/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * A base class implementing nsIObjectLoadingContent for use by * various content nodes that want to provide plugin/document/image * loading functionality (eg , , etc). */ // Interface headers #include "imgLoader.h" #include "nsIClassOfService.h" #include "nsIConsoleService.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsIContentInlines.h" #include "nsIDocShell.h" #include "mozilla/BasePrincipal.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BindContext.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" #include "nsIExternalProtocolHandler.h" #include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h" #include "nsIOService.h" #include "nsIPermissionManager.h" #include "nsPluginHost.h" #include "nsIHttpChannel.h" #include "nsINestedURI.h" #include "nsScriptSecurityManager.h" #include "nsIURILoader.h" #include "nsIURL.h" #include "nsIScriptChannel.h" #include "nsIBlocklistService.h" #include "nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback.h" #include "nsIAppShell.h" #include "nsIXULRuntime.h" #include "nsIScriptError.h" #include "nsSubDocumentFrame.h" #include "nsError.h" // Util headers #include "prenv.h" #include "mozilla/Logging.h" #include "nsCURILoader.h" #include "nsContentPolicyUtils.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsDocShellCID.h" #include "nsDocShellLoadState.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsMimeTypes.h" #include "nsStyleUtil.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "nsSandboxFlags.h" #include "nsQueryObject.h" // Concrete classes #include "nsFrameLoader.h" #include "nsObjectLoadingContent.h" #include "mozAutoDocUpdate.h" #include "nsWrapperCacheInlines.h" #include "nsDOMJSUtils.h" #include "js/Object.h" // JS::GetClass #include "nsWidgetsCID.h" #include "nsContentCID.h" #include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h" #include "mozilla/Components.h" #include "mozilla/LoadInfo.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BindingUtils.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Element.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Event.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ScriptSettings.h" #include "mozilla/dom/PluginCrashedEvent.h" #include "mozilla/AsyncEventDispatcher.h" #include "mozilla/EventDispatcher.h" #include "mozilla/IMEStateManager.h" #include "mozilla/widget/IMEData.h" #include "mozilla/IntegerPrintfMacros.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentChild.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLObjectElementBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLEmbedElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLObjectElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/UserActivation.h" #include "mozilla/dom/nsCSPContext.h" #include "mozilla/net/DocumentChannel.h" #include "mozilla/net/UrlClassifierFeatureFactory.h" #include "mozilla/PresShell.h" #include "mozilla/ProfilerLabels.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_browser.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_security.h" #include "nsChannelClassifier.h" #include "nsFocusManager.h" #include "ReferrerInfo.h" #include "nsIEffectiveTLDService.h" #ifdef XP_WIN // Thanks so much, Microsoft! :( # ifdef CreateEvent # undef CreateEvent # endif #endif // XP_WIN static const char kPrefYoutubeRewrite[] = "plugins.rewrite_youtube_embeds"; using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; using namespace mozilla::net; static LogModule* GetObjectLog() { static LazyLogModule sLog("objlc"); return sLog; } #define LOG(args) MOZ_LOG(GetObjectLog(), mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, args) #define LOG_ENABLED() MOZ_LOG_TEST(GetObjectLog(), mozilla::LogLevel::Debug) static bool IsFlashMIME(const nsACString& aMIMEType) { return nsPluginHost::GetSpecialType(aMIMEType) == nsPluginHost::eSpecialType_Flash; } static bool InActiveDocument(nsIContent* aContent) { if (!aContent->IsInComposedDoc()) { return false; } Document* doc = aContent->OwnerDoc(); return (doc && doc->IsActive()); } static bool IsPluginType(nsObjectLoadingContent::ObjectType type) { return type == nsObjectLoadingContent::eType_Fallback || type == nsObjectLoadingContent::eType_FakePlugin; } /// /// Runnables and helper classes /// class nsAsyncInstantiateEvent : public Runnable { public: explicit nsAsyncInstantiateEvent(nsObjectLoadingContent* aContent) : Runnable("nsAsyncInstantiateEvent"), mContent(aContent) {} ~nsAsyncInstantiateEvent() override = default; NS_IMETHOD Run() override; private: nsCOMPtr mContent; }; NS_IMETHODIMP nsAsyncInstantiateEvent::Run() { nsObjectLoadingContent* objLC = static_cast(mContent.get()); // If objLC is no longer tracking this event, we've been canceled or // superseded if (objLC->mPendingInstantiateEvent != this) { return NS_OK; } objLC->mPendingInstantiateEvent = nullptr; return objLC->SyncStartPluginInstance(); } // Checks to see if the content for a plugin instance should be unloaded // (outside an active document) or stopped (in a document but unrendered). This // is used to allow scripts to move a plugin around the document hierarchy // without re-instantiating it. class CheckPluginStopEvent : public Runnable { public: explicit CheckPluginStopEvent(nsObjectLoadingContent* aContent) : Runnable("CheckPluginStopEvent"), mContent(aContent) {} ~CheckPluginStopEvent() override = default; NS_IMETHOD Run() override; private: nsCOMPtr mContent; }; NS_IMETHODIMP CheckPluginStopEvent::Run() { nsObjectLoadingContent* objLC = static_cast(mContent.get()); // If objLC is no longer tracking this event, we've been canceled or // superseded. We clear this before we finish - either by calling // UnloadObject/StopPluginInstance, or directly if we took no action. if (objLC->mPendingCheckPluginStopEvent != this) { return NS_OK; } // CheckPluginStopEvent is queued when we either lose our frame, are removed // from the document, or the document goes inactive. To avoid stopping the // plugin when script is reparenting us or layout is rebuilding, we wait until // this event to decide to stop. nsCOMPtr content = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(objLC)); if (!InActiveDocument(content)) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Unloading plugin outside of document", this)); objLC->StopPluginInstance(); return NS_OK; } if (content->GetPrimaryFrame()) { LOG( ("OBJLC [%p]: CheckPluginStopEvent - in active document with frame" ", no action", this)); objLC->mPendingCheckPluginStopEvent = nullptr; return NS_OK; } // In an active document, but still no frame. Flush layout to see if we can // regain a frame now. LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: CheckPluginStopEvent - No frame, flushing layout", this)); Document* composedDoc = content->GetComposedDoc(); if (composedDoc) { composedDoc->FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::Layout); if (objLC->mPendingCheckPluginStopEvent != this) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: CheckPluginStopEvent - superseded in layout flush", this)); return NS_OK; } if (content->GetPrimaryFrame()) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: CheckPluginStopEvent - frame gained in layout flush", this)); objLC->mPendingCheckPluginStopEvent = nullptr; return NS_OK; } } // Still no frame, suspend plugin. LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Stopping plugin that lost frame", this)); objLC->StopPluginInstance(); return NS_OK; } // Sets a object's mInstantiating bit to false when destroyed class AutoSetLoadingToFalse { public: explicit AutoSetLoadingToFalse(nsObjectLoadingContent* aContent) : mContent(aContent) {} ~AutoSetLoadingToFalse() { mContent->mIsLoading = false; } private: nsObjectLoadingContent* mContent; }; /// /// Helper functions /// bool nsObjectLoadingContent::IsSuccessfulRequest(nsIRequest* aRequest, nsresult* aStatus) { nsresult rv = aRequest->GetStatus(aStatus); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || NS_FAILED(*aStatus)) { return false; } // This may still be an error page or somesuch nsCOMPtr httpChan(do_QueryInterface(aRequest)); if (httpChan) { bool success; rv = httpChan->GetRequestSucceeded(&success); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !success) { return false; } } // Otherwise, the request is successful return true; } static bool CanHandleURI(nsIURI* aURI) { nsAutoCString scheme; if (NS_FAILED(aURI->GetScheme(scheme))) { return false; } nsIIOService* ios = nsContentUtils::GetIOService(); if (!ios) return false; nsCOMPtr handler; ios->GetProtocolHandler(scheme.get(), getter_AddRefs(handler)); if (!handler) { return false; } nsCOMPtr extHandler = do_QueryInterface(handler); // We can handle this URI if its protocol handler is not the external one return extHandler == nullptr; } // Helper for tedious URI equality syntax when one or both arguments may be // null and URIEquals(null, null) should be true static bool inline URIEquals(nsIURI* a, nsIURI* b) { bool equal; return (!a && !b) || (a && b && NS_SUCCEEDED(a->Equals(b, &equal)) && equal); } /// /// Member Functions /// // Helper to queue a CheckPluginStopEvent for a OBJLC object void nsObjectLoadingContent::QueueCheckPluginStopEvent() { nsCOMPtr event = new CheckPluginStopEvent(this); mPendingCheckPluginStopEvent = event; NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(event); } // Helper to spawn the frameloader. void nsObjectLoadingContent::SetupFrameLoader(int32_t aJSPluginId) { nsCOMPtr thisContent = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); NS_ASSERTION(thisContent, "must be a content"); mFrameLoader = nsFrameLoader::Create(thisContent->AsElement(), mNetworkCreated); MOZ_ASSERT(mFrameLoader, "nsFrameLoader::Create