/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const TEST_URL = "https://example.com/"; let expectNotSupportedError = expectError("NotSupported"); let expectInvalidStateError = expectError("InvalidState"); let expectSecurityError = expectError("Security"); function promiseU2FRegister(tab, app_id_) { let challenge_ = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)); challenge_ = bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge_); return SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [[app_id_, challenge_]], function([app_id, challenge]) { return new Promise(resolve => { content.u2f.register( app_id, [{ version: "U2F_V2", challenge }], [], resolve ); }); } ).then(res => { is(res.errorCode, 0, "u2f.register() succeeded"); let data = base64ToBytesUrlSafe(res.registrationData); is(data[0], 0x05, "Reserved byte is correct"); return data.slice(67, 67 + data[66]); }); } add_task(async function test_setup_u2f() { return SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["security.webauth.u2f", true]], }); }); add_task(async function test_appid() { // Open a new tab. let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, TEST_URL); // Get a keyHandle for a FIDO AppId. let appid = "https://example.com/appId"; let keyHandle = await promiseU2FRegister(tab, appid); // The FIDO AppId extension can't be used for MakeCredential. await promiseWebAuthnMakeCredential(tab, "none", { appid }) .then(arrivingHereIsBad) .catch(expectNotSupportedError); // Using the keyHandle shouldn't work without the FIDO AppId extension. // This will be an invalid state, because the softtoken will consent without // having the correct "RP ID" via the FIDO extension. await promiseWebAuthnGetAssertion(tab, keyHandle) .then(arrivingHereIsBad) .catch(expectInvalidStateError); // Invalid app IDs (for the current origin) must be rejected. await promiseWebAuthnGetAssertion(tab, keyHandle, { appid: "https://bogus.com/appId", }) .then(arrivingHereIsBad) .catch(expectSecurityError); // Non-matching app IDs must be rejected. Even when the user/softtoken // consents, leading to an invalid state. await promiseWebAuthnGetAssertion(tab, keyHandle, { appid: appid + "2" }) .then(arrivingHereIsBad) .catch(expectInvalidStateError); let rpId = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(appid); let rpIdHash = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", rpId); // Succeed with the right fallback rpId. await promiseWebAuthnGetAssertion(tab, keyHandle, { appid }).then( ({ authenticatorData, clientDataJSON, extensions }) => { is(extensions.appid, true, "appid extension was acted upon"); // Check that the correct rpIdHash is returned. let rpIdHashSign = authenticatorData.slice(0, 32); ok(memcmp(rpIdHash, rpIdHashSign), "rpIdHash is correct"); } ); // Close tab. BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); }); add_task(async function test_appid_unused() { // Open a new tab. let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, TEST_URL); // Get a keyHandle for a FIDO AppId. let appid = "https://example.com/appId"; let { attObj, rawId } = await promiseWebAuthnMakeCredential(tab); let { authDataObj } = await webAuthnDecodeCBORAttestation(attObj); // Make sure the RP ID hash matches what we calculate. await checkRpIdHash(authDataObj.rpIdHash, "example.com"); // Get a new assertion. let { clientDataJSON, authenticatorData, signature, extensions, } = await promiseWebAuthnGetAssertion(tab, rawId, { appid }); ok( "appid" in extensions, `appid should be populated in the extensions data, but saw: ` + `${JSON.stringify(extensions)}` ); is(extensions.appid, false, "appid extension should indicate it was unused"); // Check auth data. let attestation = await webAuthnDecodeAuthDataArray( new Uint8Array(authenticatorData) ); is( "" + attestation.flags, "" + flag_TUP, "Assertion's user presence byte set correctly" ); // Verify the signature. let params = await deriveAppAndChallengeParam( "example.com", clientDataJSON, attestation ); let signedData = await assembleSignedData( params.appParam, params.attestation.flags, params.attestation.counter, params.challengeParam ); let valid = await verifySignature( authDataObj.publicKeyHandle, signedData, signature ); ok(valid, "signature is valid"); // Close tab. BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); });