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#include "RenderTextureHostSWGL.h"

namespace mozilla {

namespace wr {

 * RenderTextureHost of GPUVideoTextureHost.
 * GPUVideoTextureHost wraps TextureHost. This class wraps RenderTextureHost of
 * the wrapped TextureHost. Lifetime of the wrapped TextureHost is usually
 * longer than GPUVideoTextureHost and the wrapped TextureHost is used by
 * multiple GPUVideoTextureHosts. This class is used to reduce recreations of
 * the wrappded RenderTextureHost. Initializations of some
 * RenderTextureHosts(RenderDXGITextureHost and
 * RenderDXGIYCbCrTextureHost) have overhead.
class RenderTextureHostWrapper final : public RenderTextureHostSWGL {
  explicit RenderTextureHostWrapper(ExternalImageId aExternalImageId);
  RenderTextureHostWrapper(const layers::RemoteTextureId aTextureId,
                           const layers::RemoteTextureOwnerId aOwnerId,
                           const base::ProcessId aForPid);

  // RenderTextureHost
  wr::WrExternalImage Lock(uint8_t aChannelIndex, gl::GLContext* aGL) override;
  void Unlock() override;
  void ClearCachedResources() override;
  void PrepareForUse() override;
  void NotifyForUse() override;
  void NotifyNotUsed() override;
  bool SyncObjectNeeded() override;
  RenderMacIOSurfaceTextureHost* AsRenderMacIOSurfaceTextureHost() override;
  RenderDXGITextureHost* AsRenderDXGITextureHost() override;
  RenderDXGIYCbCrTextureHost* AsRenderDXGIYCbCrTextureHost() override;
  RenderDcompSurfaceTextureHost* AsRenderDcompSurfaceTextureHost() override;
  RenderAndroidSurfaceTextureHost* AsRenderAndroidSurfaceTextureHost() override;
  RenderTextureHostSWGL* AsRenderTextureHostSWGL() override;
  bool IsWrappingAsyncRemoteTexture() override;

  // RenderTextureHostSWGL
  size_t GetPlaneCount() const override;
  gfx::SurfaceFormat GetFormat() const override;
  gfx::ColorDepth GetColorDepth() const override;
  gfx::YUVRangedColorSpace GetYUVColorSpace() const override;
  bool MapPlane(RenderCompositor* aCompositor, uint8_t aChannelIndex,
                PlaneInfo& aPlaneInfo) override;
  void UnmapPlanes() override;

  // This is just a wrapper, so doesn't need to report the
  // size of the wrapped object (which reports itself).
  size_t Bytes() override { return 0; }

  ~RenderTextureHostWrapper() override;

  void EnsureTextureHost() const;
  void EnsureRemoteTexture() const;
  RenderTextureHostSWGL* EnsureRenderTextureHostSWGL() const;

  ExternalImageId mExternalImageId;
  mutable RefPtr<RenderTextureHost> mTextureHost;

  Maybe<layers::RemoteTextureId> mTextureId;
  Maybe<layers::RemoteTextureOwnerId> mOwnerId;
  Maybe<base::ProcessId> mForPid;

}  // namespace wr
}  // namespace mozilla