/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * GC support for FinalizationRegistry and WeakRef objects. */ #include "gc/FinalizationObservers.h" #include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h" #include "builtin/FinalizationRegistryObject.h" #include "builtin/WeakRefObject.h" #include "gc/GCRuntime.h" #include "gc/Zone.h" #include "vm/JSContext.h" #include "gc/WeakMap-inl.h" #include "vm/JSObject-inl.h" #include "vm/NativeObject-inl.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::gc; FinalizationObservers::FinalizationObservers(Zone* zone) : zone(zone), registries(zone), recordMap(zone), crossZoneRecords(zone), weakRefMap(zone), crossZoneWeakRefs(zone) {} FinalizationObservers::~FinalizationObservers() { MOZ_ASSERT(registries.empty()); MOZ_ASSERT(recordMap.empty()); MOZ_ASSERT(crossZoneRecords.empty()); MOZ_ASSERT(crossZoneWeakRefs.empty()); } bool GCRuntime::addFinalizationRegistry( JSContext* cx, Handle registry) { if (!cx->zone()->ensureFinalizationObservers() || !cx->zone()->finalizationObservers()->addRegistry(registry)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } return true; } bool FinalizationObservers::addRegistry( Handle registry) { return registries.put(registry); } bool GCRuntime::registerWithFinalizationRegistry(JSContext* cx, HandleObject target, HandleObject record) { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsCrossCompartmentWrapper(target)); MOZ_ASSERT( UncheckedUnwrapWithoutExpose(record)->is()); MOZ_ASSERT(target->compartment() == record->compartment()); Zone* zone = cx->zone(); if (!zone->ensureFinalizationObservers() || !zone->finalizationObservers()->addRecord(target, record)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } return true; } bool FinalizationObservers::addRecord(HandleObject target, HandleObject record) { // Add a record to the record map and clean up on failure. // // The following must be updated and kept in sync: // - the zone's recordMap (to observe the target) // - the registry's global objects's recordSet (to trace the record) // - the count of cross zone records (to calculate sweep groups) MOZ_ASSERT(target->zone() == zone); FinalizationRecordObject* unwrappedRecord = &UncheckedUnwrapWithoutExpose(record)->as(); Zone* registryZone = unwrappedRecord->zone(); bool crossZone = registryZone != zone; if (crossZone && !addCrossZoneWrapper(crossZoneRecords, record)) { return false; } auto wrapperGuard = mozilla::MakeScopeExit([&] { if (crossZone) { removeCrossZoneWrapper(crossZoneRecords, record); } }); GlobalObject* registryGlobal = &unwrappedRecord->global(); auto* globalData = registryGlobal->getOrCreateFinalizationRegistryData(); if (!globalData || !globalData->addRecord(unwrappedRecord)) { return false; } auto globalDataGuard = mozilla::MakeScopeExit( [&] { globalData->removeRecord(unwrappedRecord); }); auto ptr = recordMap.lookupForAdd(target); if (!ptr && !recordMap.add(ptr, target, RecordVector(zone))) { return false; } if (!ptr->value().append(record)) { return false; } unwrappedRecord->setInRecordMap(true); globalDataGuard.release(); wrapperGuard.release(); return true; } bool FinalizationObservers::addCrossZoneWrapper(WrapperWeakSet& weakSet, JSObject* wrapper) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsCrossCompartmentWrapper(wrapper)); MOZ_ASSERT(UncheckedUnwrapWithoutExpose(wrapper)->zone() != zone); auto ptr = weakSet.lookupForAdd(wrapper); MOZ_ASSERT(!ptr); return weakSet.add(ptr, wrapper, UndefinedValue()); } void