/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Base class for all DOM nodes. */ #include "nsINode.h" #include "AccessCheck.h" #include "jsapi.h" #include "js/ForOfIterator.h" // JS::ForOfIterator #include "js/JSON.h" // JS_ParseJSON #include "mozAutoDocUpdate.h" #include "mozilla/AsyncEventDispatcher.h" #include "mozilla/CORSMode.h" #include "mozilla/EventDispatcher.h" #include "mozilla/EventListenerManager.h" #include "mozilla/HTMLEditor.h" #include "mozilla/InternalMutationEvent.h" #include "mozilla/Likely.h" #include "mozilla/Maybe.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "mozilla/PresShell.h" #include "mozilla/ServoBindings.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" #include "mozilla/TextControlElement.h" #include "mozilla/TextEditor.h" #include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BindContext.h" #include "mozilla/dom/CharacterData.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ChildIterator.h" #include "mozilla/dom/CustomElementRegistry.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DebuggerNotificationBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DocumentType.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Element.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Event.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Exceptions.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Link.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLImageElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLMediaElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLTemplateElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/MutationObservers.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Selection.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ShadowRoot.h" #include "mozilla/dom/SVGUseElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ScriptSettings.h" #include "mozilla/dom/L10nOverlays.h" #include "mozilla/ProfilerLabels.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_layout.h" #include "nsAttrValueOrString.h" #include "nsCCUncollectableMarker.h" #include "nsContentCreatorFunctions.h" #include "nsContentList.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsCOMArray.h" #include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Attr.h" #include "nsDOMAttributeMap.h" #include "nsDOMCID.h" #include "nsDOMCSSAttrDeclaration.h" #include "nsError.h" #include "nsDOMMutationObserver.h" #include "nsDOMString.h" #include "nsDOMTokenList.h" #include "nsFocusManager.h" #include "nsFrameSelection.h" #include "nsGenericHTMLElement.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "nsIAnonymousContentCreator.h" #include "nsAtom.h" #include "nsIContentInlines.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DocumentInlines.h" #include "nsIFrameInlines.h" #include "mozilla/dom/NodeInfo.h" #include "mozilla/dom/NodeInfoInlines.h" #include "nsIScriptGlobalObject.h" #include "nsIScrollableFrame.h" #include "nsView.h" #include "nsViewManager.h" #include "nsIWidget.h" #include "nsLayoutUtils.h" #include "nsNameSpaceManager.h" #include "nsNodeInfoManager.h" #include "nsObjectLoadingContent.h" #include "nsPIDOMWindow.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsPrintfCString.h" #include "nsRange.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsStyleConsts.h" #include "nsTextNode.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "nsWindowSizes.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "xpcpublic.h" #include "HTMLLegendElement.h" #include "nsWrapperCacheInlines.h" #include "WrapperFactory.h" #include #include "nsGlobalWindow.h" #include "GeometryUtils.h" #include "nsIAnimationObserver.h" #include "nsChildContentList.h" #include "mozilla/dom/NodeBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h" #include "mozilla/dom/AncestorIterator.h" #include "xpcprivate.h" #include "XPathGenerator.h" #ifdef ACCESSIBILITY # include "mozilla/dom/AccessibleNode.h" #endif using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; static bool ShouldUseNACScope(const nsINode* aNode) { return aNode->IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree(); } static bool ShouldUseUAWidgetScope(const nsINode* aNode) { return aNode->HasBeenInUAWidget(); } void* nsINode::operator new(size_t aSize, nsNodeInfoManager* aManager) { if (StaticPrefs::dom_arena_allocator_enabled_AtStartup()) { MOZ_ASSERT(aManager, "nsNodeInfoManager needs to be initialized"); return aManager->Allocate(aSize); } return ::operator new(aSize); } void nsINode::operator delete(void* aPtr) { free_impl(aPtr); } bool nsINode::IsInclusiveDescendantOf(const nsINode* aNode) const { MOZ_ASSERT(aNode, "The node is nullptr."); for (nsINode* node : InclusiveAncestors(*this)) { if (node == aNode) { return true; } } return false; } bool nsINode::IsInclusiveFlatTreeDescendantOf(const nsINode* aNode) const { MOZ_ASSERT(aNode, "The node is nullptr."); for (nsINode* node : InclusiveFlatTreeAncestors(*this)) { if (node == aNode) { return true; } } return false; } bool nsINode::IsShadowIncludingInclusiveDescendantOf( const nsINode* aNode) const { MOZ_ASSERT(aNode, "The node is nullptr."); if (this->GetComposedDoc() == aNode) { return true; } const nsINode* node = this; do { if (node == aNode) { return true; } node = node->GetParentOrShadowHostNode(); } while (node); return false; } nsINode::nsSlots::nsSlots() : mWeakReference(nullptr) {} nsINode::nsSlots::~nsSlots() { if (mChildNodes) { mChildNodes->InvalidateCacheIfAvailable(); } if (mWeakReference) { mWeakReference->NoticeNodeDestruction(); } } void nsINode::nsSlots::Traverse(nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& cb) { NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_NOTE_EDGE_NAME(cb, "mSlots->mChildNodes"); cb.NoteXPCOMChild(mChildNodes); } void nsINode::nsSlots::Unlink() { if (mChildNodes) { mChildNodes->InvalidateCacheIfAvailable(); ImplCycleCollectionUnlink(mChildNodes); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef MOZILLA_INTERNAL_API nsINode::nsINode(already_AddRefed&& aNodeInfo) : mNodeInfo(std::move(aNodeInfo)), mParent(nullptr) # ifndef BOOL_FLAGS_ON_WRAPPER_CACHE , mBoolFlags(0) # endif , mChildCount(0), mPreviousOrLastSibling(nullptr), mSubtreeRoot(this), mSlots(nullptr) { } #endif nsINode::~nsINode() { MOZ_ASSERT(!HasSlots(), "LastRelease was not called?"); MOZ_ASSERT(mSubtreeRoot == this, "Didn't restore state properly?"); } #ifdef MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT_ENABLED void nsINode::AssertInvariantsOnNodeInfoChange() { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!IsInComposedDoc()); if (nsCOMPtr link = do_QueryInterface(this)) { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!link->HasPendingLinkUpdate()); } } #endif void* nsINode::GetProperty(const nsAtom* aPropertyName, nsresult* aStatus) const { if (!HasProperties()) { // a fast HasFlag() test if (aStatus) { *aStatus = NS_PROPTABLE_PROP_NOT_THERE; } return nullptr; } return OwnerDoc()->PropertyTable().GetProperty(this, aPropertyName, aStatus); } nsresult nsINode::SetProperty(nsAtom* aPropertyName, void* aValue, NSPropertyDtorFunc aDtor, bool aTransfer) { nsresult rv = OwnerDoc()->PropertyTable().SetProperty( this, aPropertyName, aValue, aDtor, nullptr, aTransfer); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { SetFlags(NODE_HAS_PROPERTIES); } return rv; } void nsINode::RemoveProperty(const nsAtom* aPropertyName) { OwnerDoc()->PropertyTable().RemoveProperty(this, aPropertyName); } void* nsINode::TakeProperty(const nsAtom* aPropertyName, nsresult* aStatus) { return OwnerDoc()->PropertyTable().TakeProperty(this, aPropertyName, aStatus); } nsIContentSecurityPolicy* nsINode::GetCsp() const { return OwnerDoc()->GetCsp(); } nsINode::nsSlots* nsINode::CreateSlots() { return new nsSlots(); } static const nsINode* GetClosestCommonInclusiveAncestorForRangeInSelection( const nsINode* aNode) { while (aNode && !aNode->IsClosestCommonInclusiveAncestorForRangeInSelection()) { if (!aNode ->IsDescendantOfClosestCommonInclusiveAncestorForRangeInSelection()) { return nullptr; } aNode = aNode->GetParentNode(); } return aNode; } /** * A Comparator suitable for mozilla::BinarySearchIf for searching a collection * of nsRange* for an overlap of (mNode, mStartOffset) .. (mNode, mEndOffset). */ class IsItemInRangeComparator { public: // @param aStartOffset has to be less or equal to aEndOffset. IsItemInRangeComparator(const nsINode& aNode, const uint32_t aStartOffset, const uint32_t aEndOffset, nsContentUtils::ComparePointsCache* aCache) : mNode(aNode), mStartOffset(aStartOffset), mEndOffset(aEndOffset), mCache(aCache) { MOZ_ASSERT(aStartOffset <= aEndOffset); } int operator()(const nsRange* const aRange) const { int32_t cmp = nsContentUtils::ComparePoints_Deprecated( &mNode, mEndOffset, aRange->GetStartContainer(), aRange->StartOffset(), nullptr, mCache); if (cmp == 1) { cmp = nsContentUtils::ComparePoints_Deprecated( &mNode, mStartOffset, aRange->GetEndContainer(), aRange->EndOffset(), nullptr, mCache); if (cmp == -1) { return 0; } return 1; } return -1; } private: const nsINode& mNode; const uint32_t mStartOffset; const uint32_t mEndOffset; nsContentUtils::ComparePointsCache* mCache; }; bool nsINode::IsSelected(const uint32_t aStartOffset, const uint32_t aEndOffset) const { MOZ_ASSERT(aStartOffset <= aEndOffset); const nsINode* n = GetClosestCommonInclusiveAncestorForRangeInSelection(this); NS_ASSERTION(n || !IsMaybeSelected(), "A node without a common inclusive ancestor for a range in " "Selection is for sure not selected."); // Collect the selection objects for potential ranges. nsTHashSet ancestorSelections; Selection* prevSelection = nullptr; for (; n; n = GetClosestCommonInclusiveAncestorForRangeInSelection( n->GetParentNode())) { const LinkedList* ranges = n->GetExistingClosestCommonInclusiveAncestorRanges(); if (!ranges) { continue; } for (const nsRange* range : *ranges) { MOZ_ASSERT(range->IsInSelection(), "Why is this range registeed with a node?"); // Looks like that IsInSelection() assert fails sometimes... if (range->IsInSelection()) { Selection* selection = range->GetSelection(); if (prevSelection != selection) { prevSelection = selection; ancestorSelections.Insert(selection); } } } } nsContentUtils::ComparePointsCache cache; IsItemInRangeComparator comparator{*this, aStartOffset, aEndOffset, &cache}; for (Selection* selection : ancestorSelections) { // Binary search the sorted ranges in this selection. // (Selection::GetRangeAt returns its ranges ordered). size_t low = 0; size_t high = selection->RangeCount(); while (high != low) { size_t middle = low + (high - low) / 2; const nsRange* const range = selection->GetRangeAt(middle); int result = comparator(range); if (result == 0) { if (!range->Collapsed()) { return true; } const nsRange* middlePlus1; const nsRange* middleMinus1; // if node end > start of middle+1, result = 1 if (middle + 1 < high && (middlePlus1 = selection->GetRangeAt(middle + 1)) && nsContentUtils::ComparePoints_Deprecated( this, aEndOffset, middlePlus1->GetStartContainer(), middlePlus1->StartOffset(), nullptr, &cache) > 0) { result = 1; // if node start < end of middle - 1, result = -1 } else if (middle >= 1 && (middleMinus1 = selection->GetRangeAt(middle - 1)) && nsContentUtils::ComparePoints_Deprecated( this, aStartOffset, middleMinus1->GetEndContainer(), middleMinus1->EndOffset(), nullptr, &cache) < 0) { result = -1; } else { break; } } if (result < 0) { high = middle; } else { low = middle + 1; } } } return false; } Element* nsINode::GetAnonymousRootElementOfTextEditor( TextEditor** aTextEditor) { if (aTextEditor) { *aTextEditor = nullptr; } RefPtr textControlElement; if (IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree()) { textControlElement = TextControlElement::FromNodeOrNull( GetClosestNativeAnonymousSubtreeRootParent()); } else { textControlElement = TextControlElement::FromNode(this); } if (!textControlElement) { return nullptr; } RefPtr textEditor = textControlElement->GetTextEditor(); if (!textEditor) { // The found `TextControlElement` may be an input element which is not a // text control element. In this case, such element must not be in a // native anonymous tree of a `TextEditor` so this node is not in any // `TextEditor`. return nullptr; } MOZ_ASSERT(!textEditor->IsHTMLEditor(), "If it were an HTML editor, needs to use GetRootElement()"); Element* rootElement = textEditor->GetRoot(); if (aTextEditor) { textEditor.forget(aTextEditor); } return rootElement; } nsINode* nsINode::GetRootNode(const GetRootNodeOptions& aOptions) { if (aOptions.mComposed) { if (Document* doc = GetComposedDoc()) { return doc; } nsINode* node = this; while (node) { node = node->SubtreeRoot(); ShadowRoot* shadow = ShadowRoot::FromNode(node); if (!shadow) { break; } node = shadow->GetHost(); } return node; } return SubtreeRoot(); } nsIContent* nsINode::GetFirstChildOfTemplateOrNode() { if (IsTemplateElement()) { DocumentFragment* frag = static_cast(this)->Content(); return frag->GetFirstChild(); } return GetFirstChild(); } nsINode* nsINode::GetParentOrShadowHostNode() const { if (mParent) { return mParent; } const ShadowRoot* shadowRoot = ShadowRoot::FromNode(this); return shadowRoot ? shadowRoot->GetHost() : nullptr; } nsINode* nsINode::SubtreeRoot() const { auto RootOfNode = [](const nsINode* aStart) -> nsINode* { const nsINode* node = aStart; const nsINode* iter = node; while ((iter = iter->GetParentNode())) { node = iter; } return const_cast(node); }; // There are four cases of interest here. nsINodes that are really: // 1. Document nodes - Are always in the document. // 2.a nsIContent nodes not in a shadow tree - Are either in the document, // or mSubtreeRoot is updated in BindToTree/UnbindFromTree. // 2.b nsIContent nodes in a shadow tree - Are never in the document, // ignore mSubtreeRoot and return the containing shadow root. // 4. Attr nodes - Are never in the document, and mSubtreeRoot // is always 'this' (as set in nsINode's ctor). nsINode* node; if (IsInUncomposedDoc()) { node = OwnerDocAsNode(); } else if (IsContent()) { ShadowRoot* containingShadow = AsContent()->GetContainingShadow(); node = containingShadow ? containingShadow : mSubtreeRoot; if (!node) { NS_WARNING("Using SubtreeRoot() on unlinked element?"); node = RootOfNode(this); } } else { node = mSubtreeRoot; } MOZ_ASSERT(node, "Should always have a node here!"); #ifdef DEBUG { const nsINode* slowNode = RootOfNode(this); MOZ_ASSERT(slowNode == node, "These should always be in sync!"); } #endif return node; } static nsIContent* GetRootForContentSubtree(nsIContent* aContent) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aContent, nullptr); // Special case for ShadowRoot because the ShadowRoot itself is // the root. This is necessary to prevent selection from crossing // the ShadowRoot boundary. // // FIXME(emilio): The NAC check should probably be done before this? We can // have NAC inside shadow DOM. if (ShadowRoot* containingShadow = aContent->GetContainingShadow()) { return containingShadow; } if (nsIContent* nativeAnonRoot = aContent->GetClosestNativeAnonymousSubtreeRoot()) { return nativeAnonRoot; } if (Document* doc = aContent->GetUncomposedDoc()) { return doc->GetRootElement(); } return nsIContent::FromNode(aContent->SubtreeRoot()); } nsIContent* nsINode::GetSelectionRootContent(PresShell* aPresShell) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aPresShell, nullptr); if (IsDocument()) return AsDocument()->GetRootElement(); if (!IsContent()) return nullptr; if (GetComposedDoc() != aPresShell->GetDocument()) { return nullptr; } if (AsContent()->HasIndependentSelection()) { // This node should be a descendant of input/textarea editor. Element* anonymousDivElement = GetAnonymousRootElementOfTextEditor(); if (anonymousDivElement) { return anonymousDivElement; } } nsPresContext* presContext = aPresShell->GetPresContext(); if (presContext) { HTMLEditor* htmlEditor = nsContentUtils::GetHTMLEditor(presContext); if (htmlEditor) { // This node is in HTML editor. if (!IsInComposedDoc() || IsInDesignMode() || !HasFlag(NODE_IS_EDITABLE)) { nsIContent* editorRoot = htmlEditor->GetRoot(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(editorRoot, nullptr); return nsContentUtils::IsInSameAnonymousTree(this, editorRoot) ? editorRoot : GetRootForContentSubtree(AsContent()); } // If the document isn't editable but this is editable, this is in // contenteditable. Use the editing host element for selection root. return static_cast(this)->GetEditingHost(); } } RefPtr fs = aPresShell->FrameSelection(); nsIContent* content = fs->GetLimiter(); if (!content) { content = fs->GetAncestorLimiter(); if (!content) { Document* doc = aPresShell->GetDocument(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(doc, nullptr); content = doc->GetRootElement(); if (!content) return nullptr; } } // This node might be in another subtree, if so, we should find this subtree's // root. Otherwise, we can return the content simply. NS_ENSURE_TRUE(content, nullptr); if (!nsContentUtils::IsInSameAnonymousTree(this, content)) { content = GetRootForContentSubtree(AsContent()); // Fixup for ShadowRoot because the ShadowRoot itself does not have a frame. // Use the host as the root. if (ShadowRoot* shadowRoot = ShadowRoot::FromNode(content)) { content = shadowRoot->GetHost(); } } return content; } nsINodeList* nsINode::ChildNodes() { nsSlots* slots = Slots(); if (!slots->mChildNodes) { slots->mChildNodes = IsAttr() ? new nsAttrChildContentList(this) : new nsParentNodeChildContentList(this); } return slots->mChildNodes; } nsIContent* nsINode::GetLastChild() const { return mFirstChild ? mFirstChild->mPreviousOrLastSibling : nullptr; } void nsINode::InvalidateChildNodes() { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsAttr()); nsSlots* slots = GetExistingSlots(); if (!slots || !slots->mChildNodes) { return; } auto childNodes = static_cast(slots->mChildNodes.get()); childNodes->InvalidateCache(); } void nsINode::GetTextContentInternal(nsAString& aTextContent, OOMReporter& aError) { SetDOMStringToNull(aTextContent); } DocumentOrShadowRoot* nsINode::GetUncomposedDocOrConnectedShadowRoot() const { if (IsInUncomposedDoc()) { return OwnerDoc(); } if (IsInComposedDoc() && IsInShadowTree()) { return AsContent()->GetContainingShadow(); } return nullptr; } mozilla::SafeDoublyLinkedList* nsINode::GetMutationObservers() { return HasSlots() ? &GetExistingSlots()->mMutationObservers : nullptr; } void nsINode::LastRelease() { nsINode::nsSlots* slots = GetExistingSlots(); if (slots) { if (!slots->mMutationObservers.isEmpty()) { for (auto iter = slots->mMutationObservers.begin(); iter != slots->mMutationObservers.end(); ++iter) { iter->NodeWillBeDestroyed(this); } } if (IsContent()) { nsIContent* content = AsContent(); if (HTMLSlotElement* slot = content->GetManualSlotAssignment()) { content->SetManualSlotAssignment(nullptr); slot->RemoveManuallyAssignedNode(*content); } } if (Element* element = Element::FromNode(this)) { if (CustomElementData* data = element->GetCustomElementData()) { data->Unlink(); } } delete slots; mSlots = nullptr; } // Kill properties first since that may run external code, so we want to // be in as complete state as possible at that time. if (IsDocument()) { // Delete all properties before tearing down the document. Some of the // properties are bound to nsINode objects and the destructor functions of // the properties may want to use the owner document of the nsINode. AsDocument()->RemoveAllProperties(); } else { if (HasProperties()) { // Strong reference to the document so that deleting properties can't // delete the document. nsCOMPtr document = OwnerDoc(); document->RemoveAllPropertiesFor(this); } if (HasFlag(ADDED_TO_FORM)) { if (nsGenericHTMLFormControlElement* formControl = nsGenericHTMLFormControlElement::FromNode(this)) { // Tell the form (if any) this node is going away. Don't // notify, since we're being destroyed in any case. formControl->ClearForm(true, true); } else if (HTMLImageElement* imageElem = HTMLImageElement::FromNode(this)) { imageElem->ClearForm(true); } } } UnsetFlags(NODE_HAS_PROPERTIES); if (NodeType() != nsINode::DOCUMENT_NODE && HasFlag(NODE_HAS_LISTENERMANAGER)) { #ifdef DEBUG if (nsContentUtils::IsInitialized()) { EventListenerManager* manager = nsContentUtils::GetExistingListenerManagerForNode(this); if (!manager) { NS_ERROR( "Huh, our bit says we have a listener manager list, " "but there's nothing in the hash!?!!"); } } #endif nsContentUtils::RemoveListenerManager(this); UnsetFlags(NODE_HAS_LISTENERMANAGER); } ReleaseWrapper(this); FragmentOrElement::RemoveBlackMarkedNode(this); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const nsINode& aNode) { nsAutoString elemDesc; const nsINode* curr = &aNode; while (curr) { nsString id; if (curr->IsElement()) { curr->AsElement()->GetId(id); } if (!elemDesc.IsEmpty()) { elemDesc = elemDesc + u"."_ns; } if (!curr->LocalName().IsEmpty()) { elemDesc.Append(curr->LocalName()); } else { elemDesc.Append(curr->NodeName()); } if (!id.IsEmpty()) { elemDesc = elemDesc + u"['"_ns + id + u"']"_ns; } if (curr->IsElement() && curr->AsElement()->HasAttr(nsGkAtoms::contenteditable)) { nsAutoString val; curr->AsElement()->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::contenteditable, val); elemDesc = elemDesc + u"[contenteditable=\""_ns + val + u"\"]"_ns; } if (curr->IsDocument() && curr->IsInDesignMode()) { elemDesc.Append(u"[designMode=\"on\"]"_ns); } curr = curr->GetParentNode(); } NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 str(elemDesc); return aStream << str.get(); } ShadowRoot* nsINode::GetContainingShadow() const { if (!IsInShadowTree()) { return nullptr; } return AsContent()->GetContainingShadow(); } nsIContent* nsINode::GetContainingShadowHost() const { if (ShadowRoot* shadow = GetContainingShadow()) { return shadow->GetHost(); } return nullptr; } SVGUseElement* nsINode::DoGetContainingSVGUseShadowHost() const { MOZ_ASSERT(IsInShadowTree()); return SVGUseElement::FromNodeOrNull(GetContainingShadowHost()); } void nsINode::GetNodeValueInternal(nsAString& aNodeValue) { SetDOMStringToNull(aNodeValue); } static const char* NodeTypeAsString(nsINode* aNode) { static const char* NodeTypeStrings[] = { "", // No nodes of type 0 "an Element", "an Attribute", "a Text", "a CDATASection", "an EntityReference", "an Entity", "a ProcessingInstruction", "a Comment", "a Document", "a DocumentType", "a DocumentFragment", "a Notation", }; static_assert(ArrayLength(NodeTypeStrings) == nsINode::MAX_NODE_TYPE + 1, "Max node type out of range for our array"); uint16_t nodeType = aNode->NodeType(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(nodeType < ArrayLength(NodeTypeStrings), "Uknown out-of-range node type"); return NodeTypeStrings[nodeType]; } nsINode* nsINode::RemoveChild(nsINode& aOldChild, ErrorResult& aError) { if (!aOldChild.IsContent()) { // aOldChild can't be one of our children. aError.ThrowNotFoundError( "The node to be removed is not a child of this node"); return nullptr; } if (aOldChild.GetParentNode() == this) { nsContentUtils::MaybeFireNodeRemoved(&aOldChild, this); } // Check again, we may not be the child's parent anymore. // Can be triggered by dom/base/crashtests/293388-1.html if (aOldChild.IsRootOfNativeAnonymousSubtree() || aOldChild.GetParentNode() != this) { // aOldChild isn't one of our children. aError.ThrowNotFoundError( "The node to be removed is not a child of this node"); return nullptr; } RemoveChildNode(aOldChild.AsContent(), true); return &aOldChild; } void nsINode::Normalize() { // First collect list of nodes to be removed AutoTArray, 50> nodes; bool canMerge = false; for (nsIContent* node = this->GetFirstChild(); node; node = node->GetNextNode(this)) { if (node->NodeType() != TEXT_NODE) { canMerge = false; continue; } if (canMerge || node->TextLength() == 0) { // No need to touch canMerge. That way we can merge across empty // textnodes if and only if the node before is a textnode nodes.AppendElement(node); } else { canMerge = true; } // If there's no following sibling, then we need to ensure that we don't // collect following siblings of our (grand)parent as to-be-removed canMerge = canMerge && !!node->GetNextSibling(); } if (nodes.IsEmpty()) { return; } // We're relying on mozAutoSubtreeModified to keep the doc alive here. RefPtr doc = OwnerDoc(); // Batch possible DOMSubtreeModified events. mozAutoSubtreeModified subtree(doc, nullptr); // Fire all DOMNodeRemoved events. Optimize the common case of there being // no listeners bool hasRemoveListeners = nsContentUtils::HasMutationListeners( doc, NS_EVENT_BITS_MUTATION_NODEREMOVED); if (hasRemoveListeners) { for (nsCOMPtr& node : nodes) { // Node may have already been removed. if (nsCOMPtr parentNode = node->GetParentNode()) { // TODO: Bug 1622253 nsContentUtils::MaybeFireNodeRemoved(MOZ_KnownLive(node), parentNode); } } } mozAutoDocUpdate batch(doc, true); // Merge and remove all nodes nsAutoString tmpStr; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodes.Length(); ++i) { nsIContent* node = nodes[i]; // Merge with previous node unless empty const nsTextFragment* text = node->GetText(); if (text->GetLength()) { nsIContent* target = node->GetPreviousSibling(); NS_ASSERTION( (target && target->NodeType() == TEXT_NODE) || hasRemoveListeners, "Should always have a previous text sibling unless " "mutation events messed us up"); if (!hasRemoveListeners || (target && target->NodeType() == TEXT_NODE)) { nsTextNode* t = static_cast(target); if (text->Is2b()) { t->AppendTextForNormalize(text->Get2b(), text->GetLength(), true, node); } else { tmpStr.Truncate(); text->AppendTo(tmpStr); t->AppendTextForNormalize(tmpStr.get(), tmpStr.Length(), true, node); } } } // Remove node nsCOMPtr parent = node->GetParentNode(); NS_ASSERTION(parent || hasRemoveListeners, "Should always have a parent unless " "mutation events messed us up"); if (parent) { parent->RemoveChildNode(node, true); } } } nsresult nsINode::GetBaseURI(nsAString& aURI) const { nsIURI* baseURI = GetBaseURI(); nsAutoCString spec; if (baseURI) { nsresult rv = baseURI->GetSpec(spec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } CopyUTF8toUTF16(spec, aURI); return NS_OK; } void nsINode::GetBaseURIFromJS(nsAString& aURI, CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aRv) const { nsIURI* baseURI = GetBaseURI(aCallerType == CallerType::System); nsAutoCString spec; if (baseURI) { nsresult res = baseURI->GetSpec(spec); if (NS_FAILED(res)) { aRv.Throw(res); return; } } CopyUTF8toUTF16(spec, aURI); } nsIURI* nsINode::GetBaseURIObject() const { return GetBaseURI(true); } void nsINode::LookupPrefix(const nsAString& aNamespaceURI, nsAString& aPrefix) { if (Element* nsElement = GetNameSpaceElement()) { // XXX Waiting for DOM spec to list error codes. // Trace up the content parent chain looking for the namespace // declaration that defines the aNamespaceURI namespace. Once found, // return the prefix (i.e. the attribute localName). for (Element* element : nsElement->InclusiveAncestorsOfType()) { uint32_t attrCount = element->GetAttrCount(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < attrCount; ++i) { const nsAttrName* name = element->GetAttrNameAt(i); if (name->NamespaceEquals(kNameSpaceID_XMLNS) && element->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_XMLNS, name->LocalName(), aNamespaceURI, eCaseMatters)) { // If the localName is "xmlns", the prefix we output should be // null. nsAtom* localName = name->LocalName(); if (localName != nsGkAtoms::xmlns) { localName->ToString(aPrefix); } else { SetDOMStringToNull(aPrefix); } return; } } } } SetDOMStringToNull(aPrefix); } uint16_t nsINode::CompareDocumentPosition(nsINode& aOtherNode, Maybe* aThisIndex, Maybe* aOtherIndex) const { if (this == &aOtherNode) { return 0; } if (GetPreviousSibling() == &aOtherNode) { MOZ_ASSERT(GetParentNode() == aOtherNode.GetParentNode()); return Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; } if (GetNextSibling() == &aOtherNode) { MOZ_ASSERT(GetParentNode() == aOtherNode.GetParentNode()); return Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; } AutoTArray parents1, parents2; const nsINode* node1 = &aOtherNode; const nsINode* node2 = this; // Check if either node is an attribute const Attr* attr1 = Attr::FromNode(node1); if (attr1) { const Element* elem = attr1->GetElement(); // If there is an owner element add the attribute // to the chain and walk up to the element if (elem) { node1 = elem; parents1.AppendElement(attr1); } } if (auto* attr2 = Attr::FromNode(node2)) { const Element* elem = attr2->GetElement(); if (elem == node1 && attr1) { // Both nodes are attributes on the same element. // Compare position between the attributes. uint32_t i; const nsAttrName* attrName; for (i = 0; (attrName = elem->GetAttrNameAt(i)); ++i) { if (attrName->Equals(attr1->NodeInfo())) { NS_ASSERTION(!attrName->Equals(attr2->NodeInfo()), "Different attrs at same position"); return Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC | Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; } if (attrName->Equals(attr2->NodeInfo())) { return Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC | Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; } } MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("neither attribute in the element"); return Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED; } if (elem) { node2 = elem; parents2.AppendElement(attr2); } } // We now know that both nodes are either nsIContents or Documents. // If either node started out as an attribute, that attribute will have // the same relative position as its ownerElement, except if the // ownerElement ends up being the container for the other node // Build the chain of parents do { parents1.AppendElement(node1); node1 = node1->GetParentNode(); } while (node1); do { parents2.AppendElement(node2); node2 = node2->GetParentNode(); } while (node2); // Check if the nodes are disconnected. uint32_t pos1 = parents1.Length(); uint32_t pos2 = parents2.Length(); const nsINode* top1 = parents1.ElementAt(--pos1); const nsINode* top2 = parents2.ElementAt(--pos2); if (top1 != top2) { return top1 < top2 ? (Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING | Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED | Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC) : (Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING | Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED | Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC); } // Find where the parent chain differs and check indices in the parent. const nsINode* parent = top1; uint32_t len; for (len = std::min(pos1, pos2); len > 0; --len) { const nsINode* child1 = parents1.ElementAt(--pos1); const nsINode* child2 = parents2.ElementAt(--pos2); if (child1 != child2) { // child1 or child2 can be an attribute here. This will work fine since // ComputeIndexOf will return Nothing for the attribute making the // attribute be considered before any child. Maybe child1Index; bool cachedChild1Index = false; if (&aOtherNode == child1 && aOtherIndex) { cachedChild1Index = true; child1Index = aOtherIndex->isSome() ? *aOtherIndex : parent->ComputeIndexOf(child1); } else { child1Index = parent->ComputeIndexOf(child1); } Maybe child2Index; bool cachedChild2Index = false; if (this == child2 && aThisIndex) { cachedChild2Index = true; child2Index = aThisIndex->isSome() ? *aThisIndex : parent->ComputeIndexOf(child2); } else { child2Index = parent->ComputeIndexOf(child2); } uint16_t retVal = child1Index < child2Index ? Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING : Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; if (cachedChild1Index) { *aOtherIndex = child1Index; } if (cachedChild2Index) { *aThisIndex = child2Index; } return retVal; } parent = child1; } // We hit the end of one of the parent chains without finding a difference // between the chains. That must mean that one node is an ancestor of the // other. The one with the shortest chain must be the ancestor. return pos1 < pos2 ? (Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING | Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS) : (Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING | Node_Binding::DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY); } bool nsINode::IsSameNode(nsINode* other) { return other == this; } bool nsINode::IsEqualNode(nsINode* aOther) { if (!aOther) { return false; } // Might as well do a quick check to avoid walking our kids if we're // obviously the same. if (aOther == this) { return true; } nsAutoString string1, string2; nsINode* node1 = this; nsINode* node2 = aOther; do { uint16_t nodeType = node1->NodeType(); if (nodeType != node2->NodeType()) { return false; } mozilla::dom::NodeInfo* nodeInfo1 = node1->mNodeInfo; mozilla::dom::NodeInfo* nodeInfo2 = node2->mNodeInfo; if (!nodeInfo1->Equals(nodeInfo2) || nodeInfo1->GetExtraName() != nodeInfo2->GetExtraName()) { return false; } switch (nodeType) { case ELEMENT_NODE: { // Both are elements (we checked that their nodeinfos are equal). Do the // check on attributes. Element* element1 = node1->AsElement(); Element* element2 = node2->AsElement(); uint32_t attrCount = element1->GetAttrCount(); if (attrCount != element2->GetAttrCount()) { return false; } // Iterate over attributes. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < attrCount; ++i) { const nsAttrName* attrName = element1->GetAttrNameAt(i); #ifdef DEBUG bool hasAttr = #endif element1->GetAttr(attrName->NamespaceID(), attrName->LocalName(), string1); NS_ASSERTION(hasAttr, "Why don't we have an attr?"); if (!element2->AttrValueIs(attrName->NamespaceID(), attrName->LocalName(), string1, eCaseMatters)) { return false; } } break; } case TEXT_NODE: case COMMENT_NODE: case CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: { MOZ_ASSERT(node1->IsCharacterData()); MOZ_ASSERT(node2->IsCharacterData()); auto* data1 = static_cast(node1); auto* data2 = static_cast(node2); if (!data1->TextEquals(data2)) { return false; } break; } case DOCUMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: break; case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: { NS_ASSERTION(node1 == this && node2 == aOther, "Did we come upon an attribute node while walking a " "subtree?"); node1->GetNodeValue(string1); node2->GetNodeValue(string2); // Returning here as to not bother walking subtree. And there is no // risk that we're half way through walking some other subtree since // attribute nodes doesn't appear in subtrees. return string1.Equals(string2); } case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: { DocumentType* docType1 = static_cast(node1); DocumentType* docType2 = static_cast(node2); // Public ID docType1->GetPublicId(string1); docType2->GetPublicId(string2); if (!string1.Equals(string2)) { return false; } // System ID docType1->GetSystemId(string1); docType2->GetSystemId(string2); if (!string1.Equals(string2)) { return false; } break; } default: MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Unknown node type"); } nsINode* nextNode = node1->GetFirstChild(); if (nextNode) { node1 = nextNode; node2 = node2->GetFirstChild(); } else { if (node2->GetFirstChild()) { // node2 has a firstChild, but node1 doesn't return false; } // Find next sibling, possibly walking parent chain. while (1) { if (node1 == this) { NS_ASSERTION(node2 == aOther, "Should have reached the start node " "for both trees at the same time"); return true; } nextNode = node1->GetNextSibling(); if (nextNode) { node1 = nextNode; node2 = node2->GetNextSibling(); break; } if (node2->GetNextSibling()) { // node2 has a nextSibling, but node1 doesn't return false; } node1 = node1->GetParentNode(); node2 = node2->GetParentNode(); NS_ASSERTION(node1 && node2, "no parent while walking subtree"); } } } while (node2); return false; } void nsINode::LookupNamespaceURI(const nsAString& aNamespacePrefix, nsAString& aNamespaceURI) { Element* element = GetNameSpaceElement(); if (!element || NS_FAILED(element->LookupNamespaceURIInternal( aNamespacePrefix, aNamespaceURI))) { SetDOMStringToNull(aNamespaceURI); } } mozilla::Maybe nsINode::GetDebuggerNotificationType() const { return mozilla::Some( mozilla::dom::EventCallbackDebuggerNotificationType::Node); } bool nsINode::ComputeDefaultWantsUntrusted(ErrorResult& aRv) { return !nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(OwnerDoc()); } void nsINode::GetBoxQuads(const BoxQuadOptions& aOptions, nsTArray>& aResult, CallerType aCallerType, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv) { mozilla::GetBoxQuads(this, aOptions, aResult, aCallerType, aRv); } void nsINode::GetBoxQuadsFromWindowOrigin(const BoxQuadOptions& aOptions, nsTArray>& aResult, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv) { mozilla::GetBoxQuadsFromWindowOrigin(this, aOptions, aResult, aRv); } already_AddRefed nsINode::ConvertQuadFromNode( DOMQuad& aQuad, const GeometryNode& aFrom, const ConvertCoordinateOptions& aOptions, CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aRv) { return mozilla::ConvertQuadFromNode(this, aQuad, aFrom, aOptions, aCallerType, aRv); } already_AddRefed nsINode::ConvertRectFromNode( DOMRectReadOnly& aRect, const GeometryNode& aFrom, const ConvertCoordinateOptions& aOptions, CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aRv) { return mozilla::ConvertRectFromNode(this, aRect, aFrom, aOptions, aCallerType, aRv); } already_AddRefed nsINode::ConvertPointFromNode( const DOMPointInit& aPoint, const GeometryNode& aFrom, const ConvertCoordinateOptions& aOptions, CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aRv) { return mozilla::ConvertPointFromNode(this, aPoint, aFrom, aOptions, aCallerType, aRv); } bool nsINode::DispatchEvent(Event& aEvent, CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aRv) { // XXX sXBL/XBL2 issue -- do we really want the owner here? What // if that's the XBL document? Would we want its presshell? Or what? nsCOMPtr document = OwnerDoc(); // Do nothing if the element does not belong to a document if (!document) { return true; } // Obtain a presentation shell RefPtr context = document->GetPresContext(); nsEventStatus status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore; nsresult rv = EventDispatcher::DispatchDOMEvent(this, nullptr, &aEvent, context, &status); bool retval = !aEvent.DefaultPrevented(aCallerType); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { aRv.Throw(rv); } return retval; } nsresult nsINode::PostHandleEvent(EventChainPostVisitor& /*aVisitor*/) { return NS_OK; } EventListenerManager* nsINode::GetOrCreateListenerManager() { return nsContentUtils::GetListenerManagerForNode(this); } EventListenerManager* nsINode::GetExistingListenerManager() const { return nsContentUtils::GetExistingListenerManagerForNode(this); } nsPIDOMWindowOuter* nsINode::GetOwnerGlobalForBindingsInternal() { bool