/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { Actor, ActorClassWithSpec, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/protocol.js"); const { accessibleWalkerSpec, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/specs/accessibility.js"); const { simulation: { COLOR_TRANSFORMATION_MATRICES }, } = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/accessibility/constants.js"); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "AccessibleActor", "resource://devtools/server/actors/accessibility/accessible.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, ["CustomHighlighterActor"], "resource://devtools/server/actors/highlighters.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "DevToolsUtils", "resource://devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils.js" ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "events", "resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js" ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, ["getCurrentZoom", "isWindowIncluded", "isFrameWithChildTarget"], "resource://devtools/shared/layout/utils.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "InspectorUtils", "InspectorUtils"); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "isXUL", "resource://devtools/server/actors/highlighters/utils/markup.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, [ "isDefunct", "loadSheetForBackgroundCalculation", "removeSheetForBackgroundCalculation", ], "resource://devtools/server/actors/utils/accessibility.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "accessibility", "resource://devtools/shared/constants.js", true ); const kStateHover = 0x00000004; // ElementState::HOVER const { EVENT_TEXT_CHANGED, EVENT_TEXT_INSERTED, EVENT_TEXT_REMOVED, EVENT_ACCELERATOR_CHANGE, EVENT_ACTION_CHANGE, EVENT_DEFACTION_CHANGE, EVENT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE, EVENT_DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES_CHANGED, EVENT_HIDE, EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, EVENT_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED, EVENT_REORDER, EVENT_STATE_CHANGE, EVENT_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED, EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE, } = Ci.nsIAccessibleEvent; // TODO: We do not need this once bug 1422913 is fixed. We also would not need // to fire a name change event for an accessible that has an updated subtree and // that has its name calculated from the said subtree. const NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE_ROLES = new Set([ Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_BUTTONDROPDOWN, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_BUTTONDROPDOWNGRID, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_BUTTONMENU, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_CELL, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_CHECKBUTTON, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_CHECK_MENU_ITEM, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_CHECK_RICH_OPTION, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_COLUMN, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_COLUMNHEADER, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_COMBOBOX_OPTION, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_DEFINITION, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_GRID_CELL, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_HEADING, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_HELPBALLOON, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_HTML_CONTAINER, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_KEY, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_LABEL, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_LINK, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_LISTITEM, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_MATHML_IDENTIFIER, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_MATHML_NUMBER, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_MATHML_OPERATOR, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_MATHML_TEXT, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_MATHML_STRING_LITERAL, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_MATHML_GLYPH, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_MENUITEM, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_OPTION, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_OUTLINEITEM, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_PAGETAB, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_PARENT_MENUITEM, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_PUSHBUTTON, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_RADIOBUTTON, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_RADIO_MENU_ITEM, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_RICH_OPTION, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_ROW, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_ROWHEADER, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_SUMMARY, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_SWITCH, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_TABLE_ROW_HEADER, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_TEAR_OFF_MENU_ITEM, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_TERM, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON, Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_TOOLTIP, ]); const