FinalizationObservers::removeCrossZoneWrapper(WrapperWeakSet& weakSet, JSObject* wrapper) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsCrossCompartmentWrapper(wrapper)); MOZ_ASSERT(UncheckedUnwrapWithoutExpose(wrapper)->zone() != zone); auto ptr = weakSet.lookupForAdd(wrapper); MOZ_ASSERT(ptr); weakSet.remove(ptr); } static FinalizationRecordObject* UnwrapFinalizationRecord(JSObject* obj) { obj = UncheckedUnwrapWithoutExpose(obj); if (!obj->is()) { MOZ_ASSERT(JS_IsDeadWrapper(obj)); // CCWs between the compartments have been nuked. The // FinalizationRegistry's callback doesn't run in this case. return nullptr; } return &obj->as(); } void FinalizationObservers::clearRecords() { // Clear table entries related to FinalizationRecordObjects, which are not // processed after the start of shutdown. // // WeakRefs are still updated during shutdown to avoid the possibility of // stale or dangling pointers. #ifdef DEBUG checkTables(); #endif recordMap.clear(); crossZoneRecords.clear(); } void GCRuntime::traceWeakFinalizationObserverEdges(JSTracer* trc, Zone* zone) { MOZ_ASSERT(CurrentThreadCanAccessRuntime(trc->runtime())); FinalizationObservers* observers = zone->finalizationObservers(); if (observers) { observers->traceWeakEdges(trc); } } void FinalizationObservers::traceRoots(JSTracer* trc) { // The cross-zone wrapper weak maps are traced as roots; this does not keep // any of their entries alive by itself. crossZoneRecords.trace(trc); crossZoneWeakRefs.trace(trc); } void FinalizationObservers::traceWeakEdges(JSTracer* trc) { traceWeakWeakRefEdges(trc); traceWeakFinalizationRegistryEdges(trc); } void FinalizationObservers::traceWeakFinalizationRegistryEdges(JSTracer* trc) { // Sweep finalization registry data and queue finalization records for cleanup // for any entries whose target is dying and remove them from the map. GCRuntime* gc = &trc->runtime()->gc; for (RegistrySet::Enum e(registries); !e.empty(); e.popFront()) { auto result = TraceWeakEdge(trc, &e.mutableFront(), "FinalizationRegistry"); if (result.isDead()) { auto* registry = &result.initialTarget()->as(); registry->queue()->setHasRegistry(false); e.removeFront(); } else { result.finalTarget()->as().traceWeak(trc); } } for (RecordMap::Enum e(recordMap); !e.empty(); e.popFront()) { RecordVector& records = e.front().value(); // Sweep finalization records, updating any pointers moved by the GC and // remove if necessary. records.mutableEraseIf([&](HeapPtr& heapPtr) { auto result = TraceWeakEdge(trc, &heapPtr, "FinalizationRecord"); JSObject* obj = result.isLive() ? result.finalTarget() : result.initialTarget(); FinalizationRecordObject* record = UnwrapFinalizationRecord(obj); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(record, record->isInRecordMap()); bool shouldRemove = !result.isLive() || shouldRemoveRecord(record); if (shouldRemove && record && record->isInRecordMap()) { updateForRemovedRecord(obj, record); } return shouldRemove; }); #ifdef DEBUG for (JSObject* obj : records) { MOZ_ASSERT(UnwrapFinalizationRecord(obj)->isInRecordMap()); } #endif // Queue finalization records for targets that are dying. if (!TraceWeakEdge(trc, &e.front().mutableKey(), "FinalizationRecord target")) { for (JSObject* obj : records) { FinalizationRecordObject* record = UnwrapFinalizationRecord(obj); FinalizationQueueObject* queue = record->queue(); updateForRemovedRecord(obj, record); queue->queueRecordToBeCleanedUp(record); gc->queueFinalizationRegistryForCleanup(queue); } e.removeFront(); } } } // static bool FinalizationObservers::shouldRemoveRecord( FinalizationRecordObject* record) { // Records are removed from the target's vector for the following reasons: return !record || // Nuked CCW to record. !record->isRegistered() || // Unregistered record. !record->queue()->hasRegistry(); // Dead finalization registry. } void FinalizationObservers::updateForRemovedRecord( JSObject* wrapper, FinalizationRecordObject* record) { // Remove other references to a record when it has been removed from the // zone's record map. See addRecord(). MOZ_ASSERT(record->isInRecordMap()); Zone* registryZone = record->zone(); if (registryZone != zone) { removeCrossZoneWrapper(crossZoneRecords, wrapper); } GlobalObject* registryGlobal = &record->global(); auto* globalData = registryGlobal->maybeFinalizationRegistryData(); globalData->removeRecord(record); // The removed record may be gray, and that's OK. AutoTouchingGrayThings atgt; record->setInRecordMap(false); } void GCRuntime::nukeFinalizationRecordWrapper( JSObject* wrapper, FinalizationRecordObject* record) { if (record->isInRecordMap()) { FinalizationRegistryObject::unregisterRecord(record); FinalizationObservers* observers = wrapper->zone()->finalizationObservers(); observers->updateForRemovedRecord(wrapper, record); } } void GCRuntime::queueFinalizationRegistryForCleanup( FinalizationQueueObject* queue) { // Prod the embedding to call us back later to run the finalization callbacks, // if necessary. if (queue->isQueuedForCleanup()) { return; } // Derive the incumbent global by unwrapping the incumbent global object and // then getting its global. JSObject* object = UncheckedUnwrapWithoutExpose(queue->incumbentObject()); MOZ_ASSERT(object); GlobalObject* incumbentGlobal = &object->nonCCWGlobal(); callHostCleanupFinalizationRegistryCallback(queue->doCleanupFunction(), incumbentGlobal); // The queue object may be gray, and that's OK. AutoTouchingGrayThings atgt; queue->setQueuedForCleanup(true); } // Insert a target -> weakRef mapping in the target's Zone so that a dying // target will clear out the weakRef's target. If the weakRef is in a different // Zone, then the crossZoneWeakRefs table will keep the weakRef alive. If the // weakRef is in the same Zone, then it must be the actual WeakRefObject and // not a cross-compartment wrapper, since nothing would keep that alive. bool GCRuntime::registerWeakRef(HandleObject target, HandleObject weakRef) { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsCrossCompartmentWrapper(target)); MOZ_ASSERT(UncheckedUnwrap(weakRef)->is()); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(target->zone() != weakRef->zone(), target->compartment() == weakRef->compartment()); Zone* zone = target->zone(); return zone->ensureFinalizationObservers() && zone->finalizationObservers()->addWeakRefTarget(target, weakRef); } bool FinalizationObservers::addWeakRefTarget(HandleObject target, HandleObject weakRef) { WeakRefObject* unwrappedWeakRef = &UncheckedUnwrapWithoutExpose(weakRef)->as(); Zone* weakRefZone = unwrappedWeakRef->zone(); bool crossZone = weakRefZone != zone; if (crossZone && !addCrossZoneWrapper(crossZoneWeakRefs, weakRef)) { return false; } auto wrapperGuard = mozilla::MakeScopeExit([&] { if (crossZone) { removeCrossZoneWrapper(crossZoneWeakRefs, weakRef); } }); auto ptr = weakRefMap.lookupForAdd(target); if (!ptr && !weakRefMap.add(ptr, target, WeakRefHeapPtrVector(zone))) { return false; } if (!ptr->value().emplaceBack(weakRef)) { return false; } wrapperGuard.release(); return true; } void GCRuntime::nukeWeakRefWrapper(JSObject* wrapper, WeakRefObject* weakRef) { // WeakRef wrappers can exist independently of the ones we create for the // weakRefMap so don't assume |wrapper| is in the same zone as the WeakRef // target. JSObject* target = weakRef->target(); if (!target) { return; } FinalizationObservers* observers = target->zone()->finalizationObservers(); if (observers) { observers->unregisterWeakRefWrapper(wrapper, weakRef); } } void FinalizationObservers::unregisterWeakRefWrapper(JSObject* wrapper, WeakRefObject* weakRef) { JSObject* target = weakRef->target(); MOZ_ASSERT(target); bool removed = false; WeakRefHeapPtrVector& weakRefs = weakRefMap.lookup(target)->value(); weakRefs.eraseIf([wrapper, &removed](JSObject* obj) { bool remove = obj == wrapper; if (remove) { removed = true; } return remove; }); if (removed) { updateForRemovedWeakRef(wrapper, weakRef); } } void FinalizationObservers::updateForRemovedWeakRef(JSObject* wrapper, WeakRefObject* weakRef) { weakRef->clearTarget(); Zone* weakRefZone = weakRef->zone(); if (weakRefZone != zone) { removeCrossZoneWrapper(crossZoneWeakRefs, wrapper); } } static WeakRefObject* UnwrapWeakRef(JSObject* obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(!JS_IsDeadWrapper(obj)); obj = UncheckedUnwrapWithoutExpose(obj); return &obj->as(); } void FinalizationObservers::traceWeakWeakRefEdges(JSTracer* trc) { for (WeakRefMap::Enum e(weakRefMap); !e.empty(); e.popFront()) { // If target is dying, clear the target field of all weakRefs, and remove // the entry from the map. auto result = TraceWeakEdge(trc, &e.front().mutableKey(), "WeakRef target"); if (result.isDead()) { for (JSObject* obj : e.front().value()) { updateForRemovedWeakRef(obj, UnwrapWeakRef(obj)); } e.removeFront(); } else { // Update the target field after compacting. traceWeakWeakRefVector(trc, e.front().value(), result.finalTarget()); } } } void FinalizationObservers::traceWeakWeakRefVector( JSTracer* trc, WeakRefHeapPtrVector& weakRefs, JSObject* target) { weakRefs.mutableEraseIf([&](HeapPtr& obj) -> bool { auto result = TraceWeakEdge(trc, &obj, "WeakRef"); if (result.isDead()) { JSObject* wrapper = result.initialTarget(); updateForRemovedWeakRef(wrapper, UnwrapWeakRef(wrapper)); } else { UnwrapWeakRef(result.finalTarget())->setTargetUnbarriered(target); } return result.isDead(); }); } #ifdef DEBUG void FinalizationObservers::checkTables() const { // Check all cross-zone wrappers are present in the appropriate table. size_t recordCount = 0; for (auto r = recordMap.all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) { for (JSObject* object : r.front().value()) { FinalizationRecordObject* record = UnwrapFinalizationRecord(object); if (record && record->isInRecordMap() && record->zone() != zone) { MOZ_ASSERT(crossZoneRecords.has(object)); recordCount++; } } } MOZ_ASSERT(crossZoneRecords.count() == recordCount); size_t weakRefCount = 0; for (auto r = weakRefMap.all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) { for (JSObject* object : r.front().value()) { WeakRefObject* weakRef = UnwrapWeakRef(object); if (weakRef && weakRef->zone() != zone) { MOZ_ASSERT(crossZoneWeakRefs.has(object)); weakRefCount++; } } } MOZ_ASSERT(crossZoneWeakRefs.count() == weakRefCount); } #endif FinalizationRegistryGlobalData::FinalizationRegistryGlobalData(Zone* zone) : recordSet(zone) {} bool FinalizationRegistryGlobalData::addRecord( FinalizationRecordObject* record) { return recordSet.putNew(record); } void FinalizationRegistryGlobalData::removeRecord( FinalizationRecordObject* record) { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!record->runtimeFromMainThread()->gc.isShuttingDown(), recordSet.has(record)); recordSet.remove(record); } void FinalizationRegistryGlobalData::trace(JSTracer* trc) { recordSet.trace(trc); }