/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Check that step out stops at the async parent's frame. */ async function testFinish({ threadFront, devToolsClient }) { await close(devToolsClient); do_test_finished(); } async function invokeAndPause({ global, threadFront }, expression) { return executeOnNextTickAndWaitForPause( () => Cu.evalInSandbox(expression, global), threadFront ); } async function steps(threadFront, sequence) { const locations = []; for (const cmd of sequence) { const packet = await step(threadFront, cmd); locations.push(getPauseLocation(packet)); } return locations; } async function step(threadFront, cmd) { return cmd(threadFront); } function getPauseLocation(packet) { const { line, column } = packet.frame.where; return { line, column }; } async function stepOutBeforeTimer(dbg, func, frameIndex, expectedLocation) { const { threadFront } = dbg; await invokeAndPause(dbg, `${func}()`); await steps(threadFront, [stepOver, stepIn]); const { frames } = await threadFront.frames(0, 5); const frameActorID = frames[frameIndex].actorID; const packet = await stepOut(threadFront, frameActorID); deepEqual( getPauseLocation(packet), expectedLocation, `step out location in ${func}` ); await resumeAndWaitForPause(threadFront); await resume(threadFront); } async function stepOutAfterTimer(dbg, func, frameIndex, expectedLocation) { const { threadFront } = dbg; await invokeAndPause(dbg, `${func}()`); await steps(threadFront, [stepOver, stepIn, stepOver, stepOver]); const { frames } = await threadFront.frames(0, 5); const frameActorID = frames[frameIndex].actorID; const packet = await stepOut(threadFront, frameActorID); deepEqual( getPauseLocation(packet), expectedLocation, `step out location in ${func}` ); await resumeAndWaitForPause(threadFront); await dbg.threadFront.resume(); } function run_test() { return (async function() { const dbg = await setupTestFromUrl("stepping-async.js"); info(`Test stepping out before timer;`); await stepOutBeforeTimer(dbg, "stuff", 0, { line: 27, column: 2 }); info(`Test stepping out after timer;`); await stepOutAfterTimer(dbg, "stuff", 0, { line: 29, column: 2 }); await testFinish(dbg); })(); }