/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "CanvasDrawEventRecorder.h" #include #include "mozilla/layers/SharedSurfacesChild.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" namespace mozilla { namespace layers { static const int32_t kCheckpointEventType = -1; static const uint32_t kMaxSpinCount = 200; static const TimeDuration kTimeout = TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(100); static const int32_t kTimeoutRetryCount = 50; static const uint32_t kCacheLineSize = 64; static const uint32_t kStreamSize = 64 * 1024; static const uint32_t kShmemSize = kStreamSize + (2 * kCacheLineSize); static_assert((static_cast(UINT32_MAX) + 1) % kStreamSize == 0, "kStreamSize must be a power of two."); bool CanvasEventRingBuffer::InitWriter( base::ProcessId aOtherPid, ipc::SharedMemoryBasic::Handle* aReadHandle, CrossProcessSemaphoreHandle* aReaderSem, CrossProcessSemaphoreHandle* aWriterSem, UniquePtr aWriterServices) { mSharedMemory = MakeAndAddRef(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!mSharedMemory->Create(kShmemSize)) || NS_WARN_IF(!mSharedMemory->Map(kShmemSize))) { return false; } *aReadHandle = mSharedMemory->CloneHandle(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!*aReadHandle)) { return false; } mSharedMemory->CloseHandle(); mBuf = static_cast(mSharedMemory->memory()); mBufPos = mBuf; mAvailable = kStreamSize; static_assert(sizeof(ReadFooter) <= kCacheLineSize, "ReadFooter must fit in kCacheLineSize."); mRead = reinterpret_cast(mBuf + kStreamSize); mRead->count = 0; mRead->returnCount = 0; mRead->state = State::Processing; static_assert(sizeof(WriteFooter) <= kCacheLineSize, "WriteFooter must fit in kCacheLineSize."); mWrite = reinterpret_cast(mBuf + kStreamSize + kCacheLineSize); mWrite->count = 0; mWrite->returnCount = 0; mWrite->requiredDifference = 0; mWrite->state = State::Processing; mReaderSemaphore.reset( CrossProcessSemaphore::Create("SharedMemoryStreamParent", 0)); *aReaderSem = mReaderSemaphore->CloneHandle(); mReaderSemaphore->CloseHandle(); if (!IsHandleValid(*aReaderSem)) { return false; } mWriterSemaphore.reset( CrossProcessSemaphore::Create("SharedMemoryStreamChild", 0)); *aWriterSem = mWriterSemaphore->CloneHandle(); mWriterSemaphore->CloseHandle(); if (!IsHandleValid(*aWriterSem)) { return false; } mWriterServices = std::move(aWriterServices); mGood = true; return true; } bool CanvasEventRingBuffer::InitReader( ipc::SharedMemoryBasic::Handle aReadHandle, CrossProcessSemaphoreHandle aReaderSem, CrossProcessSemaphoreHandle aWriterSem, UniquePtr aReaderServices) { mSharedMemory = MakeAndAddRef(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!mSharedMemory->SetHandle( std::move(aReadHandle), ipc::SharedMemory::RightsReadWrite)) || NS_WARN_IF(!mSharedMemory->Map(kShmemSize))) { return false; } mSharedMemory->CloseHandle(); mBuf = static_cast(mSharedMemory->memory()); mRead = reinterpret_cast(mBuf + kStreamSize); mWrite = reinterpret_cast(mBuf + kStreamSize + kCacheLineSize); mReaderSemaphore.reset(CrossProcessSemaphore::Create(std::move(aReaderSem))); mReaderSemaphore->CloseHandle(); mWriterSemaphore.reset(CrossProcessSemaphore::Create(std::move(aWriterSem))); mWriterSemaphore->CloseHandle(); mReaderServices = std::move(aReaderServices); mGood = true; return true; } bool CanvasEventRingBuffer::WaitForAndRecalculateAvailableSpace() { if (!good()) { return false; } uint32_t bufPos = mOurCount % kStreamSize; uint32_t maxToWrite = kStreamSize - bufPos; mAvailable = std::min(maxToWrite, WaitForBytesToWrite()); if (!mAvailable) { mBufPos = nullptr; return false; } mBufPos = mBuf + bufPos; return true; } void CanvasEventRingBuffer::write(const char* const aData, const size_t aSize) { const char* curDestPtr = aData; size_t remainingToWrite = aSize; if (remainingToWrite > mAvailable) { if (!WaitForAndRecalculateAvailableSpace()) { return; } } if (remainingToWrite <= mAvailable) { memcpy(mBufPos, curDestPtr, remainingToWrite); UpdateWriteTotalsBy(remainingToWrite); return; } do { memcpy(mBufPos, curDestPtr, mAvailable); IncrementWriteCountBy(mAvailable); curDestPtr += mAvailable; remainingToWrite -= mAvailable; if (!WaitForAndRecalculateAvailableSpace()) { return; } } while (remainingToWrite > mAvailable); memcpy(mBufPos, curDestPtr, remainingToWrite); UpdateWriteTotalsBy(remainingToWrite); } void CanvasEventRingBuffer::IncrementWriteCountBy(uint32_t aCount) { mOurCount += aCount; mWrite->count = mOurCount; if (mRead->state != State::Processing) { CheckAndSignalReader(); } } void CanvasEventRingBuffer::UpdateWriteTotalsBy(uint32_t aCount) { IncrementWriteCountBy(aCount); mBufPos += aCount; mAvailable -= aCount; } bool CanvasEventRingBuffer::WaitForAndRecalculateAvailableData() { if (!good()) { return false; } uint32_t bufPos = mOurCount % kStreamSize; uint32_t maxToRead = kStreamSize - bufPos; mAvailable = std::min(maxToRead, WaitForBytesToRead()); if (!mAvailable) { SetIsBad(); mBufPos = nullptr; return false; } mBufPos = mBuf + bufPos; return true; } void CanvasEventRingBuffer::read(char* const aOut, const size_t aSize) { char* curSrcPtr = aOut; size_t remainingToRead = aSize; if (remainingToRead > mAvailable) { if (!WaitForAndRecalculateAvailableData()) { return; } } if (remainingToRead <= mAvailable) { memcpy(curSrcPtr, mBufPos, remainingToRead); UpdateReadTotalsBy(remainingToRead); return; } do { memcpy(curSrcPtr, mBufPos, mAvailable); IncrementReadCountBy(mAvailable); curSrcPtr += mAvailable; remainingToRead -= mAvailable; if (!WaitForAndRecalculateAvailableData()) { return; } } while (remainingToRead > mAvailable); memcpy(curSrcPtr, mBufPos, remainingToRead); UpdateReadTotalsBy(remainingToRead); } void CanvasEventRingBuffer::IncrementReadCountBy(uint32_t aCount) { mOurCount += aCount; mRead->count = mOurCount; if (mWrite->state != State::Processing) { CheckAndSignalWriter(); } } void CanvasEventRingBuffer::UpdateReadTotalsBy(uint32_t aCount) { IncrementReadCountBy(aCount); mBufPos += aCount; mAvailable -= aCount; } void CanvasEventRingBuffer::CheckAndSignalReader() { do { switch (mRead->state) { case State::Processing: case State::Failed: return; case State::AboutToWait: // The reader is making a decision about whether to wait. So, we must // wait until it has decided to avoid races. Check if the reader is // closed to avoid hangs. if (mWriterServices->ReaderClosed()) { return; } continue; case State::Waiting: if (mRead->count != mOurCount) { // We have to use compareExchange here because the reader can change // from Waiting to Stopped. if (mRead->state.compareExchange(State::Waiting, State::Processing)) { mReaderSemaphore->Signal(); return; } MOZ_ASSERT(mRead->state == State::Stopped); continue; } return; case State::Stopped: if (mRead->count != mOurCount) { mRead->state = State::Processing; mWriterServices->ResumeReader(); } return; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Invalid waiting state."); return; } } while (true); } bool CanvasEventRingBuffer::HasDataToRead() { return (mWrite->count != mOurCount); } bool CanvasEventRingBuffer::StopIfEmpty() { // Double-check