"use strict"; const { ContentTaskUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/ContentTaskUtils.sys.mjs" ); add_task(async function runTests() { const menubar = document.getElementById("toolbar-menubar"); const autohide = menubar.getAttribute("autohide"); // This test requires that the window is active because of the limitation of // menubar. Therefore, we should abort if the window becomes inactive during // the tests. let runningTests = true; function onWindowActive(aEvent) { // Don't warn after timed out. if (runningTests && aEvent.target === window) { info( "WARNING: This window shouldn't have been inactivated during tests, but received an activated event!" ); } } function onWindowInactive(aEvent) { // Don't warn after timed out. if (runningTests && aEvent.target === window) { info( "WARNING: This window should be active during tests, but inactivated!" ); window.focus(); } } let menubarActivated = false; function onMenubarActive() { menubarActivated = true; } // In this test, menu popups shouldn't be open, but this helps avoiding // intermittent failure after inactivating the menubar. let popupEvents = 0; function getPopupInfo(aPopupEventTarget) { return `<${ aPopupEventTarget.nodeName }${aPopupEventTarget.getAttribute("id") !== null ? ` id="${aPopupEventTarget.getAttribute("id")}"` : ""}>`; } function onPopupShown(aEvent) { // Don't warn after timed out. if (!runningTests) { return; } popupEvents++; info( `A popup (${getPopupInfo( aEvent.target )}) is shown (visible popups: ${popupEvents})` ); } function onPopupHidden(aEvent) { // Don't warn after timed out. if (!runningTests) { return; } if (popupEvents === 0) { info( `WARNING: There are some unexpected popups which may be not cleaned up by the previous test (${getPopupInfo( aEvent.target )})` ); return; } popupEvents--; info( `A popup (${getPopupInfo( aEvent.target )}) is hidden (visible popups: ${popupEvents})` ); } try { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses", true); // If this fails, you need to replace "KEY_Alt" with a variable whose // value is considered from the pref. is( Services.prefs.getIntPref("ui.key.menuAccessKey"), 18, "This test assumes that Alt key activates the menubar" ); window.addEventListener("activate", onWindowActive); window.addEventListener("deactivate", onWindowInactive); window.addEventListener("popupshown", onPopupShown); window.addEventListener("popuphidden", onPopupHidden); menubar.addEventListener("DOMMenuBarActive", onMenubarActive); async function doTest(aTest) { await new Promise(resolve => { if (Services.focus.activeWindow === window) { resolve(); return; } info( `${aTest.description}: The testing window is inactive, trying to activate it...` ); Services.focus.focusedWindow = window; TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { if (Services.focus.activeWindow === window) { resolve(); return true; } Services.focus.focusedWindow = window; return false; }, `${aTest.description}: Waiting the window is activated`); }); let startTime = performance.now(); info(`Start to test: ${aTest.description}...`); async function ensureMenubarInactive() { if (!menubar.querySelector("[_moz-menuactive=true]")) { return; } info(`${aTest.description}: Inactivating the menubar...`); let waitForMenuBarInactive = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( menubar, "DOMMenuBarInactive" ); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Escape", {}, window); await waitForMenuBarInactive; await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return popupEvents === 0; }, `${aTest.description}: Waiting for closing all popups`); } try { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: aTest.url, }, async browser => { info(`${aTest.description}: Waiting browser getting focus...`); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(browser); await ensureMenubarInactive(); menubarActivated = false; let keyupEventFiredInContent = false; BrowserTestUtils.addContentEventListener( browser, "keyup", () => { keyupEventFiredInContent = true; }, { capture: true }, event => { return event.key === "Alt"; } ); // For making sure adding the above content event listener and // it'll get `keyup` event, let's run `SpecialPowers.spawn` and // wait for focus in the content process. info( `${aTest.description}: Waiting content process getting focus...` ); await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [aTest.description], async aTestDescription => { await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => { if ( content.browsingContext.isActive && content.document.hasFocus() ) { return true; } content.window.focus(); return false; }, `${aTestDescription}: Waiting for content gets focus in content process`); } ); let waitForAllKeyUpEventsInChrome = new Promise(resolve => { // Wait 2 `keyup` events in the main process. First one is // synthesized one. The other is replay event from content. let firstKeyUpEvent; window.addEventListener( "keyup", function onKeyUpInChrome(event) { if (!firstKeyUpEvent) { firstKeyUpEvent = event; return; } window.removeEventListener("keyup", onKeyUpInChrome, { capture: true, }); resolve(); }, { capture: true } ); }); let menubarActivatedPromise; if (aTest.expectMenubarActive) { menubarActivatedPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( menubar, "DOMMenuBarActive" ); } EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Alt", {}, window); info( `${aTest.description}: Waiting keyup events of Alt in chrome...` ); await waitForAllKeyUpEventsInChrome; info(`${aTest.description}: Waiting keyup event in content...`); try { await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return keyupEventFiredInContent; }, `${aTest.description}: Waiting for content gets focus in chrome process`); } catch (ex) { ok( false, `${aTest.description}: Failed to synthesize Alt key press in the content process` ); return; } if (aTest.expectMenubarActive) { await menubarActivatedPromise; ok( menubarActivated, `${aTest.description}: Menubar should've been activated by the synthesized Alt key press` ); } else { // Wait some ticks to verify not receiving "DOMMenuBarActive" event. // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); ok( !menubarActivated, `${aTest.description}: Menubar should not have been activated by the synthesized Alt key press` ); } } ); } catch (ex) { ok( false, `${aTest.description}: Thrown an exception: ${ex.toString()}` ); } finally { await ensureMenubarInactive(); info(`End testing: ${aTest.description}`); ChromeUtils.addProfilerMarker( "browser-test", { startTime, category: "Test" }, aTest.description ); } } // Testcases for users who use collapsible menubar (by default) menubar.setAttribute("autohide", "true"); await doTest({ description: "Testing menubar is shown by Alt keyup", url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,

static page

", expectMenubarActive: true, }); await doTest({ description: "Testing menubar is shown by Alt keyup when an has focus", url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + '', expectMenubarActive: true, }); await doTest({ description: "Testing menubar is shown by Alt keyup when an editing host has focus", url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,

" + '', expectMenubarActive: true, }); await doTest({ description: "Testing menubar won't be shown by Alt keyup due to suppressed by the page", url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,

dynamic page

" + '', expectMenubarActive: false, }); // Testcases for users who always show the menubar. menubar.setAttribute("autohide", "false"); await doTest({ description: "Testing menubar is activated by Alt keyup", url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,

static page

", expectMenubarActive: true, }); await doTest({ description: "Testing menubar is activated by Alt keyup when an has focus", url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + '', expectMenubarActive: true, }); await doTest({ description: "Testing menubar is activated by Alt keyup when an editing host has focus", url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,

" + '', expectMenubarActive: true, }); await doTest({ description: "Testing menubar won't be activated by Alt keyup due to suppressed by the page", url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,

dynamic page

" + '', expectMenubarActive: false, }); runningTests = false; } catch (ex) { ok( false, `Aborting this test due to unexpected the exception (${ex.toString()})` ); runningTests = false; } finally { if (autohide !== null) { menubar.setAttribute("autohide", autohide); } else { menubar.removeAttribute("autohide"); } Services.prefs.clearUserPref("ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses"); menubar.removeEventListener("DOMMenuBarActive", onMenubarActive); window.removeEventListener("activate", onWindowActive); window.removeEventListener("deactivate", onWindowInactive); window.removeEventListener("popupshown", onPopupShown); window.removeEventListener("popuphidden", onPopupHidden); } });