failed"); } // Helper to spawn the frameloader and return a pointer to its docshell. already_AddRefed nsObjectLoadingContent::SetupDocShell( nsIURI* aRecursionCheckURI) { SetupFrameLoader(nsFakePluginTag::NOT_JSPLUGIN); if (!mFrameLoader) { return nullptr; } nsCOMPtr docShell; if (aRecursionCheckURI) { nsresult rv = mFrameLoader->CheckForRecursiveLoad(aRecursionCheckURI); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { IgnoredErrorResult result; docShell = mFrameLoader->GetDocShell(result); if (result.Failed()) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Could not get DocShell from mFrameLoader?"); } } else { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Aborting recursive load", this)); } } if (!docShell) { mFrameLoader->Destroy(); mFrameLoader = nullptr; return nullptr; } MaybeStoreCrossOriginFeaturePolicy(); return docShell.forget(); } void nsObjectLoadingContent::UnbindFromTree(bool aNullParent) { nsImageLoadingContent::UnbindFromTree(aNullParent); if (mType != eType_Image) { // nsImageLoadingContent handles the image case. // Reset state and clear pending events /// XXX(johns): The implementation for GenericFrame notes that ideally we /// would keep the docshell around, but trash the frameloader UnloadObject(); } } nsObjectLoadingContent::nsObjectLoadingContent() : mType(eType_Loading), mRunID(0), mHasRunID(false), mChannelLoaded(false), mInstantiating(false), mNetworkCreated(true), mContentBlockingEnabled(false), mSkipFakePlugins(false), mIsStopping(false), mIsLoading(false), mScriptRequested(false), mRewrittenYoutubeEmbed(false), mLoadingSyntheticDocument(false) {} nsObjectLoadingContent::~nsObjectLoadingContent() { // Should have been unbound from the tree at this point, and // CheckPluginStopEvent keeps us alive if (mFrameLoader) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE( "Should not be tearing down frame loaders at this point"); mFrameLoader->Destroy(); } if (mInstantiating) { // This is especially bad as delayed stop will try to hold on to this // object... MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE( "Should not be tearing down a plugin at this point!"); StopPluginInstance(); } nsImageLoadingContent::Destroy(); } nsresult nsObjectLoadingContent::InstantiatePluginInstance(bool aIsLoading) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } void nsObjectLoadingContent::GetPluginAttributes( nsTArray& aAttributes) { aAttributes = mCachedAttributes.Clone(); } void nsObjectLoadingContent::GetPluginParameters( nsTArray& aParameters) { aParameters = mCachedParameters.Clone(); } void nsObjectLoadingContent::GetNestedParams( nsTArray& aParams) { nsCOMPtr ourElement = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); nsCOMPtr allParams; constexpr auto xhtml_ns = u"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"_ns; ErrorResult rv; allParams = ourElement->GetElementsByTagNameNS(xhtml_ns, u"param"_ns, rv); if (rv.Failed()) { return; } MOZ_ASSERT(allParams); uint32_t numAllParams = allParams->Length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numAllParams; i++) { RefPtr element = allParams->Item(i); nsAutoString name; element->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::name, name); if (name.IsEmpty()) continue; nsCOMPtr parent = element->GetParent(); RefPtr objectElement; while (!objectElement && parent) { objectElement = HTMLObjectElement::FromNode(parent); parent = parent->GetParent(); } if (objectElement) { parent = objectElement; } else { continue; } if (parent == ourElement) { MozPluginParameter param; element->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::name, param.mName); element->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::value, param.mValue); param.mName.Trim(" \n\r\t\b", true, true, false); param.mValue.Trim(" \n\r\t\b", true, true, false); aParams.AppendElement(param); } } } nsresult nsObjectLoadingContent::BuildParametersArray() { if (mCachedAttributes.Length() || mCachedParameters.Length()) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Parameters array should be empty."); return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr element = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i != element->GetAttrCount(); i += 1) { MozPluginParameter param; const nsAttrName* attrName = element->GetAttrNameAt(i); nsAtom* atom = attrName->LocalName(); element->GetAttr(attrName->NamespaceID(), atom, param.mValue); atom->ToString(param.mName); mCachedAttributes.AppendElement(param); } nsAutoCString wmodeOverride; Preferences::GetCString("plugins.force.wmode", wmodeOverride); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mCachedAttributes.Length(); i++) { if (!wmodeOverride.IsEmpty() && mCachedAttributes[i].mName.EqualsIgnoreCase("wmode")) { CopyASCIItoUTF16(wmodeOverride, mCachedAttributes[i].mValue); wmodeOverride.Truncate(); } } if (!wmodeOverride.IsEmpty()) { MozPluginParameter param; param.mName = u"wmode"_ns; CopyASCIItoUTF16(wmodeOverride, param.mValue); mCachedAttributes.AppendElement(param); } // Some plugins were never written to understand the "data" attribute of the // OBJECT tag. Real and WMP will not play unless they find a "src" attribute, // see bug 152334. Nav 4.x would simply replace the "data" with "src". Because // some plugins correctly look for "data", lets instead copy the "data" // attribute and add another entry to the bottom of the array if there isn't // already a "src" specified. if (element->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::object) && !element->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::src)) { MozPluginParameter param; element->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::data, param.mValue); if (!param.mValue.IsEmpty()) { param.mName = u"SRC"_ns; mCachedAttributes.AppendElement(param); } } GetNestedParams(mCachedParameters); return NS_OK; } void nsObjectLoadingContent::NotifyOwnerDocumentActivityChanged() { // XXX(johns): We cannot touch plugins or run arbitrary script from this call, // as Document is in a non-reentrant state. // If we have a plugin we want to queue an event to stop it unless we are // moved into an active document before returning to the event loop. if (mInstantiating) { QueueCheckPluginStopEvent(); } nsImageLoadingContent::NotifyOwnerDocumentActivityChanged(); } // nsIRequestObserver NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest* aRequest) { AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL("nsObjectLoadingContent::OnStartRequest", NETWORK); LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Channel OnStartRequest", this)); if (aRequest != mChannel || !aRequest) { // happens when a new load starts before the previous one got here return NS_BINDING_ABORTED; } nsCOMPtr chan(do_QueryInterface(aRequest)); NS_ASSERTION(chan, "Why is our request not a channel?"); nsresult status = NS_OK; bool success = IsSuccessfulRequest(aRequest, &status); // If we have already switched to type document, we're doing a // process-switching DocumentChannel load. We should be able to pass down the // load to our inner listener, but should also make sure to update our local // state. if (mType == eType_Document) { if (!mFinalListener) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE( "Already are eType_Document, but don't have final listener yet?"); return NS_BINDING_ABORTED; } // If the load looks successful, fix up some of our local state before // forwarding the request to the final URI loader. // // Forward load errors down to the document loader, so we don't tear down // the nsDocShell ourselves. if (success) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: OnStartRequest: DocumentChannel request succeeded\n", this)); nsCString channelType; MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS(mChannel->GetContentType(channelType)); if (GetTypeOfContent(channelType, mSkipFakePlugins) != eType_Document) { MOZ_CRASH("DocumentChannel request with non-document MIME"); } mContentType = channelType; MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS( NS_GetFinalChannelURI(mChannel, getter_AddRefs(mURI))); } return mFinalListener->OnStartRequest(aRequest); } // Otherwise we should be state loading, and call LoadObject with the channel if (mType != eType_Loading) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Should be type loading at this point"); return NS_BINDING_ABORTED; } NS_ASSERTION(!mChannelLoaded, "mChannelLoaded set already?"); NS_ASSERTION(!mFinalListener, "mFinalListener exists already?"); mChannelLoaded = true; if (status == NS_ERROR_BLOCKED_URI) { nsCOMPtr console( do_GetService("@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1")); if (console) { nsCOMPtr uri; chan->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); nsString message = u"Blocking "_ns + NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(uri->GetSpecOrDefault().get()) + nsLiteralString( u" since it was found on an internal Firefox blocklist."); console->LogStringMessage(message.get()); } mContentBlockingEnabled = true; return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (UrlClassifierFeatureFactory::IsClassifierBlockingErrorCode(status)) { mContentBlockingEnabled = true; return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (!success) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: OnStartRequest: Request failed\n", this)); // If the request fails, we still call LoadObject() to handle fallback // content and notifying of failure. (mChannelLoaded && !mChannel) indicates // the bad state. mChannel = nullptr; LoadObject(true, false); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return LoadObject(true, false, aRequest); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest* aRequest, nsresult