/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/dom/KeyboardEvent.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_dom.h" #include "mozilla/TextEvents.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsIPrincipal.h" #include "nsRFPService.h" #include "prtime.h" namespace mozilla::dom { KeyboardEvent::KeyboardEvent(EventTarget* aOwner, nsPresContext* aPresContext, WidgetKeyboardEvent* aEvent) : UIEvent(aOwner, aPresContext, aEvent ? aEvent : new WidgetKeyboardEvent(false, eVoidEvent, nullptr)), mInitializedByJS(false), mInitializedByCtor(false), mInitializedWhichValue(0) { if (aEvent) { mEventIsInternal = false; } else { mEventIsInternal = true; mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent()->mKeyNameIndex = KEY_NAME_INDEX_USE_STRING; } } bool KeyboardEvent::AltKey(CallerType aCallerType) { bool altState = mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent()->IsAlt(); if (!ShouldResistFingerprinting(aCallerType)) { return altState; } // We need to give a spoofed state for Alt key since it could be used as a // modifier key in certain keyboard layout. For example, the '@' key for // German keyboard for MAC is Alt+L. return GetSpoofedModifierStates(Modifier::MODIFIER_ALT, altState); } bool KeyboardEvent::CtrlKey(CallerType aCallerType) { // We don't spoof this key when privacy.resistFingerprinting // is enabled, because it is often used for command key // combinations in web apps. return mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent()->IsControl(); } bool KeyboardEvent::ShiftKey(CallerType aCallerType) { bool shiftState = mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent()->IsShift(); if (!ShouldResistFingerprinting(aCallerType)) { return shiftState; } return GetSpoofedModifierStates(Modifier::MODIFIER_SHIFT, shiftState); } bool KeyboardEvent::MetaKey() { // We don't spoof this key when privacy.resistFingerprinting // is enabled, because it is often used for command key // combinations in web apps. return mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent()->IsMeta(); } bool KeyboardEvent::Repeat() { return mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent()->mIsRepeat; } bool KeyboardEvent::IsComposing() { return mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent()->mIsComposing; } void KeyboardEvent::GetKey(nsAString& aKeyName) const { mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent()->GetDOMKeyName(aKeyName); } void KeyboardEvent::GetCode(nsAString& aCodeName, CallerType aCallerType) { if (!ShouldResistFingerprinting(aCallerType)) { mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent()->GetDOMCodeName(aCodeName); return; } // When fingerprinting resistance is enabled, we will give a spoofed code // according to the content-language of the document. nsCOMPtr doc = GetDocument(); nsRFPService::GetSpoofedCode(doc, mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent(), aCodeName); } void KeyboardEvent::GetInitDict(KeyboardEventInit& aParam) { GetKey(aParam.mKey); GetCode(aParam.mCode); aParam.mLocation = Location(); aParam.mRepeat = Repeat(); aParam.mIsComposing = IsComposing(); // legacy attributes aParam.mKeyCode = KeyCode(); aParam.mCharCode = CharCode(); aParam.mWhich = Which(); // modifiers from EventModifierInit aParam.mCtrlKey = CtrlKey(); aParam.mShiftKey = ShiftKey(); aParam.mAltKey = AltKey(); aParam.mMetaKey = MetaKey(); WidgetKeyboardEvent* internalEvent = mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent(); aParam.mModifierAltGraph = internalEvent->IsAltGraph(); aParam.mModifierCapsLock = internalEvent->IsCapsLocked(); aParam.mModifierFn = internalEvent->IsFn(); aParam.mModifierFnLock = internalEvent->IsFnLocked(); aParam.mModifierNumLock = internalEvent->IsNumLocked(); aParam.mModifierOS = internalEvent->IsOS(); aParam.mModifierScrollLock = internalEvent->IsScrollLocked(); aParam.mModifierSymbol = internalEvent->IsSymbol(); aParam.mModifierSymbolLock = internalEvent->IsSymbolLocked(); // EventInit aParam.mBubbles = internalEvent->mFlags.mBubbles; aParam.mCancelable = internalEvent->mFlags.mCancelable; } bool KeyboardEvent::ShouldUseSameValueForCharCodeAndKeyCode( const WidgetKeyboardEvent& aWidgetKeyboardEvent, CallerType aCallerType) const { // - If this event is initialized by JS, we don't need to return same value // for keyCode and charCode since they can be initialized separately. // - If this is not a keypress event, we shouldn't return same value for // keyCode and charCode. // - If we need to return legacy keyCode and charCode values for the web // app due to in the blacklist. // - If this event is referred by default handler, i.e., the