/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const { ExtensionTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/ExtensionXPCShellUtils.jsm" ); add_task(async function test_permissions_sent_over_ipc_on_bloburl() { const ssm = Services.scriptSecurityManager; const pm = Services.perms; // setup a profile. do_get_profile(); async function assertExpectedContentPage(contentPage) { const [processType, remoteType, principalSpec] = await page.spawn( [], async () => { return [ Services.appinfo.processType, Services.appinfo.remoteType, this.content.document.nodePrincipal.spec, ]; } ); equal( processType, Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, "Got a content process" ); equal(remoteType, "file", "Got a file child process"); equal(principalSpec, principal.spec, "Got the expected document principal"); } function getChildProcessID(contentPage) { return contentPage.spawn([], () => Services.appinfo.processID); } async function assertHasAllowedPermission(contentPage, perm) { const isPermissionAllowed = await contentPage.spawn( [perm], permName => Services.perms.getPermissionObject( this.content.document.nodePrincipal, permName, true )?.capability === Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION ); ok(isPermissionAllowed, `Permission "${perm}" allowed as expected`); } let file = do_get_file(".", true); let fileURI = Services.io.newFileURI(file); const principal = ssm.createContentPrincipal(fileURI, {}); info(`Add a test permission to the document principal: ${principal.spec}`); pm.addFromPrincipal(principal, "test/perm", pm.ALLOW_ACTION); info("Test expected permission is propagated into the child process"); let page = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(fileURI.spec); const childID1 = await getChildProcessID(page); await assertExpectedContentPage(page); await assertHasAllowedPermission(page, "test/perm"); await page.close(); // Ensure this blob url does not prevent permissions to be propagated // to a new child process. info("Create a blob url for a non http/https principal"); const blob = new Blob(); const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob); ok(blobURL, "Got a blob URL"); info("Test expected permission is still propagated"); page = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(fileURI.spec); const childID2 = await getChildProcessID(page); await assertExpectedContentPage(page); Assert.notEqual(childID1, childID2, "Got a new child process as expected"); await assertHasAllowedPermission(page, "test/perm"); await page.close(); URL.revokeObjectURL(blobURL); page = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(fileURI.spec); const childID3 = await getChildProcessID(page); await assertExpectedContentPage(page); Assert.notEqual(childID2, childID3, "Got a new child process as expected"); await assertHasAllowedPermission(page, "test/perm"); await page.close(); });