/** * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ exported_symbols.smokeTest = async function smokeTest() { const storage = navigator.storage; const subdirectoryNames = new Set(["Documents", "Downloads", "Music"]); const allowCreate = { create: true }; { let root = await storage.getDirectory(); Assert.ok(root, "Can we access the root directory?"); let it = await root.values(); Assert.ok(!!it, "Does root have values iterator?"); let elem = await it.next(); Assert.ok(elem.done, "Is root directory empty?"); for (let dirName of subdirectoryNames) { await root.getDirectoryHandle(dirName, allowCreate); Assert.ok(true, "Was it possible to add subdirectory " + dirName + "?"); } } { let root = await storage.getDirectory(); Assert.ok(root, "Can we refresh the root directory?"); let it = await root.values(); Assert.ok(!!it, "Does root have values iterator?"); let hasElements = false; let hangGuard = 0; for await (let [key, elem] of root.entries()) { Assert.ok(elem, "Is element not non-empty?"); Assert.equal("directory", elem.kind, "Is found item a directory?"); Assert.ok( elem.name.length >= 1 && elem.name.match("^[A-Za-z]{1,64}"), "Are names of the elements strings?" ); Assert.equal(key, elem.name); Assert.ok(subdirectoryNames.has(elem.name), "Is name among known names?"); hasElements = true; ++hangGuard; if (hangGuard == 10) { break; // Exit if there is a hang } } Assert.ok(hasElements, "Is values container now non-empty?"); Assert.equal(3, hangGuard, "Do we only have three elements?"); { it = await root.values(); Assert.ok(!!it, "Does root have values iterator?"); let elem = await it.next(); await elem.value.getDirectoryHandle("Trash", allowCreate); let subit = elem.value.values(); Assert.ok(!!elem, "Is element not non-empty?"); let subdirResult = await subit.next(); let subdir = subdirResult.value; Assert.ok(!!subdir, "Is element not non-empty?"); Assert.equal("directory", subdir.kind, "Is found item a directory?"); Assert.equal("Trash", subdir.name, "Is found item a directory?"); } const wipeEverything = { recursive: true }; for (let dirName of subdirectoryNames) { await root.removeEntry(dirName, wipeEverything); Assert.ok( true, "Was it possible to remove subdirectory " + dirName + "?" ); } } { let root = await storage.getDirectory(); Assert.ok(root, "Can we refresh the root directory?"); let it = root.values(); Assert.ok(!!it, "Does root have values iterator?"); let elem = await it.next(); Assert.ok(elem.done, "Is root directory empty?"); } }; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(exported_symbols)) { Object.defineProperty(value, "name", { value: key, writable: false, }); }