caller is // system or this event is now in the system group, we don't need to use // hack for web-compat. if (mInitializedByJS || aWidgetKeyboardEvent.mMessage != eKeyPress || aWidgetKeyboardEvent.mUseLegacyKeyCodeAndCharCodeValues || aCallerType == CallerType::System || aWidgetKeyboardEvent.mFlags.mInSystemGroup) { return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(aCallerType == CallerType::NonSystem); return StaticPrefs:: dom_keyboardevent_keypress_set_keycode_and_charcode_to_same_value(); } uint32_t KeyboardEvent::CharCode(CallerType aCallerType) { WidgetKeyboardEvent* widgetKeyboardEvent = mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent(); if (mInitializedByJS) { // If this is initialized by Ctor, we should return the initialized value. if (mInitializedByCtor) { return widgetKeyboardEvent->mCharCode; } // Otherwise, i.e., initialized by InitKey*Event(), we should return the // initialized value only when eKeyPress or eAccessKeyNotFound event. // Although this is odd, but our traditional behavior. return widgetKeyboardEvent->mMessage == eKeyPress || widgetKeyboardEvent->mMessage == eAccessKeyNotFound ? widgetKeyboardEvent->mCharCode : 0; } // If the key is a function key, we should return the result of KeyCode() // even from CharCode(). Otherwise, i.e., the key may be a printable // key or actually a printable key, we should return the given charCode // value. if (widgetKeyboardEvent->mKeyNameIndex != KEY_NAME_INDEX_USE_STRING && ShouldUseSameValueForCharCodeAndKeyCode(*widgetKeyboardEvent, aCallerType)) { return ComputeTraditionalKeyCode(*widgetKeyboardEvent, aCallerType); } return widgetKeyboardEvent->mCharCode; } uint32_t KeyboardEvent::KeyCode(CallerType aCallerType) { WidgetKeyboardEvent* widgetKeyboardEvent = mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent(); if (mInitializedByJS) { // If this is initialized by Ctor, we should return the initialized value. if (mInitializedByCtor) { return widgetKeyboardEvent->mKeyCode; } // Otherwise, i.e., initialized by InitKey*Event(), we should return the // initialized value only when the event message is a valid keyboard event // message. Although this is odd, but our traditional behavior. // NOTE: The fix of bug 1222285 changed the behavior temporarily if // spoofing is enabled. However, the behavior does not make sense // since if the event is generated by JS, the behavior shouldn't // be changed by whether spoofing is enabled or not. Therefore, // we take back the original behavior. return widgetKeyboardEvent->HasKeyEventMessage() ? widgetKeyboardEvent->mKeyCode : 0; } // If the key is not a function key, i.e., the key may be a printable key // or a function key mapped as a printable key, we should use charCode value // for keyCode value if this is a "keypress" event. if (widgetKeyboardEvent->mKeyNameIndex == KEY_NAME_INDEX_USE_STRING && ShouldUseSameValueForCharCodeAndKeyCode(*widgetKeyboardEvent, aCallerType)) { return widgetKeyboardEvent->mCharCode; } return ComputeTraditionalKeyCode(*widgetKeyboardEvent, aCallerType); } uint32_t KeyboardEvent::ComputeTraditionalKeyCode( WidgetKeyboardEvent& aKeyboardEvent, CallerType aCallerType) { if (!ShouldResistFingerprinting(aCallerType)) { return aKeyboardEvent.mKeyCode; } // In Netscape style (i.e., traditional behavior of Gecko), the keyCode // should be zero if the char code is given. if ((mEvent->mMessage == eKeyPress || mEvent->mMessage == eAccessKeyNotFound) && aKeyboardEvent.mCharCode) { return 0; } // When fingerprinting resistance is enabled, we will give a spoofed keyCode // according to the content-language of the document. nsCOMPtr doc = GetDocument(); uint32_t spoofedKeyCode; if (nsRFPService::GetSpoofedKeyCode(doc, &aKeyboardEvent, spoofedKeyCode)) { return spoofedKeyCode; } return 0; } uint32_t KeyboardEvent::Which(CallerType aCallerType) { // If this event is initialized with ctor, which can have independent value. if (mInitializedByCtor) { return mInitializedWhichValue; } switch (mEvent->mMessage) { case eKeyDown: case eKeyUp: return KeyCode(aCallerType); case eKeyPress: // Special case for 4xp bug 62878. Try to make value of which // more closely mirror the values that 4.x gave for RETURN and BACKSPACE { uint32_t keyCode = mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent()->mKeyCode; if (keyCode == NS_VK_RETURN || keyCode == NS_VK_BACK) { return keyCode; } return CharCode(); } default: break; } return 0; } uint32_t KeyboardEvent::Location() { return mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent()->mLocation; } // static already_AddRefed KeyboardEvent::ConstructorJS( const GlobalObject& aGlobal, const