def WebIDLTest(parser, harness): threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface Test { object toJSON(); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except: threw = True harness.ok(not threw, "Should allow a toJSON method.") parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface Test { object toJSON(object arg); object toJSON(long arg); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except: threw = True harness.ok(threw, "Should not allow overloads of a toJSON method.") parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface Test { object toJSON(object arg); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except: threw = True harness.ok(threw, "Should not allow a toJSON method with arguments.") parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface Test { long toJSON(); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except: threw = True harness.ok(not threw, "Should allow a toJSON method with 'long' as return type.") parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface Test { [Default] object toJSON(); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except: threw = True harness.ok( not threw, "Should allow a default toJSON method with 'object' as return type." ) parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface Test { [Default] long toJSON(); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except: threw = True harness.ok( threw, "Should not allow a default toJSON method with non-'object' as return type.", ) JsonTypes = [ "byte", "octet", "short", "unsigned short", "long", "unsigned long", "long long", "unsigned long long", "float", "unrestricted float", "double", "unrestricted double", "boolean", "DOMString", "ByteString", "UTF8String", "USVString", "Enum", "InterfaceWithToJSON", "object", ] nonJsonTypes = [ "InterfaceWithoutToJSON", "any", "Int8Array", "Int16Array", "Int32Array", "Uint8Array", "Uint16Array", "Uint32Array", "Uint8ClampedArray", "Float32Array", "Float64Array", "ArrayBuffer", ] def doTest(testIDL, shouldThrow, description): p = parser.reset() threw = False try: p.parse( testIDL + """ enum Enum { "a", "b", "c" }; interface InterfaceWithToJSON { long toJSON(); }; interface InterfaceWithoutToJSON {}; """ ) p.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok(x.message == "toJSON method has non-JSON return type", x) harness.check(threw, shouldThrow, description) for type in JsonTypes: doTest( "interface Test { %s toJSON(); };" % type, False, "%s should be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "interface Test { sequence<%s> toJSON(); };" % type, False, "sequence<%s> should be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "dictionary Foo { %s foo; }; " "interface Test { Foo toJSON(); }; " % type, False, "dictionary containing only JSON type (%s) should be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "dictionary Foo { %s foo; }; dictionary Bar : Foo { }; " "interface Test { Bar toJSON(); }; " % type, False, "dictionary whose ancestors only contain JSON types should be a JSON type", ) doTest( "dictionary Foo { any foo; }; dictionary Bar : Foo { %s bar; };" "interface Test { Bar toJSON(); };" % type, True, "dictionary whose ancestors contain non-JSON types should not be a JSON type", ) doTest( "interface Test { record toJSON(); };" % type, False, "record should be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "interface Test { record toJSON(); };" % type, False, "record should be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "interface Test { record toJSON(); };" % type, False, "record should be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "interface Test { record toJSON(); };" % type, False, "record should be a JSON type" % type, ) otherUnionType = "Foo" if type != "object" else "long" doTest( "interface Foo { object toJSON(); };" "interface Test { (%s or %s) toJSON(); };" % (otherUnionType, type), False, "union containing only JSON types (%s or %s) should be a JSON type" % (otherUnionType, type), ) doTest( "interface test { %s? toJSON(); };" % type, False, "Nullable type (%s) should be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "interface Foo : InterfaceWithoutToJSON { %s toJSON(); };" "interface Test { Foo toJSON(); };" % type, False, "interface with toJSON should be a JSON type", ) doTest( "interface Foo : InterfaceWithToJSON { };" "interface Test { Foo toJSON(); };", False, "inherited interface with toJSON should be a JSON type", ) for type in nonJsonTypes: doTest( "interface Test { %s toJSON(); };" % type, True, "%s should not be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "interface Test { sequence<%s> toJSON(); };" % type, True, "sequence<%s> should not be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "dictionary Foo { %s foo; }; " "interface Test { Foo toJSON(); }; " % type, True, "Dictionary containing a non-JSON type (%s) should not be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "dictionary Foo { %s foo; }; dictionary Bar : Foo { }; " "interface Test { Bar toJSON(); }; " % type, True, "dictionary whose ancestors only contain non-JSON types should not be a JSON type", ) doTest( "interface Test { record toJSON(); };" % type, True, "record should not be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "interface Test { record toJSON(); };" % type, True, "record should not be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "interface Test { record toJSON(); };" % type, True, "record should not be a JSON type" % type, ) if type != "any": doTest( "interface Foo { object toJSON(); }; " "interface Test { (Foo or %s) toJSON(); };" % type, True, "union containing a non-JSON type (%s) should not be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "interface test { %s? toJSON(); };" % type, True, "Nullable type (%s) should not be a JSON type" % type, ) doTest( "dictionary Foo { long foo; any bar; };" "interface Test { Foo toJSON(); };", True, "dictionary containing a non-JSON type should not be a JSON type", ) doTest( "interface Foo : InterfaceWithoutToJSON { }; " "interface Test { Foo toJSON(); };", True, "interface without toJSON should not be a JSON type", )