dummy; // FIXME(bz): This cast is a bit bogus. See // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1515709 auto* window = static_cast( OwnerDoc()->GetScriptHandlingObject(dummy)); return window ? nsPIDOMWindowOuter::GetFromCurrentInner(window) : nullptr; } nsIGlobalObject* nsINode::GetOwnerGlobal() const { bool dummy; return OwnerDoc()->GetScriptHandlingObject(dummy); } bool nsINode::UnoptimizableCCNode() const { return IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree() || IsAttr(); } /* static */ bool nsINode::Traverse(nsINode* tmp, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& cb) { if (MOZ_LIKELY(!cb.WantAllTraces())) { Document* currentDoc = tmp->GetComposedDoc(); if (currentDoc && nsCCUncollectableMarker::InGeneration( currentDoc->GetMarkedCCGeneration())) { return false; } if (nsCCUncollectableMarker::sGeneration) { // If we're black no need to traverse. if (tmp->HasKnownLiveWrapper() || tmp->InCCBlackTree()) { return false; } if (!tmp->UnoptimizableCCNode()) { // If we're in a black document, return early. if ((currentDoc && currentDoc->HasKnownLiveWrapper())) { return false; } // If we're not in anonymous content and we have a black parent, // return early. nsIContent* parent = tmp->GetParent(); if (parent && !parent->UnoptimizableCCNode() && parent->HasKnownLiveWrapper()) { MOZ_ASSERT(parent->ComputeIndexOf(tmp).isSome(), "Parent doesn't own us?"); return false; } } } } NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mNodeInfo) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mFirstChild) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mNextSibling) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_RAWPTR(GetParent()) nsSlots* slots = tmp->GetExistingSlots(); if (slots) { slots->Traverse(cb); } if (tmp->HasProperties()) { nsCOMArray* objects = static_cast*>( tmp->GetProperty(nsGkAtoms::keepobjectsalive)); if (objects) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < objects->Count(); ++i) { cb.NoteXPCOMChild(objects->ObjectAt(i)); } } #ifdef ACCESSIBILITY AccessibleNode* anode = static_cast( tmp->GetProperty(nsGkAtoms::accessiblenode)); if (anode) { cb.NoteXPCOMChild(anode); } #endif } if (tmp->NodeType() != DOCUMENT_NODE && tmp->HasFlag(NODE_HAS_LISTENERMANAGER)) { nsContentUtils::TraverseListenerManager(tmp, cb); } return true; } /* static */ void nsINode::Unlink(nsINode* tmp) { tmp->ReleaseWrapper(tmp); nsSlots* slots = tmp->GetExistingSlots(); if (slots) { slots->Unlink(); } if (tmp->NodeType() != DOCUMENT_NODE && tmp->HasFlag(NODE_HAS_LISTENERMANAGER)) { nsContentUtils::RemoveListenerManager(tmp); tmp->UnsetFlags(NODE_HAS_LISTENERMANAGER); } if (tmp->HasProperties()) { tmp->RemoveProperty(nsGkAtoms::keepobjectsalive); tmp->RemoveProperty(nsGkAtoms::accessiblenode); } } static void AdoptNodeIntoOwnerDoc(nsINode* aParent, nsINode* aNode, ErrorResult& aError) { NS_ASSERTION(!aNode->GetParentNode(), "Should have removed from parent already"); Document* doc = aParent->OwnerDoc(); DebugOnly adoptedNode = doc->AdoptNode(*aNode, aError); #ifdef DEBUG if (!aError.Failed()) { MOZ_ASSERT(aParent->OwnerDoc() == doc, "ownerDoc chainged while adopting"); MOZ_ASSERT(adoptedNode == aNode, "Uh, adopt node changed nodes?"); MOZ_ASSERT(aParent->OwnerDoc() == aNode->OwnerDoc(), "ownerDocument changed again after adopting!"); } #endif // DEBUG } static nsresult UpdateGlobalsInSubtree(nsIContent* aRoot) { MOZ_ASSERT(ShouldUseNACScope(aRoot)); // Start off with no global so we don't fire any error events on failure. AutoJSAPI jsapi; jsapi.Init(); JSContext* cx = jsapi.cx(); ErrorResult rv; JS::Rooted reflector(cx); for (nsIContent* cur = aRoot; cur; cur = cur->GetNextNode(aRoot)) { if ((reflector = cur->GetWrapper())) { JSAutoRealm ar(cx, reflector); UpdateReflectorGlobal(cx, reflector, rv); rv.WouldReportJSException(); if (rv.Failed()) { // We _could_ consider BlastSubtreeToPieces here, but it's not really // needed. Having some nodes in here accessible to content while others // are not is probably OK. We just need to fail out of the actual // insertion, so they're not in the DOM. Returning a failure here will // do that. return rv.StealNSResult(); } } } return NS_OK; } void nsINode::InsertChildBefore(nsIContent* aKid, nsIContent* aBeforeThis, bool aNotify, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (!IsContainerNode()) { aRv.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( "Parent is not a Document, DocumentFragment, or Element node."); return; } MOZ_ASSERT(!aKid->GetParentNode(), "Inserting node that already has parent"); MOZ_ASSERT(!IsAttr()); // The id-handling code, and in the future possibly other code, need to // react to unexpected attribute changes. nsMutationGuard::DidMutate(); // Do this before checking the child-count since this could cause mutations mozAutoDocUpdate updateBatch(GetComposedDoc(), aNotify); if (OwnerDoc() != aKid->OwnerDoc()) { AdoptNodeIntoOwnerDoc(this, aKid, aRv); if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return; } } if (!aBeforeThis) { AppendChildToChildList(aKid); } else { InsertChildToChildList(aKid, aBeforeThis); } nsIContent* parent = IsContent() ? AsContent() : nullptr; // XXXbz Do we even need this code anymore? bool wasInNACScope = ShouldUseNACScope(aKid); BindContext context(*this); aRv = aKid->BindToTree(context, *this); if (!aRv.Failed() && !wasInNACScope && ShouldUseNACScope(aKid)) { MOZ_ASSERT(ShouldUseNACScope(this), "Why does the kid need to use an the anonymous content scope?"); aRv = UpdateGlobalsInSubtree(aKid); } if (aRv.Failed()) { DisconnectChild(aKid); aKid->UnbindFromTree(); return; } // Invalidate cached array of child nodes InvalidateChildNodes(); NS_ASSERTION(aKid->GetParentNode() == this, "Did we run script inappropriately?"); if (aNotify) { // Note that we always want to call ContentInserted when things are added // as kids to documents if (parent && !aBeforeThis) { MutationObservers::NotifyContentAppended(parent, aKid); } else { MutationObservers::NotifyContentInserted(this, aKid); } if (nsContentUtils::HasMutationListeners( aKid, NS_EVENT_BITS_MUTATION_NODEINSERTED, this)) { InternalMutationEvent mutation(true, eLegacyNodeInserted); mutation.mRelatedNode = this; mozAutoSubtreeModified subtree(OwnerDoc(), this); (new AsyncEventDispatcher(aKid, mutation))->RunDOMEventWhenSafe(); } } } nsIContent* nsINode::GetPreviousSibling() const { // Do not expose circular linked list if (mPreviousOrLastSibling && !mPreviousOrLastSibling->mNextSibling) { return nullptr; } return mPreviousOrLastSibling; } // CACHE_POINTER_SHIFT indicates how many steps to downshift the |this| pointer. // It should be small enough to not cause collisions between adjecent objects, // and large enough to make sure that all indexes are used. #define CACHE_POINTER_SHIFT 6 #define CACHE_NUM_SLOTS 128 #define CACHE_CHILD_LIMIT 10 #define CACHE_GET_INDEX(_parent) \ ((NS_PTR_TO_INT32(_parent) >> CACHE_POINTER_SHIFT) & (CACHE_NUM_SLOTS - 1)) struct IndexCacheSlot { const nsINode* mParent; const nsINode* mChild; uint32_t mChildIndex; }; static IndexCacheSlot sIndexCache[CACHE_NUM_SLOTS]; static inline void AddChildAndIndexToCache(const nsINode* aParent, const nsINode* aChild, uint32_t aChildIndex) { uint32_t index = CACHE_GET_INDEX(aParent); sIndexCache[index].mParent = aParent; sIndexCache[index].mChild = aChild; sIndexCache[index].mChildIndex = aChildIndex; } static inline void GetChildAndIndexFromCache(const nsINode* aParent, const nsINode** aChild, Maybe* aChildIndex) { uint32_t index = CACHE_GET_INDEX(aParent); if (sIndexCache[index].mParent == aParent) { *aChild = sIndexCache[index].mChild; *aChildIndex = Some(sIndexCache[index].mChildIndex); } else { *aChild = nullptr; *aChildIndex = Nothing(); } } static inline void RemoveFromCache(const nsINode* aParent) { uint32_t index = CACHE_GET_INDEX(aParent); if (sIndexCache[index].mParent == aParent) { sIndexCache[index] = {nullptr, nullptr, UINT32_MAX}; } } void nsINode::AppendChildToChildList(nsIContent* aKid) { MOZ_ASSERT(aKid); MOZ_ASSERT(!aKid->mNextSibling); RemoveFromCache(this); if (mFirstChild) { nsIContent* lastChild = GetLastChild(); lastChild->mNextSibling = aKid; aKid->mPreviousOrLastSibling = lastChild; } else { mFirstChild = aKid; } // Maintain link to the last child mFirstChild->mPreviousOrLastSibling = aKid; ++mChildCount; } void nsINode::InsertChildToChildList(nsIContent* aKid, nsIContent* aNextSibling) { MOZ_ASSERT(aKid); MOZ_ASSERT(aNextSibling); RemoveFromCache(this); nsIContent* previousSibling = aNextSibling->mPreviousOrLastSibling; aNextSibling->mPreviousOrLastSibling = aKid; aKid->mPreviousOrLastSibling = previousSibling; aKid->mNextSibling = aNextSibling; if (aNextSibling == mFirstChild) { MOZ_ASSERT(!previousSibling->mNextSibling); mFirstChild = aKid; } else { previousSibling->mNextSibling = aKid; } ++mChildCount; } void nsINode::DisconnectChild(nsIContent* aKid) { MOZ_ASSERT(aKid); MOZ_ASSERT(GetChildCount() > 0); RemoveFromCache(this); nsIContent* previousSibling = aKid->GetPreviousSibling(); nsCOMPtr ref = aKid; if (aKid->mNextSibling) { aKid->mNextSibling->mPreviousOrLastSibling = aKid->mPreviousOrLastSibling; } else { // aKid is the last child in the list mFirstChild->mPreviousOrLastSibling = aKid->mPreviousOrLastSibling; } aKid->mPreviousOrLastSibling = nullptr; if (previousSibling) { previousSibling->mNextSibling = std::move(aKid->mNextSibling); } else { // aKid is the first child in the list mFirstChild = std::move(aKid->mNextSibling); } --mChildCount; } nsIContent* nsINode::GetChildAt_Deprecated(uint32_t aIndex) const { if (aIndex >= GetChildCount()) { return nullptr; } nsIContent* child = mFirstChild; while (aIndex--) { child = child->GetNextSibling(); } return child; } int32_t nsINode::ComputeIndexOf_Deprecated( const nsINode* aPossibleChild) const { Maybe maybeIndex = ComputeIndexOf(aPossibleChild); if (!maybeIndex) { return -1; } MOZ_ASSERT(*maybeIndex <= INT32_MAX, "ComputeIndexOf_Deprecated() returns unsupported index value, use " "ComputeIndex() instead"); return static_cast(*maybeIndex); } Maybe nsINode::ComputeIndexOf(const nsINode* aPossibleChild) const { if (!aPossibleChild) { return Nothing(); } if (aPossibleChild->GetParentNode() != this) { return Nothing(); } if (aPossibleChild == GetLastChild()) { MOZ_ASSERT(GetChildCount()); return Some(GetChildCount() - 1); } if (mChildCount >= CACHE_CHILD_LIMIT) { const nsINode* child; Maybe maybeChildIndex; GetChildAndIndexFromCache(this, &child, &maybeChildIndex); if (child) { if (child == aPossibleChild) { return maybeChildIndex; } uint32_t nextIndex = *maybeChildIndex; uint32_t prevIndex = *maybeChildIndex; nsINode* prev = child->GetPreviousSibling(); nsINode* next = child->GetNextSibling(); do { if (next) { MOZ_ASSERT(nextIndex < UINT32_MAX); ++nextIndex; if (next == aPossibleChild) { AddChildAndIndexToCache(this, aPossibleChild, nextIndex); return Some(nextIndex); } next = next->GetNextSibling(); } if (prev) { MOZ_ASSERT(prevIndex > 0); --prevIndex; if (prev == aPossibleChild) { AddChildAndIndexToCache(this, aPossibleChild, prevIndex); return Some(prevIndex); } prev = prev->GetPreviousSibling(); } } while (prev || next); } } uint32_t index = 0u; nsINode* current = mFirstChild; while (current) { MOZ_ASSERT(current->GetParentNode() == this); if (current == aPossibleChild) { if (mChildCount >= CACHE_CHILD_LIMIT) { AddChildAndIndexToCache(this, current, index); } return Some(index); } current = current->GetNextSibling(); MOZ_ASSERT(index < UINT32_MAX); ++index; } return Nothing(); } Maybe nsINode::ComputeIndexInParentNode() const { nsINode* parent = GetParentNode(); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!parent)) { return Nothing(); } return parent->ComputeIndexOf(this); } Maybe nsINode::ComputeIndexInParentContent() const { nsIContent* parent = GetParent(); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!parent)) { return Nothing(); } return parent->ComputeIndexOf(this); } static already_AddRefed GetNodeFromNodeOrString( const OwningNodeOrString& aNode, Document* aDocument) { if (aNode.IsNode()) { nsCOMPtr node = aNode.GetAsNode(); return node.forget(); } if (aNode.IsString()) { RefPtr textNode = aDocument->CreateTextNode(aNode.GetAsString()); return textNode.forget(); } MOZ_CRASH("Impossible type"); } /** * Implement the algorithm specified at * https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#converting-nodes-into-a-node for |prepend()|, * |append()|, |before()|, |after()|, and |replaceWith()| APIs. */ MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static already_AddRefed ConvertNodesOrStringsIntoNode(const Sequence& aNodes, Document* aDocument, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (aNodes.Length() == 1) { return GetNodeFromNodeOrString(aNodes[0], aDocument); } nsCOMPtr fragment = aDocument->CreateDocumentFragment(); for (const auto& node : aNodes) { nsCOMPtr childNode = GetNodeFromNodeOrString(node, aDocument); fragment->AppendChild(*childNode, aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } } return fragment.forget(); } static void InsertNodesIntoHashset(const Sequence& aNodes, nsTHashSet& aHashset) { for (const auto& node : aNodes) { if (node.IsNode()) { aHashset.Insert(node.GetAsNode()); } } } static nsINode* FindViablePreviousSibling( const nsINode& aNode, const Sequence& aNodes) { nsTHashSet nodeSet(16); InsertNodesIntoHashset(aNodes, nodeSet); nsINode* viablePreviousSibling = nullptr; for (nsINode* sibling = aNode.GetPreviousSibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->GetPreviousSibling()) { if (!nodeSet.Contains(sibling)) { viablePreviousSibling = sibling; break; } } return viablePreviousSibling; } static nsINode* FindViableNextSibling( const nsINode& aNode, const Sequence& aNodes) { nsTHashSet nodeSet(16); InsertNodesIntoHashset(aNodes, nodeSet); nsINode* viableNextSibling = nullptr; for (nsINode* sibling = aNode.GetNextSibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->GetNextSibling()) { if (!nodeSet.Contains(sibling)) { viableNextSibling = sibling; break; } } return viableNextSibling; } void nsINode::Before(const Sequence& aNodes, ErrorResult& aRv) { nsCOMPtr parent = GetParentNode(); if (!parent) { return; } nsCOMPtr viablePreviousSibling = FindViablePreviousSibling(*this, aNodes); nsCOMPtr doc = OwnerDoc(); nsCOMPtr node = ConvertNodesOrStringsIntoNode(aNodes, doc, aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return; } viablePreviousSibling = viablePreviousSibling ? viablePreviousSibling->GetNextSibling() : parent->GetFirstChild(); parent->InsertBefore(*node, viablePreviousSibling, aRv); } void nsINode::After(const Sequence& aNodes, ErrorResult& aRv) { nsCOMPtr parent = GetParentNode(); if (!parent) { return; } nsCOMPtr viableNextSibling = FindViableNextSibling(*this, aNodes); nsCOMPtr doc = OwnerDoc(); nsCOMPtr node = ConvertNodesOrStringsIntoNode(aNodes, doc, aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return; } parent->InsertBefore(*node, viableNextSibling, aRv); } void nsINode::ReplaceWith(const Sequence& aNodes, ErrorResult& aRv) { nsCOMPtr parent = GetParentNode(); if (!parent) { return; } nsCOMPtr viableNextSibling = FindViableNextSibling(*this, aNodes); nsCOMPtr doc = OwnerDoc(); nsCOMPtr node = ConvertNodesOrStringsIntoNode(aNodes, doc, aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return; } if (parent == GetParentNode()) { parent->ReplaceChild(*node, *this, aRv); } else { parent->InsertBefore(*node, viableNextSibling, aRv); } } void nsINode::Remove() { nsCOMPtr parent = GetParentNode(); if (!parent) { return; } parent->RemoveChild(*this, IgnoreErrors()); } Element* nsINode::GetFirstElementChild() const { for (nsIContent* child = GetFirstChild(); child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) { if (child->IsElement()) { return child->AsElement(); } } return nullptr; } Element* nsINode::GetLastElementChild() const { for (nsIContent* child = GetLastChild(); child; child = child->GetPreviousSibling()) { if (child->IsElement()) { return child->AsElement(); } } return nullptr; } static bool MatchAttribute(Element* aElement, int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aAttrName, void* aData) { MOZ_ASSERT(aElement, "Must have content node to work with!"); nsString* attrValue = static_cast(aData); if (aNamespaceID != kNameSpaceID_Unknown && aNamespaceID != kNameSpaceID_Wildcard) { return attrValue->EqualsLiteral("*") ? aElement->HasAttr(aNamespaceID, aAttrName) : aElement->AttrValueIs(aNamespaceID, aAttrName, *attrValue, eCaseMatters); } // Qualified name match. This takes more work. uint32_t count = aElement->GetAttrCount(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const nsAttrName* name = aElement->GetAttrNameAt(i); bool nameMatch; if (name->IsAtom()) { nameMatch = name->Atom() == aAttrName; } else if (aNamespaceID == kNameSpaceID_Wildcard) { nameMatch = name->NodeInfo()->Equals(aAttrName); } else { nameMatch = name->NodeInfo()->QualifiedNameEquals(aAttrName); } if (nameMatch) { return attrValue->EqualsLiteral("*") || aElement->AttrValueIs(name->NamespaceID(), name->LocalName(), *attrValue, eCaseMatters); } } return false; } already_AddRefed nsINode::GetElementsByAttribute( const nsAString& aAttribute, const nsAString& aValue) { RefPtr attrAtom(NS_Atomize(aAttribute)); RefPtr list = new nsContentList( this, MatchAttribute, nsContentUtils::DestroyMatchString, new nsString(aValue), true, attrAtom, kNameSpaceID_Unknown); return list.forget(); } already_AddRefed nsINode::GetElementsByAttributeNS( const nsAString& aNamespaceURI, const nsAString& aAttribute, const nsAString& aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) { RefPtr attrAtom(NS_Atomize(aAttribute)); int32_t nameSpaceId = kNameSpaceID_Wildcard; if (!aNamespaceURI.EqualsLiteral("*")) { nsresult rv = nsNameSpaceManager::GetInstance()->RegisterNameSpace( aNamespaceURI, nameSpaceId); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { aRv.Throw(rv); return nullptr; } } RefPtr list = new nsContentList( this, MatchAttribute, nsContentUtils::DestroyMatchString, new nsString(aValue), true, attrAtom, nameSpaceId); return list.forget(); } void nsINode::Prepend(const Sequence& aNodes, ErrorResult& aRv) { nsCOMPtr doc = OwnerDoc(); nsCOMPtr node = ConvertNodesOrStringsIntoNode(aNodes, doc, aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return; } nsCOMPtr refNode = mFirstChild; InsertBefore(*node, refNode, aRv); } void nsINode::Append(const Sequence& aNodes, ErrorResult& aRv) { nsCOMPtr doc = OwnerDoc(); nsCOMPtr node = ConvertNodesOrStringsIntoNode(aNodes, doc, aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return; } AppendChild(*node, aRv); } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-parentnode-replacechildren void nsINode::ReplaceChildren(const Sequence& aNodes, ErrorResult& aRv) { nsCOMPtr doc = OwnerDoc(); nsCOMPtr node = ConvertNodesOrStringsIntoNode(aNodes, doc, aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return; } MOZ_ASSERT(node); return ReplaceChildren(node, aRv); } void nsINode::ReplaceChildren(nsINode* aNode, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (aNode) { EnsurePreInsertionValidity(*aNode, nullptr, aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return; } } nsCOMPtr node = aNode; // Batch possible DOMSubtreeModified events. mozAutoSubtreeModified subtree(OwnerDoc(), nullptr); if (nsContentUtils::HasMutationListeners( OwnerDoc(), NS_EVENT_BITS_MUTATION_NODEREMOVED)) { FireNodeRemovedForChildren(); if (node) { if (node->NodeType() == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { node->FireNodeRemovedForChildren(); } else if (nsCOMPtr parent = node->GetParentNode()) { nsContentUtils::MaybeFireNodeRemoved(node, parent); } } } // Needed when used in combination with contenteditable (maybe) mozAutoDocUpdate updateBatch(OwnerDoc(), true); nsAutoMutationBatch mb(this, true, true); // The code above explicitly dispatched DOMNodeRemoved events if needed. nsAutoScriptBlockerSuppressNodeRemoved scriptBlocker; // Replace all with node within this. while (mFirstChild) { RemoveChildNode(mFirstChild, true); } mb.RemovalDone(); if (aNode) { AppendChild(*aNode, aRv); mb.NodesAdded(); } } void nsINode::RemoveChildNode(nsIContent* aKid, bool aNotify) { // NOTE: This function must not trigger any calls to // Document::GetRootElement() calls until *after* it has removed aKid from // aChildArray. Any calls before then could potentially restore a stale // value for our cached root element, per note in // Document::RemoveChildNode(). MOZ_ASSERT(aKid && aKid->GetParentNode() == this, "Bogus aKid"); MOZ_ASSERT(!IsAttr()); nsMutationGuard::DidMutate(); mozAutoDocUpdate updateBatch(GetComposedDoc(), aNotify); nsIContent* previousSibling = aKid->GetPreviousSibling(); // Since aKid is use also after DisconnectChild, ensure it stays alive. nsCOMPtr kungfuDeathGrip = aKid; DisconnectChild(aKid); // Invalidate cached array of child nodes InvalidateChildNodes(); if (aNotify) { MutationObservers::NotifyContentRemoved(this, aKid, previousSibling); } aKid->UnbindFromTree(); } // When replacing, aRefChild is the content being replaced; when // inserting it's the content before which we're inserting. In the // latter case it may be null. // // If aRv is a failure after this call, the insertion should not happen. // // This implements the parts of // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-ensure-pre-insertion-validity and // the checks in https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-replace that // depend on the child nodes or come after steps that depend on the child nodes // (steps 2-6 in both cases). static void EnsureAllowedAsChild(nsINode* aNewChild, nsINode* aParent, bool aIsReplace, nsINode* aRefChild, ErrorResult& aRv) { MOZ_ASSERT(aNewChild, "Must have new child"); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(aIsReplace, aRefChild); MOZ_ASSERT(aParent); MOZ_ASSERT(aParent->IsDocument() || aParent->IsDocumentFragment() || aParent->IsElement(), "Nodes that are not documents, document fragments or elements " "can't be parents!"); // Step 2. // A common case is that aNewChild has no kids, in which case // aParent can't be a descendant of aNewChild unless they're // actually equal to each other. Fast-path that case, since aParent // could be pretty deep in the DOM tree. if (aNewChild == aParent || ((aNewChild->GetFirstChild() || // HTML template elements and ShadowRoot hosts need // to be checked to ensure that they are not inserted into // the hosted content. aNewChild->NodeInfo()->NameAtom() == nsGkAtoms::_template || (aNewChild->IsElement() && aNewChild->AsElement()->GetShadowRoot())) && nsContentUtils::ContentIsHostIncludingDescendantOf(aParent, aNewChild))) { aRv.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( "The new child is an ancestor of the parent"); return; } // Step 3. if (aRefChild && aRefChild->GetParentNode() != aParent) { if (aIsReplace) { if (aNewChild->GetParentNode() == aParent) { aRv.ThrowNotFoundError( "New child already has this parent and old child does not. Please " "check the order of replaceChild's arguments."); } else { aRv.ThrowNotFoundError( "Child to be replaced is not a child of this node"); } } else { aRv.ThrowNotFoundError( "Child to insert before is not a child of this node"); } return; } // Step 4. if (!aNewChild->IsContent()) { aRv.ThrowHierarchyRequestError(nsPrintfCString( "May not add %s as a child", NodeTypeAsString(aNewChild))); return; } // Steps 5 and 6 combined. // The allowed child nodes differ for documents and elements switch (aNewChild->NodeType()) { case nsINode::COMMENT_NODE: case nsINode::PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: // OK in both cases return; case nsINode::TEXT_NODE: case nsINode::CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case nsINode::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: // Allowed under Elements and DocumentFragments if (aParent->NodeType() == nsINode::DOCUMENT_NODE) { aRv.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( nsPrintfCString("Cannot insert %s as a child of a Document", NodeTypeAsString(aNewChild))); } return; case nsINode::ELEMENT_NODE: { if (!aParent->IsDocument()) { // Always ok to have elements under other elements or document fragments return; } Document* parentDocument = aParent->AsDocument(); Element* rootElement = parentDocument->GetRootElement(); if (rootElement) { // Already have a documentElement, so this is only OK if we're // replacing it. if (!aIsReplace || rootElement != aRefChild) { aRv.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( "Cannot have more than one Element child of a Document"); } return; } // We don't have a documentElement yet. Our one remaining constraint is // that the documentElement must come after the doctype. if (!aRefChild) { // Appending is just fine. return; } nsIContent* docTypeContent = parentDocument->GetDoctype(); if (!docTypeContent) { // It's all good. return; } // The docTypeContent is retrived from the child list of the Document // node so that doctypeIndex is never Nothing. const Maybe doctypeIndex = aParent->ComputeIndexOf(docTypeContent); MOZ_ASSERT(doctypeIndex.isSome()); // If aRefChild is an NAC, its index can be Nothing. const Maybe insertIndex = aParent->ComputeIndexOf(aRefChild); // Now we're OK in the following two cases only: // 1) We're replacing something that's not before the doctype // 2) We're inserting before something that comes after the doctype const bool ok = MOZ_LIKELY(insertIndex.isSome()) && (aIsReplace ? *insertIndex >= *doctypeIndex : *insertIndex > *doctypeIndex); if (!ok) { aRv.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( "Cannot insert a root element before the doctype"); } return; } case nsINode::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: { if (!aParent->IsDocument()) { // doctypes only allowed under documents aRv.