/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var stroke = { gcslice: "rgb(255,100,0)", minor: "rgb(0,255,100)", initialMajor: "rgb(180,60,255)", }; var numSamples = 500; var gHistogram = new Map(); // {ms: count} var gHistory = new FrameHistory(numSamples); var gPerf = new PerfTracker(); var latencyGraph; var memoryGraph; var ctx; var memoryCtx; var loadState = "(init)"; // One of '(active)', '(inactive)', '(N/A)' var testState = "idle"; // One of 'idle' or 'running'. var enabled = { trackingSizes: false }; var gMemory = performance.mozMemory?.gc || performance.mozMemory || {}; var Firefox = class extends Host { start_turn() { // Handled by Gecko. } end_turn() { // Handled by Gecko. } suspend(duration) { // Not used; requestAnimationFrame takes its place. throw new Error("unimplemented"); } get minorGCCount() { return gMemory.minorGCCount; } get majorGCCount() { return gMemory.majorGCCount; } get GCSliceCount() { return gMemory.sliceCount; } get gcBytes() { return gMemory.zone.gcBytes; } get gcAllocTrigger() { return gMemory.zone.gcAllocTrigger; } features = { haveMemorySizes: 'gcBytes' in gMemory, haveGCCounts: 'majorGCCount' in gMemory, }; }; var gHost = new Firefox(); function parse_units(v) { if (!v.length) { return NaN; } var lastChar = v[v.length - 1].toLowerCase(); if (!isNaN(parseFloat(lastChar))) { return parseFloat(v); } var units = parseFloat(v.substr(0, v.length - 1)); if (lastChar == "k") { return units * 1e3; } if (lastChar == "m") { return units * 1e6; } if (lastChar == "g") { return units * 1e9; } return NaN; } var Graph = class { constructor(ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; var { height } = ctx.canvas; this.layout = { xAxisLabel_Y: height - 20, }; } xpos(index) { return index * 2; } clear() { const { width, height } = this.ctx.canvas; this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); } drawScale(delay) { this.drawHBar(delay, `${delay}ms`, "rgb(150,150,150)"); } draw60fps() { this.drawHBar(1000 / 60, "60fps", "#00cf61", 25); } draw30fps() { this.drawHBar(1000 / 30, "30fps", "#cf0061", 25); } drawAxisLabels(x_label, y_label) { const ctx = this.ctx; const { width, height } = ctx.canvas; ctx.fillText(x_label, width / 2, this.layout.xAxisLabel_Y); ctx.save(); ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 2); var start = height / 2 - ctx.measureText(y_label).width / 2; ctx.fillText(y_label, start, -width + 20); ctx.restore(); } drawFrame() { const ctx = this.ctx; const { width, height } = ctx.canvas; // Draw frame to show size ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(width, 0); ctx.lineTo(width, height); ctx.lineTo(0, height); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); } }; var LatencyGraph = class extends Graph { constructor(ctx) { super(ctx); console.log(this.ctx); } ypos(delay) { const { height } = this.ctx.canvas; const r = height + 100 - Math.log(delay) * 64; if (r < 5) { return 5; } return r; } drawHBar(delay, label, color = "rgb(0,0,0)", label_offset = 0) { const ctx = this.ctx; ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.strokeStyle = color; ctx.fillText( label, this.xpos(numSamples) + 4 + label_offset, this.ypos(delay) + 3 ); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.xpos(0), this.ypos(delay)); ctx.lineTo(this.xpos(numSamples) + label_offset, this.ypos(delay)); ctx.stroke(); ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; } draw() { const ctx = this.ctx; this.clear(); this.drawFrame(); for (var delay of [10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800]) { this.drawScale(delay); } this.draw60fps(); this.draw30fps(); var worst = 0, worstpos = 0; ctx.beginPath(); for (let i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { ctx.lineTo(this.xpos(i), this.ypos(gHistory.delays[i])); if (gHistory.delays[i] >= worst) { worst = gHistory.delays[i]; worstpos = i; } } ctx.stroke(); // Draw vertical lines marking minor and major GCs if (gHost.features.haveGCCounts) { ctx.strokeStyle = stroke.gcslice; let idx = sampleIndex % numSamples; const count = { major: gHistory.majorGCs[idx], minor: 0, slice: gHistory.slices[idx], }; for (let i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { idx = (sampleIndex + i) % numSamples; const isMajorStart = count.major < gHistory.majorGCs[idx]; if (count.slice < gHistory.slices[idx]) { if (isMajorStart) { ctx.strokeStyle = stroke.initialMajor; } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.xpos(idx), 0); ctx.lineTo(this.xpos(idx), this.layout.xAxisLabel_Y); ctx.stroke(); if (isMajorStart) { ctx.strokeStyle = stroke.gcslice; } } count.major = gHistory.majorGCs[idx]; count.slice = gHistory.slices[idx]; } ctx.strokeStyle = stroke.minor; idx = sampleIndex % numSamples; count.minor = gHistory.minorGCs[idx]; for (let i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { idx = (sampleIndex + i) % numSamples; if (count.minor < gHistory.minorGCs[idx]) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.xpos(idx), 0); ctx.lineTo(this.xpos(idx), 20); ctx.stroke(); } count.minor = gHistory.minorGCs[idx]; } } ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(255,0,0)"; if (worst) { ctx.fillText( `${worst.toFixed(2)}ms`, this.xpos(worstpos) - 10, this.ypos(worst) - 14 ); } // Mark and label the slowest frame ctx.beginPath(); var where = sampleIndex % numSamples; ctx.arc( this.xpos(where), this.ypos(gHistory.delays[where]), 5, 0, Math.PI * 2, true ); ctx.fill(); ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; this.drawAxisLabels("Time", "Pause between frames (log scale)"); } }; var MemoryGraph = class extends Graph { constructor(ctx) { super(ctx); this.worstEver = this.bestEver = gHost.gcBytes(); this.limit = Math.max(this.worstEver, gHost.gcAllocTrigger); } ypos(size) { const { height } = this.ctx.canvas; const range = this.limit - this.bestEver; const percent = (size - this.bestEver) / range; return (1 - percent) * height * 0.9 + 20; } drawHBar(size, label, color = "rgb(150,150,150)") { const ctx = this.ctx; const y = this.ypos(size); ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.strokeStyle = color; ctx.fillText(label, this.xpos(numSamples) + 4, y + 3); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.xpos(0), y); ctx.lineTo(this.xpos(numSamples), y); ctx.stroke(); ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; } draw() { const ctx = this.ctx; this.clear(); this.drawFrame(); var worst = 0, worstpos = 0; for (let i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { if (gHistory.gcBytes[i] >= worst) { worst = gHistory.gcBytes[i]; worstpos = i; } if (gHistory.gcBytes[i] < this.bestEver) { this.bestEver = gHistory.gcBytes[i]; } } if (this.worstEver < worst) { this.worstEver = worst; this.limit = Math.max(this.worstEver, gHost.gcAllocTrigger); } this.drawHBar( this.bestEver, `${format_bytes(this.bestEver)} min`, "#00cf61" ); this.drawHBar( this.worstEver, `${format_bytes(this.worstEver)} max`, "#cc1111" ); this.drawHBar( gHost.gcAllocTrigger, `${format_bytes(gHost.gcAllocTrigger)} trigger`, "#cc11cc" ); ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(255,0,0)"; if (worst) { ctx.fillText( format_bytes(worst), this.xpos(worstpos) - 10, this.ypos(worst) - 14 ); } ctx.beginPath(); var where = sampleIndex % numSamples; ctx.arc( this.xpos(where), this.ypos(gHistory.gcBytes[where]), 5, 0, Math.PI * 2, true ); ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); for (let i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { if (i == (sampleIndex + 1) % numSamples) { ctx.moveTo(this.xpos(i), this.ypos(gHistory.gcBytes[i])); } else { ctx.lineTo(this.xpos(i), this.ypos(gHistory.gcBytes[i])); } if (i == where) { ctx.stroke(); } } ctx.stroke(); this.drawAxisLabels("Time", "Heap