/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/dom/IndexedDatabase.h" #include "IndexedDatabaseInlines.h" #include "IDBDatabase.h" #include "IDBMutableFile.h" #include "mozilla/dom/FileBlobImpl.h" #include "mozilla/dom/StructuredCloneTags.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WorkerScope.h" #include "MainThreadUtils.h" #include "jsapi.h" #include "nsIFile.h" #include "nsIGlobalObject.h" #include "nsQueryObject.h" #include "nsString.h" namespace mozilla::dom::indexedDB { namespace { struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS MutableFileData final { nsString type; nsString name; MOZ_COUNTED_DEFAULT_CTOR(MutableFileData) MOZ_COUNTED_DTOR(MutableFileData) }; struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS BlobOrFileData final { uint32_t tag = 0; uint64_t size = 0; nsString type; nsString name; int64_t lastModifiedDate = INT64_MAX; MOZ_COUNTED_DEFAULT_CTOR(BlobOrFileData) MOZ_COUNTED_DTOR(BlobOrFileData) }; struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS WasmModuleData final { uint32_t bytecodeIndex; uint32_t compiledIndex; uint32_t flags; explicit WasmModuleData(uint32_t aFlags) : bytecodeIndex(0), compiledIndex(0), flags(aFlags) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(WasmModuleData); } MOZ_COUNTED_DTOR(WasmModuleData) }; bool StructuredCloneReadString(JSStructuredCloneReader* aReader, nsCString& aString) { uint32_t length; if (!JS_ReadBytes(aReader, &length, sizeof(uint32_t))) { NS_WARNING("Failed to read length!"); return false; } length = NativeEndian::swapFromLittleEndian(length); if (!aString.SetLength(length, fallible)) { NS_WARNING("Out of memory?"); return false; } char* const buffer = aString.BeginWriting(); if (!JS_ReadBytes(aReader, buffer, length)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to read type!"); return false; } return true; } bool ReadFileHandle(JSStructuredCloneReader* aReader, MutableFileData* aRetval) { static_assert(SCTAG_DOM_MUTABLEFILE == 0xFFFF8004, "Update me!"); MOZ_ASSERT(aReader && aRetval); nsCString type; if (!StructuredCloneReadString(aReader, type)) { return false; } CopyUTF8toUTF16(type, aRetval->type); nsCString name; if (!StructuredCloneReadString(aReader, name)) { return false; } CopyUTF8toUTF16(name, aRetval->name); return true; } bool ReadBlobOrFile(JSStructuredCloneReader* aReader, uint32_t aTag, BlobOrFileData* aRetval) { static_assert(SCTAG_DOM_BLOB == 0xffff8001 && SCTAG_DOM_FILE_WITHOUT_LASTMODIFIEDDATE == 0xffff8002 && SCTAG_DOM_FILE == 0xffff8005, "Update me!"); MOZ_ASSERT(aReader); MOZ_ASSERT(aTag == SCTAG_DOM_FILE || aTag == SCTAG_DOM_FILE_WITHOUT_LASTMODIFIEDDATE || aTag == SCTAG_DOM_BLOB); MOZ_ASSERT(aRetval); aRetval->tag = aTag; uint64_t size; if (NS_WARN_IF(!JS_ReadBytes(aReader, &size, sizeof(uint64_t)))) { return false; } aRetval->size = NativeEndian::swapFromLittleEndian(size); nsCString type; if (NS_WARN_IF(!StructuredCloneReadString(aReader, type))) { return false; } CopyUTF8toUTF16(type, aRetval->type); // Blobs are done. if (aTag == SCTAG_DOM_BLOB) { return true; } MOZ_ASSERT(aTag == SCTAG_DOM_FILE || aTag == SCTAG_DOM_FILE_WITHOUT_LASTMODIFIEDDATE); int64_t lastModifiedDate; if (aTag == SCTAG_DOM_FILE_WITHOUT_LASTMODIFIEDDATE) { lastModifiedDate = INT64_MAX; } else { if (NS_WARN_IF(!JS_ReadBytes(aReader, &lastModifiedDate, sizeof(lastModifiedDate)))) { return false; } lastModifiedDate = NativeEndian::swapFromLittleEndian(lastModifiedDate); } aRetval->lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate; nsCString name; if (NS_WARN_IF(!StructuredCloneReadString(aReader, name))) { return false; } CopyUTF8toUTF16(name, aRetval->name); return true; } bool ReadWasmModule(JSStructuredCloneReader* aReader, WasmModuleData* aRetval) { static_assert(SCTAG_DOM_WASM_MODULE == 0xFFFF8006, "Update me!"); MOZ_ASSERT(aReader && aRetval); uint32_t bytecodeIndex; uint32_t compiledIndex; if (NS_WARN_IF(!JS_ReadUint32Pair(aReader, &bytecodeIndex, &compiledIndex))) { return false; } aRetval->bytecodeIndex = bytecodeIndex; aRetval->compiledIndex = compiledIndex; return