/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { LazyPool, createExtraActors, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/protocol/lazy-pool.js"); const { RootActor } = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/root.js"); const { ThreadActor } = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/thread.js"); const { DevToolsServer, } = require("resource://devtools/server/devtools-server.js"); const { ActorRegistry, } = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/utils/actor-registry.js"); const { SourcesManager, } = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/utils/sources-manager.js"); const makeDebugger = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/utils/make-debugger.js"); const protocol = require("resource://devtools/shared/protocol.js"); const { windowGlobalTargetSpec, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/specs/targets/window-global.js"); const { tabDescriptorSpec, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/specs/descriptors/tab.js"); const Targets = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/targets/index.js"); const { createContentProcessSessionContext, } = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/watcher/session-context.js"); var gTestGlobals = new Set(); DevToolsServer.addTestGlobal = function(global) { gTestGlobals.add(global); }; DevToolsServer.removeTestGlobal = function(global) { gTestGlobals.delete(global); }; DevToolsServer.getTestGlobal = function(name) { for (const g of gTestGlobals) { if (g.__name == name) { return g; } } return null; }; var gAllowNewThreadGlobals = false; DevToolsServer.allowNewThreadGlobals = function() { gAllowNewThreadGlobals = true; }; DevToolsServer.disallowNewThreadGlobals = function() { gAllowNewThreadGlobals = false; }; // A mock tab list, for use by tests. This simply presents each global in // gTestGlobals as a tab, and the list is fixed: it never calls its // onListChanged handler. // // As implemented now, we consult gTestGlobals when we're constructed, not // when we're iterated over, so tests have to add their globals before the // root actor is created. function TestTabList(connection) { this.conn = connection; // An array of actors for each global added with // DevToolsServer.addTestGlobal. this._descriptorActors = []; // A pool mapping those actors' names to the actors. this._descriptorActorPool = new LazyPool(connection); for (const global of gTestGlobals) { const actor = new TestTargetActor(connection, global); this._descriptorActorPool.manage(actor); const descriptorActor = new TestDescriptorActor(connection, actor); this._descriptorActorPool.manage(descriptorActor); this._descriptorActors.push(descriptorActor); } } TestTabList.prototype = { constructor: TestTabList, destroy() {}, getList() { return Promise.resolve([...this._descriptorActors]); }, // Helper method only available for the xpcshell implementation of tablist. getTargetActorForTab(title) { const descriptorActor = this._descriptorActors.find(d => d.title === title); if (!descriptorActor) { return null; } return descriptorActor._targetActor; }, }; exports.createRootActor = function createRootActor(connection) { ActorRegistry.registerModule("devtools/server/actors/webconsole", { prefix: "console", constructor: "WebConsoleActor", type: { target: true }, }); const root = new RootActor(connection, { tabList: new TestTabList(connection), globalActorFactories: ActorRegistry.globalActorFactories, }); root.applicationType = "xpcshell-tests"; return root; }; const TestDescriptorActor = protocol.ActorClassWithSpec(tabDescriptorSpec, { initialize(conn, targetActor) { protocol.Actor.prototype.initialize.call(this, conn); this.conn = conn; this._targetActor = targetActor; }, // We don't exercise the selected tab in xpcshell tests. get selected() { return false; }, get title() { return this._targetActor.title; }, form() { const form = { actor: this.actorID, traits: {}, selected: this.selected, title: this._targetActor.title, url: this._targetActor.url, }; return form; }, getFavicon() { return ""; }, getTarget() { return this._targetActor.form(); }, }); const TestTargetActor = protocol.ActorClassWithSpec(windowGlobalTargetSpec, { initialize(conn, global) { protocol.Actor.prototype.initialize.call(this, conn); this.conn = conn; this.sessionContext = createContentProcessSessionContext(); this._global = global; this._global.wrappedJSObject = global; this.threadActor = new ThreadActor(this, this._global); this.conn.addActor(this.threadActor); this._extraActors = {}; // This is a hack in order to enable threadActor to be accessed from getFront this._extraActors.threadActor = this.threadActor; this.makeDebugger = makeDebugger.bind(null, { findDebuggees: () => [this._global], shouldAddNewGlobalAsDebuggee: g => gAllowNewThreadGlobals, }); this.dbg = this.makeDebugger(); this.notifyResources = this.notifyResources.bind(this); }, targetType: Targets.TYPES.FRAME, get window() { return this._global; }, // Both title and url point to this._global.__name get title() { return this._global.__name; }, get url() { return this._global.__name; }, get sourcesManager() { if (!this._sourcesManager) { this._sourcesManager = new SourcesManager(this.threadActor); } return this._sourcesManager; }, form() { const response = { actor: this.actorID, title: this.title, threadActor: this.threadActor.actorID, }; // Walk over target-scoped actors and add them to a new LazyPool. const actorPool = new LazyPool(this.conn); const actors = createExtraActors( ActorRegistry.targetScopedActorFactories, actorPool, this ); if (actorPool?._poolMap.size > 0) { this._descriptorActorPool = actorPool; this.conn.addActorPool(this._descriptorActorPool); } return { ...response, ...actors }; }, detach(request) { this.threadActor.destroy(); return { type: "detached" }; }, reload(request) { this.sourcesManager.reset(); this.threadActor.clearDebuggees(); this.threadActor.dbg.addDebuggees(); return {}; }, removeActorByName(name) { const actor = this._extraActors[name]; if (this._descriptorActorPool) { this._descriptorActorPool.removeActor(actor); } delete this._extraActors[name]; }, notifyResources(updateType, resources) { this.emit(`resource-${updateType}-form`, resources); }, });