/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script */ "use strict"; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs" ); const paymentSrv = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/payment-request-service;1" ].getService(Ci.nsIPaymentRequestService); function emitTestFail(message) { sendAsyncMessage("test-fail", `${DummyUIService.testName}: ${message}`); } const billingAddress = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/payment-address;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIPaymentAddress); const addressLine = Cc["@mozilla.org/array;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIMutableArray ); const address = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsISupportsString ); address.data = "Easton Ave"; addressLine.appendElement(address); billingAddress.init( "USA", // country addressLine, // address line "CA", // region "CA", // region code "San Bruno", // city "", // dependent locality "94066", // postal code "123456", // sorting code "", // organization "Bill A. Pacheco", // recipient "+14344413879" ); // phone const specialAddress = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/payment-address;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIPaymentAddress); const specialAddressLine = Cc["@mozilla.org/array;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIMutableArray ); const specialData = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsISupportsString ); specialData.data = ":$%@&*"; specialAddressLine.appendElement(specialData); specialAddress.init( "USA", // country specialAddressLine, // address line "CA", // region "CA", // region code "San Bruno", // city "", // dependent locality "94066", // postal code "123456", // sorting code "", // organization "Bill A. Pacheco", // recipient "+14344413879" ); // phone const basiccardResponseData = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/basiccard-response-data;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIBasicCardResponseData); const basiccardChangeDetails = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/basiccard-change-details;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIBasicCardChangeDetails); const showResponse = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/payment-show-action-response;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIPaymentShowActionResponse); function abortPaymentResponse(requestId) { let abortResponse = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/payment-abort-action-response;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIPaymentAbortActionResponse); abortResponse.init(requestId, Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse.ABORT_SUCCEEDED); paymentSrv.respondPayment( abortResponse.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse) ); } function completePaymentResponse(requestId) { let completeResponse = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/payment-complete-action-response;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIPaymentCompleteActionResponse); completeResponse.init( requestId, Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse.COMPLETE_SUCCEEDED ); paymentSrv.respondPayment( completeResponse.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse) ); } function showRequest(requestId) { if (DummyUIService.showAction === "payment-method-change") { basiccardChangeDetails.initData(billingAddress); try { paymentSrv.changePaymentMethod( requestId, "basic-card", basiccardChangeDetails.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIMethodChangeDetails) ); } catch (error) { emitTestFail( `Unexpected error (${error.name}) when calling PaymentRequestService::changePaymentMethod` ); } return; } if (DummyUIService.showAction === "detailBasicCardResponse") { try { basiccardResponseData.initData( "Bill A. Pacheco", // cardholderName "4916855166538720", // cardNumber "01", // expiryMonth "2024", // expiryYear "180", // cardSecurityCode billingAddress ); // billingAddress } catch (e) { emitTestFail("Fail to initialize basic card response data."); } } if (DummyUIService.showAction === "simpleBasicCardResponse") { try { basiccardResponseData.initData( "", // cardholderName "4916855166538720", // cardNumber "", // expiryMonth "", // expiryYear "", // cardSecurityCode null ); // billingAddress } catch (e) { emitTestFail("Fail to initialize basic card response data."); } } if (DummyUIService.showAction === "specialAddressResponse") { try { basiccardResponseData.initData( "Bill A. Pacheco", // cardholderName "4916855166538720", // cardNumber "01", // expiryMonth "2024", // expiryYear "180", // cardSecurityCode specialAddress ); // billingAddress } catch (e) { emitTestFail("Fail to initialize basic card response data."); } } showResponse.init( requestId, Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse.PAYMENT_ACCEPTED, "basic-card", // payment method basiccardResponseData, // payment method data "Bill A. Pacheco", // payer name "", // payer email "" ); // payer phone paymentSrv.respondPayment( showResponse.