/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const EventEmitter = require("resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js"); const { getCurrentZoom, getWindowDimensions, setIgnoreLayoutChanges, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/layout/utils.js"); const { CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper, } = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/highlighters/utils/markup.js"); // Hard coded value about the size of measuring tool label, in order to // position and flip it when is needed. const LABEL_SIZE_MARGIN = 8; const LABEL_SIZE_WIDTH = 80; const LABEL_SIZE_HEIGHT = 52; const LABEL_POS_MARGIN = 4; const LABEL_POS_WIDTH = 40; const LABEL_POS_HEIGHT = 34; // List of all DOM Events subscribed directly to the document from the // Measuring Tool highlighter const DOM_EVENTS = [ "mousedown", "mousemove", "mouseup", "mouseleave", "scroll", "pagehide", ]; const SIDES = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"]; const HANDLERS = [...SIDES, "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft", "bottomright"]; const HANDLER_SIZE = 6; /** * The MeasuringToolHighlighter is used to measure distances in a content page. * It allows users to click and drag with their mouse to draw an area whose * dimensions will be displayed in a tooltip next to it. * This allows users to measure distances between elements on a page. */ function MeasuringToolHighlighter(highlighterEnv) { this.env = highlighterEnv; this.markup = new CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper( highlighterEnv, this._buildMarkup.bind(this) ); this.isReady = this.markup.initialize(); this.coords = { x: 0, y: 0, }; const { pageListenerTarget } = highlighterEnv; // Register the measuring tool instance to all events we're interested in. DOM_EVENTS.forEach(type => pageListenerTarget.addEventListener(type, this)); } MeasuringToolHighlighter.prototype = { ID_CLASS_PREFIX: "measuring-tool-", _buildMarkup() { const prefix = this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX; const container = this.markup.createNode({ attributes: { class: "highlighter-container" }, }); const root = this.markup.createNode({ parent: container, attributes: { id: "root", class: "root", hidden: "true", }, prefix, }); const svg = this.markup.createSVGNode({ nodeType: "svg", parent: root, attributes: { id: "elements", class: "elements", width: "100%", height: "100%", }, prefix, }); for (const side of SIDES) { this.markup.createSVGNode({ nodeType: "line", parent: svg, attributes: { class: `guide-${side}`, id: `guide-${side}`, hidden: "true", }, prefix, }); } this.markup.createNode({ nodeType: "label", attributes: { id: "label-size", class: "label-size", hidden: "true", }, parent: root, prefix, }); this.markup.createNode({ nodeType: "label", attributes: { id: "label-position", class: "label-position", hidden: "true", }, parent: root, prefix, }); // Creating a element in order to group all the paths below, that // together represent the measuring tool; so that would be easier move them // around const g = this.markup.createSVGNode({ nodeType: "g", attributes: { id: "tool", }, parent: svg, prefix, }); this.markup.createSVGNode({ nodeType: "path", attributes: { id: "box-path", class: "box-path", }, parent: g, prefix, }); this.markup.createSVGNode({ nodeType: "path", attributes: { id: "diagonal-path", class: "diagonal-path", }, parent: g, prefix, }); for (const handler of HANDLERS) { this.markup.createSVGNode({ nodeType: "circle", parent: g, attributes: { class: `handler-${handler}`, id: `handler-${handler}`, r: HANDLER_SIZE, hidden: "true", }, prefix, }); } return container; }, _update() { const { window } = this.env; setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); const zoom = getCurrentZoom(window); const { width, height } = getWindowDimensions(window); const { coords } = this; const isZoomChanged = zoom !== coords.zoom; if (isZoomChanged) { coords.zoom = zoom; this.updateLabel(); } const isDocumentSizeChanged = width !== coords.documentWidth || height !