/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test the ResourceCommand API around WEBSOCKET. const ResourceCommand = require("resource://devtools/shared/commands/resource/resource-command.js"); const IS_NUMBER = "IS_NUMBER"; const SHOULD_EXIST = "SHOULD_EXIST"; const targets = { TOP_LEVEL_DOCUMENT: "top-level-document", IN_PROCESS_IFRAME: "in-process-frame", OUT_PROCESS_IFRAME: "out-process-frame", }; add_task(async function() { info("Testing the top-level document"); await testWebsocketResources(targets.TOP_LEVEL_DOCUMENT); info("Testing the in-process iframe"); await testWebsocketResources(targets.IN_PROCESS_IFRAME); info("Testing the out-of-process iframe"); await testWebsocketResources(targets.OUT_PROCESS_IFRAME); }); async function testWebsocketResources(target) { const tab = await addTab(URL_ROOT_SSL + "websocket_frontend.html"); const { client, resourceCommand, targetCommand } = await initResourceCommand( tab ); const availableResources = []; function onResourceAvailable(resources) { availableResources.push(...resources); } await resourceCommand.watchResources([resourceCommand.TYPES.WEBSOCKET], { onAvailable: onResourceAvailable, }); info("Check available resources at initial"); is( availableResources.length, 0, "Length of existing resources is correct at initial" ); info("Check resource of opening websocket"); await executeFunctionInContext(tab, target, "openConnection"); await waitUntil(() => availableResources.length === 1); const httpChannelId = availableResources[0].httpChannelId; ok(httpChannelId, "httpChannelId is present in the resource"); assertResource(availableResources[0], { wsMessageType: "webSocketOpened", effectiveURI: "wss://example.com/browser/devtools/shared/commands/resource/tests/websocket_backend", extensions: "permessage-deflate", protocols: "", }); info("Check resource of sending/receiving the data via websocket"); await executeFunctionInContext(tab, target, "sendData", "test"); await waitUntil(() => availableResources.length === 3); assertResource(availableResources[1], { wsMessageType: "frameSent", httpChannelId, data: { type: "sent", payload: "test", timeStamp: SHOULD_EXIST, finBit: SHOULD_EXIST, rsvBit1: SHOULD_EXIST, rsvBit2: SHOULD_EXIST, rsvBit3: SHOULD_EXIST, opCode: SHOULD_EXIST, mask: SHOULD_EXIST, maskBit: SHOULD_EXIST, }, }); assertResource(availableResources[2], { wsMessageType: "frameReceived", httpChannelId, data: { type: "received", payload: "test", timeStamp: SHOULD_EXIST, finBit: SHOULD_EXIST, rsvBit1: SHOULD_EXIST, rsvBit2: SHOULD_EXIST, rsvBit3: SHOULD_EXIST, opCode: SHOULD_EXIST, mask: SHOULD_EXIST, maskBit: SHOULD_EXIST, }, }); info("Check resource of closing websocket"); await executeFunctionInContext(tab, target, "closeConnection"); await waitUntil(() => availableResources.length === 6); assertResource(availableResources[3], { wsMessageType: "frameSent", httpChannelId, data: { type: "sent", payload: "", timeStamp: SHOULD_EXIST, finBit: SHOULD_EXIST, rsvBit1: SHOULD_EXIST, rsvBit2: SHOULD_EXIST, rsvBit3: SHOULD_EXIST, opCode: SHOULD_EXIST, mask: SHOULD_EXIST, maskBit: SHOULD_EXIST, }, }); assertResource(availableResources[4], { wsMessageType: "frameReceived", httpChannelId, data: { type: "received", payload: "", timeStamp: SHOULD_EXIST, finBit: SHOULD_EXIST, rsvBit1: SHOULD_EXIST, rsvBit2: SHOULD_EXIST, rsvBit3: SHOULD_EXIST, opCode: SHOULD_EXIST, mask: SHOULD_EXIST, maskBit: SHOULD_EXIST, }, }); assertResource(availableResources[5], { wsMessageType: "webSocketClosed", httpChannelId, code: IS_NUMBER, reason: "", wasClean: true, }); info("Check existing resources"); const existingResources = []; function onExsistingResourceAvailable(resources) { existingResources.push(...resources); } await resourceCommand.watchResources([resourceCommand.TYPES.WEBSOCKET], { onAvailable: onExsistingResourceAvailable, }); is( availableResources.length, existingResources.length, "Length of existing resources is correct" ); for (let i = 0; i < availableResources.length; i++) { ok( availableResources[i] === existingResources[i], `The ${i}th resource is correct` ); } await resourceCommand.unwatchResources([resourceCommand.TYPES.WEBSOCKET], { onAvailable: onResourceAvailable, }); await resourceCommand.unwatchResources([resourceCommand.TYPES.WEBSOCKET], { onAvailable: onExsistingResourceAvailable, }); targetCommand.destroy(); await client.close(); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); } /** * Execute global functions defined in the correct * target (top-level-window or frames) contexts. * * @param {object} tab The current window tab * @param {string} target A string identify if we want to test the top level document or iframes * @param {string} funcName The name of the global function which needs to be called. * @param {*} funcArgs The arguments to pass to the global function */ async function executeFunctionInContext(tab, target, funcName, ...funcArgs) { let browsingContext = tab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext; // If the target is an iframe get its window global if (target !== targets.TOP_LEVEL_DOCUMENT) { browsingContext = await SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [target], async _target => { const iframe = content.document.getElementById(_target); return iframe.browsingContext; } ); } return SpecialPowers.spawn( browsingContext, [funcName, funcArgs], async (_funcName, _funcArgs) => { await content.wrappedJSObject[_funcName](..._funcArgs); } ); } function assertResource(resource, expected) { is( resource.resourceType, ResourceCommand.TYPES.WEBSOCKET, "Resource type is correct" ); assertObject(resource, expected); } function assertObject(object, expected) { for (const field in expected) { if (typeof expected[field] === "object") { assertObject(object[field], expected[field]); } else if (expected[field] === SHOULD_EXIST) { ok(object[field] !== undefined, `The value of ${field} exists`); } else if (expected[field] === IS_NUMBER) { ok(!isNaN(object[field]), `The value of ${field} is number`); } else { is(object[field], expected[field], `The value of ${field} is correct`); } } }