/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "vm/FrameIter-inl.h" #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" // MOZ_ASSERT, MOZ_CRASH #include "mozilla/MaybeOneOf.h" // mozilla::MaybeOneOf #include // size_t #include // uint8_t, uint32_t #include // getenv #include "jit/BaselineFrame.h" // js::jit::BaselineFrame #include "jit/JitFrames.h" // js::jit::EnsureUnwoundJitExitFrame #include "jit/JSJitFrameIter.h" // js::jit::{FrameType,InlineFrameIterator,JSJitFrameIter,MaybeReadFallback,SnapshotIterator} #include "js/GCAPI.h" // JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis #include "js/Principals.h" // JSSubsumesOp #include "js/RootingAPI.h" // JS::Rooted #include "vm/Activation.h" // js::Activation{,Iterator} #include "vm/EnvironmentObject.h" // js::CallObject #include "vm/JitActivation.h" // js::jit::JitActivation #include "vm/JSContext.h" // JSContext #include "vm/JSFunction.h" // JSFunction #include "vm/JSScript.h" // js::PCToLineNumber, JSScript, js::ScriptSource #include "vm/Runtime.h" // JSRuntime #include "vm/Stack.h" // js::{AbstractFramePtr,InterpreterFrame,MaybeCheckAliasing} #include "wasm/WasmFrameIter.h" // js::wasm::WasmFrameIter #include "wasm/WasmInstance.h" // js::wasm::Instance #include "jit/JSJitFrameIter-inl.h" // js::jit::JSJitFrameIter::baselineFrame{,NumValueSlots} #include "vm/Stack-inl.h" // js::AbstractFramePtr::* namespace JS { class JS_PUBLIC_API Realm; } // namespace JS namespace js { class ArgumentsObject; } // namespace js using JS::Realm; using JS::Rooted; using JS::Value; using js::AbstractFramePtr; using js::ArgumentsObject; using js::CallObject; using js::FrameIter; using js::JitFrameIter; using js::NonBuiltinFrameIter; using js::NonBuiltinScriptFrameIter; using js::OnlyJSJitFrameIter; using js::ScriptSource; using js::jit::JSJitFrameIter; JitFrameIter::JitFrameIter(const JitFrameIter& another) { *this = another; } JitFrameIter& JitFrameIter::operator=(const JitFrameIter& another) { MOZ_ASSERT(this != &another); act_ = another.act_; mustUnwindActivation_ = another.mustUnwindActivation_; if (isSome()) { iter_.destroy(); } if (!another.isSome()) { return *this; } if (another.isJSJit()) { iter_.construct(another.asJSJit()); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(another.isWasm()); iter_.construct(another.asWasm()); } return *this; } JitFrameIter::JitFrameIter(jit::JitActivation* act, bool mustUnwindActivation) { act_ = act; mustUnwindActivation_ = mustUnwindActivation; MOZ_ASSERT(act->hasExitFP(), "packedExitFP is used to determine if JSJit or wasm"); if (act->hasJSExitFP()) { iter_.construct(act); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(act->hasWasmExitFP()); iter_.construct(act); } settle(); } void JitFrameIter::skipNonScriptedJSFrames() { if (isJSJit()) { // Stop at the first scripted frame. jit::JSJitFrameIter& frames = asJSJit(); while (!frames.isScripted() && !frames.done()) { ++frames; } settle(); } } bool JitFrameIter::isSelfHostedIgnoringInlining() const { MOZ_ASSERT(!done()); if (isWasm()) { return false; } return asJSJit().script()->selfHosted(); } JS::Realm* JitFrameIter::realm() const { MOZ_ASSERT(!done()); if (isWasm()) { return asWasm().instance()->realm(); } return asJSJit().script()->realm(); } uint8_t* JitFrameIter::resumePCinCurrentFrame() const { if (isWasm()) { return asWasm().resumePCinCurrentFrame(); } return asJSJit().resumePCinCurrentFrame(); } bool JitFrameIter::done() const { if (!isSome()) { return true; } if (isJSJit()) { return asJSJit().done(); } if (isWasm()) { return asWasm().done(); } MOZ_CRASH("unhandled case"); } void JitFrameIter::settle() { if (isJSJit()) { const jit::JSJitFrameIter& jitFrame = asJSJit(); if (jitFrame.type() != jit::FrameType::WasmToJSJit) { return; } // Transition from js jit frames to wasm frames: we're on the // wasm-to-jit fast path. The current stack layout is as follows: // (stack grows downward) // // [--------------------] // [WASM FUNC ] // [WASM JIT EXIT FRAME ] // [JIT WASM ENTRY FRAME] <-- we're here. // // So prevFP points to the wasm jit exit FP, maintaing the invariant in // WasmFrameIter that the first