/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test the ResourceCommand API around ERROR_MESSAGE // Reproduces assertions from devtools/shared/webconsole/test/chrome/test_page_errors.html // Create a simple server so we have a nice sourceName in the resources packets. const httpServer = createTestHTTPServer(); httpServer.registerPathHandler(`/test_page_errors.html`, (req, res) => { res.setStatusLine(req.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); res.write(`Test Error Messages`); }); const TEST_URI = `http://localhost:${httpServer.identity.primaryPort}/test_page_errors.html`; add_task(async function() { // Disable the preloaded process as it creates processes intermittently // which forces the emission of RDP requests we aren't correctly waiting for. await pushPref("dom.ipc.processPrelaunch.enabled", false); await testErrorMessagesResources(); await testErrorMessagesResourcesWithIgnoreExistingResources(); }); async function testErrorMessagesResources() { // Open a test tab const tab = await addTab(TEST_URI); const { client, resourceCommand, targetCommand } = await initResourceCommand( tab ); const receivedMessages = []; // The expected messages are the errors, twice (once for cached messages, once for live messages) const expectedMessages = Array.from(expectedPageErrors.values()).concat( Array.from(expectedPageErrors.values()) ); info( "Log some errors *before* calling ResourceCommand.watchResources in order to assert" + " the behavior of already existing messages." ); await triggerErrors(tab); let done; const onAllErrorReceived = new Promise(resolve => (done = resolve)); const onAvailable = resources => { for (const resource of resources) { const { pageError } = resource; is( resource.targetFront, targetCommand.targetFront, "The targetFront property is the expected one" ); if (!pageError.sourceName.includes("test_page_errors")) { info(`Ignore error from unknown source: "${pageError.sourceName}"`); continue; } const index = receivedMessages.length; receivedMessages.push(resource); const isAlreadyExistingResource = receivedMessages.length <= expectedPageErrors.size; is( resource.isAlreadyExistingResource, isAlreadyExistingResource, "isAlreadyExistingResource has expected value" ); info(`checking received page error #${index}: ${pageError.errorMessage}`); ok(pageError, "The resource has a pageError attribute"); checkPageErrorResource(pageError, expectedMessages[index]); if (receivedMessages.length == expectedMessages.length) { done(); } } }; await resourceCommand.watchResources([resourceCommand.TYPES.ERROR_MESSAGE], { onAvailable, }); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition( () => receivedMessages.length === expectedPageErrors.size ); info( "Now log errors *after* the call to ResourceCommand.watchResources and after having" + " received all existing messages" ); await triggerErrors(tab); info("Waiting for all expected errors to be received"); await onAllErrorReceived; ok(true, "All the expected errors were received"); Services.console.reset(); targetCommand.destroy(); await client.close(); } async function testErrorMessagesResourcesWithIgnoreExistingResources() { info("Test ignoreExistingResources option for ERROR_MESSAGE"); const tab = await addTab(TEST_URI); const { client, resourceCommand, targetCommand } = await initResourceCommand( tab ); info( "Check whether onAvailable will not be called with existing error messages" ); await triggerErrors(tab); const availableResources = []; await resourceCommand.watchResources([resourceCommand.TYPES.ERROR_MESSAGE], { onAvailable: resources => availableResources.push(...resources), ignoreExistingResources: true, }); is( availableResources.length, 0, "onAvailable wasn't called for existing error messages" ); info( "Check whether onAvailable will be called with the future error messages" ); await triggerErrors(tab); const expectedMessages = Array.from(expectedPageErrors.values()); await waitUntil(() => availableResources.length === expectedMessages.length); for (let i = 0; i < expectedMessages.length; i++) { const resource = availableResources[i]; const { pageError } = resource; const expected = expectedMessages[i]; checkPageErrorResource(pageError, expected); is( resource.isAlreadyExistingResource, false, "isAlreadyExistingResource is set to false for live messages" ); } Services.console.reset(); targetCommand.destroy(); await client.close(); } /** * Triggers all the errors in the content page. */ async function triggerErrors(tab) { for (const [expression, expected] of expectedPageErrors.entries()) { if ( !expected[noUncaughtException] && !Services.appinfo.browserTabsRemoteAutostart ) { expectUncaughtException(); } await ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, expression, function frameScript( expr ) { const document = content.document; const scriptEl = document.createElement("script"); scriptEl.textContent = expr; document.body.appendChild(scriptEl); }); if (expected.isPromiseRejection) { // Wait a bit after an uncaught promise rejection error, as they are not emitted // right away. // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 10)); } } } function checkPageErrorResource(pageErrorResource, expected) { // Let's remove test harness related frames in stacktrace const clonedPageErrorResource = { ...pageErrorResource }; if (clonedPageErrorResource.stacktrace) { const index = clonedPageErrorResource.stacktrace.findIndex(frame => frame.filename.startsWith("resource://testing-common/content-task.js") ); if (index > -1) { clonedPageErrorResource.stacktrace = clonedPageErrorResource.stacktrace.slice( 0, index ); } } checkObject(clonedPageErrorResource, expected); } const noUncaughtException = Symbol(); const NUMBER_REGEX = /^\d+$/; // timeStamp are the result of a number in microsecond divided by 1000. // so we can't expect a precise number of decimals, or even if there would // be decimals at all. const FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX = /^\d+(\.\d{1,3})?$/; const mdnUrl = path => `https://developer.mozilla.org/${path}?utm_source=mozilla&utm_medium=firefox-console-errors&utm_campaign=default`; const expectedPageErrors = new Map([ [ "document.doTheImpossible();", { errorMessage: /doTheImpossible/, errorMessageName: "JSMSG_NOT_FUNCTION", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, exceptionDocURL: mdnUrl( "docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Not_a_function" ), innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 10, functionName: null, }, ], notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ "(42).toString(0);", { errorMessage: /radix/, errorMessageName: "JSMSG_BAD_RADIX", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, exceptionDocURL: mdnUrl("docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Bad_radix"), innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 6, functionName: null, }, ], notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ "'use strict'; (Object.freeze({name: 'Elsa', score: 157})).score = 0;", { errorMessage: /read.only/, errorMessageName: "JSMSG_READ_ONLY", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, exceptionDocURL: mdnUrl("docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Read-only"), innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 23, functionName: null, }, ], notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ "([]).length = -1", { errorMessage: /array length/, errorMessageName: "JSMSG_BAD_ARRAY_LENGTH", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, exceptionDocURL: mdnUrl( "docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Invalid_array_length" ), innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 2, functionName: null, }, ], notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ "'abc'.repeat(-1);", { errorMessage: /repeat count.*non-negative/, errorMessageName: "JSMSG_NEGATIVE_REPETITION_COUNT", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, exceptionDocURL: mdnUrl( "docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Negative_repetition_count" ), innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: "self-hosted", sourceId: null, lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, functionName: "repeat", }, { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 7, functionName: null, }, ], notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ "'a'.repeat(2e28);", { errorMessage: /repeat count.*less than infinity/, errorMessageName: "JSMSG_RESULTING_STRING_TOO_LARGE", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, exceptionDocURL: mdnUrl( "docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Resulting_string_too_large" ), innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: "self-hosted", sourceId: null, lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, functionName: "repeat", }, { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 5, functionName: null, }, ], notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ "77.1234.toExponential(-1);", { errorMessage: /out of range/, errorMessageName: "JSMSG_PRECISION_RANGE", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, exceptionDocURL: mdnUrl( "docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Precision_range" ), innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 9, functionName: null, }, ], notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ "function a() { return; 1 + 1; }", { errorMessage: /unreachable code/, errorMessageName: "JSMSG_STMT_AFTER_RETURN", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: false, warning: true, info: false, sourceId: null, lineText: "function a() { return; 1 + 1; }", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, exceptionDocURL: mdnUrl( "docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Stmt_after_return" ), innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: null, notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ "{let a, a;}", { errorMessage: /redeclaration of/, errorMessageName: "JSMSG_REDECLARED_VAR", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, sourceId: null, lineText: "{let a, a;}", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, exceptionDocURL: mdnUrl( "docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Redeclared_parameter" ), innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [], chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, notes: [ { messageBody: /Previously declared at line/, frame: { source: /test_page_errors/, }, }, ], }, ], [ `var error = new TypeError("abc"); error.name = "MyError"; error.message = "here"; throw error`, { errorMessage: /MyError: here/, errorMessageName: "", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, exceptionDocURL: undefined, innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 13, functionName: null, }, ], notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ "DOMTokenList.prototype.contains.call([])", { errorMessage: /does not implement interface/, errorMessageName: "MSG_METHOD_THIS_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, exceptionDocURL: undefined, innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 33, functionName: null, }, ], notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ ` function promiseThrow() { var error2 = new TypeError("abc"); error2.name = "MyPromiseError"; error2.message = "here2"; return Promise.reject(error2); } promiseThrow()`, { errorMessage: /MyPromiseError: here2/, errorMessageName: "", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, exceptionDocURL: undefined, innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, sourceId: null, lineNumber: 6, columnNumber: 24, functionName: "promiseThrow", }, { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, sourceId: null, lineNumber: 8, columnNumber: 7, functionName: null, }, ], notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: true, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, [noUncaughtException]: true, }, ], [ // Error with a cause `var originalError = new TypeError("abc"); var error = new Error("something went wrong", { cause: originalError }) throw error`, { errorMessage: /Error: something went wrong/, errorMessageName: "", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 2, columnNumber: 19, functionName: null, }, ], exception: { preview: { cause: { class: "TypeError", preview: { message: "abc", }, }, }, }, notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ // Error with a cause chain `var a = new Error("err-a"); var b = new Error("err-b", { cause: a }); var c = new Error("err-c", { cause: b }); var d = new Error("err-d", { cause: c }); throw d`, { errorMessage: /Error: err-d/, errorMessageName: "", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 4, columnNumber: 14, functionName: null, }, ], exception: { preview: { cause: { class: "Error", preview: { message: "err-c", cause: { class: "Error", preview: { message: "err-b", cause: { class: "Error", preview: { message: "err-a", }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ // Error with a null cause `throw new Error("something went wrong", { cause: null })`, { errorMessage: /Error: something went wrong/, errorMessageName: "", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 7, functionName: null, }, ], exception: { preview: { cause: { type: "null", }, }, }, notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ // Error with an undefined cause `throw new Error("something went wrong", { cause: undefined })`, { errorMessage: /Error: something went wrong/, errorMessageName: "", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 7, functionName: null, }, ], exception: { preview: { cause: { type: "undefined", }, }, }, notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ // Error with a number cause `throw new Error("something went wrong", { cause: 0 })`, { errorMessage: /Error: something went wrong/, errorMessageName: "", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 7, functionName: null, }, ], exception: { preview: { cause: 0, }, }, notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], [ // Error with a string cause `throw new Error("something went wrong", { cause: "ooops" })`, { errorMessage: /Error: something went wrong/, errorMessageName: "", sourceName: /test_page_errors/, category: "content javascript", timeStamp: FRACTIONAL_NUMBER_REGEX, error: true, warning: false, info: false, lineText: "", lineNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, columnNumber: NUMBER_REGEX, innerWindowID: NUMBER_REGEX, private: false, stacktrace: [ { filename: /test_page_errors\.html/, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 7, functionName: null, }, ], exception: { preview: { cause: "ooops", }, }, notes: null, chromeContext: false, isPromiseRejection: false, isForwardedFromContentProcess: false, }, ], ]);