/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "XULMenuParentElement.h" #include "XULButtonElement.h" #include "XULPopupElement.h" #include "mozilla/LookAndFeel.h" #include "mozilla/TextEvents.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DocumentInlines.h" #include "mozilla/dom/KeyboardEvent.h" #include "mozilla/EventDispatcher.h" #include "nsDebug.h" #include "nsMenuBarFrame.h" #include "nsMenuPopupFrame.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsStringFwd.h" #include "nsUTF8Utils.h" #include "nsXULElement.h" #include "nsMenuBarListener.h" #include "nsXULPopupManager.h" namespace mozilla::dom { NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED_0(XULMenuParentElement, nsXULElement) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(XULMenuParentElement, nsXULElement, mActiveItem) XULMenuParentElement::XULMenuParentElement( already_AddRefed&& aNodeInfo) : nsXULElement(std::move(aNodeInfo)) {} XULMenuParentElement::~XULMenuParentElement() = default; class MenuActivateEvent final : public Runnable { public: MenuActivateEvent(Element* aMenu, bool aIsActivate) : Runnable("MenuActivateEvent"), mMenu(aMenu), mIsActivate(aIsActivate) {} // TODO: Convert this to MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT (bug 1415230, bug 1535398) MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY NS_IMETHOD Run() override { nsAutoString domEventToFire; if (mIsActivate) { // Highlight the menu. mMenu->SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::menuactive, u"true"_ns, true); // The menuactivated event is used by accessibility to track the user's // movements through menus domEventToFire.AssignLiteral("DOMMenuItemActive"); } else { // Unhighlight the menu. mMenu->UnsetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::menuactive, true); domEventToFire.AssignLiteral("DOMMenuItemInactive"); } RefPtr pc = mMenu->OwnerDoc()->GetPresContext(); RefPtr event = NS_NewDOMEvent(mMenu, pc, nullptr); event->InitEvent(domEventToFire, true, true); event->SetTrusted(true); EventDispatcher::DispatchDOMEvent(mMenu, nullptr, event, pc, nullptr); return NS_OK; } private: const RefPtr mMenu; bool mIsActivate; }; static void ActivateOrDeactivate(XULButtonElement& aButton, bool aActivate) { if (!aButton.IsMenu()) { return; } if (nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance()) { if (aActivate) { // Cancel the close timer if selecting a menu within the popup to be // closed. pm->CancelMenuTimer(aButton.GetContainingPopupWithoutFlushing()); } else if (auto* popup = aButton.GetMenuPopupWithoutFlushing()) { if (popup->IsOpen()) { // Set up the close timer if deselecting an open sub-menu. pm->HidePopupAfterDelay(popup, aButton.MenuOpenCloseDelay()); } } } nsCOMPtr event = new MenuActivateEvent(&aButton, aActivate); aButton.OwnerDoc()->Dispatch(TaskCategory::Other, event.forget()); } XULButtonElement* XULMenuParentElement::GetContainingMenu() const { if (IsMenuBar()) { return nullptr; } auto* button = XULButtonElement::FromNodeOrNull(GetParent()); if (!button || !button->IsMenu()) { return nullptr; } return button; } void XULMenuParentElement::LockMenuUntilClosed(bool aLock) { if (IsMenuBar()) { return; } mLocked = aLock; // Lock/Unlock the parent menu too. if (XULButtonElement* menu = GetContainingMenu()) { if (XULMenuParentElement* parent = menu->GetMenuParent()) { parent->LockMenuUntilClosed(aLock); } } } void XULMenuParentElement::SetActiveMenuChild(XULButtonElement* aChild, ByKey aByKey) { if (aChild == mActiveItem) { return; } if (mActiveItem) { ActivateOrDeactivate(*mActiveItem, false); } mActiveItem = nullptr; if (nsMenuBarFrame* f = do_QueryFrame(GetPrimaryFrame())) { f->SetActive(!!aChild); } if (!aChild) { return; } // When a menu opens a submenu, the mouse will often be moved onto a