[DEFAULT] # Mochitests are executed in iframes. Several ServiceWorker tests use iframes # too. The result is that we have nested iframes. CookieBehavior 4 # (BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER) doesn't grant storage access permission to nested # iframes because trackers could use them to follow users across sites. Let's # use cookieBehavior 0 (BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT) here. prefs = network.cookie.cookieBehavior=0 dupe-manifest = true tags = condprof # Following tests are not working currently when dFPI is enabled. So, we put # these tests here instead of mochitest-common.ini so that these tests won't run # when dFPI is enabled. [test_cookie_fetch.html] [test_csp_upgrade-insecure_intercept.html] [test_eventsource_intercept.html] [test_https_fetch.html] skip-if = condprof #: timed out [test_https_fetch_cloned_response.html] [test_https_origin_after_redirect.html] [test_https_origin_after_redirect_cached.html] skip-if = condprof #: timed out [test_https_synth_fetch_from_cached_sw.html] [test_importscript_mixedcontent.html] tags = mcb [test_openWindow.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' && !is_fennec # Bug 1620052 xorigin # Bug 1792790 condprof #: timed out tags = openwindow [test_sanitize_domain.html] [include:mochitest-common.ini]