IS_OSX = Services.appinfo.OS === "Darwin"; const { SCORES: { BEST_PRACTICES, FAIL, WARNING }, } = accessibility; /** * Helper function that determines if nsIAccessible object is in stale state. When an * object is stale it means its subtree is not up to date. * * @param {nsIAccessible} accessible * object to be tested. * @return {Boolean} * True if accessible object is stale, false otherwise. */ function isStale(accessible) { const extraState = {}; accessible.getState({}, extraState); // extraState.value is a bitmask. We are applying bitwise AND to mask out // irrelevant states. return !!(extraState.value & Ci.nsIAccessibleStates.EXT_STATE_STALE); } /** * Get accessibility audit starting with the passed accessible object as a root. * * @param {Object} acc * AccessibileActor to be used as the root for the audit. * @param {Object} options * Options for running audit, may include: * - types: Array of audit types to be performed during audit. * @param {Map} report * An accumulator map to be used to store audit information. * @param {Object} progress * An audit project object that is used to track the progress of the * audit and send progress "audit-event" events to the client. */ function getAudit(acc, options, report, progress) { if (acc.isDefunct) { return; } // Audit returns a promise, save the actual value in the report. report.set( acc, acc.audit(options).then(result => { report.set(acc, result); progress.increment(); }) ); for (const child of acc.children()) { getAudit(child, options, report, progress); } } /** * A helper class that is used to track audit progress and send progress events * to the client. */ class AuditProgress { constructor(walker) { this.completed = 0; this.percentage = 0; this.walker = walker; } setTotal(size) { this.size = size; } notify() { this.walker.emit("audit-event", { type: "progress", progress: { total: this.size, percentage: this.percentage, completed: this.completed, }, }); } increment() { this.completed++; const { completed, size } = this; if (!size) { return; } const percentage = Math.round((completed / size) * 100); if (percentage > this.percentage) { this.percentage = percentage; this.notify(); } } destroy() { this.walker = null; } } /** * The AccessibleWalkerActor stores a cache of AccessibleActors that represent * accessible objects in a given document. * * It is also responsible for implicitely initializing and shutting down * accessibility engine by storing a reference to the XPCOM accessibility * service. */ const AccessibleWalkerActor = ActorClassWithSpec(accessibleWalkerSpec, { initialize(conn, targetActor) { Actor.prototype.initialize.call(this, conn); this.targetActor = targetActor; this.refMap = new Map(); this._loadedSheets = new WeakMap(); this.setA11yServiceGetter(); this.onPick = this.onPick.bind(this); this.onHovered = this.onHovered.bind(this); this._preventContentEvent = this._preventContentEvent.bind(this); this.onKey = this.onKey.bind(this); this.onFocusIn = this.onFocusIn.bind(this); this.onFocusOut = this.onFocusOut.bind(this); this.onHighlighterEvent = this.onHighlighterEvent.bind(this); }, get highlighter() { if (!this._highlighter) { this._highlighter = CustomHighlighterActor(this, "AccessibleHighlighter"); this.manage(this._highlighter); this._highlighter.on("highlighter-event", this.onHighlighterEvent); } return this._highlighter; }, get tabbingOrderHighlighter() { if (!this._tabbingOrderHighlighter) { this._tabbingOrderHighlighter = CustomHighlighterActor( this, "TabbingOrderHighlighter" ); this.manage(this._tabbingOrderHighlighter); } return this._tabbingOrderHighlighter; }, setA11yServiceGetter() { DevToolsUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "a11yService", () => { Services.obs.addObserver(this, "accessible-event"); return Cc["@mozilla.org/accessibilityService;1"].getService( Ci.nsIAccessibilityService ); }); }, get rootWin() { return this.targetActor && this.targetActor.window; }, get rootDoc() { return this.targetActor && this.targetActor.window.document; }, get isXUL() { return isXUL(this.rootWin); }, get colorMatrix() { if (!this.targetActor.docShell) { return null; } const colorMatrix = this.targetActor.docShell.getColorMatrix(); if ( colorMatrix.length === 0 || colorMatrix === COLOR_TRANSFORMATION_MATRICES.NONE ) { return null; } return colorMatrix; }, reset() { try { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "accessible-event"); } catch (e) { // Accessible event observer might not have been initialized if a11y // service was never used. } this.cancelPick(); // Clean up accessible actors cache. this.clearRefs(); this._childrenPromise = null; delete this.a11yService; this.setA11yServiceGetter(); }, /** * Remove existing cache (of accessible actors) from tree. */ clearRefs() { for (const actor of this.refMap.values()) { actor.destroy(); } }, destroy() { Actor.