/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const EventEmitter = require("resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js"); const { isNodeValid, } = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/highlighters/utils/markup.js"); const { getAdjustedQuads, getWindowDimensions, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/layout/utils.js"); // Note that the order of items in this array is important because it is used // for drawing the BoxModelHighlighter's path elements correctly. const BOX_MODEL_REGIONS = ["margin", "border", "padding", "content"]; const QUADS_PROPS = ["p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"]; function arePointsDifferent(pointA, pointB) { return ( Math.abs(pointA.x - pointB.x) >= 0.5 || Math.abs(pointA.y - pointB.y) >= 0.5 || Math.abs(pointA.w - pointB.w) >= 0.5 ); } function areQuadsDifferent(oldQuads, newQuads) { for (const region of BOX_MODEL_REGIONS) { const { length } = oldQuads[region]; if (length !== newQuads[region].length) { return true; } for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { for (const prop of QUADS_PROPS) { const oldPoint = oldQuads[region][i][prop]; const newPoint = newQuads[region][i][prop]; if (arePointsDifferent(oldPoint, newPoint)) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Base class for auto-refresh-on-change highlighters. Sub classes will have a * chance to update whenever the current node's geometry changes. * * Sub classes must implement the following methods: * _show: called when the highlighter should be shown, * _hide: called when the highlighter should be hidden, * _update: called while the highlighter is shown and the geometry of the * current node changes. * * Sub classes will have access to the following properties: * - this.currentNode: the node to be shown * - this.currentQuads: all of the node's box model region quads * - this.win: the current window * * Emits the following events: * - shown * - hidden * - updated */ function AutoRefreshHighlighter(highlighterEnv) { EventEmitter.decorate(this); this.highlighterEnv = highlighterEnv; this.currentNode = null; this.currentQuads = {}; this._winDimensions = getWindowDimensions(this.win); this._scroll = { x: this.win.pageXOffset, y: this.win.pageYOffset }; this.update = this.update.bind(this); } AutoRefreshHighlighter.prototype = { _ignoreZoom: false, _ignoreScroll: false, /** * Window corresponding to the current highlighterEnv. */ get win() { if (!this.highlighterEnv) { return null; } return this.highlighterEnv.window; }, /* Window containing the target content. */ get contentWindow() { return this.win; }, /** * Show the highlighter on a given node * @param {DOMNode} node * @param {Object} options * Object used for passing options */ show(node, options = {}) { const isSameNode = node === this.currentNode; const isSameOptions = this._isSameOptions(options); if (!this._isNodeValid(node) || (isSameNode && isSameOptions)) { return false; } this.options = options; this._stopRefreshLoop(); this.currentNode = node; this._updateAdjustedQuads(); this._startRefreshLoop(); const shown = this._show(); if (shown) { this.emit("shown"); } return shown; }, /** * Hide the highlighter */ hide() { if (!this.currentNode || !this.highlighterEnv.window) { return; } this._hide(); this._stopRefreshLoop(); this.currentNode = null; this.currentQuads = {}; this.options = null; this.emit("hidden"); }, /** * Whether the current node is valid for this highlighter type. * This is implemented by default to check if the node is an element node. Highlighter * sub-classes should override this method if they want to highlight other node types. * @param {DOMNode} node * @return {Boolean} */ _isNodeValid(node) { return isNodeValid(node); }, /** * Are the provided options the same as the currently stored options? * Returns false if there are no options stored currently. */ _isSameOptions(options) { if (!this.options) { return false; } const keys = Object.keys(options); if (keys.length !== Object.keys(this.options).length) { return false; } for (const key of keys) { if (this.options[key] !== options[key]) { return false; } } return true; }, /** * Update the stored box quads by reading the current node's box quads. */ _updateAdjustedQuads() { this.currentQuads = {}; for (const region of BOX_MODEL_REGIONS) { this.currentQuads[region] = getAdjustedQuads( this.contentWindow, this.currentNode, region, { ignoreScroll: this._ignoreScroll, ignoreZoom: this._ignoreZoom } ); } }, /** * Update the knowledge we have of the current node's boxquads and return true * if any of the points x/y or bounds have change since. * @return {Boolean} */ _hasMoved() { const oldQuads = this.currentQuads; this._updateAdjustedQuads(); return areQuadsDifferent(oldQuads, this.currentQuads); }, /** * Update the knowledge we have of the current window's scrolling offset, both * horizontal and vertical, and return `true` if they have changed since. * @return {Boolean} */ _hasWindowScrolled() { if (!this.win) { return false; } const { pageXOffset, pageYOffset } = this.win; const hasChanged = this._scroll.x !== pageXOffset || this._scroll.y !== pageYOffset; this._scroll = { x: pageXOffset, y: pageYOffset }; return hasChanged; }, /** * Update the knowledge we have of the current window's dimensions and return `true` * if they have changed since. * @return {Boolean} */ _haveWindowDimensionsChanged() { const { width, height } = getWindowDimensions(this.win); const haveChanged = this._winDimensions.width !== width || this._winDimensions.height !== height; this._winDimensions = { width, height }; return haveChanged; }, /** * Update the highlighter if the node has moved since the last update. */ update() { if ( !this._isNodeValid(this.currentNode) || (!this._hasMoved() && !this._haveWindowDimensionsChanged()) ) { // At this point we're not calling the `_update` method. However, if the window has // scrolled, we want to invoke `_scrollUpdate`. if (this._hasWindowScrolled()) { this._scrollUpdate(); } return; } this._update(); this.emit("updated"); }, _show() { // To be implemented by sub classes // When called, sub classes should actually show the highlighter for // this.currentNode, potentially using options in this.options throw new Error("Custom highlighter class had to implement _show method"); }, _update() { // To be implemented by sub classes // When called, sub classes should update the highlighter shown for // this.currentNode // This is called as a result of a page zoom or repaint throw new Error("Custom highlighter class had to implement _update method"); }, _scrollUpdate() { // Can be implemented by sub classes // When called, sub classes can upate the highlighter shown for // this.currentNode // This is called as a result of a page scroll }, _hide() { // To be implemented by sub classes // When called, sub classes should actually hide the highlighter throw new Error("Custom highlighter class had to implement _hide method"); }, _startRefreshLoop() { const win = this.currentNode.ownerGlobal; this.rafID = win.requestAnimationFrame(this._startRefreshLoop.bind(this)); this.rafWin = win; this.update(); }, _stopRefreshLoop() { if (this.rafID && !Cu.isDeadWrapper(this.rafWin)) { this.rafWin.cancelAnimationFrame(this.rafID); } this.rafID = this.rafWin = null; }, destroy() { this.hide(); this.highlighterEnv = null; this.currentNode = null; }, }; exports.AutoRefreshHighlighter = AutoRefreshHighlighter;