aStatusCode) { AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL("nsObjectLoadingContent::OnStopRequest", NETWORK); // Handle object not loading error because source was a tracking URL (or // fingerprinting, cryptomining, etc.). // We make a note of this object node by including it in a dedicated // array of blocked tracking nodes under its parent document. if (UrlClassifierFeatureFactory::IsClassifierBlockingErrorCode(aStatusCode)) { nsCOMPtr thisNode = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); if (thisNode && thisNode->IsInComposedDoc()) { thisNode->GetComposedDoc()->AddBlockedNodeByClassifier(thisNode); } } if (aRequest != mChannel) { return NS_BINDING_ABORTED; } mChannel = nullptr; if (mFinalListener) { // This may re-enter in the case of plugin listeners nsCOMPtr listenerGrip(mFinalListener); mFinalListener = nullptr; listenerGrip->OnStopRequest(aRequest, aStatusCode); } // Return value doesn't matter return NS_OK; } // nsIStreamListener NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::OnDataAvailable(nsIRequest* aRequest, nsIInputStream* aInputStream, uint64_t aOffset, uint32_t aCount) { if (aRequest != mChannel) { return NS_BINDING_ABORTED; } if (mFinalListener) { // This may re-enter in the case of plugin listeners nsCOMPtr listenerGrip(mFinalListener); return listenerGrip->OnDataAvailable(aRequest, aInputStream, aOffset, aCount); } // We shouldn't have a connected channel with no final listener MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE( "Got data for channel with no connected final " "listener"); mChannel = nullptr; return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } void nsObjectLoadingContent::PresetOpenerWindow( const Nullable& aOpenerWindow, ErrorResult& aRv) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::GetActualType(nsACString& aType) { aType = mContentType; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::GetDisplayedType(uint32_t* aType) { *aType = DisplayedType(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::GetContentTypeForMIMEType(const nsACString& aMIMEType, uint32_t* aType) { *aType = GetTypeOfContent(PromiseFlatCString(aMIMEType), false); return NS_OK; } // nsIInterfaceRequestor // We use a shim class to implement this so that JS consumers still // see an interface requestor even though WebIDL bindings don't expose // that stuff. class ObjectInterfaceRequestorShim final : public nsIInterfaceRequestor, public nsIChannelEventSink, public nsIStreamListener { public: NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS_AMBIGUOUS(ObjectInterfaceRequestorShim, nsIInterfaceRequestor) NS_DECL_NSIINTERFACEREQUESTOR // RefPtr fails due to ambiguous AddRef/Release, // hence the ugly static cast :( NS_FORWARD_NSICHANNELEVENTSINK( static_cast(mContent.get())->) NS_FORWARD_NSISTREAMLISTENER( static_cast(mContent.get())->) NS_FORWARD_NSIREQUESTOBSERVER( static_cast(mContent.get())->) explicit ObjectInterfaceRequestorShim(nsIObjectLoadingContent* aContent) : mContent(aContent) {} protected: ~ObjectInterfaceRequestorShim() = default; nsCOMPtr mContent; }; NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION(ObjectInterfaceRequestorShim, mContent) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(ObjectInterfaceRequestorShim) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIInterfaceRequestor) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIChannelEventSink) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIStreamListener) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIRequestObserver) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsIInterfaceRequestor) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(ObjectInterfaceRequestorShim) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(ObjectInterfaceRequestorShim) NS_IMETHODIMP ObjectInterfaceRequestorShim::GetInterface(const nsIID& aIID, void** aResult) { if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIChannelEventSink))) { nsIChannelEventSink* sink = this; *aResult = sink; NS_ADDREF(sink); return NS_OK; } if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIObjectLoadingContent))) { nsIObjectLoadingContent* olc = mContent; *aResult = olc; NS_ADDREF(olc); return NS_OK; } return NS_NOINTERFACE; } // nsIChannelEventSink NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::AsyncOnChannelRedirect( nsIChannel* aOldChannel, nsIChannel* aNewChannel, uint32_t aFlags, nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback* cb) { // If we're already busy with a new load, or have no load at all, // cancel the redirect. if (!mChannel || aOldChannel != mChannel) { return NS_BINDING_ABORTED; } mChannel = aNewChannel; if (mFinalListener) { nsCOMPtr sink(do_QueryInterface(mFinalListener)); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(sink, "mFinalListener isn't nsIChannelEventSink?"); if (mType != eType_Document) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE( "Not a DocumentChannel load, but we're getting a " "AsyncOnChannelRedirect with a mFinalListener?"); return NS_BINDING_ABORTED; } return sink->AsyncOnChannelRedirect(aOldChannel, aNewChannel, aFlags, cb); } cb->OnRedirectVerifyCallback(NS_OK); return NS_OK; } // ElementState nsObjectLoadingContent::ObjectState() const { switch (mType) { case eType_Loading: return ElementState::LOADING; case eType_Image: return ImageState(); case eType_FakePlugin: case eType_Document: { // These are OK. If documents start to load successfully, they display // something, and are thus not broken in this sense. The same goes for // plugins. ElementState states = ElementState(); if (mLoadingSyntheticDocument) { states |= ElementState::LOADING; states |= ImageState(); } return states; } case eType_Fallback: // This may end up handled as TYPE_NULL or as a "special" type, as // chosen by the layout.use-plugin-fallback pref. return ElementState(); case eType_Null: return ElementState::BROKEN; } MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("unknown type?"); return ElementState::LOADING; } void nsObjectLoadingContent::MaybeRewriteYoutubeEmbed(nsIURI* aURI, nsIURI* aBaseURI, nsIURI** aOutURI) { nsCOMPtr thisContent = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); NS_ASSERTION(thisContent, "Must be an instance of content"); // We're only interested in switching out embed and object tags if (!thisContent->NodeInfo()->Equals(nsGkAtoms::embed) && !thisContent->NodeInfo()->Equals(nsGkAtoms::object)) { return; } nsCOMPtr tldService = do_GetService(NS_EFFECTIVETLDSERVICE_CONTRACTID); // If we can't analyze the URL, just pass on through. if (!tldService) { NS_WARNING("Could not get TLD service!"); return; } nsAutoCString currentBaseDomain; bool ok = NS_SUCCEEDED(tldService->GetBaseDomain(aURI, 0, currentBaseDomain)); if (!ok) { // Data URIs (commonly used for things like svg embeds) won't parse // correctly, so just fail silently here. return; } // See if URL is referencing youtube if (!currentBaseDomain.EqualsLiteral("youtube.com") && !currentBaseDomain.EqualsLiteral("youtube-nocookie.com")) { return; } // We should only rewrite URLs with paths starting with "/v/", as we shouldn't // touch object nodes with "/embed/" urls that already do that right thing. nsAutoCString path; aURI->GetPathQueryRef(path); if (!StringBeginsWith(path, "/v/"_ns)) { return; } // See if requester is planning on using the JS API. nsAutoCString uri; nsresult rv = aURI->GetSpec(uri); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return; } // Some YouTube urls have parameters in path components, e.g. // http://youtube.com/embed/7LcUOEP7Brc&start=35. These URLs work with flash, // but break iframe/object embedding. If this situation occurs with rewritten // URLs, convert the parameters to query in order to make the video load // correctly as an iframe. In either case, warn about it in the // developer console. int32_t ampIndex = uri.FindChar('&', 0); bool replaceQuery = false; if (ampIndex != -1) { int32_t qmIndex = uri.FindChar('?', 0); if (qmIndex == -1 || qmIndex > ampIndex) { replaceQuery = true; } } // If we're pref'd off, return after telemetry has been logged. if (!Preferences::GetBool(kPrefYoutubeRewrite)) { return; } nsAutoString utf16OldURI = NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(uri); // If we need to convert the URL, it means an ampersand comes first. // Use the index we found earlier. if (replaceQuery) { // Replace question marks with ampersands. uri.ReplaceChar('?', '&'); // Replace the first ampersand with a question mark. uri.SetCharAt('?', ampIndex); } // Switch out video access url formats, which should possibly allow HTML5 // video loading. uri.ReplaceSubstring("/v/"_ns, "/embed/"_ns); nsAutoString utf16URI = NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(uri); rv = nsContentUtils::NewURIWithDocumentCharset( aOutURI, utf16URI, thisContent->OwnerDoc(), aBaseURI); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return; } AutoTArray params = {utf16OldURI, utf16URI}; const char* msgName; // If there's no query to rewrite, just notify in the developer console // that we're changing the embed. if (!replaceQuery) { msgName = "RewriteYouTubeEmbed"; } else { msgName = "RewriteYouTubeEmbedPathParams"; } nsContentUtils::ReportToConsole( nsIScriptError::warningFlag, "Plugins"_ns, thisContent->OwnerDoc(), nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, msgName, params); } bool nsObjectLoadingContent::CheckLoadPolicy(int16_t* aContentPolicy) { if (!aContentPolicy || !mURI) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Doing it wrong"); return false; } nsCOMPtr thisContent = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); NS_ASSERTION(thisContent, "Must be an instance of content"); Document* doc = thisContent->OwnerDoc(); nsContentPolicyType contentPolicyType = GetContentPolicyType(); nsCOMPtr secCheckLoadInfo = new LoadInfo( doc->NodePrincipal(), // loading principal doc->NodePrincipal(), // triggering principal thisContent, nsILoadInfo::SEC_ONLY_FOR_EXPLICIT_CONTENTSEC_CHECK, contentPolicyType); *aContentPolicy = nsIContentPolicy::ACCEPT; nsresult rv = NS_CheckContentLoadPolicy(mURI, secCheckLoadInfo, mContentType, aContentPolicy, nsContentUtils::GetContentPolicy()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); if (NS_CP_REJECTED(*aContentPolicy)) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Content policy denied load of %s", this, mURI->GetSpecOrDefault().get())); return false; } return true; } bool nsObjectLoadingContent::CheckProcessPolicy(int16_t* aContentPolicy) { if (!aContentPolicy) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Null out variable"); return false; } nsCOMPtr thisContent = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); NS_ASSERTION(thisContent, "Must be an instance of content"); Document* doc = thisContent->OwnerDoc(); nsContentPolicyType objectType; switch (mType) { case eType_Image: objectType = nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE; break; case eType_Document: objectType = nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_DOCUMENT; break; case eType_Fallback: case eType_FakePlugin: objectType = GetContentPolicyType(); break; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE( "Calling checkProcessPolicy with an unloadable " "type"); return false; } nsCOMPtr secCheckLoadInfo = new LoadInfo( doc->NodePrincipal(), // loading principal doc->NodePrincipal(), // triggering principal thisContent, nsILoadInfo::SEC_ONLY_FOR_EXPLICIT_CONTENTSEC_CHECK, objectType); *aContentPolicy = nsIContentPolicy::ACCEPT; nsresult rv = NS_CheckContentProcessPolicy( mURI ? mURI : mBaseURI, secCheckLoadInfo, mContentType, aContentPolicy, nsContentUtils::GetContentPolicy()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); if (NS_CP_REJECTED(*aContentPolicy)) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: CheckContentProcessPolicy rejected load", this)); return false; } return true; } nsObjectLoadingContent::ParameterUpdateFlags nsObjectLoadingContent::UpdateObjectParameters() { nsCOMPtr thisElement = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); MOZ_ASSERT(thisElement, "Must be an Element"); uint32_t caps = GetCapabilities(); LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Updating object parameters", this)); nsresult rv; nsAutoCString newMime; nsAutoString typeAttr; nsCOMPtr newURI; nsCOMPtr newBaseURI; ObjectType newType; // Set if this state can't be used to load anything, forces eType_Null bool stateInvalid = false; // Indicates what parameters changed. // eParamChannelChanged - means parameters that affect channel opening // decisions changed // eParamStateChanged - means anything that affects what content we load // changed, even if the channel we'd open remains the // same. // // State changes outside of the channel parameters only matter if we've // already opened a channel or tried to instantiate content, whereas channel // parameter changes require re-opening the channel even if we haven't gotten // that far. nsObjectLoadingContent::ParameterUpdateFlags retval = eParamNoChange; /// /// Initial MIME Type /// if (caps & eFallbackIfClassIDPresent) { nsAutoString classIDAttr; thisElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::classid, classIDAttr); // We don't support class ID plugin references, so we should always treat // having class Ids as attributes as invalid, and fallback accordingly. if (!classIDAttr.IsEmpty()) { newMime.Truncate(); stateInvalid = true; } } /// /// Codebase /// nsAutoString codebaseStr; nsIURI* docBaseURI = thisElement->GetBaseURI(); thisElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::codebase, codebaseStr); if (!codebaseStr.IsEmpty()) { rv = nsContentUtils::NewURIWithDocumentCharset( getter_AddRefs(newBaseURI), codebaseStr, thisElement->OwnerDoc(), docBaseURI); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // Malformed URI LOG( ("OBJLC [%p]: Could not parse plugin's codebase as a URI, " "will use document baseURI instead", this)); } } // If we failed to build a valid URI, use the document's base URI if (!newBaseURI) { newBaseURI = docBaseURI; } nsAutoString rawTypeAttr; thisElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::type, rawTypeAttr); if (!rawTypeAttr.IsEmpty()) { typeAttr = rawTypeAttr; nsAutoString params; nsAutoString mime; nsContentUtils::SplitMimeType(rawTypeAttr, mime, params); CopyUTF16toUTF8(mime, newMime); } /// /// URI /// nsAutoString uriStr; // Different elements keep this in various locations if (thisElement->NodeInfo()->Equals(nsGkAtoms::object)) { thisElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::data, uriStr); } else if (thisElement->NodeInfo()->Equals(nsGkAtoms::embed)) { thisElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::src, uriStr); } else { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unrecognized plugin-loading tag"); } mRewrittenYoutubeEmbed = false; // Note that the baseURI changing could affect the newURI, even if uriStr did // not change. if (!uriStr.IsEmpty()) { rv = nsContentUtils::NewURIWithDocumentCharset( getter_AddRefs(newURI), uriStr, thisElement->OwnerDoc(), newBaseURI); nsCOMPtr rewrittenURI; MaybeRewriteYoutubeEmbed(newURI, newBaseURI, getter_AddRefs(rewrittenURI)); if (rewrittenURI) { newURI = rewrittenURI; mRewrittenYoutubeEmbed = true; newMime = "text/html"_ns; } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { stateInvalid = true; } } /// /// Check if the original (pre-channel) content-type or URI changed, and /// record mOriginal{ContentType,URI} /// if ((mOriginalContentType != newMime) || !URIEquals(mOriginalURI, newURI)) { // These parameters changing requires re-opening the channel, so don't // consider the currently-open channel below // XXX(johns): Changing the mime type might change our decision on whether // or not we load a channel, so we count changes to it as a // channel parameter change for the sake of simplicity. retval = (ParameterUpdateFlags)(retval | eParamChannelChanged); LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Channel parameters changed", this)); } mOriginalContentType = newMime; mOriginalURI = newURI; /// /// If we have a channel, see if its MIME type should take precendence and /// check the final (redirected) URL /// // If we have a loaded channel and channel parameters did not change, use it // to determine what we would load. bool useChannel = mChannelLoaded && !(retval & eParamChannelChanged); // If we have a channel and are type loading, as opposed to having an existing // channel for a previous load. bool newChannel = useChannel && mType == eType_Loading; RefPtr documentChannel = do_QueryObject(mChannel); if (newChannel && documentChannel) { // If we've got a DocumentChannel which is marked as loaded using // `mChannelLoaded`, we are currently in the middle of a // `UpgradeLoadToDocument`. // // As we don't have the real mime-type from the channel, handle this by // using `newMime`. newMime = TEXT_HTML; MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT( GetTypeOfContent(newMime, mSkipFakePlugins) == eType_Document, "How is text/html not eType_Document?"); } else if (newChannel && mChannel) { nsCString channelType; rv = mChannel->GetContentType(channelType); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("GetContentType failed"); stateInvalid = true; channelType.Truncate(); } LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Channel has a content type of %s", this, channelType.get())); bool binaryChannelType = false; if (channelType.EqualsASCII(APPLICATION_GUESS_FROM_EXT)) { channelType = APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM; mChannel->SetContentType(channelType); binaryChannelType = true; } else if (channelType.EqualsASCII(APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) || channelType.EqualsASCII(BINARY_OCTET_STREAM)) { binaryChannelType = true; } // Channel can change our URI through redirection rv = NS_GetFinalChannelURI(mChannel, getter_AddRefs(newURI)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("NS_GetFinalChannelURI failure"); stateInvalid = true; } ObjectType typeHint = newMime.IsEmpty() ? eType_Null : GetTypeOfContent(newMime, mSkipFakePlugins); // // In order of preference: // // 1) Use our type hint if it matches a plugin // 2) If we have eAllowPluginSkipChannel, use the uri file extension if // it matches a plugin // 3) If the channel returns a binary stream type: // 3a) If we have a type non-null non-document type hint, use that // 3b) If the uri file extension matches a plugin type, use that // 4) Use the channel type bool overrideChannelType = false; if (IsPluginType(typeHint)) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Using plugin type hint in favor of any channel type", this)); overrideChannelType = true; } else if (binaryChannelType && typeHint != eType_Null) { if (typeHint == eType_Document) { if (StaticPrefs:: browser_opaqueResponseBlocking_syntheticBrowsingContext_AtStartup() && imgLoader::SupportImageWithMimeType(newMime)) { LOG( ("OBJLC [%p]: Using type hint in favor of binary channel type " "(Image Document)", this)); overrideChannelType = true; } } else { LOG( ("OBJLC [%p]: Using type hint in favor of binary channel type " "(Non-Image Document)", this)); overrideChannelType = true; } } if (overrideChannelType) { // Set the type we'll use for dispatch on the channel. Otherwise we could // end up trying to dispatch to a nsFrameLoader, which will complain that // it couldn't find a way to handle application/octet-stream