/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { Actor, ActorClassWithSpec, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/protocol.js"); const { accessibleSpec, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/specs/accessibility.js"); const { accessibility: { AUDIT_TYPE }, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/constants.js"); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "getContrastRatioFor", "resource://devtools/server/actors/accessibility/audit/contrast.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "auditKeyboard", "resource://devtools/server/actors/accessibility/audit/keyboard.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "auditTextLabel", "resource://devtools/server/actors/accessibility/audit/text-label.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "isDefunct", "resource://devtools/server/actors/utils/accessibility.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "findCssSelector", "resource://devtools/shared/inspector/css-logic.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "events", "resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js" ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "getBounds", "resource://devtools/server/actors/highlighters/utils/accessibility.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "isFrameWithChildTarget", "resource://devtools/shared/layout/utils.js", true ); const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { ContentDOMReference: "resource://gre/modules/ContentDOMReference.sys.mjs", }); const RELATIONS_TO_IGNORE = new Set([ Ci.nsIAccessibleRelation.RELATION_CONTAINING_APPLICATION, Ci.nsIAccessibleRelation.RELATION_CONTAINING_TAB_PANE, Ci.nsIAccessibleRelation.RELATION_CONTAINING_WINDOW, Ci.nsIAccessibleRelation.RELATION_PARENT_WINDOW_OF, Ci.nsIAccessibleRelation.RELATION_SUBWINDOW_OF, ]); const nsIAccessibleRole = Ci.nsIAccessibleRole; const TEXT_ROLES = new Set([ nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_TEXT_LEAF, nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_STATICTEXT, ]); const STATE_DEFUNCT = Ci.nsIAccessibleStates.EXT_STATE_DEFUNCT; const CSS_TEXT_SELECTOR = "#text"; /** * Get node inforamtion such as nodeType and the unique CSS selector for the node. * @param {DOMNode} node * Node for which to get the information. * @return {Object} * Information about the type of the node and how to locate it. */ function getNodeDescription(node) { if (!node || Cu.isDeadWrapper(node)) { return { nodeType: undefined, nodeCssSelector: "" }; } const { nodeType } = node; return { nodeType, // If node is a text node, we find a unique CSS selector for its parent and add a // CSS_TEXT_SELECTOR postfix to indicate that it's a text node. nodeCssSelector: nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? `${findCssSelector(node.parentNode)}${CSS_TEXT_SELECTOR}` : findCssSelector(node), }; } /** * Get a snapshot of the nsIAccessible object including its subtree. None of the subtree * queried here is cached via accessible walker's refMap. * @param {nsIAccessible} acc * Accessible object to take a snapshot of. * @param {nsIAccessibilityService} a11yService * Accessibility service instance in the current process, used to get localized * string representation of various accessible properties. * @param {WindowGlobalTargetActor} targetActor * @return {JSON} * JSON snapshot of the accessibility tree with root at current accessible. */ function getSnapshot(acc, a11yService, targetActor) { if (isDefunct(acc)) { return { states: [a11yService.getStringStates(0, STATE_DEFUNCT)], }; } const actions = []; for (let i = 0; i < acc.actionCount; i++) { actions.push(acc.getActionDescription(i)); } const attributes = {}; if (acc.attributes) { for (const { key, value } of acc.attributes.enumerate()) { attributes[key] = value; } } const state = {}; const extState = {}; acc.getState(state, extState); const states = [...a11yService.getStringStates(state.value, extState.value)]; const children = []; for (let child = acc.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { // Ignore children from different documents when we have targets for every documents. if ( targetActor.ignoreSubFrames && child.DOMNode.ownerDocument !== targetActor.contentDocument ) { continue; } children.push(getSnapshot(child, a11yService, targetActor)); } const { nodeType, nodeCssSelector } = getNodeDescription(acc.DOMNode); const snapshot = { name: acc.name, role: a11yService.getStringRole(acc.role), actions, value: acc.value, nodeCssSelector, nodeType, description: acc.description, keyboardShortcut: acc.accessKey || acc.keyboardShortcut, childCount: acc.childCount, indexInParent: acc.indexInParent, states, children, attributes, }; const useChildTargetToFetchChildren = acc.role === Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME && isFrameWithChildTarget(targetActor, acc.DOMNode); if (useChildTargetToFetchChildren) { snapshot.useChildTargetToFetchChildren = useChildTargetToFetchChildren; snapshot.childCount = 1; snapshot.contentDOMReference = lazy.ContentDOMReference.get(acc.DOMNode); } return snapshot; } /** * The AccessibleActor provides information about a given accessible object: its * role, name, states, etc. */ const AccessibleActor = ActorClassWithSpec(accessibleSpec, { initialize(walker, rawAccessible) { Actor.prototype.initialize.call(this, null); this.walker = walker; this.rawAccessible = rawAccessible; /** * Indicates if the raw accessible is no longer alive. * * @return Boolean */ Object.defineProperty(this, "isDefunct", { get() { const defunct = isDefunct(this.rawAccessible); if (defunct) { delete this.isDefunct; this.isDefunct = true; return this.isDefunct; } return defunct; }, configurable: true, }); }, /** * Instead of storing a connection object, the NodeActor gets its connection * from its associated walker. */ get conn() { return this.walker.conn; }, destroy() { Actor.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.walker = null; this.rawAccessible = null; }, get role() { if (this.isDefunct) { return null; } return this.walker.a11yService.getStringRole(this.rawAccessible.role); }, get name() { if (this.isDefunct) { return null; } return this.rawAccessible.name; }, get value() { if (this.isDefunct) { return null; } return this.rawAccessible.value; }, get description() { if (this.isDefunct) { return null; } return this.rawAccessible.description; }, get keyboardShortcut() { if (this.isDefunct) { return null; } // Gecko accessibility exposes two key bindings: Accessible::AccessKey and // Accessible::KeyboardShortcut. The former is used for accesskey, where the latter // is used for global shortcuts defined by XUL menu items, etc. Here - do what the // Windows implementation does: try AccessKey first, and if that's empty, use // KeyboardShortcut. return this.rawAccessible.accessKey || this.rawAccessible.keyboardShortcut; }, get childCount() { if (this.isDefunct) { return 0; } // In case of a remote frame declare at least one child (the #document // element) so that they can be expanded. if (this.useChildTargetToFetchChildren) { return 1; } return this.rawAccessible.childCount; }, get domNodeType() { if (this.isDefunct) { return 0; } return this.rawAccessible.DOMNode ? this.rawAccessible.DOMNode.nodeType : 0; }, get parentAcc() { if (this.isDefunct) { return null; } return this.walker.addRef(this.rawAccessible.parent); }, children() { const children = []; if (this.isDefunct) { return children; } for ( let child = this.rawAccessible.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling ) { children.push(this.walker.addRef(child)); } return children; }, get indexInParent() { if (this.isDefunct) { return -1; } try { return this.rawAccessible.indexInParent; } catch (e) { // Accessible is dead. return -1; } }, get actions() { const actions = []; if (this.isDefunct) { return actions; } for (let i = 0; i < this.rawAccessible.actionCount; i++) { actions.push(this.rawAccessible.getActionDescription(i)); } return actions; }, get states() { if (this.isDefunct) { return []; } const state = {}; const extState = {}; this.rawAccessible.getState(state, extState); return [ ...this.walker.a11yService.getStringStates(state.value, extState.value), ]; }, get attributes() { if (this.isDefunct || !this.rawAccessible.attributes) { return {}; } const attributes = {}; for (const { key, value } of this.rawAccessible.attributes.enumerate()) { attributes[key] = value; } return attributes; }, get bounds() { if (this.isDefunct) { return null; } let x = {}, y = {}, w = {}, h = {}; try { this.rawAccessible.getBoundsInCSSPixels(x, y, w, h); x = x.value; y = y.value; w = w.value; h = h.value; } catch (e) { return null; } // Check if accessible bounds are invalid. const left = x, right = x + w, top = y, bottom = y + h; if (left === right || top === bottom) { return null; } return { x, y, w, h }; }, async getRelations() { const relationObjects = []; if (this.isDefunct) { return relationObjects; } const relations = [ ...this.rawAccessible.getRelations().enumerate(Ci.nsIAccessibleRelation), ]; if (relations.length === 0) { return relationObjects; } const doc = await this.walker.getDocument(); if (this.isDestroyed()) { // This accessible actor is destroyed. return relationObjects; } relations.forEach(relation => { if (RELATIONS_TO_IGNORE.has(relation.relationType)) { return; } const type = this.walker.a11yService.getStringRelationType( relation.relationType ); const targets = [...relation.getTargets().enumerate(Ci.nsIAccessible)]; let relationObject; for (const target of targets) { let targetAcc; try { targetAcc = this.walker.attachAccessible(target, doc.rawAccessible); } catch (e) { // Target is not available. } if (targetAcc) { if (!relationObject) { relationObject = { type, targets: [] }; } relationObject.targets.push(targetAcc); } } if (relationObject) { relationObjects.push(relationObject); } }); return relationObjects; }, get useChildTargetToFetchChildren() { if (this.isDefunct) { return false; } return ( this.rawAccessible.role === Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME && isFrameWithChildTarget( this.walker.targetActor, this.rawAccessible.DOMNode ) ); }, form() { return { actor: this.actorID, role: this.role, name: this.name, useChildTargetToFetchChildren: this.useChildTargetToFetchChildren, childCount: this.childCount, checks: this._lastAudit, }; }, /** * Provide additional (full) information about the accessible object that is * otherwise missing from the form. * * @return {Object} * Object that contains accessible object information such as states, * actions, attributes, etc. */ hydrate() { return { value: this.value, description: this.description, keyboardShortcut: this.keyboardShortcut, domNodeType: this.domNodeType, indexInParent: this.indexInParent, states: this.states, actions: this.actions, attributes: this.attributes, }; }, _isValidTextLeaf(rawAccessible) { return ( !isDefunct(rawAccessible) && TEXT_ROLES.has(rawAccessible.role) && rawAccessible.name && !!rawAccessible.name.trim().length ); }, /** * Calculate the contrast ratio of the given accessible. */ async _getContrastRatio() { if (!this._isValidTextLeaf(this.rawAccessible)) { return null; } const { bounds } = this; if (!bounds) { return null; } const { DOMNode: rawNode } = this.rawAccessible; const win = rawNode.ownerGlobal; // Keep the reference to the walker actor in case the actor gets destroyed // during the colour contrast ratio calculation. const { walker } = this; await walker.clearStyles(win); const contrastRatio = await getContrastRatioFor(rawNode.parentNode, { bounds: getBounds(win, bounds), win, appliedColorMatrix: this.walker.colorMatrix, }); if (this.isDestroyed()) { // This accessible actor is destroyed. return null; } await walker.restoreStyles(win); return contrastRatio; }, /** * Run an accessibility audit for a given audit type. * @param {String} type * Type of an audit (Check AUDIT_TYPE in devtools/shared/constants * to see available audit types). * * @return {null|Object} * Object that contains accessible audit data for a given type or null * if there's nothing to report for this accessible. */ _getAuditByType(type) { switch (type) { case AUDIT_TYPE.CONTRAST: return this._getContrastRatio(); case AUDIT_TYPE.KEYBOARD: // Determine if keyboard accessibility is lacking where it is necessary. return auditKeyboard(this.rawAccessible); case AUDIT_TYPE.TEXT_LABEL: // Determine if text alternative is missing for an accessible where it // is necessary. return auditTextLabel(this.rawAccessible); default: return null; } }, /** * Audit the state of the accessible object. * * @param {Object} options * Options for running audit, may include: * - types: Array of audit types to be performed during audit. * * @return {Object|null} * Audit results for the accessible object. */ audit(options = {}) { if (this._auditing) { return this._auditing; } const { types } = options; let auditTypes = Object.values(AUDIT_TYPE); if (types && types.length) { auditTypes = auditTypes.filter(auditType => types.includes(auditType)); } // For some reason keyboard checks for focus styling affect values (that are // used by other types of checks (text names and values)) returned by // accessible objects. This happens only when multiple checks are run at the // same time (asynchronously) and the audit might return unexpected // failures. We thus split the execution of the checks into two parts, first // performing keyboard checks and only after the rest of the checks. See bug // 1594743 for more detail. let keyboardAuditResult; const keyboardAuditIndex = auditTypes.indexOf(AUDIT_TYPE.KEYBOARD); if (keyboardAuditIndex > -1) { // If we are performing a keyboard audit, remove its value from the // complete list and run it. auditTypes.splice(keyboardAuditIndex, 1); keyboardAuditResult = this._getAuditByType(AUDIT_TYPE.KEYBOARD); } this._auditing = Promise.resolve(keyboardAuditResult) .then(keyboardResult => { const audits = auditTypes.map(auditType => this._getAuditByType(auditType) ); // If we are also performing a keyboard audit, add its type and its // result back to the complete list of audits. if (keyboardAuditIndex > -1) { auditTypes.splice(keyboardAuditIndex, 0, AUDIT_TYPE.KEYBOARD); audits.splice(keyboardAuditIndex, 0, keyboardResult); } return Promise.all(audits); }) .then(results => { if (this.isDefunct || this.isDestroyed()) { return null; } const audit = results.reduce((auditResults, result, index) => { auditResults[auditTypes[index]] = result; return auditResults; }, {}); this._lastAudit = this._lastAudit || {}; Object.assign(this._lastAudit, audit); events.emit(this, "audited", audit); return audit; }) .catch(error => { if (!this.isDefunct && !this.isDestroyed()) { throw error; } return null; }) .finally(() => { this._auditing = null; }); return this._auditing; }, snapshot() { return getSnapshot( this.rawAccessible, this.walker.a11yService, this.walker.targetActor ); }, }); exports.AccessibleActor = AccessibleActor;