/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Implementation of the DOM Range object. */ #ifndef nsRange_h___ #define nsRange_h___ #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "mozilla/dom/AbstractRange.h" #include "prmon.h" #include "nsStubMutationObserver.h" #include "nsWrapperCache.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h" #include "mozilla/LinkedList.h" #include "mozilla/RangeBoundary.h" #include "mozilla/WeakPtr.h" namespace mozilla { class RectCallback; namespace dom { struct ClientRectsAndTexts; class DocGroup; class DocumentFragment; class DOMRect; class DOMRectList; class InspectorFontFace; class Selection; } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla class nsRange final : public mozilla::dom::AbstractRange, public nsStubMutationObserver, // For linking together selection-associated ranges. public mozilla::LinkedListElement { using ErrorResult = mozilla::ErrorResult; using AbstractRange = mozilla::dom::AbstractRange; using DocGroup = mozilla::dom::DocGroup; using DOMRect = mozilla::dom::DOMRect; using DOMRectList = mozilla::dom::DOMRectList; using RangeBoundary = mozilla::RangeBoundary; using RawRangeBoundary = mozilla::RawRangeBoundary; virtual ~nsRange(); explicit nsRange(nsINode* aNode); public: /** * The following Create() returns `nsRange` instance which is initialized * only with aNode. The result is never positioned. */ static already_AddRefed Create(nsINode* aNode); /** * The following Create() may return `nsRange` instance which is initialized * with given range or points. If it fails initializing new range with the * arguments, returns `nullptr`. `ErrorResult` is set to an error only * when this returns `nullptr`. The error code indicates the reason why * it couldn't initialize the instance. */ static already_AddRefed Create(const AbstractRange* aAbstractRange, ErrorResult& aRv) { return nsRange::Create(aAbstractRange->StartRef(), aAbstractRange->EndRef(), aRv); } static already_AddRefed Create(nsINode* aStartContainer, uint32_t aStartOffset, nsINode* aEndContainer, uint32_t aEndOffset, ErrorResult& aRv) { return nsRange::Create(RawRangeBoundary(aStartContainer, aStartOffset), RawRangeBoundary(aEndContainer, aEndOffset), aRv); } template static already_AddRefed Create( const mozilla::RangeBoundaryBase& aStartBoundary, const mozilla::RangeBoundaryBase& aEndBoundary, ErrorResult& aRv); NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED NS_IMETHODIMP_(void) DeleteCycleCollectable(void) override; NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_SCRIPT_HOLDER_CLASS_INHERITED(nsRange, AbstractRange) nsrefcnt GetRefCount() const { return mRefCnt; } nsINode* GetRoot() const { return mRoot; } /** * Return true iff this range is part of a Selection object * and isn't detached. */ bool IsInSelection() const { return !!mSelection; } MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void RegisterSelection( mozilla::dom::Selection& aSelection); void UnregisterSelection(); /** * Returns pointer to a Selection if the range is associated with a Selection. */ mozilla::dom::Selection* GetSelection() const; /** * Return true if this range was generated. * @see SetIsGenerated */ bool IsGenerated() const { return mIsGenerated; } /** * Mark this range as being generated or not. * Currently it is used for marking ranges that are created when splitting up * a range to exclude a -moz-user-select:none region. * @see Selection::AddRangesForSelectableNodes * @see ExcludeNonSelectableNodes */ void SetIsGenerated(bool aIsGenerated) { mIsGenerated = aIsGenerated; } void Reset(); /** * SetStart() and SetEnd() sets start point or end point separately. * However, this is expensive especially when it's a range of Selection. * When you set both start and end of a range, you should use * SetStartAndEnd() instead. */ nsresult SetStart(nsINode* aContainer, uint32_t aOffset) { ErrorResult error; SetStart(RawRangeBoundary(aContainer, aOffset), error); return error.StealNSResult(); } nsresult SetEnd(nsINode* aContainer, uint32_t aOffset) { ErrorResult error; SetEnd(RawRangeBoundary(aContainer, aOffset), error); return