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.reset(); if (this._highlighter) { this._highlighter.off("highlighter-event", this.onHighlighterEvent); this._highlighter = null; } if (this._tabbingOrderHighlighter) { this._tabbingOrderHighlighter = null; } this.targetActor = null; this.refMap = null; }, getRef(rawAccessible) { return this.refMap.get(rawAccessible); }, addRef(rawAccessible) { let actor = this.refMap.get(rawAccessible); if (actor) { return actor; } actor = new AccessibleActor(this, rawAccessible); // Add the accessible actor as a child of this accessible walker actor, // assigning it an actorID. this.manage(actor); this.refMap.set(rawAccessible, actor); return actor; }, /** * Clean up accessible actors cache for a given accessible's subtree. * * @param {null|nsIAccessible} rawAccessible */ purgeSubtree(rawAccessible) { if (!rawAccessible) { return; } try { for ( let child = rawAccessible.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling ) { this.purgeSubtree(child); } } catch (e) { // rawAccessible or its descendants are defunct. } const actor = this.getRef(rawAccessible); if (actor) { actor.destroy(); } }, unmanage(actor) { if (actor instanceof AccessibleActor) { this.refMap.delete(actor.rawAccessible); } Actor.prototype.unmanage.call(this, actor); }, /** * A helper method. Accessibility walker is assumed to have only 1 child which * is the top level document. */ async children() { if (this._childrenPromise) { return this._childrenPromise; } this._childrenPromise = Promise.all([this.getDocument()]); const children = await this._childrenPromise; this._childrenPromise = null; return children; }, /** * A promise for a root document accessible actor that only resolves when its * corresponding document accessible object is fully loaded. * * @return {Promise} */ getDocument() { if (!this.rootDoc || !this.rootDoc.documentElement) { return this.once("document-ready").then(docAcc => this.addRef(docAcc)); } if (this.isXUL) { const doc = this.addRef(this.getRawAccessibleFor(this.rootDoc)); return Promise.resolve(doc); } const doc = this.getRawAccessibleFor(this.rootDoc); // For non-visible same-process iframes we don't get a document and // won't get a "document-ready" event. if (!doc && !this.rootWin.windowGlobalChild.isProcessRoot) { // We can ignore such document as there won't be anything to audit in them. return null; } if (!doc || isStale(doc)) { return this.once("document-ready").then(docAcc => this.addRef(docAcc)); } return Promise.resolve(this.addRef(doc)); }, /** * Get an accessible actor for a domnode actor. * @param {Object} domNode * domnode actor for which accessible actor is being created. * @return {Promse} * A promise that resolves when accessible actor is created for a * domnode actor. */ getAccessibleFor(domNode) { // We need to make sure that the document is loaded processed by a11y first. return this.getDocument().then(() => { const rawAccessible = this.getRawAccessibleFor(domNode.rawNode); // Not all DOM nodes have corresponding accessible objects. It's usually // the case where there is no semantics or relevance to the accessibility // client. if (!rawAccessible) { return null; } return this.addRef(rawAccessible); }); }, /** * Get a raw accessible object for a raw node. * @param {DOMNode} rawNode * Raw node for which accessible object is being retrieved. * @return {nsIAccessible} * Accessible object for a given DOMNode. */ getRawAccessibleFor(rawNode) { // Accessible can only be retrieved iff accessibility service is enabled. if (!Services.appinfo.accessibilityEnabled) { return null; } return this.a11yService.getAccessibleFor(rawNode); }, async getAncestry(accessible) { if (!accessible || accessible.indexInParent === -1) { return []; } const doc = await this.getDocument(); if (!doc) { return []; } const ancestry = []; if (accessible === doc) { return ancestry; } try { let parent = accessible; while (parent && (parent = parent.parentAcc) && parent != doc) { ancestry.push(parent); } ancestry.push(doc); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to get ancestor for ${accessible}: ${error}`); } return ancestry.map(parent => ({ accessible: parent, children: parent.children(), })); }, /** * Run accessibility audit and return relevant ancestries for AccessibleActors * that have non-empty audit checks. * * @param {Object} options * Options for running audit, may include: * - types: Array of audit types to be performed during audit. * * @return {Promise} * A promise that resolves when the audit is complete and all relevant * ancestries are calculated. */ async audit(options) { const doc = await this.getDocument(); if (!doc) { return []; } const report = new Map(); this._auditProgress = new AuditProgress(this); getAudit(doc, options, report, this._auditProgress); this._auditProgress.setTotal(report.size); await Promise.all(report.values()); const ancestries = []; for (const [acc, audit] of report.entries()) { // Filter