nsAutoCString parsedMime, dummy; NS_ParseResponseContentType(newMime, parsedMime, dummy); if (!parsedMime.IsEmpty()) { mChannel->SetContentType(parsedMime); } } else { newMime = channelType; } } else if (newChannel) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: We failed to open a channel, marking invalid", this)); stateInvalid = true; } /// /// Determine final type /// // In order of preference: // 1) If we have attempted channel load, or set stateInvalid above, the type // is always null (fallback) // 2) If we have a loaded channel, we grabbed its mimeType above, use that // type. // 3) If we have a plugin type and no URI, use that type. // 4) If we have a plugin type and eAllowPluginSkipChannel, use that type. // 5) if we have a URI, set type to loading to indicate we'd need a channel // to proceed. // 6) Otherwise, type null to indicate unloadable content (fallback) // ObjectType newMime_Type = GetTypeOfContent(newMime, mSkipFakePlugins); if (stateInvalid) { newType = eType_Null; LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: NewType #0: %s - %u", this, newMime.get(), newType)); newMime.Truncate(); } else if (newChannel) { // If newChannel is set above, we considered it in setting newMime newType = newMime_Type; LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: NewType #1: %s - %u", this, newMime.get(), newType)); LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Using channel type", this)); } else if (((caps & eAllowPluginSkipChannel) || !newURI) && IsPluginType(newMime_Type)) { newType = newMime_Type; LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: NewType #2: %s - %u", this, newMime.get(), newType)); LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Plugin type with no URI, skipping channel load", this)); } else if (newURI && (mOriginalContentType.IsEmpty() || newMime_Type != eType_Null)) { // We could potentially load this if we opened a channel on mURI, indicate // this by leaving type as loading. // // If a MIME type was requested in the tag, but we have decided to set load // type to null, ignore (otherwise we'll default to document type loading). newType = eType_Loading; LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: NewType #3: %u", this, newType)); } else { // Unloadable - no URI, and no plugin/MIME type. Non-plugin types (images, // documents) always load with a channel. newType = eType_Null; LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: NewType #4: %u", this, newType)); } mLoadingSyntheticDocument = newType == eType_Document && StaticPrefs:: browser_opaqueResponseBlocking_syntheticBrowsingContext_AtStartup() && imgLoader::SupportImageWithMimeType(newMime); /// /// Handle existing channels /// if (useChannel && newType == eType_Loading) { // We decided to use a channel, and also that the previous channel is still // usable, so re-use the existing values. newType = mType; LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: NewType #5: %u", this, newType)); newMime = mContentType; newURI = mURI; } else if (useChannel && !newChannel) { // We have an existing channel, but did not decide to use one. retval = (ParameterUpdateFlags)(retval | eParamChannelChanged); useChannel = false; } /// /// Update changed values /// if (newType != mType) { retval = (ParameterUpdateFlags)(retval | eParamStateChanged); LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Type changed from %u -> %u", this, mType, newType)); mType = newType; } if (!URIEquals(mBaseURI, newBaseURI)) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Object effective baseURI changed", this)); mBaseURI = newBaseURI; } if (!URIEquals(newURI, mURI)) { retval = (ParameterUpdateFlags)(retval | eParamStateChanged); LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Object effective URI changed", this)); mURI = newURI; } // We don't update content type when loading, as the type is not final and we // don't want to superfluously change between mOriginalContentType -> // mContentType when doing |obj.data = obj.data| with a channel and differing // type. if (mType != eType_Loading && mContentType != newMime) { retval = (ParameterUpdateFlags)(retval | eParamStateChanged); retval = (ParameterUpdateFlags)(retval | eParamContentTypeChanged); LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Object effective mime type changed (%s -> %s)", this, mContentType.get(), newMime.get())); mContentType = newMime; } // If we decided to keep using info from an old channel, but also that state // changed, we need to invalidate it. if (useChannel && !newChannel && (retval & eParamStateChanged)) { mType = eType_Loading; retval = (ParameterUpdateFlags)(retval | eParamChannelChanged); } return retval; } // Used by PluginDocument to kick off our initial load from the already-opened // channel. NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::InitializeFromChannel(nsIRequest* aChannel) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p] InitializeFromChannel: %p", this, aChannel)); if (mType != eType_Loading || mChannel) { // We could technically call UnloadObject() here, if consumers have a valid // reason for wanting to call this on an already-loaded tag. MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Should not have begun loading at this point"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } // Because we didn't open this channel from an initial LoadObject, we'll // update our parameters now, so the OnStartRequest->LoadObject doesn't // believe our src/type suddenly changed. UpdateObjectParameters(); // But we always want to load from a channel, in this case. mType = eType_Loading; mChannel = do_QueryInterface(aChannel); NS_ASSERTION(mChannel, "passed a request that is not a channel"); // OnStartRequest will now see we have a channel in the loading state, and // call into LoadObject. There's a possibility LoadObject will decide not to // load anything from a channel - it will call CloseChannel() in that case. return NS_OK; } // Only OnStartRequest should be passing the channel parameter nsresult nsObjectLoadingContent::LoadObject(bool aNotify, bool aForceLoad) { return LoadObject(aNotify, aForceLoad, nullptr); } nsresult nsObjectLoadingContent::LoadObject(bool aNotify, bool aForceLoad, nsIRequest* aLoadingChannel) { nsCOMPtr thisContent = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); NS_ASSERTION(thisContent, "must be a content"); Document* doc = thisContent->OwnerDoc(); nsresult rv = NS_OK; // Per bug 1318303, if the parent document is not active, load the alternative // and return. if (!doc->IsCurrentActiveDocument()) { // Since this can be triggered on change of attributes, make sure we've // unloaded whatever is loaded first. UnloadObject(); ObjectType oldType = mType; mType = eType_Fallback; ConfigureFallback(); NotifyStateChanged(oldType, ObjectState(), true, false); return NS_OK; } // XXX(johns): In these cases, we refuse to touch our content and just // remain unloaded, as per legacy behavior. It would make more sense to // load fallback content initially and refuse to ever change state again. if (doc->IsBeingUsedAsImage()) { return NS_OK; } if (doc->IsLoadedAsData() && !doc->IsStaticDocument()) { return NS_OK; } if (doc->IsStaticDocument()) { // We only allow image loads in static documents, but we need to let the // eType_Loading state go through too while we do so. if (mType != eType_Image && mType != eType_Loading) { return NS_OK; } } LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: LoadObject called, notify %u, forceload %u, channel %p", this, aNotify, aForceLoad, aLoadingChannel)); // We can't re-use an already open channel, but aForceLoad may make us try // to load a plugin without any changes in channel state. if (aForceLoad && mChannelLoaded) { CloseChannel(); mChannelLoaded = false; } // Save these for NotifyStateChanged(); ElementState oldState = ObjectState(); ObjectType oldType = mType; ParameterUpdateFlags stateChange = UpdateObjectParameters(); if (!stateChange && !aForceLoad) { return NS_OK; } /// /// State has changed, unload existing content and attempt to load new type /// LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: LoadObject - plugin state changed (%u)", this, stateChange)); // We synchronously start/stop plugin instances below, which may spin the // event loop. Re-entering into the load is fine, but at that point the // original load call needs to abort when unwinding // NOTE this is located *after* the state change check, a subsequent load // with no subsequently changed state will be a no-op. if (mIsLoading) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Re-entering into LoadObject", this)); } mIsLoading = true; AutoSetLoadingToFalse reentryCheck(this); // Unload existing content, keeping in mind stopping plugins might spin the // event loop. Note that we check for still-open channels below UnloadObject(false); // Don't reset state if (!mIsLoading) { // The event loop must've spun and re-entered into LoadObject, which // finished the load LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Re-entered into LoadObject, aborting outer load", this)); return NS_OK; } // Determine what's going on with our channel. if (stateChange & eParamChannelChanged) { // If the channel params changed, throw away the channel, but unset // mChannelLoaded so we'll still try to open a new one for this load if // necessary CloseChannel(); mChannelLoaded = false; } else if (mType == eType_Null && mChannel) { // If we opened a channel but then failed to find a loadable state, throw it // away. mChannelLoaded will indicate that we tried to load a channel at one // point so we wont recurse CloseChannel(); } else if (mType == eType_Loading && mChannel) { // We're still waiting on a