/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "DeleteNodeTransaction.h" #include "HTMLEditUtils.h" #include "mozilla/EditorBase.h" #include "mozilla/Logging.h" #include "mozilla/SelectionState.h" // RangeUpdater #include "mozilla/TextEditor.h" #include "mozilla/ToString.h" #include "nsDebug.h" #include "nsError.h" #include "nsAString.h" namespace mozilla { // static already_AddRefed DeleteNodeTransaction::MaybeCreate( EditorBase& aEditorBase, nsIContent& aContentToDelete) { RefPtr transaction = new DeleteNodeTransaction(aEditorBase, aContentToDelete); if (NS_WARN_IF(!transaction->CanDoIt())) { return nullptr; } return transaction.forget(); } DeleteNodeTransaction::DeleteNodeTransaction(EditorBase& aEditorBase, nsIContent& aContentToDelete) : mEditorBase(&aEditorBase), mContentToDelete(&aContentToDelete), mParentNode(aContentToDelete.GetParentNode()) { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT_IF( aEditorBase.IsHTMLEditor(), HTMLEditUtils::IsRemovableNode(aContentToDelete) || // It's okay to delete text node if it's added by `HTMLEditor` since // remaining it may be noisy for the users. (aContentToDelete.IsText() && aContentToDelete.HasFlag(NS_MAYBE_MODIFIED_FREQUENTLY))); NS_ASSERTION( !aEditorBase.IsHTMLEditor() || HTMLEditUtils::IsRemovableNode(aContentToDelete), "Deleting non-editable text node, please write a test for this!!"); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const DeleteNodeTransaction& aTransaction) { aStream << "{ mContentToDelete=" << aTransaction.mContentToDelete.get(); if (aTransaction.mContentToDelete) { aStream << " (" << *aTransaction.mContentToDelete << ")"; } aStream << ", mParentNode=" << aTransaction.mParentNode.get(); if (aTransaction.mParentNode) { aStream << " (" << *aTransaction.mParentNode << ")"; } aStream << ", mRefContent=" << aTransaction.mRefContent.get(); if (aTransaction.mRefContent) { aStream << " (" << *aTransaction.mRefContent << ")"; } aStream << ", mEditorBase=" << aTransaction.mEditorBase.get() << " }"; return aStream; } NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(DeleteNodeTransaction, EditTransactionBase, mEditorBase, mContentToDelete, mParentNode, mRefContent) NS_IMPL_ADDREF_INHERITED(DeleteNodeTransaction, EditTransactionBase) NS_IMPL_RELEASE_INHERITED(DeleteNodeTransaction, EditTransactionBase) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(DeleteNodeTransaction) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END_INHERITING(EditTransactionBase) bool DeleteNodeTransaction::CanDoIt() const { if (NS_WARN_IF(!mContentToDelete) || NS_WARN_IF(!mEditorBase) || !mParentNode) { return false; } return mEditorBase->IsTextEditor() || HTMLEditUtils::IsSimplyEditableNode(*mParentNode); } NS_IMETHODIMP DeleteNodeTransaction::DoTransaction() { MOZ_LOG(GetLogModule(), LogLevel::Info, ("%p DeleteNodeTransaction::%s this=%s", this, __FUNCTION__, ToString(*this).c_str())); if (NS_WARN_IF(!CanDoIt())) { return NS_OK; } MOZ_ASSERT_IF(mEditorBase->IsTextEditor(), !mContentToDelete->IsText()); // Remember which child mContentToDelete was (by remembering which child was // next). Note that mRefContent can be nullptr. mRefContent = mContentToDelete->GetNextSibling(); // give range updater a chance. SelAdjDeleteNode() needs to be called // *before* we do the action, unlike some of the other RangeItem update // methods. mEditorBase->RangeUpdaterRef().SelAdjDeleteNode(*mContentToDelete); OwningNonNull parentNode = *mParentNode; OwningNonNull contentToDelete = *mContentToDelete; ErrorResult error; parentNode->RemoveChild(contentToDelete, error); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(!error.Failed(), "nsINode::RemoveChild() failed"); return error.StealNSResult(); } NS_IMETHODIMP DeleteNodeTransaction::UndoTransaction() { MOZ_LOG(GetLogModule(), LogLevel::Info, ("%p DeleteNodeTransaction::%s this=%s", this, __FUNCTION__, ToString(*this).c_str())); if (NS_WARN_IF(!CanDoIt())) { // This is a legal state, the transaction is a no-op. return NS_OK; } ErrorResult error; OwningNonNull editorBase = *mEditorBase; OwningNonNull parentNode = *mParentNode; OwningNonNull contentToDelete = *mContentToDelete; nsCOMPtr refContent = mRefContent; // XXX Perhaps, we should check `refContent` is a child of `parentNode`, // and if it's not, we should stop undoing or something. parentNode->InsertBefore(contentToDelete, refContent, error); // InsertBefore() may call MightThrowJSException() even if there is no error. // We don't need the flag here. error.WouldReportJSException(); if (error.Failed()) { NS_WARNING("nsINode::InsertBefore() failed"); return error.StealNSResult(); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP DeleteNodeTransaction::RedoTransaction() { MOZ_LOG(GetLogModule(), LogLevel::Info, ("%p DeleteNodeTransaction::%s this=%s", this, __FUNCTION__, ToString(*this).c_str())); if (NS_WARN_IF(!CanDoIt())) { // This is a legal state, the transaction is a no-op. return NS_OK; } mEditorBase->RangeUpdaterRef().SelAdjDeleteNode(*mContentToDelete); OwningNonNull parentNode = *mParentNode; OwningNonNull contentToDelete = *mContentToDelete; ErrorResult error; parentNode->RemoveChild(contentToDelete, error); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(!error.Failed(), "nsINode::RemoveChild() failed"); return error.StealNSResult(); } } // namespace mozilla