out audits that have no failing checks. if ( audit && Object.values(audit).some( check => check != null && !check.error && [BEST_PRACTICES, FAIL, WARNING].includes(check.score) ) ) { ancestries.push(this.getAncestry(acc)); } } return Promise.all(ancestries); }, /** * Start accessibility audit. The result of this function will not be an audit * report. Instead, an "audit-event" event will be fired when the audit is * completed or fails. * * @param {Object} options * Options for running audit, may include: * - types: Array of audit types to be performed during audit. */ startAudit(options) { // Audit is already running, wait for the "audit-event" event. if (this._auditing) { return; } this._auditing = this.audit(options) // We do not want to block on audit request, instead fire "audit-event" // event when internal audit is finished or failed. .then(ancestries => this.emit("audit-event", { type: "completed", ancestries, }) ) .catch(() => this.emit("audit-event", { type: "error" })) .finally(() => { this._auditing = null; if (this._auditProgress) { this._auditProgress.destroy(); this._auditProgress = null; } }); }, onHighlighterEvent(data) { this.emit("highlighter-event", data); }, /** * Accessible event observer function. * * @param {Ci.nsIAccessibleEvent} subject * accessible event object. */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity observe(subject) { const event = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAccessibleEvent); const rawAccessible = event.accessible; const accessible = this.getRef(rawAccessible); if (rawAccessible instanceof Ci.nsIAccessibleDocument && !accessible) { const rootDocAcc = this.getRawAccessibleFor(this.rootDoc); if (rawAccessible === rootDocAcc && !isStale(rawAccessible)) { this.clearRefs(); // If it's a top level document notify listeners about the document // being ready. events.emit(this, "document-ready", rawAccessible); } } switch (event.eventType) { case EVENT_STATE_CHANGE: const { state, isEnabled } = event.QueryInterface( Ci.nsIAccessibleStateChangeEvent ); const isBusy = state & Ci.nsIAccessibleStates.STATE_BUSY; if (accessible) { // Only propagate state change events for active accessibles. if (isBusy && isEnabled) { if (rawAccessible instanceof Ci.nsIAccessibleDocument) { // Remove existing cache from tree. this.clearRefs(); } return; } events.emit(accessible, "states-change", accessible.states); } break; case EVENT_NAME_CHANGE: if (accessible) { events.emit( accessible, "name-change", rawAccessible.name, event.DOMNode == this.rootDoc ? undefined : this.getRef(rawAccessible.parent) ); } break; case EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE: if (accessible) { events.emit(accessible, "value-change", rawAccessible.value); } break; case EVENT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE: if (accessible) { events.emit( accessible, "description-change", rawAccessible.description ); } break; case EVENT_REORDER: if (accessible) { accessible .children() .forEach(child => events.emit(child, "index-in-parent-change", child.indexInParent) ); events.emit(accessible, "reorder", rawAccessible.childCount); } break; case EVENT_HIDE: if (event.DOMNode == this.rootDoc) { this.clearRefs(); } else { this.purgeSubtree(rawAccessible); } break; case EVENT_DEFACTION_CHANGE: case EVENT_ACTION_CHANGE: if (accessible) { events.emit(accessible, "actions-change", accessible.actions); } break; case EVENT_TEXT_CHANGED: case EVENT_TEXT_INSERTED: case EVENT_TEXT_REMOVED: if (accessible) { events.emit(accessible, "text-change"); if (NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE_ROLES.has(rawAccessible.role)) { events.emit( accessible, "name-change", rawAccessible.name, event.DOMNode == this.rootDoc ? undefined : this.getRef(rawAccessible.parent) ); } } break; case EVENT_DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES_CHANGED: case EVENT_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED: case EVENT_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED: if (accessible) { events.emit(accessible, "attributes-change", accessible.attributes); } break; // EVENT_ACCELERATOR_CHANGE is currently not fired by gecko accessibility. case EVENT_ACCELERATOR_CHANGE: if (accessible) { events.emit( accessible, "shortcut-change", accessible.keyboardShortcut ); } break; default: break; } }, /** * Ensure that nothing interferes with the audit for an accessible object * (CSS, overlays) by load accessibility highlighter style sheet used for * preventing transitions and applying transparency when calculating colour * contrast as well as temporarily hiding accessible highlighter overlay. * @param {Object} win * Window where highlighting happens. */ async clearStyles(win) { const requests = this._loadedSheets.get(win); if (requests != null) { this._loadedSheets.set(win, requests + 1); return; } // Disable potential mouse driven transitions (This is important because accessibility // highlighter temporarily modifies text color related CSS properties. In case where // there are transitions that affect them, there