice(0, 2); }, get P2() { return this.coordinates.slice(2); }, toString() { // Check first if current coords are one of css predefined functions const predefName = Object.keys(PREDEFINED).find(key => coordsAreEqual(PREDEFINED[key], this.coordinates) ); return predefName || "cubic-bezier(" + this.coordinates + ")"; }, }; /** * Bezier curve canvas plotting class * @param {DOMNode} canvas * @param {CubicBezier} bezier * @param {Array} padding Amount of horizontal,vertical padding around the graph */ function BezierCanvas(canvas, bezier, padding) { this.canvas = canvas; this.bezier = bezier; this.padding = getPadding(padding); // Convert to a cartesian coordinate system with axes from 0 to 1 this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); const p = this.padding; this.ctx.scale( canvas.width * (1 - p[1] - p[3]), -canvas.height * (1 - p[0] - p[2]) ); this.ctx.translate(p[3] / (1 - p[1] - p[3]), -1 - p[0] / (1 - p[0] - p[2])); } exports.BezierCanvas = BezierCanvas; BezierCanvas.prototype = { /** * Get P1 and P2 current top/left offsets so they can be positioned * @return {Array} Returns an array of 2 {top:String,left:String} objects */ get offsets() { const p = this.padding, w = this.canvas.width, h = this.canvas.height; return [ { left: w * (this.bezier.coordinates[0] * (1 - p[3] - p[1]) - p[3]) + "px", top: h * (1 - this.bezier.coordinates[1] * (1 - p[0] - p[2]) - p[0]) + "px", }, { left: w * (this.bezier.coordinates[2] * (1 - p[3] - p[1]) - p[3]) + "px", top: h * (1 - this.bezier.coordinates[3] * (1 - p[0] - p[2]) - p[0]) + "px", }, ]; }, /** * Convert an element's left/top offsets into coordinates */ offsetsToCoordinates(element) { const w = this.canvas.width, h = this.canvas.height; // Convert padding percentage to actual padding const p = this.padding.map((a, i) => a * (i % 2 ? w : h)); return [ (parseFloat(element.style.left) - p[3]) / (w + p[1] + p[3]), (h - parseFloat(element.style.top) - p[2]) / (h - p[0] - p[2]), ]; }, /** * Draw the cubic bezier curve for the current coordinates */ plot(settings = {}) { const xy = this.bezier.coordinates; const defaultSettings = { handleColor: "#666", handleThickness: 0.008, bezierColor: "#4C9ED9", bezierThickness: 0.015, drawHandles: true, }; for (const setting in settings) { defaultSettings[setting] = settings[setting]; } // Clear the canvas –making sure to clear the // whole area by resetting the transform first. this.ctx.save(); this.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); this.ctx.restore(); if (defaultSettings.drawHandles) { // Draw control handles this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.fillStyle = defaultSettings.handleColor; this.ctx.lineWidth = defaultSettings.handleThickness; this.ctx.strokeStyle = defaultSettings.handleColor; this.ctx.moveTo(0, 0); this.ctx.lineTo(xy[0], xy[1]); this.ctx.moveTo(1, 1); this.ctx.lineTo(xy[2], xy[3]); this.ctx.stroke(); this.ctx.closePath(); const circle = (ctx, cx, cy, r) => { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(cx, cy, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1); ctx.closePath(); }; circle(this.ctx, xy[0], xy[1], 1.5 * defaultSettings.handleThickness); this.ctx.fill(); circle(this.ctx, xy[2], xy[3], 1.5 * defaultSettings.handleThickness); this.ctx.fill(); } // Draw bezier curve this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.lineWidth = defaultSettings.bezierThickness; this.ctx.strokeStyle = defaultSettings.bezierColor; this.ctx.moveTo(0, 0); this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(xy[0], xy[1], xy[2], xy[3], 1, 1); this.ctx.stroke(); this.ctx.closePath(); }, }; /** * Cubic-bezier widget. Uses the BezierCanvas class to draw the curve and * adds the control points and user interaction * @param {DOMNode} parent The container where the graph should be created * @param {Array} coordinates Coordinates of the curve to be drawn * * Emits "updated" events whenever the curve is changed. Along with the event is * sent a CubicBezier object */ function CubicBezierWidget( parent, coordinates = PRESETS["ease-in"]["ease-in-sine"] ) { EventEmitter.decorate(this); this.parent = parent; const { curve, p1, p2 } = this._initMarkup(); this.curveBoundingBox = curve.getBoundingClientRect(); this.curve = curve; this.p1 = p1; this.p2 = p2; // Create and plot the bezier curve this.bezierCanvas = new BezierCanvas( this.curve, new CubicBezier(coordinates), [0.3, 0] ); this.bezierCanvas.plot(); // Place the control points const offsets = this.bezierCanvas.offsets; this.p1.style.left = offsets[0].left; this.p1.style.top = offsets[0].top; this.p2.style.left = offsets[1].left; this.p2.style.top = offsets[1].top; this._onPointMouseDown = this._onPointMouseDown.bind(this); this._onPointKeyDown = this._onPointKeyDown.bind(this); this._onCurveClick = this._onCurveClick.bind(this); this._onNewCoordinates = this._onNewCoordinates.bind(this); this.onPrefersReducedMotionChange = this.onPrefersReducedMotionChange.bind( this ); // Add preset preview menu this.presets = new CubicBezierPresetWidget(parent); // Add the timing function previewer // if prefers-reduced-motion is not set this.reducedMotion = parent.ownerGlobal.matchMedia( "(prefers-reduced-motion)" ); if (!this.reducedMotion.matches) { this.timingPreview = new TimingFunctionPreviewWidget(parent); } // add event listener to change prefers-reduced-motion // of the timing function preview during runtime this.reducedMotion.addEventListener( "change", this.onPrefersReducedMotionChange ); this._initEvents(); } exports.CubicBezierWidget = CubicBezierWidget; CubicBezierWidget.prototype = { _initMarkup() { const doc = this.parent.ownerDocument; const wrap = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div"); wrap.className = "display-wrap"; const plane = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div"); plane.className = "coordinate-plane"; const p1 = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "button"); p1.className = "control-point"; plane.appendChild(p1); const p2 = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "button"); p2.className = "control-point"; plane.appendChild(p2); const curve = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "canvas"); curve.setAttribute("width", 150); curve.setAttribute("height", 370); curve.className = "curve"; plane.appendChild(curve); wrap.appendChild(plane); this.parent.appendChild(wrap); return { p1, p2, curve, }; }, onPrefersReducedMotionChange(event) { // if prefers-reduced-motion is enabled destroy timing function preview // else create it if it does not exist if (event.matches) { if (this.timingPreview) { this.timingPreview.destroy(); } this.timingPreview = undefined; } else if (!this.timingPreview) { this.timingPreview = new TimingFunctionPreviewWidget(this.parent); } }, _removeMarkup() { this.parent.querySelector(".display-wrap").remove(); }, _initEvents() { this.p1.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onPointMouseDown); this.p2.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onPointMouseDown); this.p1.addEventListener("keydown", this._onPointKeyDown); this.p2.addEventListener("keydown", this._onPointKeyDown); this.curve.addEventListener("click", this._onCurveClick); this.presets.on("new-coordinates", this._onNewCoordinates); }, _removeEvents() { this.p1.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._onPointMouseDown); this.p2.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._onPointMouseDown); this.p1.removeEventListener("keydown", this._onPointKeyDown); this.p2.removeEventListener("keydown", this._onPointKeyDown); this.curve.removeEventListener("click", this._onCurveClick); this.presets.off("new-coordinates", this._onNewCoordinates); }, _onPointMouseDown(event) { // Updating the boundingbox in case it has changed this.curveBoundingBox = this.curve.getBoundingClientRect(); const point = event.target; const doc = point.ownerDocument; const self = this; doc.onmousemove = function drag(e) { let x = e.pageX; const y = e.pageY; const left = self.curveBoundingBox.left; const top = self.curveBoundingBox.top; if (x === 0 && y == 0) { return; } // Constrain x x = Math.min(Math.max(left, x), left + self.curveBoundingBox.width); point.style.left = x - left + "px"; point.style.top = y - top + "px"; self._updateFromPoints(); }; doc.onmouseup = function() { point.focus(); doc.onmousemove = doc.onmouseup = null; }; }, _onPointKeyDown(event) { const point = event.target; const code = event.keyCode; if (code >= 37 && code <= 40) { event.preventDefault(); // Arrow keys pressed const left = parseInt(point.style.left, 10); const top = parseInt(point.style.top, 10); const offset = 3 * (event.shiftKey ? 