frame is an exit frame and can be // popped. wasm::Frame* prevFP = (wasm::Frame*)jitFrame.prevFp(); if (mustUnwindActivation_) { act_->setWasmExitFP(prevFP); } iter_.destroy(); iter_.construct(act_, prevFP); MOZ_ASSERT(!asWasm().done()); return; } if (isWasm()) { const wasm::WasmFrameIter& wasmFrame = asWasm(); if (!wasmFrame.unwoundJitCallerFP()) { return; } // Transition from wasm frames to jit frames: we're on the // jit-to-wasm fast path. The current stack layout is as follows: // (stack grows downward) // // [--------------------] // [JIT FRAME ] // [WASM JIT ENTRY FRAME] <-- we're here // // The wasm iterator has saved the previous jit frame pointer for us. MOZ_ASSERT(wasmFrame.done()); uint8_t* prevFP = wasmFrame.unwoundJitCallerFP(); jit::FrameType prevFrameType = wasmFrame.unwoundJitFrameType(); if (mustUnwindActivation_) { act_->setJSExitFP(prevFP); } iter_.destroy(); iter_.construct(act_, prevFrameType, prevFP); MOZ_ASSERT(!asJSJit().done()); return; } } void JitFrameIter::operator++() { MOZ_ASSERT(isSome()); if (isJSJit()) { const jit::JSJitFrameIter& jitFrame = asJSJit(); jit::JitFrameLayout* prevFrame = nullptr; if (mustUnwindActivation_ && jitFrame.isScripted()) { prevFrame = jitFrame.jsFrame(); } ++asJSJit(); if (prevFrame) { // Unwind the frame by updating packedExitFP. This is necessary // so that (1) debugger exception unwind and leave frame hooks // don't see this frame when they use ScriptFrameIter, and (2) // ScriptFrameIter does not crash when accessing an IonScript // that's destroyed by the ionScript->decref call. EnsureUnwoundJitExitFrame(act_, prevFrame); } } else if (isWasm()) { ++asWasm(); } else { MOZ_CRASH("unhandled case"); } settle(); } OnlyJSJitFrameIter::OnlyJSJitFrameIter(jit::JitActivation* act) : JitFrameIter(act) { settle(); } OnlyJSJitFrameIter::OnlyJSJitFrameIter(const ActivationIterator& iter) : OnlyJSJitFrameIter(iter->asJit()) {} /*****************************************************************************/ void FrameIter::popActivation() { ++data_.activations_; settleOnActivation(); } bool FrameIter::principalsSubsumeFrame() const { // If the caller supplied principals, only show frames which are // subsumed (of the same origin or of an origin accessible) by these // principals. MOZ_ASSERT(!done()); if (!data_.principals_) { return true; } JSSubsumesOp subsumes = data_.cx_->runtime()->securityCallbacks->subsumes; if (!subsumes) { return true; } JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; return subsumes(data_.principals_, realm()->principals()); } void FrameIter::popInterpreterFrame() { MOZ_ASSERT(data_.state_ == INTERP); ++data_.interpFrames_; if (data_.interpFrames_.done()) { popActivation(); } else { data_.pc_ = data_.interpFrames_.pc(); } } void FrameIter::settleOnActivation() { MOZ_ASSERT(!data_.cx_->inUnsafeCallWithABI); while (true) { if (data_.activations_.done()) { data_.state_ = DONE; return; } Activation* activation = data_.activations_.activation(); if (activation->isJit()) { data_.jitFrames_ = JitFrameIter(activation->asJit()); data_.jitFrames_.skipNonScriptedJSFrames(); if (data_.jitFrames_.done()) { // It's possible to have an JitActivation with no scripted // frames, for instance if we hit an over-recursion during // bailout. ++data_.activations_; continue; } data_.state_ = JIT; nextJitFrame(); return; } MOZ_ASSERT(activation->isInterpreter()); InterpreterActivation* interpAct = activation->asInterpreter(); data_.interpFrames_ = InterpreterFrameIterator(interpAct); // If we OSR'ed into JIT code, skip the interpreter frame so that // the same frame is not reported twice. if (data_.interpFrames_.frame()->runningInJit()) { ++data_.interpFrames_; if (data_.interpFrames_.done()) { ++data_.activations_; continue; } } MOZ_ASSERT(!data_.interpFrames_.frame()->runningInJit()); data_.pc_ = data_.interpFrames_.pc(); data_.state_ = INTERP; return; } } FrameIter::Data::Data(JSContext* cx, DebuggerEvalOption debuggerEvalOption, JSPrincipals* principals) : cx_(cx), debuggerEvalOption_(debuggerEvalOption), principals_(principals), state_(DONE), pc_(nullptr), interpFrames_(nullptr), activations_(cx), ionInlineFrameNo_(0) {} FrameIter::Data::Data(const FrameIter::Data& other) = default; FrameIter::FrameIter(JSContext* cx, DebuggerEvalOption debuggerEvalOption) : data_(cx, debuggerEvalOption, nullptr), ionInlineFrames_(cx, (js::jit::JSJitFrameIter*)nullptr) { settleOnActivation(); // No principals so we can see all frames. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!done(), principalsSubsumeFrame()); } FrameIter::FrameIter(JSContext* cx, DebuggerEvalOption debuggerEvalOption, JSPrincipals* principals) : data_(cx, debuggerEvalOption, principals), ionInlineFrames_(cx, (js::jit::JSJitFrameIter*)nullptr) { settleOnActivation(); // If we're not allowed to see this frame, call operator++ to skip this (and // other) cross-origin frames. if (!done() && !principalsSubsumeFrame()) { ++*this; } } FrameIter::FrameIter(const FrameIter& other) : data_(other.data_), ionInlineFrames_(other.data_.cx_, isIonScripted() ? &other.ionInlineFrames_ : nullptr) {} FrameIter::FrameIter(const Data& data) : data_(data), ionInlineFrames_(data.cx_, isIonScripted() ? &jsJitFrame() : nullptr) { MOZ_ASSERT(data.cx_); if (isIonScripted()) { while (ionInlineFrames_.frameNo() != data.ionInlineFrameNo_) { ++ionInlineFrames_; } } } void FrameIter::nextJitFrame() { MOZ_ASSERT(data_.jitFrames_.isSome()); if (isJSJit()) { if (jsJitFrame().isIonScripted()) { ionInlineFrames_.resetOn(&jsJitFrame()); data_.pc_ = ionInlineFrames_.pc(); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS()); jsJitFrame().baselineScriptAndPc(nullptr, &data_.pc_); } return; } MOZ_ASSERT(isWasm()); data_.pc_ = nullptr; } void FrameIter::popJitFrame() { MOZ_ASSERT(data_.state_ == JIT); MOZ_ASSERT(data_.jitFrames_.isSome()); if (isJSJit() && jsJitFrame().isIonScripted() && ionInlineFrames_.more()) { ++ionInlineFrames_; data_.pc_ = ionInlineFrames_.pc(); return; } ++data_.jitFrames_; data_.jitFrames_.skipNonScriptedJSFrames(); if (!data_.jitFrames_.done()) { nextJitFrame(); } else { data_.jitFrames_.reset(); popActivation(); } } FrameIter& FrameIter::operator++() { while (true) { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); case INTERP: if (interpFrame()->isDebuggerEvalFrame() && data_.debuggerEvalOption_ == FOLLOW_DEBUGGER_EVAL_PREV_LINK) { AbstractFramePtr eifPrev = interpFrame()->evalInFramePrev(); popInterpreterFrame(); while (!hasUsableAbstractFramePtr() || abstractFramePtr() != eifPrev) { if (data_.state_ == JIT) { popJitFrame(); } else { popInterpreterFrame(); } } break; } popInterpreterFrame(); break; case JIT: popJitFrame(); break; } if (done() || principalsSubsumeFrame()) { break; } } return *this; } FrameIter::Data* FrameIter::copyData() const { Data* data = data_.cx_->new_(data_); if (!data) { return nullptr; } if (data && isIonScripted()) { data->ionInlineFrameNo_ = ionInlineFrames_.frameNo(); } return data; } void* FrameIter::rawFramePtr() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: return nullptr; case INTERP: return interpFrame(); case JIT: if (isJSJit()) { return jsJitFrame().fp(); } MOZ_ASSERT(isWasm()); return nullptr; } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } JS::Compartment* FrameIter::compartment() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case INTERP: case JIT: return data_.activations_->compartment(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } Realm* FrameIter::realm() const { MOZ_ASSERT(!done()); if (hasScript()) { return script()->realm(); } return wasmInstance()->realm(); } bool FrameIter::isEvalFrame() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case INTERP: return interpFrame()->isEvalFrame(); case JIT: if (isJSJit()) { if (jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS()) { return jsJitFrame().baselineFrame()->isEvalFrame(); } MOZ_ASSERT(!script()->isForEval()); return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(isWasm()); return false; } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } bool FrameIter::isModuleFrame() const { MOZ_ASSERT(!done()); if (hasScript()) { return script()->isModule(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } bool FrameIter::isFunctionFrame() const { MOZ_ASSERT(!done()); switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case INTERP: return interpFrame()->isFunctionFrame(); case JIT: if (isJSJit()) { if (jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS()) { return jsJitFrame().baselineFrame()->isFunctionFrame(); } return script()->isFunction(); } MOZ_ASSERT(isWasm()); return false; } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } JSAtom* FrameIter::maybeFunctionDisplayAtom() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case INTERP: case JIT: if (isWasm()) { return wasmFrame().functionDisplayAtom(); } if (isFunctionFrame()) { return calleeTemplate()->displayAtom(); } return nullptr; } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } ScriptSource* FrameIter::scriptSource() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case INTERP: case JIT: return script()->scriptSource(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } const char* FrameIter::filename() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case INTERP: case JIT: if (isWasm()) { return wasmFrame().filename(); } return script()->filename(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } const char16_t* FrameIter::displayURL() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case INTERP: case JIT: if (isWasm()) { return wasmFrame().displayURL(); } ScriptSource* ss = script()->scriptSource(); return ss->hasDisplayURL() ? ss->displayURL() : nullptr; } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } unsigned FrameIter::computeLine(uint32_t* column) const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case INTERP: case JIT: if (isWasm()) { return wasmFrame().computeLine(column); } return PCToLineNumber(script(), pc(), column); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } bool FrameIter::mutedErrors() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case INTERP: case JIT: if (isWasm()) { return wasmFrame().mutedErrors(); } return script()->mutedErrors(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } bool FrameIter::isConstructing() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case JIT: MOZ_ASSERT(isJSJit()); if (jsJitFrame().isIonScripted()) { return ionInlineFrames_.isConstructing(); } MOZ_ASSERT(jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS()); return jsJitFrame().isConstructing(); case INTERP: return interpFrame()->isConstructing(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } bool FrameIter::ensureHasRematerializedFrame(JSContext* cx) { MOZ_ASSERT(isIon()); return !!activation()->asJit()->getRematerializedFrame(cx, jsJitFrame()); } bool FrameIter::hasUsableAbstractFramePtr() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: return false; case JIT: if (isJSJit()) { if (jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS()) { return true; } MOZ_ASSERT(jsJitFrame().isIonScripted()); return !!activation()->asJit()->lookupRematerializedFrame( jsJitFrame().fp(), ionInlineFrames_.frameNo()); } MOZ_ASSERT(isWasm()); return wasmFrame().debugEnabled(); case INTERP: return true; } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } AbstractFramePtr FrameIter::abstractFramePtr() const { MOZ_ASSERT(hasUsableAbstractFramePtr()); switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case JIT: { if (isJSJit()) { if (jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS()) { return jsJitFrame().baselineFrame(); } MOZ_ASSERT(isIonScripted()); return activation()->asJit()->lookupRematerializedFrame( jsJitFrame().fp(), ionInlineFrames_.frameNo()); } MOZ_ASSERT(isWasm()); MOZ_ASSERT(wasmFrame().debugEnabled()); return wasmFrame().debugFrame(); } case INTERP: MOZ_ASSERT(interpFrame()); return AbstractFramePtr(interpFrame()); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } void FrameIter::updatePcQuadratic() { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case INTERP: { InterpreterFrame* frame = interpFrame(); InterpreterActivation* activation = data_.activations_->asInterpreter(); // Look for the current frame. data_.interpFrames_ = InterpreterFrameIterator(activation); while (data_.interpFrames_.frame() != frame) { ++data_.interpFrames_; } // Update the