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( nsPrintfCString("Cannot insert a DocumentType as a child of %s", NodeTypeAsString(aParent))); return; } Document* parentDocument = aParent->AsDocument(); nsIContent* docTypeContent = parentDocument->GetDoctype(); if (docTypeContent) { // Already have a doctype, so this is only OK if we're replacing it if (!aIsReplace || docTypeContent != aRefChild) { aRv.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( "Cannot have more than one DocumentType child of a Document"); } return; } // We don't have a doctype yet. Our one remaining constraint is // that the doctype must come before the documentElement. Element* rootElement = parentDocument->GetRootElement(); if (!rootElement) { // It's all good return; } if (!aRefChild) { // Trying to append a doctype, but have a documentElement aRv.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( "Cannot have a DocumentType node after the root element"); return; } // rootElement is now in the child list of the Document node so that // ComputeIndexOf must success to find it. const Maybe rootIndex = aParent->ComputeIndexOf(rootElement); MOZ_ASSERT(rootIndex.isSome()); const Maybe insertIndex = aParent->ComputeIndexOf(aRefChild); // Now we're OK if and only if insertIndex <= rootIndex. Indeed, either // we end up replacing aRefChild or we end up before it. Either one is // ok as long as aRefChild is not after rootElement. if (MOZ_LIKELY(insertIndex.isSome()) && *insertIndex > *rootIndex) { aRv.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( "Cannot have a DocumentType node after the root element"); } return; } case nsINode::DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: { // Note that for now we only allow nodes inside document fragments if // they're allowed inside elements. If we ever change this to allow // doctype nodes in document fragments, we'll need to update this code. // Also, there's a version of this code in ReplaceOrInsertBefore. If you // change this code, change that too. if (!aParent->IsDocument()) { // All good here return; } bool sawElement = false; for (nsIContent* child = aNewChild->GetFirstChild(); child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) { if (child->IsElement()) { if (sawElement) { // Can't put two elements into a document aRv.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( "Cannot have more than one Element child of a Document"); return; } sawElement = true; } // If we can put this content at the right place, we might be ok; // if not, we bail out. EnsureAllowedAsChild(child, aParent, aIsReplace, aRefChild, aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return; } } // Everything in the fragment checked out ok, so we can stick it in here return; } default: /* * aNewChild is of invalid type. */ break; } // XXXbz when can we reach this? aRv.ThrowHierarchyRequestError(nsPrintfCString("Cannot insert %s inside %s", NodeTypeAsString(aNewChild), NodeTypeAsString(aParent))); } // Implements // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-ensure-pre-insertion-validity void nsINode::EnsurePreInsertionValidity(nsINode& aNewChild, nsINode* aRefChild, ErrorResult& aError) { EnsurePreInsertionValidity1(aError); if (aError.Failed()) { return; } EnsurePreInsertionValidity2(false, aNewChild, aRefChild, aError); } // Implements the parts of // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-ensure-pre-insertion-validity and // the checks in https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-replace that can be // evaluated before ever looking at the child nodes (step 1 in both cases). void nsINode::EnsurePreInsertionValidity1(ErrorResult& aError) { if (!IsDocument() && !IsDocumentFragment() && !IsElement()) { aError.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( nsPrintfCString("Cannot add children to %s", NodeTypeAsString(this))); return; } } void nsINode::EnsurePreInsertionValidity2(bool aReplace, nsINode& aNewChild, nsINode* aRefChild, ErrorResult& aError) { if (aNewChild.IsRootOfNativeAnonymousSubtree()) { // This is anonymous content. Don't allow its insertion // anywhere, since it might have UnbindFromTree calls coming // its way. aError.ThrowNotSupportedError( "Inserting anonymous content manually is not supported"); return; } // Make sure that the inserted node is allowed as a child of its new parent. EnsureAllowedAsChild(&aNewChild, this, aReplace, aRefChild, aError); } nsINode* nsINode::ReplaceOrInsertBefore(bool aReplace, nsINode* aNewChild, nsINode* aRefChild, ErrorResult& aError) { // XXXbz I wish I could assert that nsContentUtils::IsSafeToRunScript() so we // could rely on scriptblockers going out of scope to actually run XBL // teardown, but various crud adds nodes under scriptblockers (e.g. native // anonymous content). The only good news is those insertions can't trigger // the bad XBL cases. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(aReplace, aRefChild); // Before firing DOMNodeRemoved events, make sure this is actually an insert // we plan to do. EnsurePreInsertionValidity1(aError); if (aError.Failed()) { return nullptr; } EnsurePreInsertionValidity2(aReplace, *aNewChild, aRefChild, aError); if (aError.Failed()) { return nullptr; } uint16_t nodeType = aNewChild->NodeType(); // Before we do anything else, fire all DOMNodeRemoved mutation events // We do this up front as to avoid having to deal with script running // at random places further down. // Scope firing mutation events so that we don't carry any state that // might be stale { nsMutationGuard guard; // If we're replacing, fire for node-to-be-replaced. // If aRefChild == aNewChild then we'll fire for it in check below if (aReplace && aRefChild != aNewChild) { nsContentUtils::MaybeFireNodeRemoved(aRefChild, this); } // If the new node already has a parent, fire for removing from old // parent if (nsCOMPtr oldParent = aNewChild->GetParentNode()) { nsContentUtils::MaybeFireNodeRemoved(aNewChild, oldParent); } // If we're inserting a fragment, fire for all the children of the // fragment if (nodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { static_cast(aNewChild)->FireNodeRemovedForChildren(); } if (guard.Mutated(0)) { // Re-check the parts of our pre-insertion validity that might depend on // the tree shape. EnsurePreInsertionValidity2(aReplace, *aNewChild, aRefChild, aError); if (aError.Failed()) { return nullptr; } } } // Record the node to insert before, if any nsIContent* nodeToInsertBefore; if (aReplace) { nodeToInsertBefore = aRefChild->GetNextSibling(); } else { // Since aRefChild is our child, it must be an nsIContent object. nodeToInsertBefore = aRefChild ? aRefChild->AsContent() : nullptr; } if (nodeToInsertBefore == aNewChild) { // We're going to remove aNewChild from its parent, so use its next sibling // as the node to insert before. nodeToInsertBefore = nodeToInsertBefore->GetNextSibling(); } Maybe, 50>> fragChildren; // Remove the new child from the old parent if one exists nsIContent* newContent = aNewChild->AsContent(); nsCOMPtr oldParent = newContent->GetParentNode(); if (oldParent) { // Hold a strong ref to nodeToInsertBefore across the removal of newContent nsCOMPtr kungFuDeathGrip = nodeToInsertBefore; // Removing a child can run script, via XBL destructors. nsMutationGuard guard; // Scope for the mutation batch and scriptblocker, so they go away // while kungFuDeathGrip is still alive. { mozAutoDocUpdate batch(newContent->GetComposedDoc(), true); nsAutoMutationBatch mb(oldParent, true, true); // ScriptBlocker ensures previous and next stay alive. nsIContent* previous = aNewChild->GetPreviousSibling(); nsIContent* next = aNewChild->GetNextSibling(); oldParent->RemoveChildNode(aNewChild->AsContent(), true); if (nsAutoMutationBatch::GetCurrentBatch() == &mb) { mb.RemovalDone(); mb.SetPrevSibling(previous); mb.SetNextSibling(next); } } // We expect one mutation (the removal) to have happened. if (guard.Mutated(1)) { // XBL destructors, yuck. // Verify that newContent has no parent. if (newContent->GetParentNode()) { aError.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( "New child was inserted somewhere else"); return nullptr; } // And verify that newContent is still allowed as our child. if (aNewChild == aRefChild) { // We've already removed aRefChild. So even if we were doing a replace, // now we're doing a simple insert before nodeToInsertBefore. EnsureAllowedAsChild(newContent, this, false, nodeToInsertBefore, aError); if (aError.Failed()) { return nullptr; } } else { EnsureAllowedAsChild(newContent, this, aReplace, aRefChild, aError); if (aError.Failed()) { return nullptr; } // And recompute nodeToInsertBefore, just in case. if (aReplace) { nodeToInsertBefore = aRefChild->GetNextSibling(); } else { nodeToInsertBefore = aRefChild ? aRefChild->AsContent() : nullptr; } } } } else if (nodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { // Make sure to remove all the fragment's kids. We need to do this before // we start inserting anything, so we will run out XBL destructors and // binding teardown (GOD, I HATE THESE THINGS) before we insert anything // into the DOM. uint32_t count = newContent->GetChildCount(); fragChildren.emplace(); // Copy the children into a separate array to avoid having to deal with // mutations to the fragment later on here. fragChildren->SetCapacity(count); for (nsIContent* child = newContent->GetFirstChild(); child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) { NS_ASSERTION(child->GetUncomposedDoc() == nullptr, "How did we get a child with a current doc?"); fragChildren->AppendElement(child); } // Hold a strong ref to nodeToInsertBefore across the removals nsCOMPtr kungFuDeathGrip = nodeToInsertBefore; nsMutationGuard guard; // Scope for the mutation batch and scriptblocker, so they go away // while kungFuDeathGrip is still alive. { mozAutoDocUpdate batch(newContent->GetComposedDoc(), true); nsAutoMutationBatch mb(newContent, false, true); while (newContent->HasChildren()) { newContent->RemoveChildNode(newContent->GetLastChild(), true); } } // We expect |count| removals if (guard.Mutated(count)) { // XBL destructors, yuck. // Verify that nodeToInsertBefore, if non-null, is still our child. If // it's not, there's no way we can do this insert sanely; just bail out. if (nodeToInsertBefore && nodeToInsertBefore->GetParent() != this) { aError.ThrowHierarchyRequestError("Don't know where to insert child"); return nullptr; } // Verify that all the things in fragChildren have no parent. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (fragChildren->ElementAt(i)->GetParentNode()) { aError.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( "New child was inserted somewhere else"); return nullptr; } } // Note that unlike the single-element case above, none of our kids can // be aRefChild, so we can always pass through aReplace in the // EnsureAllowedAsChild checks below and don't have to worry about whether // recomputing nodeToInsertBefore is OK. // Verify that our aRefChild is still sensible if (aRefChild && aRefChild->GetParent() != this) { aError.ThrowHierarchyRequestError("Don't know where to insert child"); return nullptr; } // Recompute nodeToInsertBefore, just in case. if (aReplace) { nodeToInsertBefore = aRefChild->GetNextSibling(); } else { // If aRefChild has 'this' as a parent, it must be an nsIContent. nodeToInsertBefore = aRefChild ? aRefChild->AsContent() : nullptr; } // And verify that newContent is still allowed as our child. Sadly, we // need to reimplement the relevant part of EnsureAllowedAsChild() because // now our nodes are in an array and all. If you change this code, // change the code there. if (IsDocument()) { bool sawElement = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { nsIContent* child = fragChildren->ElementAt(i); if (child->IsElement()) { if (sawElement) { // No good aError.ThrowHierarchyRequestError( "Cannot have more than one Element child of a Document"); return nullptr; } sawElement = true; } EnsureAllowedAsChild(child, this, aReplace, aRefChild, aError); if (aError.Failed()) { return nullptr; } } } } } mozAutoDocUpdate batch(GetComposedDoc(), true); nsAutoMutationBatch mb; // If we're replacing and we haven't removed aRefChild yet, do so now if (aReplace && aRefChild != aNewChild) { mb.Init(this, true, true); // Since aRefChild is never null in the aReplace case, we know that at // this point nodeToInsertBefore is the next sibling of aRefChild. NS_ASSERTION(aRefChild->GetNextSibling() == nodeToInsertBefore, "Unexpected nodeToInsertBefore"); nsIContent* toBeRemoved = nodeToInsertBefore ? nodeToInsertBefore->GetPreviousSibling() : GetLastChild(); MOZ_ASSERT(toBeRemoved); RemoveChildNode(toBeRemoved, true); } // Move new child over to our document if needed. Do this after removing // it from its parent so that AdoptNode doesn't fire DOMNodeRemoved // DocumentType nodes are the only nodes that can have a null // ownerDocument according to the DOM spec, and we need to allow // inserting them w/o calling