/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Base class for all element classes as well as nsDocumentFragment. This * provides an implementation of nsINode, implements nsIContent, provides * utility methods for subclasses, and so forth. */ #ifndef FragmentOrElement_h___ #define FragmentOrElement_h___ #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/EnumSet.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h" #include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h" // NS_DECL_CYCLE_* #include "nsIContent.h" // base class #include "nsIHTMLCollection.h" class ContentUnbinder; class nsContentList; class nsLabelsNodeList; class nsDOMAttributeMap; class nsDOMTokenList; class nsIControllers; class nsICSSDeclaration; class nsDOMCSSAttributeDeclaration; class nsDOMStringMap; class nsIURI; namespace mozilla { class DeclarationBlock; enum class ContentRelevancyReason; using ContentRelevancy = EnumSet; namespace dom { struct CustomElementData; class Element; } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla /** * Tearoff to use for nodes to implement nsISupportsWeakReference */ class nsNodeSupportsWeakRefTearoff final : public nsISupportsWeakReference { public: explicit nsNodeSupportsWeakRefTearoff(nsINode* aNode) : mNode(aNode) {} // nsISupports NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ISUPPORTS // nsISupportsWeakReference NS_DECL_NSISUPPORTSWEAKREFERENCE NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS(nsNodeSupportsWeakRefTearoff) private: ~nsNodeSupportsWeakRefTearoff() = default; nsCOMPtr mNode; }; /** * A generic base class for DOM elements and document fragments, * implementing many nsIContent, nsINode and Element methods. */ namespace mozilla::dom { class ShadowRoot; class FragmentOrElement : public nsIContent { public: explicit FragmentOrElement( already_AddRefed& aNodeInfo); explicit FragmentOrElement( already_AddRefed&& aNodeInfo); // We want to avoid the overhead of extra function calls for // refcounting when we're not doing refcount logging, so we can't // NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED. NS_IMETHOD QueryInterface(REFNSIID aIID, void** aInstancePtr) override; NS_INLINE_DECL_REFCOUNTING_INHERITED(FragmentOrElement, nsIContent); NS_DECL_ADDSIZEOFEXCLUDINGTHIS // nsINode interface methods virtual void GetTextContentInternal(nsAString& aTextContent, mozilla::OOMReporter& aError) override; virtual void SetTextContentInternal(const nsAString& aTextContent, nsIPrincipal* aSubjectPrincipal, mozilla::ErrorResult& aError) override; // nsIContent interface methods virtual already_AddRefed GetChildren(uint32_t aFilter) override; virtual const nsTextFragment* GetText() override; virtual uint32_t TextLength() const override; virtual bool TextIsOnlyWhitespace() override; virtual bool ThreadSafeTextIsOnlyWhitespace() const override; virtual void DestroyContent() override; virtual void SaveSubtreeState() override; nsIHTMLCollection* Children(); uint32_t ChildElementCount() { if (!HasChildren()) { return 0; } return Children()->Length(); } public: /** * If there are listeners for DOMNodeInserted event, fires the event on all * aNodes */ static void FireNodeInserted(Document* aDoc, nsINode* aParent, nsTArray >& aNodes); NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_SKIPPABLE_WRAPPERCACHE_CLASS_INHERITED( FragmentOrElement, nsIContent) static void ClearContentUnbinder(); static bool CanSkip(nsINode* aNode, bool aRemovingAllowed); static bool CanSkipInCC(nsINode* aNode); static bool CanSkipThis(nsINode* aNode); static void RemoveBlackMarkedNode(nsINode* aNode); static void MarkNodeChildren(nsINode* aNode); static void InitCCCallbacks(); /** * Is the HTML local name a void element? */ static bool IsHTMLVoid(nsAtom* aLocalName); protected: virtual ~FragmentOrElement(); /** * Dummy CopyInnerTo so that we can use the same macros for * Elements and DocumentFragments. */ nsresult CopyInnerTo(FragmentOrElement* aDest) { return NS_OK; } public: /** * There are a set of DOM- and scripting-specific instance variables * that may only be instantiated when a content object is accessed * through the DOM. Rather than burn actual slots in the content * objects for each of these instance variables, we put them off * in