Memory Usage"); } }; function onUpdateDisplayChanged() { const do_graph = document.getElementById("do-graph"); if (do_graph.checked) { window.requestAnimationFrame(handler); gHistory.resume(); } else { gHistory.pause(); } update_load_state_indicator(); } function onDoLoadChange() { const do_load = document.getElementById("do-load"); gLoadMgr.paused = !do_load.checked; console.log(`load paused: ${gLoadMgr.paused}`); update_load_state_indicator(); } var previous = 0; function handler(timestamp) { if (gHistory.is_stopped()) { return; } const completed = gLoadMgr.tick(timestamp); if (completed) { end_test(timestamp, gLoadMgr.lastActive); if (!gLoadMgr.stopped()) { start_test(); } update_load_display(); } if (testState == "running") { document.getElementById("test-progress").textContent = (gLoadMgr.currentLoadRemaining(timestamp) / 1000).toFixed(1) + " sec"; } const delay = gHistory.on_frame(timestamp); update_histogram(gHistogram, delay); latencyGraph.draw(); if (memoryGraph) { memoryGraph.draw(); } window.requestAnimationFrame(handler); } // For interactive debugging. // // ['a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c'] => ['a', 'b x 3', 'c x 2'] function summarize(arr) { if (!arr.length) { return []; } var result = []; var run_start = 0; var prev = arr[0]; for (let i = 1; i <= arr.length; i++) { if (i == arr.length || arr[i] != prev) { if (i == run_start + 1) { result.push(arr[i]); } else { result.push(prev + " x " + (i - run_start)); } run_start = i; } if (i != arr.length) { prev = arr[i]; } } return result; } function reset_draw_state() { gHistory.reset(); } function onunload() { gLoadMgr.deactivateLoad(); } function onload() { // The order of `tests` is currently based on their asynchronous load // order, rather than the listed order. Rearrange by extracting the test // names from their filenames, which is kind of gross. _tests = tests; tests = new Map(); foreach_test_file(fn => { // "benchmarks/foo.js" => "foo" const name = fn.split(/\//)[1].split(/\./)[0]; tests.set(name, _tests.get(name)); }); _tests = undefined; gLoadMgr = new AllocationLoadManager(tests); // Load initial test duration. duration_changed(); // Load initial garbage size. garbage_piles_changed(); garbage_per_frame_changed(); // Populate the test selection dropdown. var select = document.getElementById("test-selection"); for (var [name, test] of tests) { test.name = name; var option = document.createElement("option"); option.id = name; option.text = name; option.title = test.description; select.add(option); } // Load the initial test. gLoadMgr.setActiveLoad(gLoadMgr.getByName("noAllocation")); update_load_display(); document.getElementById("test-selection").value = "noAllocation"; // Polyfill rAF. var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame; window.requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame; // Acquire our canvas. var canvas = document.getElementById("graph"); latencyGraph = new LatencyGraph(canvas.getContext("2d")); if (!gHost.features.haveMemorySizes) { document.getElementById("memgraph-disabled").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("track-sizes-div").style.display = "none"; } trackHeapSizes(document.getElementById("track-sizes").checked); update_load_state_indicator(); gHistory.start(); // Start drawing. reset_draw_state(); window.requestAnimationFrame(handler); } function run_one_test() { start_test_cycle([gLoadMgr.activeLoad().name]); } function run_all_tests() { start_test_cycle([...tests.keys()]); } function start_test_cycle(tests_to_run) { // Convert from an iterable to an array for pop. const duration = gLoadMgr.testDurationMS / 1000; const mutators = tests_to_run.map(name => new SingleMutatorSequencer(gLoadMgr.getByName(name), gPerf, duration)); const sequencer = new ChainSequencer(mutators); gLoadMgr.startSequencer(sequencer); testState = "running"; gHistogram.clear(); reset_draw_state(); } function update_load_state_indicator() { if ( !gLoadMgr.load_running() || gLoadMgr.activeLoad().name == "noAllocation" ) { loadState = "(none)"; } else if (gHistory.is_stopped() || gLoadMgr.paused) { loadState = "(inactive)"; } else { loadState = "(active)"; } document.getElementById("load-running").textContent = loadState; } function start_test() { console.log(`Running test: ${gLoadMgr.activeLoad().name}`); document.getElementById("test-selection").value = gLoadMgr.activeLoad().name; update_load_state_indicator(); } function end_test(timestamp, load) { document.getElementById("test-progress").textContent = "(not running)"; report_test_result(load, gHistogram); gHistogram.clear(); console.log(`Ending test ${load.name}`); if (gLoadMgr.stopped()) { testState = "idle"; } update_load_state_indicator(); reset_draw_state(); } function compute_test_spark_histogram(histogram) { const percents = compute_spark_histogram_percents(histogram); var sparks = "▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█"; var colors = [ "#aaaa00", "#007700", "#dd0000", "#ff0000", "#ff0000", "#ff0000", "#ff0000", "#ff0000", ]; var line = ""; for (let i = 0; i < percents.length; ++i) { var spark = sparks.charAt(parseInt(percents[i] * sparks.length)); line += `${spark}`; } return line; } function report_test_result(load, histogram) { var resultList = document.getElementById("results-display"); var resultElem = document.createElement("div"); var score = compute_test_score(histogram); var sparks = compute_test_spark_histogram(histogram); var params = `(${format_num(load.garbagePerFrame)},${format_num( load.garbagePiles )})`; resultElem.innerHTML = `${score.toFixed(3)} ms/s : ${sparks} : ${ load.name }${params} - ${load.description}`; resultList.appendChild(resultElem); } function update_load_display() { const garbage = gLoadMgr.activeLoad() ? gLoadMgr.activeLoad().garbagePerFrame : parse_units(gDefaultGarbagePerFrame); document.getElementById("garbage-per-frame").value = format_num(garbage); const piles = gLoadMgr.activeLoad() ? gLoadMgr.activeLoad().garbagePiles : parse_units(gDefaultGarbagePiles); document.getElementById("garbage-piles").value = format_num(piles); update_load_state_indicator(); } function duration_changed() { var durationInput = document.getElementById("test-duration"); gLoadMgr.testDurationMS = parseInt(durationInput.value) * 1000; console.log( `Updated test duration to: ${gLoadMgr.testDurationMS / 1000} seconds` ); } function onLoadChange() { var select = document.getElementById("test-selection"); console.log(`Switching to test: ${select.value}`); gLoadMgr.setActiveLoad(gLoadMgr.getByName(select.value)); update_load_display(); gHistogram.clear(); reset_draw_state(); } function garbage_piles_changed() { const input = document.getElementById("garbage-piles"); const value = parse_units(input.value); if (isNaN(value)) { update_load_display(); return; } if (gLoadMgr.load_running()) { gLoadMgr.change_garbagePiles(value); console.log( `Updated garbage-piles to ${gLoadMgr.activeLoad().garbagePiles} items` ); } gHistogram.clear(); reset_draw_state(); } function garbage_per_frame_changed() { const input = document.getElementById("garbage-per-frame"); var value = parse_units(input.value); if (isNaN(value)) { update_load_display(); return; } if (gLoadMgr.load_running()) { gLoadMgr.change_garbagePerFrame = value; console.log( `Updated garbage-per-frame to ${ gLoadMgr.activeLoad().garbagePerFrame } items` ); } } function trackHeapSizes(track) { enabled.trackingSizes = track && gHost.features.haveMemorySizes; var canvas = document.getElementById("memgraph"); if (enabled.trackingSizes) { canvas.style.display = "block"; memoryGraph = new MemoryGraph(canvas.getContext("2d")); } else { canvas.style.display = "none"; memoryGraph = null; } }