error.StealNSResult(); } already_AddRefed CloneRange() const; /** * SetStartAndEnd() works similar to call both SetStart() and SetEnd(). * Different from calls them separately, this does nothing if either * the start point or the end point is invalid point. * If the specified start point is after the end point, the range will be * collapsed at the end point. Similarly, if they are in different root, * the range will be collapsed at the end point. */ nsresult SetStartAndEnd(nsINode* aStartContainer, uint32_t aStartOffset, nsINode* aEndContainer, uint32_t aEndOffset) { return SetStartAndEnd(RawRangeBoundary(aStartContainer, aStartOffset), RawRangeBoundary(aEndContainer, aEndOffset)); } template nsresult SetStartAndEnd( const mozilla::RangeBoundaryBase& aStartBoundary, const mozilla::RangeBoundaryBase& aEndBoundary) { return AbstractRange::SetStartAndEndInternal(aStartBoundary, aEndBoundary, this); } /** * Adds all nodes between |aStartContent| and |aEndContent| to the range. * The start offset will be set before |aStartContent|, * while the end offset will be set immediately after |aEndContent|. * * Caller must guarantee both nodes are non null and * children of |aContainer| and that |aEndContent| is after |aStartContent|. */ void SelectNodesInContainer(nsINode* aContainer, nsIContent* aStartContent, nsIContent* aEndContent); /** * CollapseTo() works similar to call both SetStart() and SetEnd() with * same node and offset. This just calls SetStartAndParent() to set * collapsed range at aContainer and aOffset. */ nsresult CollapseTo(nsINode* aContainer, uint32_t aOffset) { return CollapseTo(RawRangeBoundary(aContainer, aOffset)); } nsresult CollapseTo(const RawRangeBoundary& aPoint) { return SetStartAndEnd(aPoint, aPoint); } // aMaxRanges is the maximum number of text ranges to record for each face // (pass 0 to just get the list of faces, without recording exact ranges // where each face was used). nsresult GetUsedFontFaces( nsTArray>& aResult, uint32_t aMaxRanges, bool aSkipCollapsedWhitespace); // nsIMutationObserver methods NS_DECL_NSIMUTATIONOBSERVER_CHARACTERDATACHANGED NS_DECL_NSIMUTATIONOBSERVER_CONTENTINSERTED NS_DECL_NSIMUTATIONOBSERVER_CONTENTREMOVED NS_DECL_NSIMUTATIONOBSERVER_PARENTCHAINCHANGED NS_DECL_NSIMUTATIONOBSERVER_CONTENTAPPENDED // WebIDL static already_AddRefed Constructor( const mozilla::dom::GlobalObject& global, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed CreateContextualFragment( const nsAString& aString, ErrorResult& aError) const; already_AddRefed CloneContents( ErrorResult& aErr); int16_t CompareBoundaryPoints(uint16_t aHow, const nsRange& aOtherRange, ErrorResult& aRv); int16_t ComparePoint(const nsINode& aContainer, uint32_t aOffset, ErrorResult& aRv) const; void DeleteContents(ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed ExtractContents( ErrorResult& aErr); nsINode* GetCommonAncestorContainer(ErrorResult& aRv) const { if (!mIsPositioned) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); return nullptr; } return GetClosestCommonInclusiveAncestor(); } void InsertNode(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); bool IntersectsNode(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aRv); bool IsPointInRange(const nsINode& aContainer, uint32_t aOffset, ErrorResult& aRv) const; void ToString(nsAString& aReturn, ErrorResult& aErr); void Detach(); // *JS() methods are mapped to Range.*() of DOM. // They may move focus only when the range represents normal selection. // These methods shouldn't be used from internal. void CollapseJS(bool aToStart); void SelectNodeJS(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); void SelectNodeContentsJS(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetEndJS(nsINode& aNode, uint32_t aOffset, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetEndAfterJS(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetEndBeforeJS(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetStartJS(nsINode& aNode, uint32_t aOffset, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetStartAfterJS(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetStartBeforeJS(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); void