import WebIDL def WebIDLTest(parser, harness): parser.parse( """ interface TestMethods { undefined basic(); static undefined basicStatic(); undefined basicWithSimpleArgs(boolean arg1, byte arg2, unsigned long arg3); boolean basicBoolean(); static boolean basicStaticBoolean(); boolean basicBooleanWithSimpleArgs(boolean arg1, byte arg2, unsigned long arg3); undefined optionalArg(optional byte? arg1, optional sequence arg2); undefined variadicArg(byte?... arg1); object getObject(); undefined setObject(object arg1); undefined setAny(any arg1); float doFloats(float arg1); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() harness.ok(True, "TestMethods interface parsed without error.") harness.check(len(results), 1, "Should be one production.") iface = results[0] harness.ok(isinstance(iface, WebIDL.IDLInterface), "Should be an IDLInterface") harness.check( iface.identifier.QName(), "::TestMethods", "Interface has the right QName" ) harness.check(, "TestMethods", "Interface has the right name") harness.check(len(iface.members), 12, "Expect 12 members") methods = iface.members def checkArgument(argument, QName, name, type, optional, variadic): harness.ok(isinstance(argument, WebIDL.IDLArgument), "Should be an IDLArgument") harness.check( argument.identifier.QName(), QName, "Argument has the right QName" ) harness.check(, name, "Argument has the right name") harness.check(str(argument.type), type, "Argument has the right return type") harness.check( argument.optional, optional, "Argument has the right optional value" ) harness.check( argument.variadic, variadic, "Argument has the right variadic value" ) def checkMethod( method, QName, name, signatures, static=False, getter=False, setter=False, deleter=False, legacycaller=False, stringifier=False, ): harness.ok(isinstance(method, WebIDL.IDLMethod), "Should be an IDLMethod") harness.ok(method.isMethod(), "Method is a method") harness.ok(not method.isAttr(), "Method is not an attr") harness.ok(not method.isConst(), "Method is not a const") harness.check(method.identifier.QName(), QName, "Method has the right QName") harness.check(, name, "Method has the right name") harness.check(method.isStatic(), static, "Method has the correct static value") harness.check(method.isGetter(), getter, "Method has the correct getter value") harness.check(method.isSetter(), setter, "Method has the correct setter value") harness.check( method.isDeleter(), deleter, "Method has the correct deleter value" ) harness.check( method.isLegacycaller(), legacycaller, "Method has the correct legacycaller value", ) harness.check( method.isStringifier(), stringifier, "Method has the correct stringifier value", ) harness.check( len(method.signatures()), len(signatures), "Method has the correct number of signatures", ) sigpairs = zip(method.signatures(), signatures) for (gotSignature, expectedSignature) in sigpairs: (gotRetType, gotArgs) = gotSignature (expectedRetType, expectedArgs) = expectedSignature harness.check( str(gotRetType), expectedRetType, "Method has the expected return type." ) for i in range(0, len(gotArgs)): (QName, name, type, optional, variadic) = expectedArgs[i] checkArgument(gotArgs[i], QName, name, type, optional, variadic) checkMethod(methods[0], "::TestMethods::basic", "basic", [("Undefined", [])]) checkMethod( methods[1], "::TestMethods::basicStatic", "basicStatic", [("Undefined", [])], static=True, ) checkMethod( methods[2], "::TestMethods::basicWithSimpleArgs", "basicWithSimpleArgs", [ ( "Undefined", [ ( "::TestMethods::basicWithSimpleArgs::arg1", "arg1", "Boolean", False, False, ), ( "::TestMethods::basicWithSimpleArgs::arg2", "arg2", "Byte", False, False, ), ( "::TestMethods::basicWithSimpleArgs::arg3", "arg3", "UnsignedLong", False, False, ), ], ) ], ) checkMethod( methods[3], "::TestMethods::basicBoolean", "basicBoolean", [("Boolean", [])] ) checkMethod( methods[4], "::TestMethods::basicStaticBoolean", "basicStaticBoolean", [("Boolean", [])], static=True, ) checkMethod( methods[5], "::TestMethods::basicBooleanWithSimpleArgs", "basicBooleanWithSimpleArgs", [ ( "Boolean", [ ( "::TestMethods::basicBooleanWithSimpleArgs::arg1", "arg1", "Boolean", False, False, ), ( "::TestMethods::basicBooleanWithSimpleArgs::arg2", "arg2", "Byte", False, False, ), ( "::TestMethods::basicBooleanWithSimpleArgs::arg3", "arg3", "UnsignedLong", False, False, ), ], ) ], ) checkMethod( methods[6], "::TestMethods::optionalArg", "optionalArg", [ ( "Undefined", [ ( "::TestMethods::optionalArg::arg1", "arg1", "ByteOrNull", True, False, ), ( "::TestMethods::optionalArg::arg2", "arg2", "ByteSequence", True, False, ), ], ) ], ) checkMethod( methods[7], "::TestMethods::variadicArg", "variadicArg", [ ( "Undefined", [ ( "::TestMethods::variadicArg::arg1", "arg1", "ByteOrNull", True, True, ) ], ) ], ) checkMethod(methods[8], "::TestMethods::getObject", "getObject", [("Object", [])]) checkMethod( methods[9], "::TestMethods::setObject", "setObject", [ ( "Undefined", [("::TestMethods::setObject::arg1", "arg1", "Object", False, False)], ) ], ) checkMethod( methods[10], "::TestMethods::setAny", "setAny", [("Undefined", [("::TestMethods::setAny::arg1", "arg1", "Any", False, False)])], ) checkMethod( methods[11], "::TestMethods::doFloats", "doFloats", [("Float", [("::TestMethods::doFloats::arg1", "arg1", "Float", False, False)])], ) parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface A { undefined foo(optional float bar = 1); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok(not threw, "Should allow integer to float type corecion") parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface A { [GetterThrows] undefined foo(); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok(threw, "Should not allow [GetterThrows] on methods") parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface A { [SetterThrows] undefined foo(); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok(threw, "Should not allow [SetterThrows] on methods") parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface A { [Throw] undefined foo(); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok(threw, "Should spell [Throws] correctly on methods") parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface A { undefined __noSuchMethod__(); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok(threw, "Should not allow __noSuchMethod__ methods") parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface A { [Throws, LenientFloat] undefined foo(float myFloat); [Throws] undefined foo(); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok(not threw, "Should allow LenientFloat to be only in a specific overload") parser = parser.reset() parser.parse( """ interface A { [Throws] undefined foo(); [Throws, LenientFloat] undefined foo(float myFloat); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() iface = results[0] methods = iface.members lenientFloat = methods[0].getExtendedAttribute("LenientFloat") harness.ok( lenientFloat is not None, "LenientFloat in overloads must be added to the method", ) parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface A { [Throws, LenientFloat] undefined foo(float myFloat); [Throws] undefined foo(float myFloat, float yourFloat); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok( threw, "Should prevent overloads from getting different restricted float behavior", ) parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface A { [Throws] undefined foo(float myFloat, float yourFloat); [Throws, LenientFloat] undefined foo(float myFloat); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok( threw, "Should prevent overloads from getting different restricted float behavior (2)", ) parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface A { [Throws, LenientFloat] undefined foo(float myFloat); [Throws, LenientFloat] undefined foo(short myShort); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok(threw, "Should prevent overloads from getting redundant [LenientFloat]")