true; } template class ValueDeserializationHelper; class ValueDeserializationHelperBase { public: static bool CreateAndWrapWasmModule(JSContext* aCx, const StructuredCloneFileBase& aFile, const WasmModuleData& aData, JS::MutableHandle aResult) { MOZ_ASSERT(aCx); MOZ_ASSERT(aFile.Type() == StructuredCloneFileBase::eWasmBytecode); // Both on the parent and child side, just create a plain object here, // support for de-serialization of WebAssembly.Modules has been removed in // bug 1561876. Full removal is tracked in bug 1487479. JS::Rooted obj(aCx, JS_NewPlainObject(aCx)); if (NS_WARN_IF(!obj)) { return false; } aResult.set(obj); return true; } template static bool CreateAndWrapBlobOrFile(JSContext* aCx, IDBDatabase* aDatabase, const StructuredCloneFile& aFile, const BlobOrFileData& aData, JS::MutableHandle aResult) { MOZ_ASSERT(aCx); MOZ_ASSERT(aData.tag == SCTAG_DOM_FILE || aData.tag == SCTAG_DOM_FILE_WITHOUT_LASTMODIFIEDDATE || aData.tag == SCTAG_DOM_BLOB); MOZ_ASSERT(aFile.Type() == StructuredCloneFileBase::eBlob); const auto blob = ValueDeserializationHelper::GetBlob( aCx, aDatabase, aFile); if (NS_WARN_IF(!blob)) { return false; } if (aData.tag == SCTAG_DOM_BLOB) { blob->Impl()->SetLazyData(VoidString(), aData.type, aData.size, INT64_MAX); MOZ_ASSERT(!blob->IsFile()); // XXX The comment below is somewhat confusing, since it seems to imply // that this branch is only executed when called from ActorsParent, but // it's executed from both the parent and the child side code. // ActorsParent sends here a kind of half blob and half file wrapped into // a DOM File object. DOM File and DOM Blob are a WebIDL wrapper around a // BlobImpl object. SetLazyData() has just changed the BlobImpl to be a // Blob (see the previous assert), but 'blob' still has the WebIDL DOM // File wrapping. // Before exposing it to content, we must recreate a DOM Blob object. const RefPtr exposedBlob = Blob::Create(blob->GetParentObject(), blob->Impl()); if (NS_WARN_IF(!exposedBlob)) { return false; } return WrapAsJSObject(aCx, exposedBlob, aResult); } blob->Impl()->SetLazyData(aData.name, aData.type, aData.size, aData.lastModifiedDate * PR_USEC_PER_MSEC); MOZ_ASSERT(blob->IsFile()); const RefPtr file = blob->ToFile(); MOZ_ASSERT(file); return WrapAsJSObject(aCx, file, aResult); } }; template <> class ValueDeserializationHelper : public ValueDeserializationHelperBase { public: static bool CreateAndWrapMutableFile(JSContext* aCx, StructuredCloneFileParent& aFile, const MutableFileData& aData, JS::MutableHandle aResult) { MOZ_ASSERT(aCx); MOZ_ASSERT(aFile.Type() == StructuredCloneFileBase::eBlob); // We are in an IDB SQLite schema upgrade where we don't care about a real // 'MutableFile', but we just care of having a proper |mType| flag. aFile.MutateType(StructuredCloneFileBase::eMutableFile); // Just make a dummy object. JS::Rooted obj(aCx, JS_NewPlainObject(aCx)); if (NS_WARN_IF(!obj)) { return false; } aResult.set(obj); return true; } static RefPtr GetBlob(JSContext* aCx, IDBDatabase* aDatabase, const StructuredCloneFileParent& aFile) { // This is chrome code, so there is no parent, but still we want to set a // correct parent for the new File object. const auto global = [aDatabase, aCx]() -> nsCOMPtr { if (NS_IsMainThread()) { if (aDatabase && aDatabase->GetParentObject()) { return aDatabase->GetParentObject(); } return xpc::CurrentNativeGlobal(aCx); } const WorkerPrivate* const workerPrivate = GetCurrentThreadWorkerPrivate(); MOZ_ASSERT(workerPrivate); WorkerGlobalScope* const globalScope = workerPrivate->GlobalScope(); MOZ_ASSERT(globalScope); return do_QueryObject(globalScope); }(); MOZ_ASSERT(global); // We do not have an mBlob but do have a DatabaseFileInfo. // // If we are creating an index, we do need a real-looking Blob/File instance // because the index's key path can reference their properties. Rather than // create a fake-looking object, create a real Blob. // // If we are in a schema upgrade, we don't strictly need that, but we do not // need to optimize for that, and create it anyway. const nsCOMPtr file = aFile.FileInfo().GetFileForFileInfo(); if (!file) { return nullptr; } const auto impl = MakeRefPtr(file); impl->SetFileId(aFile.FileInfo().Id()); return File::Create(global, impl); } }; template <> class ValueDeserializationHelper : public ValueDeserializationHelperBase { public: static bool CreateAndWrapMutableFile(JSContext* aCx, StructuredCloneFileChild& aFile, const MutableFileData& aData, JS::MutableHandle aResult) { MOZ_ASSERT(aCx); MOZ_ASSERT(aFile.Type() == StructuredCloneFileBase::eMutableFile); // If either MutableFile is disabled (via a pref) and we don't have a // mutable file here, or we are on a DOM worker and MutableFile is not // supported on workers, return false to indicate that. if (!aFile.HasMutableFile() || !NS_IsMainThread()) { return false; } aFile.MutableMutableFile().SetLazyData(aData.name, aData.type); return WrapAsJSObject(aCx, aFile.MutableMutableFile(), aResult); } static RefPtr GetBlob(JSContext* aCx, IDBDatabase* aDatabase, const StructuredCloneFileChild& aFile) { if (aFile.HasBlob()) { return aFile.BlobPtr(); } MOZ_CRASH("Expected a StructuredCloneFile with a Blob"); } }; } // namespace template JSObject* CommonStructuredCloneReadCallback( JSContext* aCx, JSStructuredCloneReader* aReader, const JS::CloneDataPolicy& aCloneDataPolicy, uint32_t aTag, uint32_t aData, StructuredCloneReadInfo* aCloneReadInfo, IDBDatabase* aDatabase) { // We need to statically assert that our tag values are what we expect // so that if people accidentally change them they notice. static_assert(SCTAG_DOM_BLOB == 0xffff8001 && SCTAG_DOM_FILE_WITHOUT_LASTMODIFIEDDATE == 0xffff8002 && SCTAG_DOM_MUTABLEFILE == 0xffff8004 && SCTAG_DOM_FILE == 0xffff8005 && SCTAG_DOM_WASM_MODULE == 0xffff8006, "You changed our structured clone tag values and just ate " "everyone's IndexedDB data. I hope you are happy."); using StructuredCloneFile = typename StructuredCloneReadInfo::StructuredCloneFile; if (aTag == SCTAG_DOM_FILE_WITHOUT_LASTMODIFIEDDATE || aTag == SCTAG_DOM_BLOB || aTag == SCTAG_DOM_FILE || aTag == SCTAG_DOM_MUTABLEFILE || aTag == SCTAG_DOM_WASM_MODULE) { JS::Rooted result(aCx); if (aTag == SCTAG_DOM_WASM_MODULE) { WasmModuleData data(aData); if (NS_WARN_IF(!ReadWasmModule(aReader, &data))) { return nullptr; } MOZ_ASSERT(data.compiledIndex == data.bytecodeIndex + 1); MOZ_ASSERT(!data.flags); const auto& files = aCloneReadInfo->Files(); if (data.bytecodeIndex >= files.Length() || data.compiledIndex >= files.Length()) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Bad index value!"); return nullptr; } const auto& file = files[data.bytecodeIndex]; if (NS_WARN_IF(!ValueDeserializationHelper:: CreateAndWrapWasmModule(aCx, file, data, &result))) { return nullptr; } return result; } if (aData >= aCloneReadInfo->Files().Length()) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Bad index value!"); return nullptr; } auto& file = aCloneReadInfo->MutableFile(aData); if (aTag == SCTAG_DOM_MUTABLEFILE) { MutableFileData data; if (NS_WARN_IF(!ReadFileHandle(aReader, &data))) { return nullptr; } if (NS_WARN_IF(!ValueDeserializationHelper:: CreateAndWrapMutableFile(aCx, file, data, &result))) { return nullptr; } return result; } BlobOrFileData data; if (NS_WARN_IF(!ReadBlobOrFile(aReader, aTag, &data))) { return nullptr; } if (NS_WARN_IF(!ValueDeserializationHelper< StructuredCloneFile>::CreateAndWrapBlobOrFile(aCx, aDatabase, file, data, &result))) { return nullptr; } return result; } return StructuredCloneHolder::ReadFullySerializableObjects(aCx, aReader, aTag); } template JSObject* CommonStructuredCloneReadCallback( JSContext* aCx, JSStructuredCloneReader* aReader, const JS::CloneDataPolicy& aCloneDataPolicy, uint32_t aTag, uint32_t aData, StructuredCloneReadInfoChild* aCloneReadInfo, IDBDatabase* aDatabase); template JSObject* CommonStructuredCloneReadCallback( JSContext* aCx, JSStructuredCloneReader* aReader, const JS::CloneDataPolicy& aCloneDataPolicy, uint32_t aTag, uint32_t aData, StructuredCloneReadInfoParent* aCloneReadInfo, IDBDatabase* aDatabase); } // namespace mozilla::dom::indexedDB