/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/dom/NumericInputTypes.h" #include "mozilla/TextControlState.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLInputElement.h" #include "ICUUtils.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; bool NumericInputTypeBase::IsRangeOverflow() const { Decimal maximum = mInputElement->GetMaximum(); if (maximum.isNaN()) { return false; } Decimal value = mInputElement->GetValueAsDecimal(); if (value.isNaN()) { return false; } return value > maximum; } bool NumericInputTypeBase::IsRangeUnderflow() const { Decimal minimum = mInputElement->GetMinimum(); if (minimum.isNaN()) { return false; } Decimal value = mInputElement->GetValueAsDecimal(); if (value.isNaN()) { return false; } return value < minimum; } bool NumericInputTypeBase::HasStepMismatch() const { Decimal value = mInputElement->GetValueAsDecimal(); return mInputElement->ValueIsStepMismatch(value); } nsresult NumericInputTypeBase::GetRangeOverflowMessage(nsAString& aMessage) { // We want to show the value as parsed when it's a number Decimal maximum = mInputElement->GetMaximum(); MOZ_ASSERT(!maximum.isNaN()); nsAutoString maxStr; char buf[32]; DebugOnly ok = maximum.toString(buf, ArrayLength(buf)); maxStr.AssignASCII(buf); MOZ_ASSERT(ok, "buf not big enough"); return nsContentUtils::FormatMaybeLocalizedString( aMessage, nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, "FormValidationNumberRangeOverflow", mInputElement->OwnerDoc(), maxStr); } nsresult NumericInputTypeBase::GetRangeUnderflowMessage(nsAString& aMessage) { Decimal minimum = mInputElement->GetMinimum(); MOZ_ASSERT(!minimum.isNaN()); nsAutoString minStr; char buf[32]; DebugOnly ok = minimum.toString(buf, ArrayLength(buf)); minStr.AssignASCII(buf); MOZ_ASSERT(ok, "buf not big enough"); return nsContentUtils::FormatMaybeLocalizedString( aMessage, nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, "FormValidationNumberRangeUnderflow", mInputElement->OwnerDoc(), minStr); } bool NumericInputTypeBase::ConvertStringToNumber(nsAString& aValue, Decimal& aResultValue) const { aResultValue = HTMLInputElement::StringToDecimal(aValue); return aResultValue.isFinite(); } bool NumericInputTypeBase::ConvertNumberToString( Decimal aValue, nsAString& aResultString) const { MOZ_ASSERT(aValue.isFinite(), "aValue must be a valid non-Infinite number."); aResultString.Truncate(); char buf[32]; bool ok = aValue.toString(buf, ArrayLength(buf)); aResultString.AssignASCII(buf); MOZ_ASSERT(ok, "buf not big enough"); return ok; } /* input type=number */ bool NumberInputType::IsValueMissing() const { if (!mInputElement->IsRequired()) { return false; } if (!IsMutable()) { return false; } return IsValueEmpty(); } bool NumberInputType::HasBadInput() const { nsAutoString value; GetNonFileValueInternal(value); return !value.IsEmpty() && mInputElement->GetValueAsDecimal().isNaN(); } bool NumberInputType::ConvertStringToNumber(nsAString& aValue, Decimal& aResultValue) const { ICUUtils::LanguageTagIterForContent langTagIter(mInputElement); aResultValue = Decimal::fromDouble(ICUUtils::ParseNumber(aValue, langTagIter)); if (aResultValue.isFinite()) { return true; } return NumericInputTypeBase::ConvertStringToNumber(aValue, aResultValue); } bool NumberInputType::ConvertNumberToString(Decimal aValue, nsAString& aResultString) const { MOZ_ASSERT(aValue.isFinite(), "aValue must be a valid non-Infinite number."); aResultString.Truncate(); ICUUtils::LanguageTagIterForContent langTagIter(mInputElement); ICUUtils::LocalizeNumber(aValue.toDouble(), langTagIter, aResultString); return true; } nsresult NumberInputType::GetValueMissingMessage(nsAString& aMessage) { return nsContentUtils::GetMaybeLocalizedString( nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, "FormValidationBadInputNumber", mInputElement->OwnerDoc(), aMessage); } nsresult NumberInputType::GetBadInputMessage(nsAString& aMessage) { return nsContentUtils::GetMaybeLocalizedString( nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, "FormValidationBadInputNumber", mInputElement->OwnerDoc(), aMessage); } bool NumberInputType::IsMutable() const { return !mInputElement->IsDisabled() && !mInputElement->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::readonly); } /* input type=range */ nsresult RangeInputType::MinMaxStepAttrChanged() { // The value may need to change when @min/max/step changes since the value may // have been invalid and can now change to a valid value, or vice versa. For // example, consider: . The valid // range is 0 to 1 while the nearest valid steps are -1 and 2 (the max value // having prevented there being a valid step in range). Changing @max to/from // 1 and a number greater than on equal to 3 should change whether we have a // step mismatch or not. // The value may also need to change between a value that results in a step // mismatch and a value that results in overflow. For example, if @max in the // example above were to change from 1 to -1. nsAutoString value; GetNonFileValueInternal(value); return SetValueInternal(value, TextControlState::ValueSetterOption::ByInternalAPI); }