10 : 1); switch (code) { case 37: point.style.left = left - offset + "px"; break; case 38: point.style.top = top - offset + "px"; break; case 39: point.style.left = left + offset + "px"; break; case 40: point.style.top = top + offset + "px"; break; } this._updateFromPoints(); } }, _onCurveClick(event) { this.curveBoundingBox = this.curve.getBoundingClientRect(); const left = this.curveBoundingBox.left; const top = this.curveBoundingBox.top; const x = event.pageX - left; const y = event.pageY - top; // Find which point is closer const distP1 = distance( x, y, parseInt(this.p1.style.left, 10), parseInt(this.p1.style.top, 10) ); const distP2 = distance( x, y, parseInt(this.p2.style.left, 10), parseInt(this.p2.style.top, 10) ); const point = distP1 < distP2 ? this.p1 : this.p2; point.style.left = x + "px"; point.style.top = y + "px"; this._updateFromPoints(); }, _onNewCoordinates(coordinates) { this.coordinates = coordinates; }, /** * Get the current point coordinates and redraw the curve to match */ _updateFromPoints() { // Get the new coordinates from the point's offsets let coordinates = this.bezierCanvas.offsetsToCoordinates(this.p1); coordinates = coordinates.concat( this.bezierCanvas.offsetsToCoordinates(this.p2) ); this.presets.refreshMenu(coordinates); this._redraw(coordinates); }, /** * Redraw the curve * @param {Array} coordinates The array of control point coordinates */ _redraw(coordinates) { // Provide a new CubicBezier to the canvas and plot the curve this.bezierCanvas.bezier = new CubicBezier(coordinates); this.bezierCanvas.plot(); this.emit("updated", this.bezierCanvas.bezier); if (this.timingPreview) { this.timingPreview.preview(this.bezierCanvas.bezier.toString()); } }, /** * Set new coordinates for the control points and redraw the curve * @param {Array} coordinates */ set coordinates(coordinates) { this._redraw(coordinates); // Move the points const offsets = this.bezierCanvas.offsets; this.p1.style.left = offsets[0].left; this.p1.style.top = offsets[0].top; this.p2.style.left = offsets[1].left; this.p2.style.top = offsets[1].top; }, /** * Set new coordinates for the control point and redraw the curve * @param {String} value A string value. E.g. "linear", * "cubic-bezier(0,0,1,1)" */ set cssCubicBezierValue(value) { if (!value) { return; } value = value.trim(); // Try with one of the predefined values const coordinates = parseTimingFunction(value); this.presets.refreshMenu(coordinates); this.coordinates = coordinates; }, destroy() { this._removeEvents(); this._removeMarkup(); // remove prefers-reduced-motion event listener this.reducedMotion.removeEventListener( "change", this.onPrefersReducedMotionChange ); this.reducedMotion = null; if (this.timingPreview) { this.timingPreview.destroy(); this.timingPreview = null; } this.presets.destroy(); this.curve = this.p1 = this.p2 = null; }, }; /** * CubicBezierPreset widget. * Builds a menu of presets from CubicBezierPresets * @param {DOMNode} parent The container where the preset panel should be * created * * Emits "new-coordinate" event along with the coordinates * whenever a preset is selected. */ function CubicBezierPresetWidget(parent) { this.parent = parent; const { presetPane, presets, categories } = this._initMarkup(); this.presetPane = presetPane; this.presets = presets; this.categories = categories; this._activeCategory = null; this._activePresetList = null; this._activePreset = null; this._onCategoryClick = this._onCategoryClick.bind(this); this._onPresetClick = this._onPresetClick.bind(this); EventEmitter.decorate(this); this._initEvents(); } exports.CubicBezierPresetWidget = CubicBezierPresetWidget; CubicBezierPresetWidget.prototype = { /* * Constructs a list of all preset categories and a list * of presets for each category. * * High level markup: * div .preset-pane * div .preset-categories * div .category * div .category * ... * div .preset-container * div .presetList * div .preset * ... * div .presetList * div .preset * ... */ _initMarkup() { const doc = this.parent.ownerDocument; const presetPane = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div"); presetPane.className = "preset-pane"; const categoryList = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div"); categoryList.id = "preset-categories"; const presetContainer = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div"); presetContainer.id = "preset-container"; Object.keys(PRESETS).forEach(categoryLabel => { const category = this._createCategory(categoryLabel); categoryList.appendChild(category); const presetList = this._createPresetList(categoryLabel); presetContainer.appendChild(presetList); }); presetPane.appendChild(categoryList); presetPane.appendChild(presetContainer); this.parent.appendChild(presetPane); const allCategories = presetPane.querySelectorAll(".category"); const allPresets = presetPane.querySelectorAll(".preset"); return { presetPane, presets: allPresets, categories: allCategories, }; }, _createCategory(categoryLabel) { const doc = this.parent.ownerDocument; const category = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div"); category.id = categoryLabel; category.classList.add("category"); const categoryDisplayLabel = this._normalizeCategoryLabel(categoryLabel); category.textContent = categoryDisplayLabel; category.setAttribute("title", categoryDisplayLabel); return category; }, _normalizeCategoryLabel(categoryLabel) { return categoryLabel.replace("/-/g", " "); }, _createPresetList(categoryLabel) { const doc = this.parent.ownerDocument; const presetList = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div"); presetList.id = "preset-category-" + categoryLabel; presetList.classList.add("preset-list"); Object.keys(PRESETS[categoryLabel]).forEach(presetLabel => { const preset = this._createPreset(categoryLabel, presetLabel); presetList.appendChild(preset); }); return presetList; }, _createPreset(categoryLabel, presetLabel) { const doc = this.parent.ownerDocument; const preset = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div"); preset.classList.add("preset"); preset.id = presetLabel; preset.coordinates = PRESETS[categoryLabel][presetLabel]; // Create preset preview const curve = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "canvas"); const bezier = new CubicBezier(preset.coordinates); curve.setAttribute("height", 50); curve.setAttribute("width", 50); preset.bezierCanvas = new BezierCanvas(curve, bezier, [0.15, 0]); preset.bezierCanvas.plot({ drawHandles: false, bezierThickness: 0.025, }); preset.appendChild(curve); // Create preset label const presetLabelElem = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "p"); const presetDisplayLabel = this._normalizePresetLabel( categoryLabel, presetLabel ); presetLabelElem.textContent = presetDisplayLabel; preset.appendChild(presetLabelElem); preset.setAttribute("title", presetDisplayLabel); return preset; }, _normalizePresetLabel(categoryLabel, presetLabel) { return presetLabel.replace(categoryLabel + "-", "").replace("/-/g", " "); }, _initEvents() { for (const category of this.categories) { category.addEventListener("click", this._onCategoryClick); } for (const preset of this.presets) { preset.addEventListener("click", this._onPresetClick); } }, _removeEvents() { for (const category of this.categories) { category.removeEventListener("click", this._onCategoryClick); } for (const preset of this.presets) { preset.removeEventListener("click", this._onPresetClick); } }, _onPresetClick(event) { this.emit("new-coordinates", event.currentTarget.coordinates); this.activePreset = event.currentTarget; }, _onCategoryClick(event) { this.activeCategory = event.target; }, _setActivePresetList(presetListId) { const presetList = this.presetPane.querySelector("#" + presetListId); swapClassName("active-preset-list", this._activePresetList, presetList); this._activePresetList = presetList; }, set activeCategory(category) { swapClassName("active-category", this._activeCategory, category); this._activeCategory = category; this._setActivePresetList("preset-category-" + category.id); }, get activeCategory() { return this._activeCategory; }, set activePreset(preset) { swapClassName("active-preset", this._activePreset, preset); this._activePreset = preset; }, get activePreset() { return this._activePreset; }, /** * Called by CubicBezierWidget onload and when * the curve is modified via the canvas. * Attempts to match the new user setting with an * existing preset. * @param {Array} coordinates new coords [i, j, k, l] */ refreshMenu(coordinates) { // If we cannot find a matching preset, keep // menu on last known preset category. let category = this._activeCategory; // If we cannot find a matching preset // deselect any selected preset. let preset = null; // If a category has never been viewed before // show the default category. if (!category) { category = this.parent.querySelector("#" + DEFAULT_PRESET_CATEGORY); } // If the new coordinates do match a preset, // set its category and preset button as active. Object.keys(PRESETS).forEach(categoryLabel => { Object.keys(PRESETS[categoryLabel]).forEach(presetLabel => { if (coordsAreEqual(PRESETS[categoryLabel][presetLabel], coordinates)) { category = this.parent.querySelector("#" + categoryLabel); preset = this.parent.querySelector("#" + presetLabel); } }); }); this.activeCategory = category; this.activePreset = preset; }, destroy() { this._removeEvents(); this.parent.querySelector(".preset-pane").remove(); }, }; /** * The TimingFunctionPreviewWidget animates a dot on a scale with a given * timing-function * @param {DOMNode} parent The container where this widget should go */ function