/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { getAddonAndLocalAPIsMocker } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/LangPackMatcherTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { LangPackMatcher } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/LangPackMatcher.sys.mjs" ); const { sinon } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/Sinon.jsm"); const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const mockAddonAndLocaleAPIs = getAddonAndLocalAPIsMocker(this, sandbox); add_task(function initSandbox() { registerCleanupFunction(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); }); add_task(function test_appLocaleLanguageMismatch() { sandbox.restore(); mockAddonAndLocaleAPIs({ systemLocale: "es-ES", appLocale: "en-US", }); deepEqual(LangPackMatcher.getAppAndSystemLocaleInfo(), { systemLocaleRaw: "es-ES", systemLocale: { baseName: "es-ES", language: "es", region: "ES" }, appLocaleRaw: "en-US", appLocale: { baseName: "en-US", language: "en", region: "US" }, matchType: "language-mismatch", canLiveReload: true, displayNames: { systemLanguage: "Español (ES)", appLanguage: "English (US)", }, }); }); add_task(function test_appLocaleRegionMismatch() { sandbox.restore(); mockAddonAndLocaleAPIs({ sandbox, systemLocale: "en-CA", appLocale: "en-US", }); deepEqual(LangPackMatcher.getAppAndSystemLocaleInfo(), { systemLocaleRaw: "en-CA", systemLocale: { baseName: "en-CA", language: "en", region: "CA" }, appLocaleRaw: "en-US", appLocale: { baseName: "en-US", language: "en", region: "US" }, matchType: "region-mismatch", canLiveReload: true, displayNames: { systemLanguage: "English (CA)", appLanguage: "English (US)", }, }); }); add_task(function test_appLocaleScriptMismatch() { sandbox.restore(); // Script mismatch: mockAddonAndLocaleAPIs({ sandbox, systemLocale: "zh-Hans-CN", appLocale: "zh-CN", }); deepEqual(LangPackMatcher.getAppAndSystemLocaleInfo(), { systemLocaleRaw: "zh-Hans-CN", systemLocale: { baseName: "zh-Hans-CN", language: "zh", region: "CN" }, appLocaleRaw: "zh-CN", appLocale: { baseName: "zh-CN", language: "zh", region: "CN" }, matchType: "match", canLiveReload: true, displayNames: { systemLanguage: "Chinese (Hans, China)", appLanguage: "简体中文", }, }); }); add_task(function test_appLocaleInvalidSystem() { sandbox.restore(); // Script mismatch: mockAddonAndLocaleAPIs({ sandbox, systemLocale: "Not valid", appLocale: "en-US", }); deepEqual(LangPackMatcher.getAppAndSystemLocaleInfo(), { systemLocaleRaw: "Not valid", systemLocale: null, appLocaleRaw: "en-US", appLocale: { baseName: "en-US", language: "en", region: "US" }, matchType: "unknown", canLiveReload: null, displayNames: { systemLanguage: null, appLanguage: "English (US)" }, }); }); add_task(function test_bidiSwitchDisabled() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref( "intl.multilingual.liveReloadBidirectional", false ); sandbox.restore(); // Script mismatch: mockAddonAndLocaleAPIs({ sandbox, systemLocale: "ar-EG", appLocale: "en-US", }); deepEqual(LangPackMatcher.getAppAndSystemLocaleInfo(), { systemLocaleRaw: "ar-EG", systemLocale: { baseName: "ar-EG", language: "ar", region: "EG" }, appLocaleRaw: "en-US", appLocale: { baseName: "en-US", language: "en", region: "US" }, matchType: "language-mismatch", canLiveReload: false, displayNames: { systemLanguage: "Arabic (Egypt)", appLanguage: "English (US)", }, }); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("intl.multilingual.liveReloadBidirectional"); }); add_task(async function test_bidiSwitchEnabled() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("intl.multilingual.liveReloadBidirectional", true); sandbox.restore(); // Script