== coords.documentHeight; if (isDocumentSizeChanged) { coords.documentWidth = width; coords.documentHeight = height; } // If either the document's size or the zoom is changed since the last // repaint, we update the tool's size as well. if (isZoomChanged || isDocumentSizeChanged) { this.updateViewport(); } setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, window.document.documentElement); this._rafID = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this._update()); }, _cancelUpdate() { if (this._rafID) { this.env.window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._rafID); this._rafID = 0; } }, destroy() { this.hide(); this._cancelUpdate(); const { pageListenerTarget } = this.env; if (pageListenerTarget) { DOM_EVENTS.forEach(type => pageListenerTarget.removeEventListener(type, this) ); } this.markup.destroy(); EventEmitter.emit(this, "destroy"); }, show() { setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); this.getElement("root").removeAttribute("hidden"); this._update(); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.env.window.document.documentElement); }, hide() { setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); this.hideLabel("size"); this.hideLabel("position"); this.getElement("root").setAttribute("hidden", "true"); this._cancelUpdate(); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.env.window.document.documentElement); }, getElement(id) { return this.markup.getElement(this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + id); }, setSize(w, h) { this.setCoords(undefined, undefined, w, h); }, setCoords(x, y, w, h) { const { coords } = this; if (typeof x !== "undefined") { coords.x = x; } if (typeof y !== "undefined") { coords.y = y; } if (typeof w !== "undefined") { coords.w = w; } if (typeof h !== "undefined") { coords.h = h; } setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); if (this._dragging) { this.updatePaths(); this.updateHandlers(); } this.updateLabel(); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.env.window.document.documentElement); }, updatePaths() { const { x, y, w, h } = this.coords; const dir = `M0 0 L${w} 0 L${w} ${h} L0 ${h}z`; // Adding correction to the line path, otherwise some pixels are drawn // outside the main rectangle area. const x1 = w > 0 ? 0.5 : 0; const y1 = w < 0 && h < 0 ? -0.5 : 0; const w1 = w + (h < 0 && w < 0 ? 0.5 : 0); const h1 = h + (h > 0 && w > 0 ? -0.5 : 0); const linedir = `M${x1} ${y1} L${w1} ${h1}`; this.getElement("box-path").setAttribute("d", dir); this.getElement("diagonal-path").setAttribute("d", linedir); this.getElement("tool").setAttribute("transform", `translate(${x},${y})`); }, updateLabel(type) { type = type || (this._dragging ? "size" : "position"); const isSizeLabel = type === "size"; const label = this.getElement(`label-${type}`); let origin = "top left"; const { innerWidth, innerHeight, scrollX, scrollY } = this.env.window; let { x, y, w, h, zoom } = this.coords; const scale = 1 / zoom; w = w || 0; h = h || 0; x = x || 0; y = y || 0; if (type === "size") { x += w; y += h; } let labelMargin, labelHeight, labelWidth; if (isSizeLabel) { labelMargin = LABEL_SIZE_MARGIN; labelWidth = LABEL_SIZE_WIDTH; labelHeight = LABEL_SIZE_HEIGHT; const d = Math.hypot(w, h).toFixed(2); label.setTextContent(`W: ${Math.abs(w)} px H: ${Math.abs(h)} px ↘: ${d}px`); } else { labelMargin = LABEL_POS_MARGIN; labelWidth = LABEL_POS_WIDTH; labelHeight = LABEL_POS_HEIGHT; label.setTextContent(`${x} ${y}`); } // Size used to position properly the label const labelBoxWidth = (labelWidth + labelMargin) * scale; const labelBoxHeight = (labelHeight + labelMargin) * scale; const isGoingLeft = w < scrollX; const isSizeGoingLeft = isSizeLabel && isGoingLeft; const isExceedingLeftMargin = x - labelBoxWidth < scrollX; const isExceedingRightMargin = x + labelBoxWidth > innerWidth + scrollX; const isExceedingTopMargin = y - labelBoxHeight < scrollY; const isExceedingBottomMargin = y + labelBoxHeight > innerHeight + scrollY; if ((isSizeGoingLeft && !isExceedingLeftMargin) || isExceedingRightMargin) { x -= labelBoxWidth; origin = "top right"; } else { x += labelMargin * scale; } if (isSizeLabel) { y += isExceedingTopMargin ? labelMargin * scale : -labelBoxHeight; } else { y += isExceedingBottomMargin ? -labelBoxHeight : labelMargin * scale; } label.setAttribute( "style", ` width: ${labelWidth}px; height: ${labelHeight}px; transform-origin: ${origin}; transform: translate(${x}px,${y}px) scale(${scale}) ` ); if (!isSizeLabel) { const labelSize = this.getElement("label-size"); const style = labelSize.getAttribute("style"); if (style) { labelSize.setAttribute( "style", style.replace(/scale[^)]+\)/, `scale(${scale})`) ); } } }, updateViewport() { const { devicePixelRatio } = this.env.window; const { documentWidth, documentHeight, zoom } = this.coords; // Because `devicePixelRatio` is affected by zoom (see bug 809788), // in order to get the "real" device pixel ratio, we need divide by `zoom` const pixelRatio = devicePixelRatio / zoom; // The "real" device pixel ratio is used to calculate the max stroke // width we can actually assign: on retina, for instance, it would be 0.5, // where on non high dpi monitor would be 1. const minWidth = 1 / pixelRatio; const strokeWidth = minWidth / zoom; this.getElement("root").setAttribute( "style", `stroke-width:${strokeWidth}; width:${documentWidth}px; height:${documentHeight}px;` ); }, updateGuides() { const { x, y, w, h } = this.coords; let guide = this.getElement("guide-top"); guide.setAttribute("x1", "0"); guide.setAttribute("y1", y); guide.setAttribute("x2", "100%"); guide.setAttribute("y2", y); guide = this.getElement("guide-right"); guide.setAttribute("x1", x + w); guide.setAttribute("y1", 0); guide.setAttribute("x2", x + w); guide.setAttribute("y2", "100%"); guide = this.getElement("guide-bottom"); guide.setAttribute("x1", "0"); guide.setAttribute("y1", y + h); guide.setAttribute("x2", "100%"); guide.setAttribute("y2", y + h); guide = this.getElement("guide-left"); guide.setAttribute("x1", x); guide.setAttribute("y1", 0); guide.setAttribute("x2", x); guide.setAttribute("y2", "100%"); }, setHandlerPosition(handler, x, y) { const handlerElement = this.getElement(`handler-${handler}`); handlerElement.setAttribute("cx", x); handlerElement.setAttribute("cy", y); }, updateHandlers() { const { w, h } = this.coords; this.setHandlerPosition("top", w / 2, 0); this.setHandlerPosition("topright", w, 0); this.setHandlerPosition("right", w, h / 2); this.setHandlerPosition("bottomright", w, h); this.setHandlerPosition("bottom", w / 2, h); this.setHandlerPosition("bottomleft", 0, h); this.setHandlerPosition("left", 0, h / 2); this.setHandlerPosition("topleft", 0, 0); }, showLabel(type) { setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); this.getElement(`label-${type}`).removeAttribute("hidden"); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.env.window.document.documentElement); }, hideLabel(type) { setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); this.getElement(`label-${type}`).setAttribute("hidden", "true"); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.env.window.document.documentElement); }, showGuides() { const prefix = this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + "guide-"; for (const side of SIDES) { this.markup.removeAttributeForElement(`${prefix + side}`, "hidden"); } }, hideGuides() { const prefix = this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + "guide-"; for (const side of SIDES) { this.markup.setAttributeForElement(`${prefix + side}`, "hidden", "true"); } }, showHandler(id) { const prefix = this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + "handler-"; this.markup.removeAttributeForElement(prefix + id, "hidden"); }, showHandlers() { const prefix = this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + "handler-"; for (const handler of HANDLERS) { this.markup.removeAttributeForElement(prefix + handler, "hidden"); } }, hideAll() { this.hideLabel("position"); this.hideLabel("size"); this.hideGuides(); this.hideHandlers(); }, showGuidesAndHandlers() { // Shows the guides and handlers only if an actual area is selected if (this.coords.w !== 0 && this.coords.h !