/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/ipc/IdleSchedulerChild.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/IdleSchedulerParent.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/PBackgroundChild.h" #include "mozilla/Atomics.h" #include "mozilla/IdlePeriodState.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" #include "BackgroundChild.h" namespace mozilla::ipc { static IdleSchedulerChild* sMainThreadIdleScheduler = nullptr; static bool sIdleSchedulerDestroyed = false; IdleSchedulerChild::~IdleSchedulerChild() { if (sMainThreadIdleScheduler == this) { sMainThreadIdleScheduler = nullptr; sIdleSchedulerDestroyed = true; } MOZ_ASSERT(!mIdlePeriodState); } void IdleSchedulerChild::Init(IdlePeriodState* aIdlePeriodState) { mIdlePeriodState = aIdlePeriodState; RefPtr scheduler = this; auto resolve = [&](Tuple, uint32_t>&& aResult) { if (Get<0>(aResult)) { mActiveCounter.SetHandle(std::move(*Get<0>(aResult)), false); mActiveCounter.Map(sizeof(int32_t)); mChildId = Get<1>(aResult); if (mChildId && mIdlePeriodState && mIdlePeriodState->IsActive()) { SetActive(); } } }; auto reject = [&](ResponseRejectReason) {}; SendInitForIdleUse(std::move(resolve), std::move(reject)); } IPCResult IdleSchedulerChild::RecvIdleTime(uint64_t aId, TimeDuration aBudget) { if (mIdlePeriodState) { mIdlePeriodState->SetIdleToken(aId, aBudget); } return IPC_OK(); } void IdleSchedulerChild::SetActive() { if (mChildId && CanSend() && mActiveCounter.memory()) { ++(static_cast*>( mActiveCounter.memory())[NS_IDLE_SCHEDULER_INDEX_OF_ACTIVITY_COUNTER]); ++(static_cast*>(mActiveCounter.memory())[mChildId]); } } bool IdleSchedulerChild::SetPaused() { if (mChildId && CanSend() && mActiveCounter.memory()) { --(static_cast*>(mActiveCounter.memory())[mChildId]); // The following expression reduces the global activity count and checks if // it drops below the cpu counter limit. return (static_cast*>( mActiveCounter .memory())[NS_IDLE_SCHEDULER_INDEX_OF_ACTIVITY_COUNTER])-- == static_cast*>( mActiveCounter.memory())[NS_IDLE_SCHEDULER_INDEX_OF_CPU_COUNTER]; } return false; } RefPtr IdleSchedulerChild::MayGCNow() { if (mIsRequestingGC || mIsDoingGC) { return MayGCPromise::CreateAndResolve(false, __func__); } TimeStamp wait_since = TimeStamp::Now(); mIsRequestingGC = true; return SendRequestGC()->Then( GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget(), __func__, [self = RefPtr(this), wait_since](bool aIgnored) { // Only one of these may be true at a time. MOZ_ASSERT(!(self->mIsRequestingGC && self->mIsDoingGC)); // The parent process always says yes, sometimes after a delay. if (self->mIsRequestingGC) { Telemetry::AccumulateTimeDelta(Telemetry::GC_WAIT_FOR_IDLE_MS, wait_since); self->mIsRequestingGC = false; self->mIsDoingGC = true; return MayGCPromise::CreateAndResolve(true, __func__); } return MayGCPromise::CreateAndResolve(false, __func__); }, [self = RefPtr(this)](ResponseRejectReason reason) { self->mIsRequestingGC = false; return MayGCPromise::CreateAndReject(reason, __func__); }); } void IdleSchedulerChild::StartedGC() { // Only one of these may be true at a time. MOZ_ASSERT(!(mIsRequestingGC && mIsDoingGC)); // If mRequestingGC was true then when the outstanding GC request returns // it'll see that the GC has already started. mIsRequestingGC = false; if (!mIsDoingGC) { if (CanSend()) { SendStartedGC(); } mIsDoingGC = true; } } void IdleSchedulerChild::DoneGC() { if (mIsDoingGC) { if (CanSend()) { SendDoneGC(); } mIsDoingGC = false; } } IdleSchedulerChild* IdleSchedulerChild::GetMainThreadIdleScheduler() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (sMainThreadIdleScheduler) { return sMainThreadIdleScheduler; } if (sIdleSchedulerDestroyed) { return nullptr; } ipc::PBackgroundChild* background = ipc::BackgroundChild::GetOrCreateForCurrentThread(); if (background) { sMainThreadIdleScheduler = new ipc::IdleSchedulerChild(); background->SendPIdleSchedulerConstructor(sMainThreadIdleScheduler); } return sMainThreadIdleScheduler; } } // namespace mozilla::ipc