sibling // before moving onto an item within the submenu, causing the parent to become // deselected. We need to ensure that the parent menu is reselected when an // item in the submenu is selected. if (RefPtr menu = GetContainingMenu()) { if (RefPtr parent = menu->GetMenuParent()) { parent->SetActiveMenuChild(menu, aByKey); } } mActiveItem = aChild; ActivateOrDeactivate(*mActiveItem, true); if (IsInMenuList()) { if (nsMenuPopupFrame* f = do_QueryFrame(GetPrimaryFrame())) { f->EnsureActiveMenuListItemIsVisible(); #ifdef XP_WIN // On Windows, a menulist should update its value whenever navigation was // done by the keyboard. // // NOTE(emilio): This is a rather odd per-platform behavior difference, // but other browsers also do this. if (aByKey == ByKey::Yes && f->IsOpen()) { // Fire a command event as the new item, but we don't want to close the // menu, blink it, or update any other state of the menuitem. The // command event will cause the item to be selected. RefPtr presShell = OwnerDoc()->GetPresShell(); nsContentUtils::DispatchXULCommand(aChild, /* aTrusted = */ true, nullptr, presShell, false, false, false, false); } #endif } } } static bool IsValidMenuItem(const XULMenuParentElement& aMenuParent, const nsIContent& aContent) { const auto* button = XULButtonElement::FromNode(aContent); if (!button || !button->IsMenu()) { return false; } if (!button->GetPrimaryFrame()) { // Hidden buttons are not focusable/activatable. return false; } if (!button->IsDisabled()) { return true; } // In the menubar or a menulist disabled items are always skipped. const bool skipDisabled = LookAndFeel::GetInt(LookAndFeel::IntID::SkipNavigatingDisabledMenuItem) || aMenuParent.IsMenuBar() || aMenuParent.IsInMenuList(); return !skipDisabled; } enum class StartKind { Parent, Item }; template static XULButtonElement* DoGetNextMenuItem( const XULMenuParentElement& aMenuParent, const nsIContent& aStart, StartKind aStartKind) { nsIContent* start = aStartKind == StartKind::Item ? (aForward ? aStart.GetNextSibling() : aStart.GetPreviousSibling()) : (aForward ? aStart.GetFirstChild() : aStart.GetLastChild()); for (nsIContent* node = start; node; node = aForward ? node->GetNextSibling() : node->GetPreviousSibling()) { if (IsValidMenuItem(aMenuParent, *node)) { return static_cast(node); } if (node->IsXULElement(nsGkAtoms::menugroup)) { if (XULButtonElement* child = DoGetNextMenuItem( aMenuParent, *node, StartKind::Parent)) { return child; } } } if (aStartKind == StartKind::Item && aStart.GetParent() && aStart.GetParent()->IsXULElement(nsGkAtoms::menugroup)) { // We haven't found anything in aStart's sibling list, but if we're in a // group we need to keep looking. return DoGetNextMenuItem(aMenuParent, *aStart.GetParent(), StartKind::Item); } return nullptr; } XULButtonElement* XULMenuParentElement::GetFirstMenuItem() const { return DoGetNextMenuItem(*this, *this, StartKind::Parent); } XULButtonElement* XULMenuParentElement::GetLastMenuItem() const { return DoGetNextMenuItem(*this, *this, StartKind::Parent); } XULButtonElement* XULMenuParentElement::GetNextMenuItemFrom( const XULButtonElement& aStartingItem) const { return DoGetNextMenuItem(*this, aStartingItem, StartKind::Item); } XULButtonElement* XULMenuParentElement::GetPrevMenuItemFrom( const XULButtonElement& aStartingItem) const { return DoGetNextMenuItem(*this, aStartingItem, StartKind::Item); } XULButtonElement* XULMenuParentElement::GetNextMenuItem(Wrap aWrap) const { if (mActiveItem) { if (auto* next = GetNextMenuItemFrom(*mActiveItem)) { return next; } if (aWrap == Wrap::No) { return nullptr; } } return GetFirstMenuItem(); } XULButtonElement* XULMenuParentElement::GetPrevMenuItem(Wrap aWrap) const { if (mActiveItem) { if (auto* prev = GetPrevMenuItemFrom(*mActiveItem)) { return prev; } if (aWrap == Wrap::No) { return nullptr; } } return GetLastMenuItem(); } void XULMenuParentElement::SelectFirstItem() { if (RefPtr firstItem = GetFirstMenuItem()) { SetActiveMenuChild(firstItem); } } XULButtonElement* XULMenuParentElement::FindMenuWithShortcut( KeyboardEvent& aKeyEvent) const { using AccessKeyArray = AutoTArray; AccessKeyArray accessKeys; WidgetKeyboardEvent* nativeKeyEvent = aKeyEvent.WidgetEventPtr()->AsKeyboardEvent(); if (nativeKeyEvent) { nativeKeyEvent->GetAccessKeyCandidates(accessKeys); } const uint32_t charCode = aKeyEvent.CharCode(); if (accessKeys.IsEmpty() && charCode) { accessKeys.AppendElement(charCode); } if (accessKeys.IsEmpty()) { return nullptr; // no character was pressed so just return } XULButtonElement* foundMenu = nullptr; size_t foundIndex = AccessKeyArray::NoIndex; for (auto* item = GetFirstMenuItem(); item; item = GetNextMenuItemFrom(*item)) { nsAutoString shortcutKey; item->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::accesskey, shortcutKey); if (shortcutKey.IsEmpty()) { continue; } ToLowerCase(shortcutKey); const char16_t* start = shortcutKey.BeginReading(); const char16_t* end = shortcutKey.EndReading(); uint32_t ch = UTF16CharEnumerator::NextChar(&start, end); size_t index = accessKeys.IndexOf(ch); if (index == AccessKeyArray::NoIndex) { continue; } if (foundIndex == AccessKeyArray::NoIndex || index < foundIndex) { foundMenu = item; foundIndex = index; } } return foundMenu; } XULButtonElement* XULMenuParentElement::FindMenuWithShortcut( const nsAString& aString, bool& aDoAction) const { aDoAction = false; uint32_t accessKeyMatchCount = 0; uint32_t matchCount = 0; XULButtonElement* foundAccessKeyMenu = nullptr; XULButtonElement* foundMenuBeforeCurrent = nullptr; XULButtonElement* foundMenuAfterCurrent = nullptr; bool foundActive = false; for (auto* item = GetFirstMenuItem(); item; item = GetNextMenuItemFrom(*item)) { nsAutoString textKey; // Get the shortcut attribute. item->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::accesskey, textKey); const bool isAccessKey = !textKey.IsEmpty(); if (textKey.IsEmpty()) { // No shortcut, try first letter item->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::label, textKey); if (textKey.IsEmpty()) { // No label, try another attribute (value) item->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::value, textKey); } } const bool isActive = item == GetActiveMenuChild(); foundActive |= isActive; if (!StringBeginsWith( nsContentUtils::TrimWhitespace< nsContentUtils::IsHTMLWhitespaceOrNBSP>(textKey, false), aString, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator)) { continue; } // There is one match matchCount++; if (isAccessKey) { // There is one shortcut-key match accessKeyMatchCount++; // Record the matched item. If there is only one matched shortcut // item, do it foundAccessKeyMenu = item; } // Get the active status if (isActive && aString.Length() > 1 && !foundMenuBeforeCurrent) { // If there is more than one char typed and the current item matches, the // current item has highest priority, otherwise the item next to current // has highest priority. return item; } if (!foundActive || isActive) { // It's a first candidate item located before/on the current item if (!foundMenuBeforeCurrent) { foundMenuBeforeCurrent = item; } } else { if (!foundMenuAfterCurrent) { foundMenuAfterCurrent = item; } } } aDoAction = !IsInMenuList() && (matchCount == 1 || accessKeyMatchCount == 1); if (accessKeyMatchCount == 1) { // We have one matched accesskey item return foundAccessKeyMenu; } // If we have matched an item after the current, use it. if (foundMenuAfterCurrent) { return foundMenuAfterCurrent; } // If we haven't, use the item before the current, if any. return foundMenuBeforeCurrent; } } // namespace mozilla::dom