/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Load the tracker in a dedicated loader using invisibleToDebugger and freshCompartment // so that it can inspect any other module/compartment, even DevTools, chrome, // and this script! const { DevToolsLoader } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://devtools/shared/loader/Loader.sys.mjs" ); const loader = new DevToolsLoader({ invisibleToDebugger: true, freshCompartment: true, }); const { allocationTracker } = loader.require( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/shared/test-helpers/allocation-tracker" ); const TrackedObjects = loader.require( "resource://devtools/shared/test-helpers/tracked-objects.sys.mjs" ); // This test record multiple times complete heap snapshot, // so that it can take a little bit to complete. requestLongerTimeout(2); add_task(async function() { // Use a sandbox to allocate test javascript object in order to avoid any // external noise const global = Cu.Sandbox("http://example.com"); const tracker = allocationTracker({ watchGlobal: global }); const before = tracker.stillAllocatedObjects(); /* eslint-disable no-undef */ // This will allocation 1001 objects. The array and 1000 elements in it. Cu.evalInSandbox( "let list; new " + function() { list = []; for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { list.push({}); } }, global, undefined, "test-file.js", 1, /* enforceFilenameRestrictions */ false ); /* eslint-enable no-undef */ const allocations = tracker.countAllocations(); ok( allocations >= 1001, `At least 1001 objects are reported as created (${allocations})` ); // Uncomment this and comment the call to `countAllocations` to debug the allocations. // The call to `countAllocations` will reset the allocation record. // tracker.logAllocationSites(); const afterCreation = tracker.stillAllocatedObjects(); is( afterCreation.objectsWithStack - before.objectsWithStack, 1001, "We got exactly the expected number of objects recorded with an allocation site" ); ok( afterCreation.objectsWithStack > before.objectsWithStack, "We got some random number of objects without an allocation site" ); Cu.evalInSandbox( "list = null;", global, undefined, "test-file.js", 7, /* enforceFilenameRestrictions */ false ); Cu.forceGC(); Cu.forceCC(); const afterGC = tracker.stillAllocatedObjects(); is( afterCreation.objectsWithStack - afterGC.objectsWithStack, 1001, "All the expected objects were reported freed in the count with allocation sites" ); ok( afterGC.objectsWithoutStack < afterCreation.objectsWithoutStack, "And we released some random number of objects without an allocation site" ); tracker.stop(); }); add_task(async function() { const leaked = {}; TrackedObjects.track(leaked); let transient = {}; TrackedObjects.track(transient); is(TrackedObjects.getAllNodeIds().length, 2, "The two objects are reported"); info("Free the transient object"); transient = null; Cu.forceGC(); is( TrackedObjects.getAllNodeIds().length, 1, "We now only have the leaked object" ); TrackedObjects.clear(); }); add_task(async function() { info("Test start and stop recording without any debug mode"); const tracker = allocationTracker({ watchDevToolsGlobals: true }); await tracker.startRecordingAllocations(); await tracker.stopRecordingAllocations(); tracker.stop(); }); add_task(async function() { info("Test start and stop recording with 'allocations' debug mode"); const tracker = allocationTracker({ watchDevToolsGlobals: true }); await tracker.startRecordingAllocations("allocations"); await tracker.stopRecordingAllocations("allocations"); tracker.stop(); }); add_task(async function() { info("Test start and stop recording with 'leaks' debug mode"); const tracker = allocationTracker({ watchDevToolsGlobals: true }); await tracker.startRecordingAllocations("leaks"); await tracker.stopRecordingAllocations("leaks"); tracker.stop(); }); add_task(async function() { info("Test start and stop recording with tracked objects"); const leaked = {}; TrackedObjects.track(leaked); const tracker = allocationTracker({ watchAllGlobals: true }); await tracker.startRecordingAllocations(); await tracker.stopRecordingAllocations(); tracker.stop(); TrackedObjects.clear(); }); add_task(async function() { info("Test start and stop recording with tracked objects"); const sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(window); const tracker = allocationTracker({ watchGlobal: sandbox }); await tracker.startRecordingAllocations("leaks"); Cu.evalInSandbox("this.foo = {};", sandbox, null, "sandbox.js", 1); const record = await tracker.stopRecordingAllocations("leaks"); is( record.objectsWithStack, 1, "We get only one leaked objects, the foo object of the sandbox." ); ok( record.objectsWithoutStack > 10, "We get an handful of objects without stacks. Most likely created by Memory API itself." ); is( record.leaks.length, 2, "We get the one leak and the objects with missing stacks" ); is( record.leaks[0].src, "UNKNOWN", "First item is the objects with missing stacks" ); // In theory the two following values should be equal, // but they aren't always because of some dark matter around objects with missing stacks. // `count` is computed out of `takeCensus`, while `objectsWithoutStack` uses `drainAllocationsLog` // While the first go through the current GC graph, the second is a record of allocations over time, // this probably explain why there is some subtle difference ok( record.leaks[0].count <= record.objectsWithoutStack, "For now, the leak report intermittently assume there is less leaked objects than the summary" ); is(record.leaks[1].src, "sandbox.js", "Second item if about our 'foo' leak"); is(record.leaks[1].count, 1, "We leak one object on this file"); is(record.leaks[1].lines.length, 1, "We leak from only one line"); is(record.leaks[1].lines[0], "1: 1", "On first line, we leak one object"); tracker.stop(); TrackedObjects.clear(); }); add_task(async function() { info("Test that transient globals are not leaked"); const tracker = allocationTracker({ watchAllGlobals: true }); let sandboxBefore = Cu.Sandbox(window); // We need to allocate at least one object from the global to reproduce the leak Cu.evalInSandbox( "this.foo = {};", sandboxBefore, null, "sandbox-before.js", 1 ); const weakBefore = Cu.getWeakReference(sandboxBefore); sandboxBefore = null; await tracker.startRecordingAllocations(); ok( !weakBefore.get(), "Sandbox created before the record should have been freed by GCs done by startRecordingAllocations" ); let sandboxDuring = Cu.Sandbox(window); // We need to allocate at least one object from the global to reproduce the leak Cu.evalInSandbox( "this.bar = {};", sandboxDuring, null, "sandbox-during.js", 1 ); const weakDuring = Cu.getWeakReference(sandboxDuring); sandboxDuring = null; await tracker.stopRecordingAllocations(); ok( !weakDuring.get(), "Sandbox should have been freed by GCs done by stopRecordingAllocations" ); tracker.stop(); });