pc. MOZ_ASSERT(data_.interpFrames_.frame() == frame); data_.pc_ = data_.interpFrames_.pc(); return; } case JIT: if (jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS()) { jit::BaselineFrame* frame = jsJitFrame().baselineFrame(); jit::JitActivation* activation = data_.activations_->asJit(); // activation's exitFP may be invalid, so create a new // activation iterator. data_.activations_ = ActivationIterator(data_.cx_); while (data_.activations_.activation() != activation) { ++data_.activations_; } // Look for the current frame. data_.jitFrames_ = JitFrameIter(data_.activations_->asJit()); while (!isJSJit() || !jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS() || jsJitFrame().baselineFrame() != frame) { ++data_.jitFrames_; } // Update the pc. MOZ_ASSERT(jsJitFrame().baselineFrame() == frame); jsJitFrame().baselineScriptAndPc(nullptr, &data_.pc_); return; } break; } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } void FrameIter::wasmUpdateBytecodeOffset() { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(isWasm(), "Unexpected state"); wasm::DebugFrame* frame = wasmFrame().debugFrame(); // Relookup the current frame, updating the bytecode offset in the process. data_.jitFrames_ = JitFrameIter(data_.activations_->asJit()); while (wasmFrame().debugFrame() != frame) { ++data_.jitFrames_; } MOZ_ASSERT(wasmFrame().debugFrame() == frame); } JSFunction* FrameIter::calleeTemplate() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case INTERP: MOZ_ASSERT(isFunctionFrame()); return &interpFrame()->callee(); case JIT: if (jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS()) { return jsJitFrame().callee(); } MOZ_ASSERT(jsJitFrame().isIonScripted()); return ionInlineFrames_.calleeTemplate(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } JSFunction* FrameIter::callee(JSContext* cx) const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case INTERP: return calleeTemplate(); case JIT: if (isIonScripted()) { jit::MaybeReadFallback recover(cx, activation()->asJit(), &jsJitFrame()); return ionInlineFrames_.callee(recover); } MOZ_ASSERT(jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS()); return calleeTemplate(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } bool FrameIter::matchCallee(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle fun) const { // Use the calleeTemplate to rule out a match without needing to invalidate to // find the actual callee. The real callee my be a clone of the template which // should *not* be considered a match. Rooted currentCallee(cx, calleeTemplate()); if (currentCallee->nargs() != fun->nargs()) { return false; } if (currentCallee->flags().stableAcrossClones() != fun->flags().stableAcrossClones()) { return false; } // The calleeTemplate for a callee will always have the same BaseScript. If // the script clones do not use the same script, they also have a different // group and Ion will not inline them interchangeably. // // See: js::jit::InlineFrameIterator::findNextFrame() if (currentCallee->hasBaseScript()) { if (currentCallee->baseScript() != fun->baseScript()) { return false; } } return callee(cx) == fun; } unsigned FrameIter::numActualArgs() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case INTERP: MOZ_ASSERT(isFunctionFrame()); return interpFrame()->numActualArgs(); case JIT: if (isIonScripted()) { return ionInlineFrames_.numActualArgs(); } MOZ_ASSERT(jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS()); return jsJitFrame().numActualArgs(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } unsigned FrameIter::numFormalArgs() const { return script()->function()->nargs(); } Value FrameIter::unaliasedActual(unsigned i, MaybeCheckAliasing checkAliasing) const { return abstractFramePtr().unaliasedActual(i, checkAliasing); } JSObject* FrameIter::environmentChain(JSContext* cx) const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case JIT: if (isJSJit()) { if (isIonScripted()) { jit::MaybeReadFallback recover(cx, activation()->asJit(), &jsJitFrame()); return ionInlineFrames_.environmentChain(recover); } return jsJitFrame().baselineFrame()->environmentChain(); } MOZ_ASSERT(isWasm()); return