mismatch: mockAddonAndLocaleAPIs({ sandbox, systemLocale: "ar-EG", appLocale: "en-US", }); deepEqual(LangPackMatcher.getAppAndSystemLocaleInfo(), { systemLocaleRaw: "ar-EG", systemLocale: { baseName: "ar-EG", language: "ar", region: "EG" }, appLocaleRaw: "en-US", appLocale: { baseName: "en-US", language: "en", region: "US" }, matchType: "language-mismatch", canLiveReload: true, displayNames: { systemLanguage: "Arabic (Egypt)", appLanguage: "English (US)", }, }); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("intl.multilingual.liveReloadBidirectional"); }); function shuffle(array) { return array .map(value => ({ value, sort: Math.random() })) .sort((a, b) => a.sort - b.sort) .map(({ value }) => value); } add_task(async function test_negotiateLangPacks() { const negotiations = [ { // Exact match found. systemLocale: "en-US", availableLangPacks: ["en", "en-US", "zh", "zh-CN", "zh-Hans-CN"], expectedLangPack: "en-US", expectedDisplayName: "English (US)", }, { // Region-less match. systemLocale: "en-CA", availableLangPacks: ["en", "en-US", "zh", "zh-CN", "zh-Hans-CN"], expectedLangPack: "en", expectedDisplayName: "English", }, { // Fallback to a different region. systemLocale: "en-CA", availableLangPacks: ["en-US", "zh", "zh-CN", "zh-Hans-CN"], expectedLangPack: "en-US", expectedDisplayName: "English (US)", }, { // Match with a script. zh-Hans-CN is the locale used with simplified // Chinese scripts, while zh-CN uses the Latin script. systemLocale: "zh-Hans-CN", availableLangPacks: ["en", "en-US", "zh", "zh-CN", "zh-Hans-CN"], expectedLangPack: "zh-Hans-CN", expectedDisplayName: "Chinese (Hans, China)", }, { // No reasonable match could be found. systemLocale: "tlh", // Klingon availableLangPacks: ["en", "en-US", "zh", "zh-CN", "zh-Hans-CN"], expectedLangPack: null, expectedDisplayName: null, }, { // Weird, but valid locale identifiers. systemLocale: "en-US-u-hc-h23-ca-islamic-civil-ss-true", availableLangPacks: ["en", "en-US", "zh", "zh-CN", "zh-Hans-CN"], expectedLangPack: "en-US", expectedDisplayName: "English (US)", }, { // Invalid system locale systemLocale: "Not valid", availableLangPacks: ["en", "en-US", "zh", "zh-CN", "zh-Hans-CN"], expectedLangPack: null, expectedDisplayName: null, }, ]; for (const { systemLocale, availableLangPacks, expectedLangPack, expectedDisplayName, } of negotiations) { sandbox.restore(); const { resolveLangPacks } = mockAddonAndLocaleAPIs({ sandbox, systemLocale, }); const promise = LangPackMatcher.negotiateLangPackForLanguageMismatch(); // Shuffle the order to ensure that this test doesn't require on ordering of the // langpack responses. resolveLangPacks(shuffle(availableLangPacks)); const { langPack, langPackDisplayName } = await promise; equal( langPack?.target_locale, expectedLangPack, `Resolve the systemLocale "${systemLocale}" with available langpacks: ${JSON.stringify( availableLangPacks )}` ); equal( langPackDisplayName, expectedDisplayName, "The display name matches." ); } }); add_task(async function test_ensureLangPackInstalled() { sandbox.restore(); const { resolveLangPacks, resolveInstaller } = mockAddonAndLocaleAPIs({ sandbox, systemLocale: "es-ES", appLocale: "en-US", }); const negotiatePromise = LangPackMatcher.negotiateLangPackForLanguageMismatch(); resolveLangPacks(["es-ES"]); const { langPack } = await negotiatePromise; const installPromise1 = LangPackMatcher.ensureLangPackInstalled(langPack); const installPromise2 = LangPackMatcher.ensureLangPackInstalled(langPack); resolveInstaller(["fake langpack"]); info("Ensure both installers resolve when called twice in a row."); await installPromise1; await installPromise2; ok(true, "Both were called."); });