# DevTools node tests In addition to mochitests and xpcshell tests, some panels in DevTools are using node test libraries to run unit tests. For instance, several panels are using [Jest](https://jestjs.io/) to run React component unit tests. ## Find the node tests on Try The DevTools node tests are split in two different test suites on try: - `node(devtools)`: all the DevTools node tests, except the ones for the debugger - `node(debugger)`: only the Debugger node tests They are running on the `Linux 64 opt` platform. They are both tier 1 jobs, which means that any failure will lead to a backout. ## Run Tests On Try To run the DevTools node tests on try, you can use `./mach try fuzzy` and look for the jobs named `source-test-node-debugger-tests` and `source-test-node-devtools-tests`. They are also run when using the "devtools" preset: `./mach try --preset devtools`. ### Node tests try job definition The definition of those try jobs can be found at [taskcluster/ci/source-test/node.yml](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/taskcluster/ci/source-test/node.yml). The definition also contains the list of files that will trigger the node test jobs. Currently the debugger tests run when any file is modified under `devtools/client/debugger`, the devtools tests run when any file is modified under `devtools/client` or `devtools/shared`. ## Run Tests Locally ### Prerequisite: yarn You will need yarn to be installed in order to run both the debugger and the DevTools tests. See [https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started](https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started). ### Debugger To run the debugger node tests: ``` > cd devtools/client/debugger/ > yarn && node bin/try-runner.js ``` Note that the debugger is running other tasks than just unit tests: `flow`, `eslint`, `stylelint` etc... Using `yarn && yarn test` would only run the Jest tests, while `node bin/try-runner` will run the same tests and scripts as the ones used on try. ### DevTools To run the other (non-debugger) DevTools tests, the easiest is to rely on the same script as the one used to run the tests on try: ``` > node devtools/client/bin/devtools-node-test-runner.js --suite={suitename} ``` At the moment of writing, the supported suites for this script are: - `aboutdebugging` - `accessibility` - `application` - `compatibility` - `framework` - `netmonitor` - `performance` - `shared_components` - `webconsole` (You can see the full list and the associated configuration in devtools/client/bin/devtools-node-test-runner.js) Alternatively, you can also locate the `package.json` corresponding to a given suite, and run `yarn && yarn test`. ## Updating snapshots Some of the node tests are snapshot tests, which means they compare the output of a given component to a previous text snapshot. They might break if you are legitimately modifying a component and it means the snapshots need to be updated. A snapshot failure will show up as follows: ``` › 1 snapshot failed from 1 test suite ``` It should also mention the command you can run to update the snapshots: ``` Inspect your code changes or run `yarn run test-ci -u` to update them. ``` For example, if you need to update snapshots in a specific panel, first locate the package.json corresponding to the node test folder of the panel. In theory it should be under `devtools/client/{panelname}/test/node/` but it might be slightly different depending on each panel. Then run `yarn run test-ci -u` in this folder and add the snapshot changes to your commit. ## TypeScript The "performance" suite performs TypeScript checks. The TypeScript usage in the performance panel is documented at [devtools/client/performance-new/typescript.md](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/devtools/client/performance-new/typescript.md) ([see rendered version on GitHub](https://github.com/mozilla/gecko-dev/blob/master/devtools/client/performance-new/typescript.md)). ## devtools-bundle The devtools-bundle job is a tier2 job which checks if DevTools bundles are outdated. DevTools bundles are generated JavaScript files built from other dependencies in tree in order to run in specific environments (typically a worker). All the bundles used by DevTools are generated by devtools/client/debugger/bin/bundle.js. The devtools-bundle job is simply running this script and fails if any versioned file is updated. In order to fix a failure, you should run the script: ``` > cd devtools/client/debugger/ > yarn && node bin/bundle.js ``` And commit the changes, either in the commit which updated the bundle dependencies, or in a separate commit in order to keep things separated.