might be unexpected side effects when // taking a snapshot for contrast measurement). loadSheetForBackgroundCalculation(win); this._loadedSheets.set(win, 1); await this.hideHighlighter(); }, /** * Restore CSS and overlays that could've interfered with the audit for an * accessible object by unloading accessibility highlighter style sheet used * for preventing transitions and applying transparency when calculating * colour contrast and potentially restoring accessible highlighter overlay. * @param {Object} win * Window where highlighting was happenning. */ async restoreStyles(win) { const requests = this._loadedSheets.get(win); if (!requests) { return; } if (requests > 1) { this._loadedSheets.set(win, requests - 1); return; } await this.showHighlighter(); removeSheetForBackgroundCalculation(win); this._loadedSheets.delete(win); }, async hideHighlighter() { // TODO: Fix this workaround that temporarily removes higlighter bounds // overlay that can interfere with the contrast ratio calculation. if (this._highlighter) { const highlighter = this._highlighter.instance; await highlighter.isReady; highlighter.hideAccessibleBounds(); } }, async showHighlighter() { // TODO: Fix this workaround that temporarily removes higlighter bounds // overlay that can interfere with the contrast ratio calculation. if (this._highlighter) { const highlighter = this._highlighter.instance; await highlighter.isReady; highlighter.showAccessibleBounds(); } }, /** * Public method used to show an accessible object highlighter on the client * side. * * @param {Object} accessible * AccessibleActor to be highlighted. * @param {Object} options * Object used for passing options. Available options: * - duration {Number} * Duration of time that the highlighter should be shown. * @return {Boolean} * True if highlighter shows the accessible object. */ async highlightAccessible(accessible, options = {}) { this.unhighlight(); // Do not highlight if accessible is dead. if (!accessible || accessible.isDefunct || accessible.indexInParent < 0) { return false; } this._highlightingAccessible = accessible; const { bounds } = accessible; if (!bounds) { return false; } const { DOMNode: rawNode } = accessible.rawAccessible; const audit = await accessible.audit(); if (this._highlightingAccessible !== accessible) { return false; } const { name, role } = accessible; const { highlighter } = this; await highlighter.instance.isReady; if (this._highlightingAccessible !== accessible) { return false; } const shown = highlighter.show( { rawNode }, { ...options, ...bounds, name, role, audit, isXUL: this.isXUL } ); this._highlightingAccessible = null; return shown; }, /** * Public method used to hide an accessible object highlighter on the client * side. */ unhighlight() { if (!this._highlighter) { return; } this.highlighter.hide(); this._highlightingAccessible = null; }, /** * Picking state that indicates if picking is currently enabled and, if so, * what the current and hovered accessible objects are. */ _isPicking: false, _currentAccessible: null, /** * Check is event handling is allowed. */ _isEventAllowed({ view }) { return ( this.rootWin instanceof Ci.nsIDOMChromeWindow || isWindowIncluded(this.rootWin, view) ); }, /** * Check if the DOM event received when picking shold be ignored. * @param {Event} event */ _ignoreEventWhenPicking(event) { return ( !this._isPicking || // If the DOM event is about a remote frame, only the WalkerActor for that // remote frame target should emit RDP events (hovered/picked/...). And // all other WalkerActor for intermediate iframe and top level document // targets should stay silent. isFrameWithChildTarget( this.targetActor, event.originalTarget || event.target ) ); }, _preventContentEvent(event) { if (this._ignoreEventWhenPicking(event)) { return; } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); const target = event.originalTarget || event.target; if (target !== this._currentTarget) { this._resetStateAndReleaseTarget(); this._currentTarget = target; // We use InspectorUtils to save the original hover content state of the target // element (that includes its hover state). In order to not trigger any visual // changes to the element that depend on its hover state we remove the state while // the element is the most current target of the highlighter. // // TODO: This logic can be removed if/when we can use elementsAtPoint API for // determining topmost DOMNode that corresponds to specific coordinates. We would // then be able to use a highlighter overlay that would prevent all pointer events // to content but still render highlighter for the node/element correctly. this._currentTargetHoverState = InspectorUtils.getContentState(target) & kStateHover; InspectorUtils.removeContentState(target, kStateHover); } }, /** * Click event handler for when picking is enabled. * * @param {Object} event * Current click event. */ onPick(event) { if (this._ignoreEventWhenPicking(event)) { return; } this._preventContentEvent(event); if (!this._isEventAllowed(event)) { return; } // If shift is pressed, this