channel load, already opened one, and // channel parameters didn't change return NS_OK; } else if (mChannelLoaded && mChannel != aLoadingChannel) { // The only time we should have a loaded channel with a changed state is // when the channel has just opened -- in which case this call should // have originated from OnStartRequest MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE( "Loading with a channel, but state doesn't make sense"); return NS_OK; } // // Security checks // if (mType != eType_Null && mType != eType_Fallback) { bool allowLoad = true; int16_t contentPolicy = nsIContentPolicy::ACCEPT; // If mChannelLoaded is set we presumably already passed load policy // If mType == eType_Loading then we call OpenChannel() which internally // creates a new channel and calls asyncOpen() on that channel which // then enforces content policy checks. if (allowLoad && mURI && !mChannelLoaded && mType != eType_Loading) { allowLoad = CheckLoadPolicy(&contentPolicy); } // If we're loading a type now, check ProcessPolicy. Note that we may check // both now in the case of plugins whose type is determined before opening a // channel. if (allowLoad && mType != eType_Loading) { allowLoad = CheckProcessPolicy(&contentPolicy); } // Content policy implementations can mutate the DOM, check for re-entry if (!mIsLoading) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: We re-entered in content policy, leaving original load", this)); return NS_OK; } // Load denied, switch to null if (!allowLoad) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Load denied by policy", this)); mType = eType_Null; } } // Don't allow view-source scheme. // view-source is the only scheme to which this applies at the moment due to // potential timing attacks to read data from cross-origin documents. If this // widens we should add a protocol flag for whether the scheme is only allowed // in top and use something like nsNetUtil::NS_URIChainHasFlags. if (mType != eType_Null) { nsCOMPtr tempURI = mURI; nsCOMPtr nestedURI = do_QueryInterface(tempURI); while (nestedURI) { // view-source should always be an nsINestedURI, loop and check the // scheme on this and all inner URIs that are also nested URIs. if (tempURI->SchemeIs("view-source")) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Blocking as effective URI has view-source scheme", this)); mType = eType_Null; break; } nestedURI->GetInnerURI(getter_AddRefs(tempURI)); nestedURI = do_QueryInterface(tempURI); } } // Items resolved as Image/Document are not candidates for content blocking, // as well as invalid plugins (they will not have the mContentType set). if ((mType == eType_Null || IsPluginType(mType)) && ShouldBlockContent()) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Enable content blocking", this)); mType = eType_Loading; } // Sanity check: We shouldn't have any loaded resources, pending events, or // a final listener at this point if (mFrameLoader || mPendingInstantiateEvent || mPendingCheckPluginStopEvent || mFinalListener) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Trying to load new plugin with existing content"); return NS_OK; } // More sanity-checking: // If mChannel is set, mChannelLoaded should be set, and vice-versa if (mType != eType_Null && !!mChannel != mChannelLoaded) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Trying to load with bad channel state"); return NS_OK; } /// /// Attempt to load new type /// // Cache the current attributes and parameters. if (mType == eType_Null) { rv = BuildParametersArray(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } // We don't set mFinalListener until OnStartRequest has been called, to // prevent re-entry ugliness with CloseChannel() nsCOMPtr finalListener; switch (mType) { case eType_Image: if (!mChannel) { // We have a LoadImage() call, but UpdateObjectParameters requires a // channel for images, so this is not a valid state. MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Attempting to load image without a channel?"); rv = NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } rv = LoadImageWithChannel(mChannel, getter_AddRefs(finalListener)); // finalListener will receive OnStartRequest below break; case eType_Document: { if (!mChannel) { // We could mFrameLoader->LoadURI(mURI), but UpdateObjectParameters // requires documents have a channel, so this is not a valid state. MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE( "Attempting to load a document without a " "channel"); rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; break; } nsCOMPtr docShell = SetupDocShell(mURI); if (!docShell) { rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; break; } // We're loading a document, so we have to set LOAD_DOCUMENT_URI // (especially important for firing onload) nsLoadFlags flags = 0; mChannel->GetLoadFlags(&flags); flags |= nsIChannel::LOAD_DOCUMENT_URI; mChannel->SetLoadFlags(flags); nsCOMPtr req(do_QueryInterface(docShell)); NS_ASSERTION(req, "Docshell must be an ifreq"); nsCOMPtr uriLoader(components::URILoader::Service()); if (NS_WARN_IF(!uriLoader)) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Failed to get uriLoader service"); mFrameLoader->Destroy(); mFrameLoader = nullptr; break; } rv = uriLoader->OpenChannel(mChannel, nsIURILoader::DONT_RETARGET, req, getter_AddRefs(finalListener)); // finalListener will receive OnStartRequest either below, or if // `mChannel` is a `DocumentChannel`, it will be received after // RedirectToRealChannel. } break; case eType_Loading: // If our type remains Loading, we need a channel to proceed rv = OpenChannel(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: OpenChannel returned failure (%" PRIu32 ")", this, static_cast(rv))); } break; case eType_Null: case eType_Fallback: // Handled below, silence compiler warnings break; case eType_FakePlugin: // We're now in the process of removing FakePlugin. See bug 1529133. MOZ_CRASH( "Shouldn't reach here! This means there's a fakeplugin trying to be " "loaded."); } // // Loaded, handle notifications and fallback // if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // If we failed in the loading hunk above, switch to null (empty) region LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Loading failed, switching to null", this)); mType = eType_Null; } // If we didn't load anything, handle switching to fallback state if (mType == eType_Fallback || mType == eType_Null) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Switching to fallback state", this)); MOZ_ASSERT(!mFrameLoader, "switched to fallback but also loaded something"); MaybeFireErrorEvent(); if (mChannel) { // If we were loading with a channel but then failed over, throw it away CloseChannel(); } // Don't try to initialize plugins or final listener below finalListener = nullptr; ConfigureFallback(); } // Notify of our final state NotifyStateChanged(oldType, oldState, aNotify, false); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mIsLoading, NS_OK); // // Spawning plugins and dispatching to the final listener may re-enter, so are // delayed until after we fire a notification, to prevent missing // notifications or firing them out of order. // // Note that we ensured that we entered into LoadObject() from // ::OnStartRequest above when loading with a channel. // rv = NS_OK; if (finalListener) { NS_ASSERTION(mType != eType_Null && mType != eType_Loading, "We should not have a final listener with a non-loaded type"); mFinalListener = finalListener; // If we're a DocumentChannel load, hold off on firing the `OnStartRequest` // callback, as we haven't received it yet from our caller. RefPtr documentChannel = do_QueryObject(mChannel); if (documentChannel) { MOZ_ASSERT( mType == eType_Document, "We have a DocumentChannel here but aren't loading a document?"); } else { rv = finalListener->OnStartRequest(mChannel); } } if ((NS_FAILED(rv) && rv != NS_ERROR_PARSED_DATA_CACHED) && mIsLoading) { // Since we've already notified of our transition, we can just Unload and // call ConfigureFallback (which will notify again) oldType = mType; mType = eType_Fallback; UnloadObject(false); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mIsLoading, NS_OK); CloseChannel(); ConfigureFallback(); NotifyStateChanged(oldType, ObjectState(), true, false); } return NS_OK; } // This call can re-enter when dealing with plugin listeners nsresult nsObjectLoadingContent::CloseChannel() { if (mChannel) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Closing channel\n", this)); // Null the values before potentially-reentering, and ensure they survive // the call nsCOMPtr channelGrip(mChannel); nsCOMPtr listenerGrip(mFinalListener); mChannel = nullptr; mFinalListener = nullptr; channelGrip->CancelWithReason(NS_BINDING_ABORTED, "nsObjectLoadingContent::CloseChannel"_ns); if (listenerGrip) { // mFinalListener is only set by LoadObject after OnStartRequest, or // by OnStartRequest in the case of late-opened plugin streams listenerGrip->OnStopRequest(channelGrip, NS_BINDING_ABORTED); } } return NS_OK; } bool nsObjectLoadingContent::IsAboutBlankLoadOntoInitialAboutBlank( nsIURI* aURI, bool aInheritPrincipal, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipalToInherit) { return NS_IsAboutBlank(aURI) && aInheritPrincipal && (!mFrameLoader || !mFrameLoader->GetExistingDocShell() || mFrameLoader->GetExistingDocShell() ->IsAboutBlankLoadOntoInitialAboutBlank(aURI, aInheritPrincipal, aPrincipalToInherit)); } nsresult nsObjectLoadingContent::OpenChannel() { nsCOMPtr thisContent = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); NS_ASSERTION(thisContent, "must be a content"); Document* doc = thisContent->OwnerDoc(); NS_ASSERTION(doc, "No owner document?"); nsresult rv; mChannel = nullptr; // E.g. mms:// if (!mURI || !CanHandleURI(mURI)) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } nsCOMPtr group = doc->GetDocumentLoadGroup(); nsCOMPtr chan; RefPtr shim = new ObjectInterfaceRequestorShim(this); bool inheritAttrs = nsContentUtils::ChannelShouldInheritPrincipal( thisContent->NodePrincipal(), // aLoadState->PrincipalToInherit() mURI, // aLoadState->URI() true, // aInheritForAboutBlank false); // aForceInherit bool inheritPrincipal = inheritAttrs && !SchemeIsData(mURI); nsSecurityFlags securityFlags = nsILoadInfo::SEC_ALLOW_CROSS_ORIGIN_SEC_CONTEXT_IS_NULL; if (inheritPrincipal) { securityFlags |= nsILoadInfo::SEC_FORCE_INHERIT_PRINCIPAL; } nsContentPolicyType contentPolicyType = GetContentPolicyType(); // The setting of LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER here is now an optimization. // ServiceWorkerInterceptController::ShouldPrepareForIntercept does a more // expensive check of BrowsingContext ancestors to look for object/embed. nsLoadFlags loadFlags = nsIChannel::LOAD_CALL_CONTENT_SNIFFERS | nsIChannel::LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER | nsIRequest::LOAD_HTML_OBJECT_DATA; uint32_t sandboxFlags = doc->GetSandboxFlags(); // For object loads we store the CSP that potentially needs to // be inherited, e.g. in case we are loading an opaque origin // like a data: URI. The actual inheritance check happens within // Document::InitCSP(). Please create an actual copy of the CSP // (do not share the same reference) otherwise a Meta CSP of an // opaque origin will incorrectly be propagated to the embedding // document. RefPtr cspToInherit; if (nsCOMPtr csp = doc->GetCsp()) { cspToInherit = new nsCSPContext(); cspToInherit->InitFromOther(static_cast(csp.get())); } // --- Create LoadInfo RefPtr loadInfo = new LoadInfo( /*aLoadingPrincipal = aLoadingContext->NodePrincipal() */ nullptr, /*aTriggeringPrincipal = aLoadingPrincipal */ nullptr, /*aLoadingContext = */ thisContent, /*aSecurityFlags = */ securityFlags, /*aContentPolicyType = */ contentPolicyType, /*aLoadingClientInfo = */ Nothing(), /*aController = */ Nothing(), /*aSandboxFlags = */ sandboxFlags); if (inheritAttrs) { loadInfo->SetPrincipalToInherit(thisContent->NodePrincipal()); } if (cspToInherit) { loadInfo->SetCSPToInherit(cspToInherit); } if (DocumentChannel::CanUseDocumentChannel(mURI) && !IsAboutBlankLoadOntoInitialAboutBlank(mURI, inheritPrincipal, thisContent->NodePrincipal())) { // --- Create LoadState RefPtr loadState = new nsDocShellLoadState(mURI); loadState->SetPrincipalToInherit(thisContent->NodePrincipal()); loadState->SetTriggeringPrincipal(loadInfo->TriggeringPrincipal()); if (cspToInherit) { loadState->SetCsp(cspToInherit); } loadState->SetTriggeringSandboxFlags(sandboxFlags); // TODO(djg): This was httpChan->SetReferrerInfoWithoutClone(referrerInfo); // Is the ...WithoutClone(...) important? auto referrerInfo = MakeRefPtr(*doc); loadState->SetReferrerInfo(referrerInfo); chan = DocumentChannel::CreateForObject(loadState, loadInfo, loadFlags, shim); MOZ_ASSERT(chan); // NS_NewChannel sets the group on the channel. CreateDocumentChannel does // not. chan->SetLoadGroup(group); } else { rv = NS_NewChannelInternal(getter_AddRefs(chan), // outChannel mURI, // aUri loadInfo, // aLoadInfo nullptr, // aPerformanceStorage group, // aLoadGroup shim, // aCallbacks loadFlags, // aLoadFlags nullptr); // aIoService NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (inheritAttrs) { nsCOMPtr loadinfo = chan->LoadInfo(); loadinfo->SetPrincipalToInherit(thisContent->NodePrincipal()); } // For object loads we store the CSP that potentially needs to // be inherited, e.g. in case we are loading an opaque origin // like a data: URI. The actual inheritance check happens within // Document::InitCSP(). Please create an actual copy of the CSP // (do not share the same reference) otherwise a Meta CSP of an // opaque origin will incorrectly be propagated to the embedding // document. if (cspToInherit) { nsCOMPtr loadinfo = chan->LoadInfo(); static_cast(loadinfo.get())->SetCSPToInherit(cspToInherit); } }; // Referrer nsCOMPtr httpChan(do_QueryInterface(chan)); if (httpChan) { auto referrerInfo = MakeRefPtr(*doc); rv = httpChan->SetReferrerInfoWithoutClone(referrerInfo); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); // Set the initiator type nsCOMPtr timedChannel(do_QueryInterface(httpChan)); if (timedChannel) { timedChannel->SetInitiatorType(thisContent->LocalName()); } nsCOMPtr cos(do_QueryInterface(httpChan)); if (cos && UserActivation::IsHandlingUserInput()) { cos->AddClassFlags(nsIClassOfService::UrgentStart); } } nsCOMPtr scriptChannel = do_QueryInterface(chan); if (scriptChannel) { // Allow execution against our context if the principals match scriptChannel->SetExecutionPolicy(nsIScriptChannel::EXECUTE_NORMAL); } // AsyncOpen can fail if a file does not exist. rv = chan->AsyncOpen(shim); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: Channel opened", this)); mChannel = chan; return NS_OK; } uint32_t nsObjectLoadingContent::GetCapabilities() const { return eSupportImages | eSupportPlugins | eSupportDocuments; } void nsObjectLoadingContent::Destroy() { if (mFrameLoader) { mFrameLoader->Destroy(); mFrameLoader = nullptr; } if (mInstantiating) { QueueCheckPluginStopEvent(); } // Reset state so that if the element is re-appended to tree again (e.g. // adopting to another document), it will reload resource again. UnloadObject(); nsImageLoadingContent::Destroy(); } /* static */ void nsObjectLoadingContent::Traverse(nsObjectLoadingContent* tmp, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& cb) { NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mFrameLoader); } /* static */ void nsObjectLoadingContent::Unlink(nsObjectLoadingContent* tmp) { if (tmp->mFrameLoader) { tmp->mFrameLoader->Destroy(); } NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mFrameLoader); } void nsObjectLoadingContent::UnloadObject(bool aResetState) { // Don't notify in CancelImageRequests until we transition to a new loaded // state, but not if we've loaded the image in a synthetic browsing context. CancelImageRequests(false); if (mFrameLoader) { mFrameLoader->Destroy(); mFrameLoader = nullptr; } if (aResetState) { CloseChannel(); mChannelLoaded = false; mType = eType_Loading; mURI = mOriginalURI = mBaseURI = nullptr; mContentType.Truncate(); mOriginalContentType.Truncate(); } // InstantiatePluginInstance checks this after re-entrant calls and aborts if // it was cleared from under it mInstantiating = false; mScriptRequested = false; mIsStopping = false; mCachedAttributes.Clear(); mCachedParameters.Clear(); // This call should be last as it may re-enter StopPluginInstance(); mSubdocumentIntrinsicSize.reset(); mSubdocumentIntrinsicRatio.reset(); } void nsObjectLoadingContent::NotifyStateChanged(ObjectType aOldType, ElementState aOldState, bool aNotify, bool aForceRestyle) { LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: NotifyStateChanged: (%u, %" PRIx64 ") -> (%u, %" PRIx64 ")" " (notify %i)", this, aOldType, aOldState.GetInternalValue(), mType, ObjectState().GetInternalValue(), aNotify)); nsCOMPtr thisEl = AsContent()->AsElement(); MOZ_ASSERT(thisEl, "must be an element"); // XXX(johns): A good bit of the code below replicates UpdateState(true) // Unfortunately, we do some state changes without notifying // (e.g. in Fallback when canceling image requests), so we have to // manually notify object state changes. thisEl->UpdateState(aForceRestyle); if (!aNotify) { // We're done here return; } Document* doc = thisEl->GetComposedDoc(); if (!doc) { return; // Nothing to do } const ElementState newState = ObjectState(); if (newState == aOldState && mType == aOldType) { return; // Also done. } RefPtr presShell = doc->GetPresShell(); // If there is no PresShell or it hasn't been initialized there isn't much to // do. if (!presShell || !presShell->DidInitialize()) { return; } if (presShell && (aOldType != mType)) { presShell->PostRecreateFramesFor(thisEl); } } nsObjectLoadingContent::ObjectType nsObjectLoadingContent::GetTypeOfContent( const nsCString& aMIMEType, bool aNoFakePlugin) { nsCOMPtr thisContent = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); NS_ASSERTION(thisContent, "must be a content"); // Images, documents and (fake) plugins are always supported. MOZ_ASSERT(GetCapabilities() & (eSupportImages | eSupportDocuments | eSupportPlugins)); LOG( ("OBJLC [%p]: calling HtmlObjectContentTypeForMIMEType: aMIMEType: %s - " "thisContent: %p\n", this, aMIMEType.get(), thisContent.get())); auto ret = static_cast(nsContentUtils::HtmlObjectContentTypeForMIMEType( aMIMEType, aNoFakePlugin)); LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: called HtmlObjectContentTypeForMIMEType\n", this)); return ret; } void nsObjectLoadingContent::CreateStaticClone( nsObjectLoadingContent* aDest) const { aDest->mType = mType; if (mFrameLoader) { nsCOMPtr content = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(aDest)); Document* doc = content->OwnerDoc(); if (doc->IsStaticDocument()) { doc->AddPendingFrameStaticClone(aDest, mFrameLoader); } } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::SyncStartPluginInstance() { NS_ASSERTION( nsContentUtils::IsSafeToRunScript(), "Must be able to run script in order to instantiate a plugin instance!"); // Don't even attempt to start an instance unless the content is in // the document and active nsCOMPtr thisContent = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); if (!InActiveDocument(thisContent)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsCOMPtr kungFuURIGrip(mURI); mozilla::Unused << kungFuURIGrip; // This URI is not referred to within this function nsCString contentType(mContentType); return