== 0) { this.updateGuides(); this.showGuides(); this.updateHandlers(); this.showHandlers(); } }, hideHandlers() { const prefix = this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + "handler-"; for (const handler of HANDLERS) { this.markup.setAttributeForElement(prefix + handler, "hidden", "true"); } }, handleEvent(event) { const { target, type } = event; switch (type) { case "mousedown": if (event.button || this._dragging) { return; } const isHandler = event.originalTarget.id.includes("handler"); if (isHandler) { this.handleResizingMouseDownEvent(event); } else { this.handleMouseDownEvent(event); } break; case "mousemove": if (this._dragging && this._dragging.handler) { this.handleResizingMouseMoveEvent(event); } else { this.handleMouseMoveEvent(event); } break; case "mouseup": if (this._dragging) { if (this._dragging.handler) { this.handleResizingMouseUpEvent(); } else { this.handleMouseUpEvent(); } } break; case "mouseleave": { if (!this._dragging) { this.hideLabel("position"); } break; } case "scroll": { this.hideLabel("position"); break; } case "pagehide": { // If a page hide event is triggered for current window's highlighter, hide the // highlighter. if (target.defaultView === this.env.window) { this.destroy(); } break; } } }, handleMouseDownEvent(event) { const { pageX, pageY } = event; const { window } = this.env; const elementId = `${this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX}tool`; setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); this.markup.getElement(elementId).classList.add("dragging"); this.hideAll(); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, window.document.documentElement); // Store all the initial values needed for drag & drop this._dragging = { handler: null, x: pageX, y: pageY, }; this.setCoords(pageX, pageY, 0, 0); }, handleMouseMoveEvent(event) { const { pageX, pageY } = event; const { coords } = this; let { x, y, w, h } = coords; let labelType; if (this._dragging) { w = pageX - coords.x; h = pageY - coords.y; this.setCoords(x, y, w, h); labelType = "size"; } else { labelType = "position"; this.setCoords(pageX, pageY); } this.showLabel(labelType); }, handleMouseUpEvent() { setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); this.getElement("tool").classList.remove("dragging"); this.showGuidesAndHandlers(); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.env.window.document.documentElement); this._dragging = null; }, handleResizingMouseDownEvent(event) { const { originalTarget, pageX, pageY } = event; const { window } = this.env; const prefix = this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + "handler-"; const handler = originalTarget.id.replace(prefix, ""); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); this.markup.getElement(originalTarget.id).classList.add("dragging"); this.hideAll(); this.showHandler(handler); // Set coordinates to the current measurement area's position const [, x, y] = this.getElement("tool") .getAttribute("transform") .match(/(\d+),(\d+)/); this.setCoords(Number(x), Number(y)); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, window.document.documentElement); // Store all the initial values needed for drag & drop this._dragging = { handler, x: pageX, y: pageY, }; }, handleResizingMouseMoveEvent(event) { const { pageX, pageY } = event; const { coords } = this; let { x, y, w, h } = coords; const { handler } = this._dragging; switch (handler) { case "top": y = pageY; h = coords.y + coords.h - pageY; break; case "topright": y = pageY; w = pageX - coords.x; h = coords.y + coords.h - pageY; break; case "right": w = pageX - coords.x; break; case "bottomright": w = pageX - coords.x; h = pageY - coords.y; break; case "bottom": h = pageY - coords.y; break; case "bottomleft": x = pageX; w = coords.x + coords.w - pageX; h = pageY - coords.y; break; case "left": x = pageX; w = coords.x + coords.w - pageX; break; case "topleft": x = pageX; y = pageY; w = coords.x + coords.w - pageX; h = coords.y + coords.h - pageY; break; } this.setCoords(x, y, w, h); // Changes the resizing cursors in case the measuring box is mirrored const isMirrored = (coords.w < 0 || coords.h < 0) && !(coords.w < 0 && coords.h < 0); this.getElement("tool").classList.toggle("mirrored", isMirrored); this.showLabel("size"); }, handleResizingMouseUpEvent() { const { handler } = this._dragging; setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); this.getElement(`handler-${handler}`).classList.remove("dragging"); this.showHandlers(); this.showGuidesAndHandlers(); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.env.window.document.documentElement); this._dragging = null; }, }; exports.MeasuringToolHighlighter = MeasuringToolHighlighter;