"use strict"; function run_test() { test_base64URLEncode(); test_base64URLDecode(); } // Test vectors from RFC 4648, section 10. let textTests = { "": "", f: "Zg", fo: "Zm8", foo: "Zm9v", foob: "Zm9vYg", fooba: "Zm9vYmE", foobar: "Zm9vYmFy", }; // Examples from RFC 4648, section 9. let binaryTests = [ { decoded: new Uint8Array([0x14, 0xfb, 0x9c, 0x03, 0xd9, 0x7e]), encoded: "FPucA9l-", }, { decoded: new Uint8Array([0x14, 0xfb, 0x9c, 0x03, 0xd9]), encoded: "FPucA9k", }, { decoded: new Uint8Array([0x14, 0xfb, 0x9c, 0x03]), encoded: "FPucAw", }, ]; function padEncodedValue(value) { switch (value.length % 4) { case 0: return value; case 2: return value + "=="; case 3: return value + "="; default: throw new TypeError("Invalid encoded value"); } } function testEncode(input, encoded) { equal( ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(input, { pad: false }), encoded, encoded + " without padding" ); equal( ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(input, { pad: true }), padEncodedValue(encoded), encoded + " with padding" ); } function test_base64URLEncode() { throws( _ => ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(new Uint8Array(0)), /TypeError/, "Should require encoding options" ); throws( _ => ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(new Uint8Array(0), {}), /TypeError/, "Encoding should require the padding option" ); for (let { decoded, encoded } of binaryTests) { testEncode(decoded, encoded); } let textEncoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8"); for (let decoded of Object.keys(textTests)) { let input = textEncoder.encode(decoded); testEncode(input, textTests[decoded]); } } function testDecode(input, decoded) { let buffer = ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode(input, { padding: "reject" }); deepEqual(new Uint8Array(buffer), decoded, input + " with padding rejected"); let paddedValue = padEncodedValue(input); buffer = ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode(paddedValue, { padding: "ignore" }); deepEqual(new Uint8Array(buffer), decoded, input + " with padding ignored"); if (paddedValue.length > input.length) { throws( _ => ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode(paddedValue, { padding: "reject" }), /NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE/, paddedValue + " with padding rejected should throw" ); throws( _ => ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode(input, { padding: "require" }), /NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE/, input + " with padding required should throw" ); buffer = ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode(paddedValue, { padding: "require" }); deepEqual( new Uint8Array(buffer), decoded, paddedValue + " with padding required" ); } } function test_base64URLDecode() { throws( _ => ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode(""), /TypeError/, "Should require decoding options" ); throws( _ => ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode("", {}), /TypeError/, "Decoding should require the padding option" ); throws( _ => ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode("", { padding: "chocolate" }), /TypeError/, "Decoding should throw for invalid padding policy" ); for (let { decoded, encoded } of binaryTests) { testDecode(encoded, decoded); } let textEncoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8"); for (let decoded of Object.keys(textTests)) { let expectedBuffer = textEncoder.encode(decoded); testDecode(textTests[decoded], expectedBuffer); } }