nsAString& aType, const KeyboardEventInit& aParam) { nsCOMPtr target = do_QueryInterface(aGlobal.GetAsSupports()); RefPtr newEvent = new KeyboardEvent(target, nullptr, nullptr); newEvent->InitWithKeyboardEventInit(target, aType, aParam); return newEvent.forget(); } void KeyboardEvent::InitWithKeyboardEventInit(EventTarget* aOwner, const nsAString& aType, const KeyboardEventInit& aParam) { bool trusted = Init(aOwner); InitKeyEventJS(aType, aParam.mBubbles, aParam.mCancelable, aParam.mView, false, false, false, false, aParam.mKeyCode, aParam.mCharCode); InitModifiers(aParam); SetTrusted(trusted); mDetail = aParam.mDetail; mInitializedByJS = true; mInitializedByCtor = true; mInitializedWhichValue = aParam.mWhich; WidgetKeyboardEvent* internalEvent = mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent(); internalEvent->mLocation = aParam.mLocation; internalEvent->mIsRepeat = aParam.mRepeat; internalEvent->mIsComposing = aParam.mIsComposing; internalEvent->mKeyNameIndex = WidgetKeyboardEvent::GetKeyNameIndex(aParam.mKey); if (internalEvent->mKeyNameIndex == KEY_NAME_INDEX_USE_STRING) { internalEvent->mKeyValue = aParam.mKey; } internalEvent->mCodeNameIndex = WidgetKeyboardEvent::GetCodeNameIndex(aParam.mCode); if (internalEvent->mCodeNameIndex == CODE_NAME_INDEX_USE_STRING) { internalEvent->mCodeValue = aParam.mCode; } } // static bool KeyboardEvent::IsInitKeyEventAvailable(JSContext* aCx, JSObject*) { if (StaticPrefs::dom_keyboardevent_init_key_event_enabled()) { return true; } if (!StaticPrefs::dom_keyboardevent_init_key_event_enabled_in_addons()) { return false; } nsIPrincipal* principal = nsContentUtils::SubjectPrincipal(aCx); return principal && principal->GetIsAddonOrExpandedAddonPrincipal(); } void KeyboardEvent::InitKeyEventJS(const nsAString& aType, bool aCanBubble, bool aCancelable, nsGlobalWindowInner* aView, bool aCtrlKey, bool aAltKey, bool aShiftKey, bool aMetaKey, uint32_t aKeyCode, uint32_t aCharCode) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(!mEvent->mFlags.mIsBeingDispatched); mInitializedByJS = true; mInitializedByCtor = false; UIEvent::InitUIEvent(aType, aCanBubble, aCancelable, aView, 0); WidgetKeyboardEvent* keyEvent = mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent(); keyEvent->InitBasicModifiers(aCtrlKey, aAltKey, aShiftKey, aMetaKey); keyEvent->mKeyCode = aKeyCode; keyEvent->mCharCode = aCharCode; } void KeyboardEvent::InitKeyboardEventJS( const nsAString& aType, bool aCanBubble, bool aCancelable, nsGlobalWindowInner* aView, const nsAString& aKey, uint32_t aLocation, bool aCtrlKey, bool aAltKey, bool aShiftKey, bool aMetaKey) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(!mEvent->mFlags.mIsBeingDispatched); mInitializedByJS = true; mInitializedByCtor = false; UIEvent::InitUIEvent(aType, aCanBubble, aCancelable, aView, 0); WidgetKeyboardEvent* keyEvent = mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent(); keyEvent->InitBasicModifiers(aCtrlKey, aAltKey, aShiftKey, aMetaKey); keyEvent->mLocation = aLocation; keyEvent->mKeyNameIndex = KEY_NAME_INDEX_USE_STRING; keyEvent->mKeyValue = aKey; } bool KeyboardEvent::ShouldResistFingerprinting(CallerType aCallerType) { // There are five situations we don't need to spoof this keyboard event. // 1. The pref privcy.resistFingerprinting' is false, we fast return here // since we don't need to do any QI of following codes. // 2. This event is initialized by scripts. // 3. This event is from Numpad. // 4. This event is in the system group. // 5. The caller type is system. if (!nsContentUtils::ShouldResistFingerprinting() || mInitializedByJS || aCallerType == CallerType::System || mEvent->mFlags.mInSystemGroup || mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent()->mLocation == KeyboardEvent_Binding::DOM_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD) { return false; } nsCOMPtr doc = GetDocument(); // We've checked the pref above, so use true as fallback if doc is null. return doc ? doc->ShouldResistFingerprinting() : true; } bool KeyboardEvent::GetSpoofedModifierStates(const Modifiers aModifierKey, const bool aRawModifierState) { bool spoofedState; nsCOMPtr doc = GetDocument(); if (nsRFPService::GetSpoofedModifierStates(doc, mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent(), aModifierKey, spoofedState)) { return spoofedState; } return aRawModifierState; } } // namespace mozilla::dom using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; already_AddRefed NS_NewDOMKeyboardEvent( EventTarget* aOwner, nsPresContext* aPresContext, WidgetKeyboardEvent* aEvent) { RefPtr it = new KeyboardEvent(aOwner, aPresContext, aEvent); return it.forget(); }