InstantiatePluginInstance(); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::AsyncStartPluginInstance() { if (mPendingInstantiateEvent) { return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr thisContent = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); Document* doc = thisContent->OwnerDoc(); if (doc->IsStaticDocument() || doc->IsBeingUsedAsImage()) { return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr event = new nsAsyncInstantiateEvent(this); nsresult rv = NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(event); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // Track pending events mPendingInstantiateEvent = event; } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::GetSrcURI(nsIURI** aURI) { NS_IF_ADDREF(*aURI = GetSrcURI()); return NS_OK; } void nsObjectLoadingContent::ConfigureFallback() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mFrameLoader && !mChannel, "ConfigureFallback called with loaded content"); // We only fallback in special cases where we are already of fallback // type (e.g. removed Flash plugin use) or where something went wrong // (e.g. unknown MIME type). MOZ_ASSERT(mType == eType_Fallback || mType == eType_Null); nsCOMPtr thisContent = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); NS_ASSERTION(thisContent, "must be a content"); // There are two types of fallback: // 1. HTML fallbacks are children of the or DOM element. // 2. The special transparent region fallback replacing Flash use. // If our type is eType_Fallback (e.g. Flash use) then we use #1 if // available, otherwise we use #2. // If our type is eType_Null (e.g. unknown MIME type) then we use // #1, otherwise the element has no size. bool hasHtmlFallback = false; if (thisContent->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::object)) { // Do a depth-first traverse of node tree with the current element as root, // looking for non- elements. If we find some then we have an HTML // fallback for this element. for (nsIContent* child = thisContent->GetFirstChild(); child;) { hasHtmlFallback = hasHtmlFallback || (!child->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::param) && nsStyleUtil::IsSignificantChild(child, false)); // and elements in the fallback need to StartObjectLoad. // Their children should be ignored since they are part of those // element's fallback. if (auto embed = HTMLEmbedElement::FromNode(child)) { embed->StartObjectLoad(true, true); // Skip the children child = child->GetNextNonChildNode(thisContent); } else if (auto object = HTMLObjectElement::FromNode(child)) { object->StartObjectLoad(true, true); // Skip the children child = child->GetNextNonChildNode(thisContent); } else { child = child->GetNextNode(thisContent); } } } // If we find an HTML fallback then we always switch type to null. if (hasHtmlFallback) { mType = eType_Null; } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::StopPluginInstance() { AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL("nsObjectLoadingContent::StopPluginInstance", OTHER); // Clear any pending events mPendingInstantiateEvent = nullptr; mPendingCheckPluginStopEvent = nullptr; // If we're currently instantiating, clearing this will cause // InstantiatePluginInstance's re-entrance check to destroy the created plugin mInstantiating = false; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::Reload(bool aClearActivation) { if (aClearActivation) { mSkipFakePlugins = false; } return LoadObject(true, true); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::SkipFakePlugins() { if (!nsContentUtils::IsCallerChrome()) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; mSkipFakePlugins = true; // If we're showing a fake plugin now, reload if (mType == eType_FakePlugin) { return LoadObject(true, true); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::UpgradeLoadToDocument( nsIChannel* aRequest, BrowsingContext** aBrowsingContext) { AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL("nsObjectLoadingContent::UpgradeLoadToDocument", NETWORK); LOG(("OBJLC [%p]: UpgradeLoadToDocument", this)); if (aRequest != mChannel || !aRequest) { // happens when a new load starts before the previous one got here. return NS_BINDING_ABORTED; } // We should be state loading. if (mType != eType_Loading) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Should be type loading at this point"); return NS_BINDING_ABORTED; } MOZ_ASSERT(!mChannelLoaded, "mChannelLoaded set already?"); MOZ_ASSERT(!mFinalListener, "mFinalListener exists already?"); mChannelLoaded = true; // We don't need to check for errors here, unlike in `OnStartRequest`, as // `UpgradeLoadToDocument` is only called when the load is going to become a // process-switching load. As we never process switch for failed object loads, // we know our channel status is successful. // Call `LoadObject` to trigger our nsObjectLoadingContext to switch into the // specified new state. nsresult rv = LoadObject(true, false, aRequest); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } RefPtr bc = GetBrowsingContext(); if (!bc) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } bc.forget(aBrowsingContext); return NS_OK; } uint32_t nsObjectLoadingContent::GetRunID(SystemCallerGuarantee, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (!mHasRunID) { // The plugin instance must not have a run ID, so we must // be running the plugin in-process. aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return 0; } return mRunID; } bool nsObjectLoadingContent::ShouldBlockContent() { if (mContentBlockingEnabled && mURI && IsFlashMIME(mContentType) && StaticPrefs::browser_safebrowsing_blockedURIs_enabled()) { return true; } return false; } Document* nsObjectLoadingContent::GetContentDocument( nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal) { nsCOMPtr thisContent = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); if (!thisContent->IsInComposedDoc()) { return nullptr; } Document* sub_doc = thisContent->OwnerDoc()->GetSubDocumentFor(thisContent); if (!sub_doc) { return nullptr; } // Return null for cross-origin contentDocument. if (!aSubjectPrincipal.SubsumesConsideringDomain(sub_doc->NodePrincipal())) { return nullptr; } return sub_doc; } bool nsObjectLoadingContent::DoResolve( JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aObject, JS::Handle aId, JS::MutableHandle> aDesc) { return true; } /* static */ bool nsObjectLoadingContent::MayResolve(jsid aId) { // We can resolve anything, really. return true; } void nsObjectLoadingContent::GetOwnPropertyNames( JSContext* aCx, JS::MutableHandleVector /* unused */, bool /* unused */, ErrorResult& aRv) {} void nsObjectLoadingContent::MaybeFireErrorEvent() { nsCOMPtr thisContent = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); // Queue a task to fire an error event if we're an element. The // queueing is important, since then we don't have to worry about reentry. if (thisContent->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::object)) { RefPtr loadBlockingAsyncDispatcher = new LoadBlockingAsyncEventDispatcher( thisContent, u"error"_ns, CanBubble::eNo, ChromeOnlyDispatch::eNo); loadBlockingAsyncDispatcher->PostDOMEvent(); } } bool nsObjectLoadingContent::BlockEmbedOrObjectContentLoading() { nsCOMPtr thisContent = do_QueryInterface(static_cast(this)); // Traverse up the node tree to see if we have any ancestors that may block us // from loading for (nsIContent* parent = thisContent->GetParent(); parent; parent = parent->GetParent()) { if (parent->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::video, nsGkAtoms::audio)) { return true; } // If we have an ancestor that is an object with a source, it'll have an // associated displayed type. If that type is not null, don't load content // for the embed. if (HTMLObjectElement* object = HTMLObjectElement::FromNode(parent)) { uint32_t type = object->DisplayedType(); if (type != eType_Null) { return true; } } } return false; } void nsObjectLoadingContent::SubdocumentIntrinsicSizeOrRatioChanged( const Maybe& aIntrinsicSize, const Maybe& aIntrinsicRatio) { if (aIntrinsicSize == mSubdocumentIntrinsicSize && aIntrinsicRatio == mSubdocumentIntrinsicRatio) { return; } mSubdocumentIntrinsicSize = aIntrinsicSize; mSubdocumentIntrinsicRatio = aIntrinsicRatio; if (nsSubDocumentFrame* sdf = do_QueryFrame(AsContent()->GetPrimaryFrame())) { sdf->SubdocumentIntrinsicSizeOrRatioChanged(); } } void nsObjectLoadingContent::SubdocumentImageLoadComplete(nsresult aResult) { ElementState oldState = ObjectState(); ObjectType oldType = mType; mLoadingSyntheticDocument = false; if (NS_FAILED(aResult)) { UnloadObject(); mType = eType_Fallback; ConfigureFallback(); NotifyStateChanged(oldType, oldState, true, false); return; } // (mChannelLoaded && mChannel) indicates this is a good state, not any sort // of failures. MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT_IF(mChannelLoaded && mChannel, mType == eType_Document); NotifyStateChanged(oldType, oldState, true, true); } void nsObjectLoadingContent::MaybeStoreCrossOriginFeaturePolicy() { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(mFrameLoader); // If the browsingContext is not ready (because docshell is dead), don't try // to create one. if (!mFrameLoader->IsRemoteFrame() && !mFrameLoader->GetExistingDocShell()) { return; } RefPtr browsingContext = mFrameLoader->GetBrowsingContext(); if (!browsingContext || !browsingContext->IsContentSubframe()) { return; } nsCOMPtr thisContent = AsContent(); if (!thisContent->IsInComposedDoc()) { return; } FeaturePolicy* featurePolicy = thisContent->OwnerDoc()->FeaturePolicy(); if (ContentChild* cc = ContentChild::GetSingleton()) { Unused << cc->SendSetContainerFeaturePolicy(browsingContext, featurePolicy); } }