SurroundContents(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); already_AddRefed GetBoundingClientRect(bool aClampToEdge = true, bool aFlushLayout = true); already_AddRefed GetClientRects(bool aClampToEdge = true, bool aFlushLayout = true); void GetClientRectsAndTexts(mozilla::dom::ClientRectsAndTexts& aResult, ErrorResult& aErr); // Following methods should be used for internal use instead of *JS(). void SelectNode(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); void SelectNodeContents(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetEnd(nsINode& aNode, uint32_t aOffset, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetEnd(const RawRangeBoundary& aPoint, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetEndAfter(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetEndBefore(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetStart(nsINode& aNode, uint32_t aOffset, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetStart(const RawRangeBoundary& aPoint, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetStartAfter(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); void SetStartBefore(nsINode& aNode, ErrorResult& aErr); void Collapse(bool aToStart); static void GetInnerTextNoFlush(mozilla::dom::DOMString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& aError, nsIContent* aContainer); virtual JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle aGivenProto) final; DocGroup* GetDocGroup() const; private: // no copy's or assigns nsRange(const nsRange&); nsRange& operator=(const nsRange&); template static void AssertIfMismatchRootAndRangeBoundaries( const mozilla::RangeBoundaryBase& aStartBoundary, const mozilla::RangeBoundaryBase& aEndBoundary, const nsINode* aRootNode, bool aNotInsertedYet = false); /** * Cut or delete the range's contents. * * @param aFragment DocumentFragment containing the nodes. * May be null to indicate the caller doesn't want a * fragment. * @param aRv The error if any. */ void CutContents(mozilla::dom::DocumentFragment** aFragment, ErrorResult& aRv); static nsresult CloneParentsBetween(nsINode* aAncestor, nsINode* aNode, nsINode** aClosestAncestor, nsINode** aFarthestAncestor); /** * Returns whether a node is safe to be accessed by the current caller. */ bool CanAccess(const nsINode&) const; void AdjustNextRefsOnCharacterDataSplit(const nsIContent& aContent, const CharacterDataChangeInfo& aInfo); struct RangeBoundariesAndRoot { RawRangeBoundary mStart; RawRangeBoundary mEnd; nsINode* mRoot = nullptr; }; /** * @param aContent Must be non-nullptr. */ RangeBoundariesAndRoot DetermineNewRangeBoundariesAndRootOnCharacterDataMerge( nsIContent* aContent, const CharacterDataChangeInfo& aInfo) const; // @return true iff the range is positioned, aContainer belongs to the same // document as the range, aContainer is a DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE and // aOffset doesn't exceed aContainer's length. bool IsPointComparableToRange(const nsINode& aContainer, uint32_t aOffset, ErrorResult& aErrorResult) const; public: /** * This helper function gets rects and correlated text for the given range. * @param aTextList optional where nullptr = don't retrieve text */ static void CollectClientRectsAndText( mozilla::RectCallback* aCollector, mozilla::dom::Sequence* aTextList, nsRange* aRange, nsINode* aStartContainer, uint32_t aStartOffset, nsINode* aEndContainer, uint32_t aEndOffset, bool aClampToEdge, bool aFlushLayout); /** * Scan this range for -moz-user-select:none nodes and split it up into * multiple ranges to exclude those nodes. The resulting ranges are put * in aOutRanges. If no -moz-user-select:none node is found in the range * then |this| is unmodified and is the only range in aOutRanges. * Otherwise, |this| will be modified so that it ends before the first * -moz-user-select:none node and additional ranges may also be created. * If all nodes in the range are -moz-user-select:none then aOutRanges * will be empty. * @param aOutRanges the resulting set of ranges */ void