is only a preview click, send the event to // the client, but don't stop picking. if (event.shiftKey) { if (!this._currentAccessible) { this._currentAccessible = this._findAndAttachAccessible(event); } events.emit(this, "picker-accessible-previewed", this._currentAccessible); return; } this._unsetPickerEnvironment(); this._isPicking = false; if (!this._currentAccessible) { this._currentAccessible = this._findAndAttachAccessible(event); } events.emit(this, "picker-accessible-picked", this._currentAccessible); }, /** * Hover event handler for when picking is enabled. * * @param {Object} event * Current hover event. */ async onHovered(event) { if (this._ignoreEventWhenPicking(event)) { return; } this._preventContentEvent(event); if (!this._isEventAllowed(event)) { return; } const accessible = this._findAndAttachAccessible(event); if (!accessible || this._currentAccessible === accessible) { return; } this._currentAccessible = accessible; // Highlight current accessible and by the time we are done, if accessible that was // highlighted is not current any more (user moved the mouse to a new node) highlight // the most current accessible again. const shown = await this.highlightAccessible(accessible); if (this._isPicking && shown && accessible === this._currentAccessible) { events.emit(this, "picker-accessible-hovered", accessible); } }, /** * Keyboard event handler for when picking is enabled. * * @param {Object} event * Current keyboard event. */ onKey(event) { if (!this._currentAccessible || this._ignoreEventWhenPicking(event)) { return; } this._preventContentEvent(event); if (!this._isEventAllowed(event)) { return; } /** * KEY: Action/scope * ENTER/CARRIAGE_RETURN: Picks current accessible * ESC/CTRL+SHIFT+C: Cancels picker */ switch (event.keyCode) { // Select the element. case event.DOM_VK_RETURN: this.onPick(event); break; // Cancel pick mode. case event.DOM_VK_ESCAPE: this.cancelPick(); events.emit(this, "picker-accessible-canceled"); break; case event.DOM_VK_C: if ( (IS_OSX && event.metaKey && event.altKey) || (!IS_OSX && event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey) ) { this.cancelPick(); events.emit(this, "picker-accessible-canceled"); } break; default: break; } }, /** * Picker method that starts picker content listeners. */ pick() { if (!this._isPicking) { this._isPicking = true; this._setPickerEnvironment(); } }, /** * This pick method also focuses the highlighter's target window. */ pickAndFocus() { this.pick(); this.rootWin.focus(); }, attachAccessible(rawAccessible, accessibleDocument) { // If raw accessible object is defunct or detached, no need to cache it and // its ancestry. if ( !rawAccessible || isDefunct(rawAccessible) || rawAccessible.indexInParent < 0 ) { return null; } const accessible = this.addRef(rawAccessible); // There is a chance that ancestry lookup can fail if the accessible is in // the detached subtree. At that point the root accessible object would be // defunct and accessing it via parent property will throw. try { let parent = accessible; while (parent && parent.rawAccessible != accessibleDocument) { parent = parent.parentAcc; } } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to get ancestor for ${accessible}: ${error}`); } return accessible; }, get pixelRatio() { return this.rootWin.devicePixelRatio; }, /** * Find deepest accessible object that corresponds to the screen coordinates of the * mouse pointer and attach it to the AccessibilityWalker tree. * * @param {Object} event * Correspoinding content event. * @return {null|Object} * Accessible object, if available, that corresponds to a DOM node. */ _findAndAttachAccessible(event) { const target = event.originalTarget || event.target; const docAcc = this.getRawAccessibleFor(this.rootDoc); const win = target.ownerGlobal; const zoom = this.isXUL ? 1 : getCurrentZoom(win); const scale = this.pixelRatio / zoom; const rawAccessible = docAcc.getDeepestChildAtPointInProcess( event.screenX * scale, event.screenY * scale ); return this.attachAccessible(rawAccessible, docAcc); }, /** * Start picker content listeners. */ _setPickerEnvironment() { const target = this.targetActor.chromeEventHandler; target.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onHovered, true); target.addEventListener("click", this.onPick, true); target.addEventListener("mousedown", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.addEventListener("mouseup", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.addEventListener("mouseover", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.addEventListener("mouseout", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.addEventListener("mouseleave", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.addEventListener("mouseenter", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.addEventListener("dblclick", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.addEventListener("keydown", this.onKey, true); target.addEventListener("keyup", this._preventContentEvent, true); }, /** * If content is still alive, stop picker content listeners, reset the hover state for * last target element. */ _unsetPickerEnvironment() { const target = this.targetActor.chromeEventHandler; if (!target) { return; } target.