AdoptNode(). Document* doc = OwnerDoc(); if (doc != newContent->OwnerDoc()) { AdoptNodeIntoOwnerDoc(this, aNewChild, aError); if (aError.Failed()) { return nullptr; } } /* * Check if we're inserting a document fragment. If we are, we need * to actually add its children individually (i.e. we don't add the * actual document fragment). */ nsINode* result = aReplace ? aRefChild : aNewChild; if (nodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { nsAutoMutationBatch* mutationBatch = nsAutoMutationBatch::GetCurrentBatch(); if (mutationBatch && mutationBatch != &mb) { mutationBatch = nullptr; } else if (!aReplace) { mb.Init(this, true, true); mutationBatch = nsAutoMutationBatch::GetCurrentBatch(); } if (mutationBatch) { mutationBatch->RemovalDone(); mutationBatch->SetPrevSibling( nodeToInsertBefore ? nodeToInsertBefore->GetPreviousSibling() : GetLastChild()); mutationBatch->SetNextSibling(nodeToInsertBefore); } uint32_t count = fragChildren->Length(); if (!count) { return result; } bool appending = !IsDocument() && !nodeToInsertBefore; nsIContent* firstInsertedContent = fragChildren->ElementAt(0); // Iterate through the fragment's children, and insert them in the new // parent for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { // XXXbz how come no reparenting here? That seems odd... // Insert the child. InsertChildBefore(fragChildren->ElementAt(i), nodeToInsertBefore, !appending, aError); if (aError.Failed()) { // Make sure to notify on any children that we did succeed to insert if (appending && i != 0) { MutationObservers::NotifyContentAppended( static_cast(this), firstInsertedContent); } return nullptr; } } if (mutationBatch && !appending) { mutationBatch->NodesAdded(); } // Notify and fire mutation events when appending if (appending) { MutationObservers::NotifyContentAppended(static_cast(this), firstInsertedContent); if (mutationBatch) { mutationBatch->NodesAdded(); } // Optimize for the case when there are no listeners if (nsContentUtils::HasMutationListeners( doc, NS_EVENT_BITS_MUTATION_NODEINSERTED)) { Element::FireNodeInserted(doc, this, *fragChildren); } } } else { // Not inserting a fragment but rather a single node. // FIXME https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=544654 // We need to reparent here for nodes for which the parent of their // wrapper is not the wrapper for their ownerDocument (XUL elements, // form controls, ...). Also applies in the fragment code above. if (nsAutoMutationBatch::GetCurrentBatch() == &mb) { mb.RemovalDone(); mb.SetPrevSibling(nodeToInsertBefore ? nodeToInsertBefore->GetPreviousSibling() : GetLastChild()); mb.SetNextSibling(nodeToInsertBefore); } InsertChildBefore(newContent, nodeToInsertBefore, true, aError); if (aError.Failed()) { return nullptr; } } return result; } void nsINode::BindObject(nsISupports* aObject) { nsCOMArray* objects = static_cast*>( GetProperty(nsGkAtoms::keepobjectsalive)); if (!objects) { objects = new nsCOMArray(); SetProperty(nsGkAtoms::keepobjectsalive, objects, nsINode::DeleteProperty>, true); } objects->AppendObject(aObject); } void nsINode::UnbindObject(nsISupports* aObject) { nsCOMArray* objects = static_cast*>( GetProperty(nsGkAtoms::keepobjectsalive)); if (objects) { objects->RemoveObject(aObject); } } already_AddRefed nsINode::GetAccessibleNode() { #ifdef ACCESSIBILITY nsresult rv = NS_OK; RefPtr anode = static_cast(GetProperty(nsGkAtoms::accessiblenode, &rv)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { anode = new AccessibleNode(this); RefPtr temp = anode; rv = SetProperty(nsGkAtoms::accessiblenode, temp.forget().take(), nsPropertyTable::SupportsDtorFunc, true); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("SetProperty failed"); return nullptr; } } return anode.forget(); #else return nullptr; #endif } void nsINode::AddSizeOfExcludingThis(nsWindowSizes& aSizes, size_t* aNodeSize) const { EventListenerManager* elm = GetExistingListenerManager(); if (elm) { *aNodeSize += elm->SizeOfIncludingThis(aSizes.mState.mMallocSizeOf); } // Measurement of the following members may be added later if DMD finds it is // worthwhile: // - mNodeInfo // - mSlots // // The following members are not measured: // - mParent, mNextSibling, mPreviousOrLastSibling, mFirstChild: because // they're non-owning, from "exclusive ownership" point of view. } void nsINode::AddSizeOfIncludingThis(nsWindowSizes& aSizes, size_t* aNodeSize) const { *aNodeSize += aSizes.mState.mMallocSizeOf(this); AddSizeOfExcludingThis(aSizes, aNodeSize); } bool nsINode::Contains(const nsINode* aOther) const { if (aOther == this) { return true; } if (!aOther || OwnerDoc() != aOther->OwnerDoc() || IsInUncomposedDoc() != aOther->IsInUncomposedDoc() || !aOther->IsContent() || !HasChildren()) { return false; } if (IsDocument()) { // document.contains(aOther) returns true if aOther is in the document, // but is not in any anonymous subtree. // IsInUncomposedDoc() check is done already before this. return !aOther->IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree(); } if (!IsElement() && !IsDocumentFragment()) { return false; } if (IsInShadowTree() != aOther->IsInShadowTree() || IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree() != aOther->IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree()) { return false; } if (IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree()) { if (GetClosestNativeAnonymousSubtreeRoot() != aOther->GetClosestNativeAnonymousSubtreeRoot()) { return false; } } if (IsInShadowTree()) { ShadowRoot* otherRoot = aOther->GetContainingShadow(); if (IsShadowRoot()) { return otherRoot == this; } if (otherRoot != GetContainingShadow()) { return false; } } return aOther->IsInclusiveDescendantOf(this); } uint32_t nsINode::Length() const { switch (NodeType()) { case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: return 0; case TEXT_NODE: case CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: case COMMENT_NODE: MOZ_ASSERT(IsContent()); return AsContent()->TextLength(); default: return GetChildCount(); } } const RawServoSelectorList* nsINode::ParseSelectorList( const nsACString& aSelectorString, ErrorResult& aRv) { Document* doc = OwnerDoc(); Document::SelectorCache& cache = doc->GetSelectorCache(); RawServoSelectorList* list = cache.GetListOrInsertFrom(aSelectorString, [&] { // Note that we want to cache even if null was returned, because we // want to cache the "This is not a valid selector" result. // // NOTE(emilio): Off-hand, getting a CallerType here might seem like a // better idea than using IsDocumentURISchemeChrome(), but that would mean // that we'd need to key the selector cache by that. // IsDocumentURISchemeChrome() gives us the same semantics as any inline // style associated to a document, which seems reasonable. return Servo_SelectorList_Parse(&aSelectorString, doc->IsDocumentURISchemeChrome()) .Consume(); }); if (!list) { // Invalid selector. aRv.ThrowSyntaxError("'"_ns + aSelectorString + "' is not a valid selector"_ns); } return list; } // Given an id, find first element with that id under aRoot. // If none found, return nullptr. aRoot must be in the document. inline static Element* FindMatchingElementWithId( const nsAString& aId, const Element& aRoot, const DocumentOrShadowRoot& aContainingDocOrShadowRoot) { MOZ_ASSERT(aRoot.SubtreeRoot() == &aContainingDocOrShadowRoot.AsNode()); MOZ_ASSERT( aRoot.IsInUncomposedDoc() || aRoot.IsInShadowTree(), "Don't call me if the root is not in the document or in a shadow tree"); const nsTArray* elements = aContainingDocOrShadowRoot.GetAllElementsForId(aId); if (!elements) { // Nothing to do; we're done return nullptr; } // XXXbz: Should we fall back to the tree walk if |elements| is long, // for some value of "long"? for (Element* element : *elements) { if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(element == &aRoot)) { continue; } if (!element->IsInclusiveDescendantOf(&aRoot)) { continue; } // We have an element with the right id and it's a strict descendant // of aRoot. return element; } return nullptr; } Element* nsINode::QuerySelector(const nsACString& aSelector, ErrorResult& aResult) { AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_NSCSTRING("nsINode::QuerySelector", LAYOUT_SelectorQuery, aSelector); const RawServoSelectorList* list = ParseSelectorList(aSelector, aResult); if (!list) { return nullptr; } const bool useInvalidation = false; return const_cast( Servo_SelectorList_QueryFirst(this, list, useInvalidation)); } already_AddRefed nsINode::QuerySelectorAll( const nsACString& aSelector, ErrorResult& aResult) { AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_NSCSTRING("nsINode::QuerySelectorAll", LAYOUT_SelectorQuery, aSelector); RefPtr contentList = new nsSimpleContentList(this); const RawServoSelectorList* list = ParseSelectorList(aSelector, aResult); if (!list) { return contentList.forget(); } const bool useInvalidation = false; Servo_SelectorList_QueryAll(this, list, contentList.get(), useInvalidation); return contentList.forget(); } Element* nsINode::GetElementById(const nsAString& aId) { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsShadowRoot(), "Should use the faster version"); MOZ_ASSERT(IsElement() || IsDocumentFragment(), "Bogus this object for GetElementById call"); if (IsInUncomposedDoc()) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsElement(), "Huh? A fragment in a document?"); return FindMatchingElementWithId(aId, *AsElement(), *OwnerDoc()); } if (ShadowRoot* containingShadow = AsContent()->GetContainingShadow()) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsElement(), "Huh? A fragment in a ShadowRoot?"); return FindMatchingElementWithId(aId, *AsElement(), *containingShadow); } for (nsIContent* kid = GetFirstChild(); kid; kid = kid->GetNextNode(this)) { if (!kid->IsElement()) { continue; } nsAtom* id = kid->AsElement()->GetID(); if (id && id->Equals(aId)) { return kid->AsElement(); } } return nullptr; } JSObject* nsINode::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aGivenProto) { // Make sure one of these is true // (1) our owner document has a script handling object, // (2) Our owner document has had a script handling object, or has been marked // to have had one, // (3) we are running a privileged script. // Event handling is possible only if (1). If (2) event handling is // prevented. // If the document has never had a script handling object, untrusted // scripts (3) shouldn't touch it! bool hasHadScriptHandlingObject = false; if (!OwnerDoc()->GetScriptHandlingObject(hasHadScriptHandlingObject) && !hasHadScriptHandlingObject && !nsContentUtils::IsSystemCaller(aCx)) { Throw(aCx, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); return nullptr; } JS::Rooted obj(aCx, WrapNode(aCx, aGivenProto)); if (obj && ChromeOnlyAccess()) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( xpc::IsUnprivilegedJunkScope(JS::GetNonCCWObjectGlobal(obj)) || xpc::IsInUAWidgetScope(obj) || xpc::AccessCheck::isChrome(obj)); } return obj; } already_AddRefed nsINode::CloneNode(bool aDeep, ErrorResult& aError) { return Clone(aDeep, nullptr, aError); } nsDOMAttributeMap* nsINode::GetAttributes() { if (!IsElement()) { return nullptr; } return AsElement()->Attributes(); } Element* nsINode::GetParentElementCrossingShadowRoot() const { if (!mParent) { return nullptr; } if (mParent->IsElement()) { return mParent->AsElement(); } if (ShadowRoot* shadowRoot = ShadowRoot::FromNode(mParent)) { MOZ_ASSERT(shadowRoot->GetHost(), "ShowRoots should always have a host"); return shadowRoot->GetHost(); } return nullptr; } bool nsINode::HasBoxQuadsSupport(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* /* unused */) { return xpc::AccessCheck::isChrome(js::GetContextCompartment(aCx)) || StaticPrefs::layout_css_getBoxQuads_enabled(); } nsINode* nsINode::GetScopeChainParent() const { return nullptr; } Element* nsINode::GetParentFlexElement() { if (!IsContent()) { return nullptr; } nsIFrame* primaryFrame = AsContent()->GetPrimaryFrame(FlushType::Frames); // Walk up the parent chain and pierce through any anonymous boxes // that might be between this frame and a possible flex parent. for (nsIFrame* f = primaryFrame; f; f = f->GetParent()) { if (f != primaryFrame && !f->Style()->IsAnonBox()) { // We hit a non-anonymous ancestor before finding a flex item. // Bail out. break; } if (f->IsFlexItem()) { return f->GetParent()->GetContent()->AsElement(); } } return nullptr; } void nsINode::AddAnimationObserver(nsIAnimationObserver* aAnimationObserver) { AddMutationObserver(aAnimationObserver); OwnerDoc()->SetMayHaveAnimationObservers(); } void nsINode::AddAnimationObserverUnlessExists( nsIAnimationObserver* aAnimationObserver) { AddMutationObserverUnlessExists(aAnimationObserver); OwnerDoc()->SetMayHaveAnimationObservers(); } already_AddRefed nsINode::CloneAndAdopt( nsINode* aNode, bool aClone, bool aDeep, nsNodeInfoManager* aNewNodeInfoManager, JS::Handle aReparentScope, nsINode* aParent, ErrorResult& aError) { MOZ_ASSERT((!aClone && aNewNodeInfoManager) || !aReparentScope, "If cloning or not getting a new nodeinfo we shouldn't rewrap"); MOZ_ASSERT(!aParent || aNode->IsContent(), "Can't insert document or attribute nodes into a parent"); // First deal with aNode and walk its attributes (and their children). Then, // if aDeep is true, deal with aNode's children (and recurse into their // attributes and children). nsAutoScriptBlocker scriptBlocker; nsNodeInfoManager* nodeInfoManager = aNewNodeInfoManager; // aNode. class NodeInfo* nodeInfo = aNode->mNodeInfo; RefPtr newNodeInfo; if (nodeInfoManager) { // Don't allow importing/adopting nodes from non-privileged "scriptable" // documents to "non-scriptable" documents. Document* newDoc = nodeInfoManager->GetDocument(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!newDoc)) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); return nullptr; } bool hasHadScriptHandlingObject = false; if (!newDoc->GetScriptHandlingObject(hasHadScriptHandlingObject) && !hasHadScriptHandlingObject) { Document* currentDoc = aNode->OwnerDoc(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(currentDoc) && (currentDoc->GetScriptHandlingObject( hasHadScriptHandlingObject) || hasHadScriptHandlingObject))) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); return nullptr; } } newNodeInfo = nodeInfoManager->GetNodeInfo( nodeInfo->NameAtom(), nodeInfo->GetPrefixAtom(), nodeInfo->NamespaceID(), nodeInfo->NodeType(), nodeInfo->GetExtraName()); nodeInfo = newNodeInfo; } Element* elem = Element::FromNode(aNode); nsCOMPtr clone; if (aClone) { nsresult rv = aNode->Clone(nodeInfo, getter_AddRefs(clone)); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { aError.Throw(rv); return nullptr; } if (aParent) { // If we're cloning we need to insert the cloned children into the cloned // parent. aParent->AppendChildTo(static_cast(clone.get()), false, aError); if (NS_WARN_IF(aError.Failed())) { return nullptr; } } else if (aDeep && clone->IsDocument()) { // After cloning the document itself, we want to clone the children into // the cloned document (somewhat like cloning and importing them into the // cloned document). nodeInfoManager = clone->mNodeInfo->NodeInfoManager(); } } else if (nodeInfoManager) { Document* oldDoc = aNode->OwnerDoc(); DOMArena* domArenaToStore = !aNode->HasFlag(NODE_KEEPS_DOMARENA) ? aNode->NodeInfo()->NodeInfoManager()->GetArenaAllocator() : nullptr; Document* newDoc = nodeInfoManager->GetDocument(); MOZ_ASSERT(newDoc); bool wasRegistered = false; if (elem) { wasRegistered = oldDoc->UnregisterActivityObserver(elem); } const bool hadProperties = aNode->HasProperties(); if (hadProperties) { // NOTE: We want this to happen before NodeInfoChanged so that // NodeInfoChanged can use node properties normally. // // When this fails, it removes all properties for the node anyway, so no // extra error handling needed. Unused << oldDoc->PropertyTable().TransferOrRemoveAllPropertiesFor( aNode, newDoc->PropertyTable()); } aNode->mNodeInfo.swap(newNodeInfo); aNode->NodeInfoChanged(oldDoc); MOZ_ASSERT(newDoc != oldDoc); if (elem) { // Adopted callback must be enqueued whenever a node’s // shadow-including inclusive descendants that is custom. CustomElementData* data = elem->GetCustomElementData(); if (data && data->mState == CustomElementData::State::eCustom) { LifecycleCallbackArgs args; args.mOldDocument = oldDoc; args.mNewDocument = newDoc; nsContentUtils::EnqueueLifecycleCallback(ElementCallbackType::eAdopted, elem, args); } } // XXX what if oldDoc is null, we don't know if this should be // registered or not! Can that really happen? if (wasRegistered) { newDoc->RegisterActivityObserver(aNode->AsElement()); } if (nsPIDOMWindowInner* window = newDoc->GetInnerWindow()) { EventListenerManager* elm = aNode->GetExistingListenerManager(); if (elm) { window->SetMutationListeners(elm->MutationListenerBits()); if (elm->MayHavePaintEventListener()) { window->SetHasPaintEventListeners(); } if (elm->MayHaveTouchEventListener()) { window->SetHasTouchEventListeners(); } if (elm->MayHaveMouseEnterLeaveEventListener()) { window->SetHasMouseEnterLeaveEventListeners(); } if (elm->MayHavePointerEnterLeaveEventListener()) { window->SetHasPointerEnterLeaveEventListeners(); } if (elm->MayHaveSelectionChangeEventListener()) { window->SetHasSelectionChangeEventListeners(); } if (elm->MayHaveFormSelectEventListener()) { window->SetHasFormSelectEventListeners(); } } } if (wasRegistered) { nsIContent* content = aNode->AsContent(); if (auto* mediaElem = HTMLMediaElement::FromNodeOrNull(content)) { mediaElem->NotifyOwnerDocumentActivityChanged(); } nsCOMPtr objectLoadingContent( do_QueryInterface(aNode)); if (objectLoadingContent) { nsObjectLoadingContent* olc = static_cast(objectLoadingContent.get()); olc->NotifyOwnerDocumentActivityChanged(); } else { // HTMLImageElement::FromNode is insufficient since we need this for // as well. nsCOMPtr imageLoadingContent( do_QueryInterface(aNode)); if (imageLoadingContent) { auto ilc = static_cast(imageLoadingContent.get()); ilc->NotifyOwnerDocumentActivityChanged(); } } } if (oldDoc->MayHaveDOMMutationObservers()) { newDoc->SetMayHaveDOMMutationObservers(); } if (oldDoc->MayHaveAnimationObservers()) { newDoc->SetMayHaveAnimationObservers(); } if (elem) { elem->RecompileScriptEventListeners(); } if (aReparentScope) { AutoJSContext cx; JS::Rooted wrapper(cx); if ((wrapper = aNode->GetWrapper())) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsDOMObject(wrapper)); JSAutoRealm ar(cx, wrapper); UpdateReflectorGlobal(cx, wrapper, aError); if (aError.Failed()) { if (wasRegistered) { newDoc->UnregisterActivityObserver(aNode->AsElement()); } if (hadProperties) { // NOTE: When it fails it removes all properties for the node // anyway, so no extra error handling needed. Unused << newDoc->PropertyTable().TransferOrRemoveAllPropertiesFor( aNode, oldDoc->PropertyTable()); } aNode->mNodeInfo.swap(newNodeInfo); aNode->NodeInfoChanged(newDoc); if (wasRegistered) { oldDoc->RegisterActivityObserver(aNode->AsElement()); } return nullptr; } } } // At this point, a new node is added to the document, and this // node isn't allocated by the NodeInfoManager of this document, // so we need to do this SetArenaAllocator logic to bypass // the !HasChildren() check in NodeInfoManager::Allocate. if (mozilla::StaticPrefs::dom_arena_allocator_enabled_AtStartup()) { if (!newDoc->NodeInfoManager()->HasAllocated()) { if (DocGroup* docGroup = newDoc->GetDocGroup()) { newDoc->NodeInfoManager()->SetArenaAllocator( docGroup->ArenaAllocator()); } } if (domArenaToStore && newDoc->GetDocGroup() != oldDoc->GetDocGroup()) { nsContentUtils::AddEntryToDOMArenaTable(aNode, domArenaToStore); } } } if (aDeep && (!aClone || !aNode->IsAttr())) { // aNode's children. for (nsIContent* cloneChild = aNode->GetFirstChild(); cloneChild; cloneChild = cloneChild->GetNextSibling()) { nsCOMPtr child = CloneAndAdopt(cloneChild, aClone, true, nodeInfoManager, aReparentScope, clone, aError); if (NS_WARN_IF(aError.Failed())) { return nullptr; } } } if (aDeep && aNode->IsElement()) { if (aClone) { if (nodeInfo->GetDocument()->IsStaticDocument()) { // Clone any animations to the node in the static document, including // the current timing. They will need to be paused later after the new // document's pres shell gets initialized. // // This needs to be done here rather than in Element::CopyInnerTo // because the animations clone code relies on the target (that is, // `clone`) being connected already. clone->AsElement()->CloneAnimationsFrom(*aNode->AsElement()); // Clone the Shadow DOM ShadowRoot* originalShadowRoot = aNode->AsElement()->GetShadowRoot(); if (originalShadowRoot) { RefPtr newShadowRoot = clone->AsElement()->AttachShadowWithoutNameChecks( originalShadowRoot->Mode()); newShadowRoot->CloneInternalDataFrom(originalShadowRoot); for (nsIContent* origChild = originalShadowRoot->GetFirstChild(); origChild; origChild = origChild->GetNextSibling()) { nsCOMPtr child = CloneAndAdopt(origChild, aClone, aDeep, nodeInfoManager, aReparentScope, newShadowRoot, aError); if (NS_WARN_IF(aError.Failed())) { return nullptr; } } } } } else { if (ShadowRoot* shadowRoot = aNode->AsElement()->GetShadowRoot()) { nsCOMPtr child = CloneAndAdopt(shadowRoot, aClone, aDeep, nodeInfoManager, aReparentScope, clone, aError); if (NS_WARN_IF(aError.Failed())) { return nullptr; } } } } // Cloning template element. if (aDeep && aClone && aNode->IsTemplateElement()) { DocumentFragment* origContent = static_cast(aNode)->Content(); DocumentFragment* cloneContent = static_cast(clone.get())->Content(); // Clone the children into the clone's template content owner // document's nodeinfo manager. nsNodeInfoManager* ownerNodeInfoManager = cloneContent->mNodeInfo->NodeInfoManager(); for (nsIContent* cloneChild = origContent->GetFirstChild(); cloneChild; cloneChild = cloneChild->GetNextSibling()) { nsCOMPtr child = CloneAndAdopt(cloneChild, aClone, aDeep, ownerNodeInfoManager, aReparentScope, cloneContent, aError); if (NS_WARN_IF(aError.Failed())) { return nullptr; } } } return clone.forget(); } void nsINode::Adopt(nsNodeInfoManager* aNewNodeInfoManager, JS::Handle aReparentScope, mozilla::ErrorResult& aError) { if (aNewNodeInfoManager) { Document* beforeAdoptDoc = OwnerDoc(); Document* afterAdoptDoc = aNewNodeInfoManager->GetDocument(); MOZ_ASSERT(beforeAdoptDoc); MOZ_ASSERT(afterAdoptDoc); MOZ_ASSERT(beforeAdoptDoc != afterAdoptDoc); if (afterAdoptDoc->GetDocGroup() != beforeAdoptDoc->GetDocGroup()) { // This is a temporary solution for Bug 1590526 to only limit // the restriction to chrome level documents because web extensions // rely on content to content node adoption. if (nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(afterAdoptDoc) || nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(beforeAdoptDoc)) { return aError.ThrowSecurityError( "Adopting nodes across docgroups in chrome documents " "is unsupported"); } } } // Just need to store the return value of CloneAndAdopt in a // temporary nsCOMPtr to make sure we release it. nsCOMPtr node = CloneAndAdopt(this, false, true, aNewNodeInfoManager, aReparentScope, nullptr, aError); nsMutationGuard::DidMutate(); } already_AddRefed nsINode::Clone(bool aDeep, nsNodeInfoManager* aNewNodeInfoManager, ErrorResult& aError) { return CloneAndAdopt(this, true, aDeep, aNewNodeInfoManager, nullptr, nullptr, aError); } void nsINode::GenerateXPath(nsAString& aResult) { XPathGenerator::Generate(this, aResult); } bool nsINode::IsApzAware() const { return IsNodeApzAware(); } bool nsINode::IsNodeApzAwareInternal() const { return EventTarget::IsApzAware(); } DocGroup* nsINode::GetDocGroup() const { return OwnerDoc()->GetDocGroup(); } nsINode* nsINode::GetFlattenedTreeParentNodeNonInline() const { return GetFlattenedTreeParentNode(); } ParentObject nsINode::GetParentObject() const { ParentObject p(OwnerDoc()); // Note that mReflectionScope is a no-op for chrome, and other places // where we don't check this value. if (ShouldUseNACScope(this)) { p.mReflectionScope = ReflectionScope::NAC; } else if (ShouldUseUAWidgetScope(this)) { p.mReflectionScope = ReflectionScope::UAWidget; } return p; } void nsINode::AddMutationObserver( nsMultiMutationObserver* aMultiMutationObserver) { if (aMultiMutationObserver) { NS_ASSERTION(!aMultiMutationObserver->ContainsNode(this), "Observer already in the list"); aMultiMutationObserver->AddMutationObserverToNode(this); } } void nsINode::AddMutationObserverUnlessExists( nsMultiMutationObserver* aMultiMutationObserver) { if (aMultiMutationObserver && !aMultiMutationObserver->ContainsNode(this)) { aMultiMutationObserver->AddMutationObserverToNode(this); } } void nsINode::RemoveMutationObserver( nsMultiMutationObserver* aMultiMutationObserver) { if (aMultiMutationObserver) { aMultiMutationObserver->RemoveMutationObserverFromNode(this); } } void nsINode::FireNodeRemovedForChildren() { Document* doc = OwnerDoc(); // Optimize the common case if (!nsContentUtils::HasMutationListeners( doc, NS_EVENT_BITS_MUTATION_NODEREMOVED)) { return; } nsCOMPtr child; for (child = GetFirstChild(); child && child->GetParentNode() == this; child = child->GetNextSibling()) { nsContentUtils::MaybeFireNodeRemoved(child, this); } } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsNodeWeakReference, nsIWeakReference) nsNodeWeakReference::nsNodeWeakReference(nsINode* aNode) : nsIWeakReference(aNode) {} nsNodeWeakReference::~nsNodeWeakReference() { nsINode* node = static_cast(mObject); if (node) { NS_ASSERTION(node->Slots()->mWeakReference == this, "Weak reference has wrong value"); node->Slots()->mWeakReference = nullptr; } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNodeWeakReference::QueryReferentFromScript(const nsIID& aIID, void** aInstancePtr) { return QueryReferent(aIID, aInstancePtr); } size_t nsNodeWeakReference::SizeOfOnlyThis( mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) { return aMallocSizeOf(this); }