ExcludeNonSelectableNodes(nsTArray>* aOutRanges); /** * Notify the selection listeners after a range has been modified. */ MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void NotifySelectionListenersAfterRangeSet(); /** * For a range for which IsInSelection() is true, return the closest common * inclusive ancestor * (https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-tree-inclusive-ancestor) * for the range, which we had to compute when the common ancestor changed or * IsInSelection became true, so we could register with it. That is, it's a * faster version of GetClosestCommonInclusiveAncestor that only works for * ranges in a Selection. The method will assert and the behavior is undefined * if called on a range where IsInSelection() is false. */ nsINode* GetRegisteredClosestCommonInclusiveAncestor(); protected: /** * https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-tree-inclusive-ancestor */ void RegisterClosestCommonInclusiveAncestor(nsINode* aNode); /** * https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-tree-inclusive-ancestor */ void UnregisterClosestCommonInclusiveAncestor(nsINode* aNode, bool aIsUnlinking); /** * DoSetRange() is called when `AbstractRange::SetStartAndEndInternal()` sets * mStart and mEnd, or some other internal methods modify `mStart` and/or * `mEnd`. Therefore, this shouldn't be a virtual method. * * @param aStartBoundary Computed start point. This must equals or be * before aEndBoundary in the DOM tree order. * @param aEndBoundary Computed end point. * @param aRootNode The root node. * @param aNotInsertedYet true if this is called by CharacterDataChanged() * to disable assertion and suppress re-registering * a range common ancestor node since the new text * node of a splitText hasn't been inserted yet. * CharacterDataChanged() does the re-registering * when needed. Otherwise, false. */ template MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY void DoSetRange( const mozilla::RangeBoundaryBase& aStartBoundary, const mozilla::RangeBoundaryBase& aEndBoundary, nsINode* aRootNode, bool aNotInsertedYet = false); // Assume that this is guaranteed that this is held by the caller when // this is used. (Note that we cannot use AutoRestore for mCalledByJS // due to a bit field.) class MOZ_RAII AutoCalledByJSRestore final { private: nsRange& mRange; bool mOldValue; public: explicit AutoCalledByJSRestore(nsRange& aRange) : mRange(aRange), mOldValue(aRange.mCalledByJS) {} ~AutoCalledByJSRestore() { mRange.mCalledByJS = mOldValue; } bool SavedValue() const { return mOldValue; } }; struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS AutoInvalidateSelection { explicit AutoInvalidateSelection(nsRange* aRange) : mRange(aRange) { if (!mRange->IsInSelection() || sIsNested) { return; } sIsNested = true; mCommonAncestor = mRange->GetRegisteredClosestCommonInclusiveAncestor(); } ~AutoInvalidateSelection(); nsRange* mRange; RefPtr mCommonAncestor; static bool sIsNested; }; bool MaybeInterruptLastRelease(); #ifdef DEBUG bool IsCleared() const { return !mRoot && !mRegisteredClosestCommonInclusiveAncestor && !mSelection && !mNextStartRef && !mNextEndRef; } #endif // #ifdef DEBUG nsCOMPtr mRoot; // mRegisteredClosestCommonInclusiveAncestor is only non-null when the range // IsInSelection(). It's kept alive via mStart/mEnd, // because we update it any time those could become disconnected from it. nsINode* MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF mRegisteredClosestCommonInclusiveAncestor; mozilla::WeakPtr mSelection; // These raw pointers are used to remember a child that is about // to be inserted between a CharacterData call and a subsequent // ContentInserted or ContentAppended call. It is safe to store // these refs because the caller is guaranteed to trigger both // notifications while holding a strong reference to the new child. nsIContent* MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF mNextStartRef; nsIContent* MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF mNextEndRef; static nsTArray>* sCachedRanges; friend class mozilla::dom::AbstractRange; }; #endif /* nsRange_h___ */