TimingFunctionPreviewWidget(parent) { this.previousValue = null; this.parent = parent; this._initMarkup(); } TimingFunctionPreviewWidget.prototype = { PREVIEW_DURATION: 1000, _initMarkup() { const doc = this.parent.ownerDocument; const container = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div"); container.className = "timing-function-preview"; this.dot = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div"); this.dot.className = "dot"; container.appendChild(this.dot); const scale = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div"); scale.className = "scale"; container.appendChild(scale); this.parent.appendChild(container); }, destroy() { this.dot.getAnimations().forEach(anim => anim.cancel()); this.parent.querySelector(".timing-function-preview").remove(); this.parent = this.dot = null; }, /** * Preview a new timing function. The current preview will only be stopped if * the supplied function value is different from the previous one. If the * supplied function is invalid, the preview will stop. * @param {String} value */ preview(value) { // Don't restart the preview animation if the value is the same if (value === this.previousValue) { return; } if (parseTimingFunction(value)) { this.restartAnimation(value); } this.previousValue = value; }, /** * Re-start the preview animation from the beginning. * @param {String} timingFunction The value for the timing-function. */ restartAnimation(timingFunction) { // Cancel the previous animation if there was any. this.dot.getAnimations().forEach(anim => anim.cancel()); // And start the new one. // The animation consists of a few keyframes that move the dot to the right of the // container, and then move it back to the left. // It also contains some pause where the dot is semi transparent, before it moves to // the right, and once again, before it comes back to the left. // The timing function passed to this function is applied to the keyframes that // actually move the dot. This way it can be previewed in both direction, instead of // being spread over the whole animation. this.dot.animate( [ { left: "-7px", opacity: 0.5, offset: 0 }, { left: "-7px", opacity: 0.5, offset: 0.19 }, { left: "-7px", opacity: 1, offset: 0.2, easing: timingFunction }, { left: "143px", opacity: 1, offset: 0.5 }, { left: "143px", opacity: 0.5, offset: 0.51 }, { left: "143px", opacity: 0.5, offset: 0.7 }, { left: "143px", opacity: 1, offset: 0.71, easing: timingFunction }, { left: "-7px", opacity: 1, offset: 1 }, ], { duration: this.PREVIEW_DURATION * 2, iterations: Infinity, } ); }, }; // Helpers function getPadding(padding) { const p = typeof padding === "number" ? [padding] : padding; if (p.length === 1) { p[1] = p[0]; } if (p.length === 2) { p[2] = p[0]; } if (p.length === 3) { p[3] = p[1]; } return p; } function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x1 - x2, 2) + Math.pow(y1 - y2, 2)); } /** * Parse a string to see whether it is a valid timing function. * If it is, return the coordinates as an array. * Otherwise, return undefined. * @param {String} value * @return {Array} of coordinates, or undefined */ function parseTimingFunction(value) { if (value in PREDEFINED) { return PREDEFINED[value]; } const tokenStream = getCSSLexer(value); const getNextToken = () => { while (true) { const token = tokenStream.nextToken(); if ( !token || (token.tokenType !== "whitespace" && token.tokenType !== "comment") ) { return token; } } }; let token = getNextToken(); if (token.tokenType !== "function" || token.text !== "cubic-bezier") { return undefined; } const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { token = getNextToken(); if (!token || token.tokenType !== "number") { return undefined; } result.push(token.number); token = getNextToken(); if ( !token || token.tokenType !== "symbol" || token.text !== (i == 3 ? ")" : ",") ) { return undefined; } } return result; } exports.parseTimingFunction = parseTimingFunction; /** * Removes a class from a node and adds it to another. * @param {String} className the class to swap * @param {DOMNode} from the node to remove the class from * @param {DOMNode} to the node to add the class to */ function swapClassName(className, from, to) { if (from !== null) { from.classList.remove(className); } if (to !== null) { to.classList.add(className); } } /** * Compares two arrays of coordinates [i, j, k, l] * @param {Array} c1 first coordinate array to compare * @param {Array} c2 second coordinate array to compare * @return {Boolean} */ function coordsAreEqual(c1, c2) { return c1.reduce((prev, curr, index) => prev && curr === c2[index], true); }