wasmFrame().debugFrame()->environmentChain(); case INTERP: return interpFrame()->environmentChain(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } bool FrameIter::hasInitialEnvironment(JSContext* cx) const { if (hasUsableAbstractFramePtr()) { return abstractFramePtr().hasInitialEnvironment(); } if (isWasm()) { // See JSFunction::needsFunctionEnvironmentObjects(). return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(isJSJit()); MOZ_ASSERT(isIonScripted()); bool hasInitialEnv = false; jit::MaybeReadFallback recover(cx, activation()->asJit(), &jsJitFrame()); ionInlineFrames_.environmentChain(recover, &hasInitialEnv); return hasInitialEnv; } CallObject& FrameIter::callObj(JSContext* cx) const { MOZ_ASSERT(calleeTemplate()->needsCallObject()); MOZ_ASSERT(hasInitialEnvironment(cx)); JSObject* pobj = environmentChain(cx); while (!pobj->is()) { pobj = pobj->enclosingEnvironment(); } return pobj->as(); } bool FrameIter::hasArgsObj() const { return abstractFramePtr().hasArgsObj(); } ArgumentsObject& FrameIter::argsObj() const { MOZ_ASSERT(hasArgsObj()); return abstractFramePtr().argsObj(); } Value FrameIter::thisArgument(JSContext* cx) const { MOZ_ASSERT(isFunctionFrame()); switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case JIT: if (isIonScripted()) { jit::MaybeReadFallback recover(cx, activation()->asJit(), &jsJitFrame()); return ionInlineFrames_.thisArgument(recover); } return jsJitFrame().baselineFrame()->thisArgument(); case INTERP: return interpFrame()->thisArgument(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } Value FrameIter::returnValue() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case JIT: if (jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS()) { return jsJitFrame().baselineFrame()->returnValue(); } break; case INTERP: return interpFrame()->returnValue(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } void FrameIter::setReturnValue(const Value& v) { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case JIT: if (jsJitFrame().isBaselineJS()) { jsJitFrame().baselineFrame()->setReturnValue(v); return; } break; case INTERP: interpFrame()->setReturnValue(v); return; } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } size_t FrameIter::numFrameSlots() const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case JIT: { if (isIonScripted()) { return ionInlineFrames_.snapshotIterator().numAllocations() - ionInlineFrames_.script()->nfixed(); } uint32_t numValueSlots = jsJitFrame().baselineFrameNumValueSlots(); return numValueSlots - jsJitFrame().script()->nfixed(); } case INTERP: MOZ_ASSERT(data_.interpFrames_.sp() >= interpFrame()->base()); return data_.interpFrames_.sp() - interpFrame()->base(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } Value FrameIter::frameSlotValue(size_t index) const { switch (data_.state_) { case DONE: break; case JIT: if (isIonScripted()) { jit::SnapshotIterator si(ionInlineFrames_.snapshotIterator()); index += ionInlineFrames_.script()->nfixed(); return si.maybeReadAllocByIndex(index); } index += jsJitFrame().script()->nfixed(); return *jsJitFrame().baselineFrame()->valueSlot(index); case INTERP: return interpFrame()->base()[index]; } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected state"); } #ifdef DEBUG bool js::SelfHostedFramesVisible() { static bool checked = false; static bool visible = false; if (!checked) { checked = true; char* env = getenv("MOZ_SHOW_ALL_JS_FRAMES"); visible = !!env; } return visible; } #endif void NonBuiltinFrameIter::settle() { if (!SelfHostedFramesVisible()) { while (!done() && hasScript() && script()->selfHosted()) { FrameIter::operator++(); } } } void NonBuiltinScriptFrameIter::settle() { if (!SelfHostedFramesVisible()) { while (!done() && script()->selfHosted()) { ScriptFrameIter::operator++(); } } } bool FrameIter::inPrologue() const { if (pc() < script()->main()) { return true; } // If we do a VM call before pushing locals in baseline, the stack frame will // not include space for those locals. if (pc() == script()->code() && isBaseline() && jsJitFrame().baselineFrameNumValueSlots() < script()->nfixed()) { return true; } return false; }