that the writer isn't waiting. CheckAndSignalWriter(); mRead->state = State::AboutToWait; if (HasDataToRead()) { mRead->state = State::Processing; return false; } mRead->state = State::Stopped; return true; } bool CanvasEventRingBuffer::WaitForDataToRead(TimeDuration aTimeout, int32_t aRetryCount) { uint32_t spinCount = kMaxSpinCount; do { if (HasDataToRead()) { return true; } } while (--spinCount != 0); // Double-check that the writer isn't waiting. CheckAndSignalWriter(); mRead->state = State::AboutToWait; if (HasDataToRead()) { mRead->state = State::Processing; return true; } mRead->state = State::Waiting; do { if (mReaderSemaphore->Wait(Some(aTimeout))) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(HasDataToRead()); return true; } if (mReaderServices->WriterClosed()) { // Something has gone wrong on the writing side, just return false so // that we can hopefully recover. return false; } } while (aRetryCount-- > 0); // We have to use compareExchange here because the writer can change our // state if we are waiting. signaled if (!mRead->state.compareExchange(State::Waiting, State::Stopped)) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(HasDataToRead()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mRead->state == State::Processing); // The writer has just signaled us, so consume it before returning MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(mReaderSemaphore->Wait()); return true; } return false; } int32_t CanvasEventRingBuffer::ReadNextEvent() { int32_t nextEvent; ReadElement(*this, nextEvent); while (nextEvent == kCheckpointEventType && good()) { ReadElement(*this, nextEvent); } return nextEvent; } uint32_t CanvasEventRingBuffer::CreateCheckpoint() { WriteElement(*this, kCheckpointEventType); return mOurCount; } bool CanvasEventRingBuffer::WaitForCheckpoint(uint32_t aCheckpoint) { return WaitForReadCount(aCheckpoint, kTimeout); } void CanvasEventRingBuffer::CheckAndSignalWriter() { do { switch (mWrite->state) { case State::Processing: return; case State::AboutToWait: // The writer is making a decision about whether to wait. So, we must // wait until it has decided to avoid races. Check if the writer is // closed to avoid hangs. if (mReaderServices->WriterClosed()) { return; } continue; case State::Waiting: if (mWrite->count - mOurCount <= mWrite->requiredDifference) { mWrite->state = State::Processing; mWriterSemaphore->Signal(); } return; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Invalid waiting state."); return; } } while (true); } bool CanvasEventRingBuffer::WaitForReadCount(uint32_t aReadCount, TimeDuration aTimeout) { uint32_t requiredDifference = mOurCount - aReadCount; uint32_t spinCount = kMaxSpinCount; do { if (mOurCount - mRead->count <= requiredDifference) { return true; } } while (--spinCount != 0); // Double-check that the reader isn't waiting. CheckAndSignalReader(); mWrite->state = State::AboutToWait; if (mOurCount - mRead->count <= requiredDifference) { mWrite->state = State::Processing; return true; } mWrite->requiredDifference = requiredDifference; mWrite->state = State::Waiting; // Wait unless we detect the reading side has closed. while (!mWriterServices->ReaderClosed() && mRead->state != State::Failed) { if (mWriterSemaphore->Wait(Some(aTimeout))) { MOZ_ASSERT(mOurCount - mRead->count <= requiredDifference); return true; } } // Either the reader has failed or we're stopping writing for some other // reason (e.g. shutdown), so mark us as failed so the reader is aware. mWrite->state = State::Failed; mGood = false; return false; } uint32_t CanvasEventRingBuffer::WaitForBytesToWrite() { uint32_t streamFullReadCount = mOurCount - kStreamSize; if (!WaitForReadCount(streamFullReadCount + 1, kTimeout)) { return 0; } return mRead->count - streamFullReadCount; } uint32_t CanvasEventRingBuffer::WaitForBytesToRead() { if (!WaitForDataToRead(kTimeout, kTimeoutRetryCount)) { return 0; } return mWrite->count - mOurCount; } void CanvasEventRingBuffer::ReturnWrite(const char* aData, size_t aSize) { uint32_t writeCount = mRead->returnCount; uint32_t bufPos = writeCount % kStreamSize; uint32_t bufRemaining = kStreamSize - bufPos; uint32_t availableToWrite = std::min(bufRemaining, (mWrite->returnCount + kStreamSize - writeCount)); while (availableToWrite < aSize) { if (availableToWrite) { memcpy(mBuf + bufPos, aData, availableToWrite); writeCount += availableToWrite; mRead->returnCount = writeCount; bufPos = writeCount % kStreamSize; bufRemaining = kStreamSize - bufPos; aData += availableToWrite; aSize -= availableToWrite; } else if (mReaderServices->WriterClosed()) { return; } availableToWrite = std::min( bufRemaining, (mWrite->returnCount + kStreamSize - writeCount)); } memcpy(mBuf + bufPos, aData, aSize); writeCount += aSize; mRead->returnCount = writeCount; } void CanvasEventRingBuffer::ReturnRead(char* aOut, size_t aSize) { // First wait for the event returning the data to be read. WaitForCheckpoint(mOurCount); uint32_t readCount = mWrite->returnCount; // If the event sending back data fails to play then it will ReturnWrite // nothing. So, wait until something has been written or the reader has // stopped processing. while (readCount == mRead->returnCount) { // We recheck the count, because the other side can write all the data and // started waiting in between these two lines. if (mRead->state != State::Processing && readCount == mRead->returnCount) { return; } } uint32_t bufPos = readCount % kStreamSize; uint32_t bufRemaining = kStreamSize - bufPos; uint32_t availableToRead = std::min(bufRemaining, (mRead->returnCount - readCount)); while (availableToRead < aSize) { if (availableToRead) { memcpy(aOut, mBuf + bufPos, availableToRead); readCount += availableToRead; mWrite->returnCount = readCount; bufPos = readCount % kStreamSize; bufRemaining = kStreamSize - bufPos; aOut += availableToRead; aSize -= availableToRead; } else if (mWriterServices->ReaderClosed()) { return; } availableToRead = std::min(bufRemaining, (mRead->returnCount - readCount)); } memcpy(aOut, mBuf + bufPos, aSize); readCount += aSize; mWrite->returnCount = readCount; } void CanvasDrawEventRecorder::StoreSourceSurfaceRecording( gfx::SourceSurface* aSurface, const char* aReason) { wr::ExternalImageId extId{}; nsresult rv = layers::SharedSurfacesChild::Share(aSurface, extId); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { DrawEventRecorderPrivate::StoreSourceSurfaceRecording(aSurface, aReason); return; } StoreExternalSurfaceRecording(aSurface, wr::AsUint64(extId)); } void CanvasDrawEventRecorder::RecordSourceSurfaceDestruction(void* aSurface) { // We must only record things on the main thread and surfaces that have been // recorded can sometimes be destroyed off the main thread. if (NS_IsMainThread()) { DrawEventRecorderPrivate::RecordSourceSurfaceDestruction(aSurface); return; } NS_DispatchToMainThread(NewRunnableMethod( "DrawEventRecorderPrivate::RecordSourceSurfaceDestruction", this, &DrawEventRecorderPrivate::RecordSourceSurfaceDestruction, aSurface)); } } // namespace layers } // namespace mozilla