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse) ); } const DummyUIService = { testName: "", showAction: "", showPayment: showRequest, abortPayment: abortPaymentResponse, completePayment: completePaymentResponse, updatePayment: requestId => { try { basiccardResponseData.initData( "Bill A. Pacheco", // cardholderName "4916855166538720", // cardNumber "01", // expiryMonth "2024", // expiryYear "180", // cardSecurityCode billingAddress ); // billingAddress } catch (e) { emitTestFail("Fail to initialize basic card response data."); } showResponse.init( requestId, Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse.PAYMENT_ACCEPTED, "basic-card", // payment method basiccardResponseData, // payment method data "Bill A. Pacheco", // payer name "", // payer email "" ); // payer phone paymentSrv.respondPayment( showResponse.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse) ); }, closePayment: requestId => {}, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIPaymentUIService"]), }; paymentSrv.setTestingUIService( DummyUIService.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPaymentUIService) ); addMessageListener("set-detailed-ui-service", function(testName) { DummyUIService.testName = testName; DummyUIService.showAction = "detailBasicCardResponse"; sendAsyncMessage("set-detailed-ui-service-complete"); }); addMessageListener("set-simple-ui-service", function(testName) { DummyUIService.testName = testName; DummyUIService.showAction = "simpleBasicCardResponse"; sendAsyncMessage("set-simple-ui-service-complete"); }); addMessageListener("set-special-address-ui-service", function(testName) { DummyUIService.testName = testName; DummyUIService.showAction = "specialAddressResponse"; sendAsyncMessage("set-special-address-ui-service-complete"); }); addMessageListener("method-change-to-basic-card", function(testName) { DummyUIService.testName = testName; DummyUIService.showAction = "payment-method-change"; sendAsyncMessage("method-change-to-basic-card-complete"); }); addMessageListener("error-response-test", function(testName) { // test empty cardNumber try { basiccardResponseData.initData("", "", "", "", "", null); emitTestFail( "BasicCardResponse should not be initialized with empty cardNumber." ); } catch (e) { if (e.name != "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { emitTestFail( "Empty cardNumber expected 'NS_ERROR_FAILURE', but got " + e.name + "." ); } } // test invalid expiryMonth 123 try { basiccardResponseData.initData("", "4916855166538720", "123", "", "", null); emitTestFail( "BasicCardResponse should not be initialized with invalid expiryMonth '123'." ); } catch (e) { if (e.name != "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { emitTestFail( "expiryMonth 123 expected 'NS_ERROR_FAILURE', but got " + e.name + "." ); } } // test invalid expiryMonth 99 try { basiccardResponseData.initData("", "4916855166538720", "99", "", "", null); emitTestFail( "BasicCardResponse should not be initialized with invalid expiryMonth '99'." ); } catch (e) { if (e.name != "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { emitTestFail( "expiryMonth 99 xpected 'NS_ERROR_FAILURE', but got " + e.name + "." ); } } // test invalid expiryMonth ab try { basiccardResponseData.initData("", "4916855166538720", "ab", "", "", null); emitTestFail( "BasicCardResponse should not be initialized with invalid expiryMonth 'ab'." ); } catch (e) { if (e.name != "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { emitTestFail( "expiryMonth ab expected 'NS_ERROR_FAILURE', but got " + e.name + "." ); } } // test invalid expiryYear abcd try { basiccardResponseData.initData( "", "4916855166538720", "", "abcd", "", null ); emitTestFail( "BasicCardResponse should not be initialized with invalid expiryYear 'abcd'." ); } catch (e) { if (e.name != "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { emitTestFail( "expiryYear abcd expected 'NS_ERROR_FAILURE', but got " + e.name + "." ); } } // test invalid expiryYear 11111 try { basiccardResponseData.initData( "", "4916855166538720", "", "11111", "", null ); emitTestFail( "BasicCardResponse should not be initialized with invalid expiryYear '11111'." ); } catch (e) { if (e.name != "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { emitTestFail( "expiryYear 11111 expected 'NS_ERROR_FAILURE', but got " + e.name + "." ); } } const responseData = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/general-response-data;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIGeneralResponseData); try { responseData.initData({}); } catch (e) { emitTestFail("Fail to initialize response data with empty object."); } try { showResponse.init( "testid", Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse.PAYMENT_ACCEPTED, "basic-card", // payment method responseData, // payment method data "Bill A. Pacheco", // payer name "", // payer email "" ); // payer phone emitTestFail( "nsIPaymentShowActionResponse should not be initialized with basic-card method and nsIGeneralResponseData." ); } catch (e) { if (e.name != "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { emitTestFail( "ShowResponse init expected 'NS_ERROR_FAILURE', but got " + e.name + "." ); } } sendAsyncMessage("error-response-test-complete"); }); addMessageListener("teardown", function() { paymentSrv.setTestingUIService(null); sendAsyncMessage("teardown-complete"); });