import WebIDL def WebIDLTest(parser, harness): parser.parse( """ enum TestEnum { "", "foo", "bar" }; interface TestEnumInterface { TestEnum doFoo(boolean arg); readonly attribute TestEnum foo; }; """ ) results = parser.finish() harness.ok(True, "TestEnumInterfaces interface parsed without error.") harness.check(len(results), 2, "Should be one production") harness.ok(isinstance(results[0], WebIDL.IDLEnum), "Should be an IDLEnum") harness.ok(isinstance(results[1], WebIDL.IDLInterface), "Should be an IDLInterface") enum = results[0] harness.check(enum.identifier.QName(), "::TestEnum", "Enum has the right QName") harness.check(, "TestEnum", "Enum has the right name") harness.check(enum.values(), ["", "foo", "bar"], "Enum has the right values") iface = results[1] harness.check( iface.identifier.QName(), "::TestEnumInterface", "Interface has the right QName" ) harness.check(, "TestEnumInterface", "Interface has the right name" ) harness.check(iface.parent, None, "Interface has no parent") members = iface.members harness.check(len(members), 2, "Should be one production") harness.ok(isinstance(members[0], WebIDL.IDLMethod), "Should be an IDLMethod") method = members[0] harness.check( method.identifier.QName(), "::TestEnumInterface::doFoo", "Method has correct QName", ) harness.check(, "doFoo", "Method has correct name") signatures = method.signatures() harness.check(len(signatures), 1, "Expect one signature") (returnType, arguments) = signatures[0] harness.check( str(returnType), "TestEnum (Wrapper)", "Method type is the correct name" ) harness.check(len(arguments), 1, "Method has the right number of arguments") arg = arguments[0] harness.ok(isinstance(arg, WebIDL.IDLArgument), "Should be an IDLArgument") harness.check(str(arg.type), "Boolean", "Argument has the right type") attr = members[1] harness.check( attr.identifier.QName(), "::TestEnumInterface::foo", "Attr has correct QName" ) harness.check(, "foo", "Attr has correct name") harness.check(str(attr.type), "TestEnum (Wrapper)", "Attr type is the correct name") # Now reset our parser parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ enum Enum { "a", "b", "c" }; interface TestInterface { undefined foo(optional Enum e = "d"); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except: threw = True harness.ok(threw, "Should not allow a bogus default value for an enum") # Now reset our parser parser = parser.reset() parser.parse( """ enum Enum { "a", "b", "c", }; """ ) results = parser.finish() harness.check(len(results), 1, "Should allow trailing comma in enum")