// Test for bug 343515 - Need API for tabbrowsers to tell docshells they're visible/hidden // Globals var testPath = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/docshell/test/navigation/"; var ctx = {}; add_task(async function() { // Step 1. // Get a handle on the initial tab ctx.tab0 = gBrowser.selectedTab; ctx.tab0Browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(ctx.tab0); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition( () => ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Timed out waiting for initial tab to be active." ); // Open a New Tab ctx.tab1 = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, testPath + "bug343515_pg1.html"); ctx.tab1Browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(ctx.tab1); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(ctx.tab1Browser); // Step 2. is( testPath + "bug343515_pg1.html", ctx.tab1Browser.currentURI.spec, "Got expected tab 1 url in step 2" ); // Our current tab should still be active ok(ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should still be active"); ok(!ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should not be active"); // Switch to tab 1 await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, ctx.tab1); // Tab 1 should now be active ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive"); ok(ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be active"); // Open another tab ctx.tab2 = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, testPath + "bug343515_pg2.html"); ctx.tab2Browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(ctx.tab2); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(ctx.tab2Browser); // Step 3. is( testPath + "bug343515_pg2.html", ctx.tab2Browser.currentURI.spec, "Got expected tab 2 url in step 3" ); // Tab 0 should be inactive, Tab 1 should be active ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive"); ok(ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be active"); // Tab 2's window _and_ its iframes should be inactive ok(!ctx.tab2Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 2 should be inactive"); await SpecialPowers.spawn(ctx.tab2Browser, [], async function() { Assert.equal(content.frames.length, 2, "Tab 2 should have 2 iframes"); for (var i = 0; i < content.frames.length; i++) { info("step 3, frame " + i + " info: " + content.frames[i].location); let bc = content.frames[i].browsingContext; Assert.ok(!bc.isActive, `Tab2 iframe ${i} should be inactive`); } }); // Navigate tab 2 to a different page BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(ctx.tab2Browser, testPath + "bug343515_pg3.html"); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(ctx.tab2Browser); // Step 4. async function checkTab2Active(outerExpected) { await SpecialPowers.spawn(ctx.tab2Browser, [outerExpected], async function( expected ) { function isActive(aWindow) { var docshell = aWindow.docShell; info(`checking ${docshell.browsingContext.id}`); return docshell.browsingContext.isActive; } let active = expected ? "active" : "inactive"; Assert.equal(content.frames.length, 2, "Tab 2 should have 2 iframes"); for (var i = 0; i < content.frames.length; i++) { info("step 4, frame " + i + " info: " + content.frames[i].location); } Assert.equal( content.frames[0].frames.length, 1, "Tab 2 iframe 0 should have 1 iframes" ); Assert.equal( isActive(content.frames[0]), expected, `Tab2 iframe 0 should be ${active}` ); Assert.equal( isActive(content.frames[0].frames[0]), expected, `Tab2 iframe 0 subiframe 0 should be ${active}` ); Assert.equal( isActive(content.frames[1]), expected, `Tab2 iframe 1 should be ${active}` ); }); } is( testPath + "bug343515_pg3.html", ctx.tab2Browser.currentURI.spec, "Got expected tab 2 url in step 4" ); // Tab 0 should be inactive, Tab 1 should be active ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive"); ok(ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be active"); // Tab2 and all descendants should be inactive await checkTab2Active(false); // Switch to Tab 2 await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, ctx.tab2); // Check everything ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive"); ok(!ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be inactive"); ok(ctx.tab2Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 2 should be active"); await checkTab2Active(true); // Go back let backDone = BrowserTestUtils.waitForLocationChange( gBrowser, testPath + "bug343515_pg2.html" ); ctx.tab2Browser.goBack(); await backDone; // Step 5. // Check everything ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive"); ok(!ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be inactive"); ok(ctx.tab2Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 2 should be active"); is( testPath + "bug343515_pg2.html", ctx.tab2Browser.currentURI.spec, "Got expected tab 2 url in step 5" ); await SpecialPowers.spawn(ctx.tab2Browser, [], async function() { for (var i = 0; i < content.frames.length; i++) { let bc = content.frames[i].browsingContext; Assert.ok(bc.isActive, `Tab2 iframe ${i} should be active`); } }); // Switch to tab 1 await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, ctx.tab1); // Navigate to page 3 BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(ctx.tab1Browser, testPath + "bug343515_pg3.html"); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(ctx.tab1Browser); // Step 6. // Check everything ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive"); ok(ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be active"); is( testPath + "bug343515_pg3.html", ctx.tab1Browser.currentURI.spec, "Got expected tab 1 url in step 6" ); await SpecialPowers.spawn(ctx.tab1Browser, [], async function() { function isActive(aWindow) { var docshell = aWindow.docShell; info(`checking ${docshell.browsingContext.id}`); return docshell.browsingContext.isActive; } Assert.ok(isActive(content.frames[0]), "Tab1 iframe 0 should be active"); Assert.ok( isActive(content.frames[0].frames[0]), "Tab1 iframe 0 subiframe 0 should be active" ); Assert.ok(isActive(content.frames[1]), "Tab1 iframe 1 should be active"); }); ok(!ctx.tab2Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 2 should be inactive"); await SpecialPowers.spawn(ctx.tab2Browser, [], async function() { for (var i = 0; i < content.frames.length; i++) { let bc = content.frames[i].browsingContext; Assert.ok(!bc.isActive, `Tab2 iframe ${i} should be inactive`); } }); // Go forward on tab 2 let forwardDone = BrowserTestUtils.waitForLocationChange( gBrowser, testPath + "bug343515_pg3.html" ); ctx.tab2Browser.goForward(); await forwardDone; // Step 7. async function checkBrowser(browser, outerTabNum, outerActive) { let data = { tabNum: outerTabNum, active: outerActive }; await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [data], async function({ tabNum, active, }) { function isActive(aWindow) { var docshell = aWindow.docShell; info(`checking ${docshell.browsingContext.id}`); return docshell.browsingContext.isActive; } let activestr = active ? "active" : "inactive"; Assert.equal( isActive(content.frames[0]), active, `Tab${tabNum} iframe 0 should be ${activestr}` ); Assert.equal( isActive(content.frames[0].frames[0]), active, `Tab${tabNum} iframe 0 subiframe 0 should be ${activestr}` ); Assert.equal( isActive(content.frames[1]), active, `Tab${tabNum} iframe 1 should be ${activestr}` ); }); } // Check everything ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive"); ok(ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be active"); is( testPath + "bug343515_pg3.html", ctx.tab2Browser.currentURI.spec, "Got expected tab 2 url in step 7" ); await checkBrowser(ctx.tab1Browser, 1, true); ok(!ctx.tab2Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 2 should be inactive"); await checkBrowser(ctx.tab2Browser, 2, false); // Close the tabs we made BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(ctx.tab1); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(ctx.tab2); });