a side structure that's only allocated when the content is * accessed through the DOM. */ class nsExtendedDOMSlots : public nsIContent::nsExtendedContentSlots { public: nsExtendedDOMSlots(); ~nsExtendedDOMSlots(); void TraverseExtendedSlots(nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback&) final; void UnlinkExtendedSlots() final; size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const final; /** * SMIL Overridde style rules (for SMIL animation of CSS properties) * @see Element::GetSMILOverrideStyle */ RefPtr mSMILOverrideStyle; /** * Holds any SMIL override style declaration for this element. */ RefPtr mSMILOverrideStyleDeclaration; /** * The controllers of the XUL Element. */ nsCOMPtr mControllers; /** * An object implementing the .labels property for this element. */ RefPtr mLabelsList; /** * ShadowRoot bound to the element. */ RefPtr mShadowRoot; /** * Web components custom element data. */ UniquePtr mCustomElementData; /** * Last remembered size (in CSS pixels) for the element. * @see {@link https://drafts.csswg.org/css-sizing-4/#last-remembered} */ Maybe mLastRememberedBSize; Maybe mLastRememberedISize; /** * Whether the content of this element is relevant for the purposes * of `content-visibility: auto. */ Maybe mContentRelevancy; /** * Whether the content of this element is considered visible for * the purposes of `content-visibility: auto. */ Maybe mVisibleForContentVisibility; }; class nsDOMSlots : public nsIContent::nsContentSlots { public: nsDOMSlots(); ~nsDOMSlots(); void Traverse(nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback&) final; void Unlink() final; size_t SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const; /** * The .style attribute (an interface that forwards to the actual * style rules) * @see nsGenericHTMLElement::GetStyle */ nsCOMPtr mStyle; /** * The .dataset attribute. * @see nsGenericHTMLElement::GetDataset */ nsDOMStringMap* mDataset; // [Weak] /** * @see Element::Attributes */ RefPtr mAttributeMap; /** * An object implementing the .children property for this element. */ RefPtr mChildrenList; /** * An object implementing the .classList property for this element. */ RefPtr mClassList; /** * An object implementing the .part property for this element. */ RefPtr mPart; }; /** * In case ExtendedDOMSlots is needed before normal DOMSlots, an instance of * FatSlots class, which combines those two slot types, is created. * This way we can avoid extra allocation for ExtendedDOMSlots. * FatSlots is useful for example when creating Custom Elements. */ class FatSlots final : public nsDOMSlots, public nsExtendedDOMSlots { public: FatSlots() : nsDOMSlots(), nsExtendedDOMSlots() { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(FatSlots); SetExtendedContentSlots(this, false); } ~FatSlots() final { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(FatSlots); } }; protected: void GetMarkup(bool aIncludeSelf, nsAString& aMarkup); void SetInnerHTMLInternal(const nsAString& aInnerHTML, ErrorResult& aError); // Override from nsINode nsIContent::nsContentSlots* CreateSlots() override { return new nsDOMSlots(); } nsIContent::nsExtendedContentSlots* CreateExtendedSlots() final { return new nsExtendedDOMSlots(); } nsDOMSlots* DOMSlots() { return static_cast(Slots()); } nsDOMSlots* GetExistingDOMSlots() const { return static_cast(GetExistingSlots()); } nsExtendedDOMSlots* ExtendedDOMSlots() { nsContentSlots* slots = GetExistingContentSlots(); if (!slots) { FatSlots* fatSlots = new FatSlots(); mSlots = fatSlots; return fatSlots; } if (!slots->GetExtendedContentSlots()) { slots->SetExtendedContentSlots(CreateExtendedSlots(), true); } return static_cast(slots->GetExtendedContentSlots()); } const nsExtendedDOMSlots* GetExistingExtendedDOMSlots() const { return static_cast( GetExistingExtendedContentSlots()); } nsExtendedDOMSlots* GetExistingExtendedDOMSlots() { return static_cast(GetExistingExtendedContentSlots()); } friend class ::ContentUnbinder; }; } // namespace mozilla::dom #define NS_ELEMENT_INTERFACE_TABLE_TO_MAP_SEGUE \ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) return rv; \ \ rv = FragmentOrElement::QueryInterface(aIID, aInstancePtr); \ NS_INTERFACE_TABLE_TO_MAP_SEGUE #endif /* FragmentOrElement_h___ */