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.onHovered, true); target.removeEventListener("click", this.onPick, true); target.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.removeEventListener("mouseover", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.removeEventListener("mouseout", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.removeEventListener("mouseleave", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.removeEventListener("mouseenter", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.removeEventListener("dblclick", this._preventContentEvent, true); target.removeEventListener("keydown", this.onKey, true); target.removeEventListener("keyup", this._preventContentEvent, true); this._resetStateAndReleaseTarget(); }, /** * When using accessibility highlighter, we keep track of the most current event pointer * event target. In order to update or release the target, we need to make sure we set * the content state (using InspectorUtils) to its original value. * * TODO: This logic can be removed if/when we can use elementsAtPoint API for * determining topmost DOMNode that corresponds to specific coordinates. We would then * be able to use a highlighter overlay that would prevent all pointer events to content * but still render highlighter for the node/element correctly. */ _resetStateAndReleaseTarget() { if (!this._currentTarget) { return; } try { if (this._currentTargetHoverState) { InspectorUtils.setContentState(this._currentTarget, kStateHover); } } catch (e) { // DOMNode is already dead. } this._currentTarget = null; this._currentTargetState = null; }, /** * Cacncel picker pick. Remvoe all content listeners and hide the highlighter. */ cancelPick() { this.unhighlight(); if (this._isPicking) { this._unsetPickerEnvironment(); this._isPicking = false; this._currentAccessible = null; } }, /** * Indicates that the tabbing order current active element (focused) is being * tracked. */ _isTrackingTabbingOrderFocus: false, /** * Current focused element in the tabbing order. */ _currentFocusedTabbingOrder: null, /** * Focusin event handler for when interacting with tabbing order overlay. * * @param {Object} event * Most recent focusin event. */ async onFocusIn(event) { if (!this._isTrackingTabbingOrderFocus) { return; } const target = event.originalTarget || event.target; if (target === this._currentFocusedTabbingOrder) { return; } this._currentFocusedTabbingOrder = target; this.tabbingOrderHighlighter._highlighter.updateFocus({ node: target, focused: true, }); }, /** * Focusout event handler for when interacting with tabbing order overlay. * * @param {Object} event * Most recent focusout event. */ async onFocusOut(event) { if ( !this._isTrackingTabbingOrderFocus || !this._currentFocusedTabbingOrder ) { return; } const target = event.originalTarget || event.target; // Sanity check. if (target !== this._currentFocusedTabbingOrder) { console.warn( `focusout target: ${target} does not match current focused element in tabbing order: ${this._currentFocusedTabbingOrder}` ); } this.tabbingOrderHighlighter._highlighter.updateFocus({ node: this._currentFocusedTabbingOrder, focused: false, }); this._currentFocusedTabbingOrder = null; }, /** * Show tabbing order overlay for a given target. * * @param {Object} elm * domnode actor to be used as the starting point for generating the * tabbing order. * @param {Number} index * Starting index for the tabbing order. * * @return {JSON} * Tabbing order information for the last element in the tabbing * order. It includes a ContentDOMReference for the node and a tabbing * index. If we are at the end of the tabbing order for the top level * content document, the ContentDOMReference will be null. If focus * manager discovered a remote IFRAME, then the ContentDOMReference * references the IFRAME itself. */ showTabbingOrder(elm, index) { // Start track focus related events (only once). `showTabbingOrder` will be // called multiple times for a given target if it contains other remote // targets. if (!this._isTrackingTabbingOrderFocus) { this._isTrackingTabbingOrderFocus = true; const target = this.targetActor.chromeEventHandler; target.addEventListener("focusin", this.onFocusIn, true); target.addEventListener("focusout", this.onFocusOut, true); } return this.tabbingOrderHighlighter.show(elm, { index }); }, /** * Hide tabbing order overlay for a given target. */ hideTabbingOrder() { if (!this._tabbingOrderHighlighter) { return; } this.tabbingOrderHighlighter.hide(); if (!this._isTrackingTabbingOrderFocus) { return; } this._isTrackingTabbingOrderFocus = false; this._currentFocusedTabbingOrder = null; const target = this.targetActor.chromeEventHandler; if (target) { target.removeEventListener("focusin", this.onFocusIn, true); target.removeEventListener("focusout", this.onFocusOut, true); } }, }); exports.AccessibleWalkerActor = AccessibleWalkerActor;