/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "vm/SavedStacks.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h" #include #include #include "jsapi.h" #include "jsmath.h" #include "jsnum.h" #include "gc/GCContext.h" #include "gc/HashUtil.h" #include "js/CharacterEncoding.h" #include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h" // js::GetErrorMessage, JSMSG_* #include "js/PropertyAndElement.h" // JS_DefineProperty, JS_GetProperty #include "js/PropertySpec.h" #include "js/SavedFrameAPI.h" #include "js/Stack.h" #include "js/Vector.h" #include "util/DifferentialTesting.h" #include "util/StringBuffer.h" #include "vm/Compartment.h" #include "vm/FrameIter.h" #include "vm/GeckoProfiler.h" #include "vm/JSScript.h" #include "vm/Realm.h" #include "vm/SavedFrame.h" #include "vm/WrapperObject.h" #include "debugger/DebugAPI-inl.h" #include "vm/GeckoProfiler-inl.h" #include "vm/JSContext-inl.h" using mozilla::AddToHash; using mozilla::DebugOnly; using mozilla::Maybe; using mozilla::Nothing; using mozilla::Some; namespace js { /** * Maximum number of saved frames returned for an async stack. */ const uint32_t ASYNC_STACK_MAX_FRAME_COUNT = 60; void LiveSavedFrameCache::trace(JSTracer* trc) { if (!initialized()) { return; } for (auto* entry = frames->begin(); entry < frames->end(); entry++) { TraceEdge(trc, &entry->savedFrame, "LiveSavedFrameCache::frames SavedFrame"); } } bool LiveSavedFrameCache::insert(JSContext* cx, FramePtr&& framePtr, const jsbytecode* pc, Handle savedFrame) { MOZ_ASSERT(savedFrame); MOZ_ASSERT(initialized()); #ifdef DEBUG // There should not already be an entry for this frame. Checking the full // stack really slows down some tests, so just check the first and last five // hundred. size_t limit = std::min(frames->length() / 2, size_t(500)); for (size_t i = 0; i < limit; i++) { MOZ_ASSERT(Key(framePtr) != (*frames)[i].key); MOZ_ASSERT(Key(framePtr) != (*frames)[frames->length() - 1 - i].key); } #endif if (!frames->emplaceBack(framePtr, pc, savedFrame)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } framePtr.setHasCachedSavedFrame(); return true; } void LiveSavedFrameCache::find(JSContext* cx, FramePtr& framePtr, const jsbytecode* pc, MutableHandle frame) const { MOZ_ASSERT(initialized()); MOZ_ASSERT(framePtr.hasCachedSavedFrame()); // The assertions here check that either 1) frames' hasCachedSavedFrame flags // accurately indicate the presence of a cache entry for that frame (ignoring // pc mismatches), or 2) the cache is completely empty, having been flushed // for a realm mismatch. // If we flushed the cache due to a realm mismatch, then we shouldn't // expect to find any frames in the cache. if (frames->empty()) { frame.set(nullptr); return; } // All our SavedFrames should be in the same realm. If the last // entry's SavedFrame's realm doesn't match cx's, flush the cache. if (frames->back().savedFrame->realm() != cx->realm()) { #ifdef DEBUG // Check that they are, indeed, all in the same realm. auto realm = frames->back().savedFrame->realm(); for (const auto& f : (*frames)) { MOZ_ASSERT(realm == f.savedFrame->realm()); } #endif frames->clear(); frame.set(nullptr); return; } Key key(framePtr); while (key != frames->back().key) { MOZ_ASSERT(frames->back().savedFrame->realm() == cx->realm()); // framePtr must have an entry, but apparently it's below this one on the // stack; frames->back() must correspond to a frame younger than framePtr's. // SavedStacks::insertFrames is going to push new cache entries for // everything younger than framePtr, so this entry should be popped. frames->popBack(); // If the frame's bit was set, the frame should always have an entry in // the cache. (If we purged the entire cache because its SavedFrames had // been captured for a different realm, then we would have // returned early above.) MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!frames->empty()); } // The youngest valid frame may have run some code, so its current pc may // not match its cache entry's pc. In this case, just treat it as a miss. No // older frame has executed any code; it would have been necessary to pop // this frame for that to happen, but this frame's bit is set. if (pc != frames->back().pc) { frames->popBack(); frame.set(nullptr); return; } frame.set(frames->back().savedFrame); } void LiveSavedFrameCache::findWithoutInvalidation( const FramePtr& framePtr, MutableHandle frame) const { MOZ_ASSERT(initialized()); MOZ_ASSERT(framePtr.hasCachedSavedFrame()); Key key(framePtr); for (auto& entry : (*frames)) { if (entry.key == key) { frame.set(entry.savedFrame); return; } } frame.set(nullptr); } struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS SavedFrame::Lookup { Lookup(JSAtom* source, uint32_t sourceId, uint32_t line, uint32_t column, JSAtom* functionDisplayName, JSAtom* asyncCause, SavedFrame* parent, JSPrincipals* principals, bool mutedErrors, const Maybe& framePtr = Nothing(), jsbytecode* pc = nullptr, Activation* activation = nullptr) : source(source), sourceId(sourceId), line(line), column(column), functionDisplayName(functionDisplayName), asyncCause(asyncCause), parent(parent), principals(principals), mutedErrors(mutedErrors), framePtr(framePtr), pc(pc), activation(activation) { MOZ_ASSERT(source); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(framePtr.isSome(), activation); if (js::SupportDifferentialTesting()) { this->column = 0; } } explicit Lookup(SavedFrame& savedFrame) : source(savedFrame.getSource()), sourceId(savedFrame.getSourceId()), line(savedFrame.getLine()), column(savedFrame.getColumn()), functionDisplayName(savedFrame.getFunctionDisplayName()), asyncCause(savedFrame.getAsyncCause()), parent(savedFrame.getParent()), principals(savedFrame.getPrincipals()), mutedErrors(savedFrame.getMutedErrors()), framePtr(Nothing()), pc(nullptr), activation(nullptr) { MOZ_ASSERT(source); } JSAtom* source; uint32_t sourceId; uint32_t line; uint32_t column; JSAtom* functionDisplayName; JSAtom* asyncCause; SavedFrame* parent; JSPrincipals* principals; bool mutedErrors; // These are used only by the LiveSavedFrameCache and not used for identity or // hashing. Maybe framePtr; jsbytecode* pc; Activation* activation; void trace(JSTracer* trc) { TraceRoot(trc, &source, "SavedFrame::Lookup::source"); TraceNullableRoot(trc, &functionDisplayName, "SavedFrame::Lookup::functionDisplayName"); TraceNullableRoot(trc, &asyncCause, "SavedFrame::Lookup::asyncCause"); TraceNullableRoot(trc, &parent, "SavedFrame::Lookup::parent"); } }; using GCLookupVector = GCVector; template class WrappedPtrOperations { const SavedFrame::Lookup& value() const { return static_cast(this)->get(); } public: JSAtom* source() { return value().source; } uint32_t sourceId() { return value().sourceId; } uint32_t line() { return value().line; } uint32_t column() { return value().column; } JSAtom* functionDisplayName() { return value().functionDisplayName; } JSAtom* asyncCause() { return value().asyncCause; } SavedFrame* parent() { return value().parent; } JSPrincipals* principals() { return value().principals; } bool mutedErrors() { return value().mutedErrors; } Maybe framePtr() { return value().framePtr; } jsbytecode* pc() { return value().pc; } Activation* activation() { return value().activation; } }; template class MutableWrappedPtrOperations : public WrappedPtrOperations { SavedFrame::Lookup& value() { return static_cast(this)->get(); } public: void setParent(SavedFrame* parent) { value().parent = parent; } void setAsyncCause(Handle asyncCause) { value().asyncCause = asyncCause; } }; /* static */ bool SavedFrame::HashPolicy::hasHash(const Lookup& l) { return SavedFramePtrHasher::hasHash(l.parent); } /* static */ bool SavedFrame::HashPolicy::ensureHash(const Lookup& l) { return SavedFramePtrHasher::ensureHash(l.parent); } /* static */ HashNumber SavedFrame::HashPolicy::hash(const Lookup& lookup) { JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; // Assume that we can take line mod 2^32 without losing anything of // interest. If that assumption changes, we'll just need to start with 0 // and add another overload of AddToHash with more arguments. return AddToHash(lookup.line, lookup.column, lookup.source, lookup.functionDisplayName, lookup.asyncCause, lookup.mutedErrors, SavedFramePtrHasher::hash(lookup.parent), JSPrincipalsPtrHasher::hash(lookup.principals)); } /* static */ bool SavedFrame::HashPolicy::match(SavedFrame* existing, const Lookup& lookup) { MOZ_ASSERT(existing); if (existing->getLine() != lookup.line) { return false; } if (existing->getColumn() != lookup.column) { return false; } if (existing->getParent() != lookup.parent) { return false; } if (existing->getPrincipals() != lookup.principals) { return false; } JSAtom* source = existing->getSource(); if (source != lookup.source) { return false; } JSAtom* functionDisplayName = existing->getFunctionDisplayName(); if (functionDisplayName != lookup.functionDisplayName) { return false; } JSAtom* asyncCause = existing->getAsyncCause(); if (asyncCause != lookup.asyncCause) { return false; } return true; } /* static */ void SavedFrame::HashPolicy::rekey(Key& key, const Key& newKey) { key = newKey; } /* static */ bool SavedFrame::finishSavedFrameInit(JSContext* cx, HandleObject ctor, HandleObject proto) { return FreezeObject(cx, proto); } static const JSClassOps SavedFrameClassOps = { nullptr, // addProperty nullptr, // delProperty nullptr, // enumerate nullptr, // newEnumerate nullptr, // resolve nullptr, // mayResolve SavedFrame::finalize, // finalize nullptr, // call nullptr, // construct nullptr, // trace }; const ClassSpec SavedFrame::classSpec_ = { GenericCreateConstructor, GenericCreatePrototype, SavedFrame::staticFunctions, nullptr, SavedFrame::protoFunctions, SavedFrame::protoAccessors, SavedFrame::finishSavedFrameInit, ClassSpec::DontDefineConstructor}; /* static */ const JSClass SavedFrame::class_ = { "SavedFrame", JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(SavedFrame::JSSLOT_COUNT) | JSCLASS_HAS_CACHED_PROTO(JSProto_SavedFrame) | JSCLASS_FOREGROUND_FINALIZE, &SavedFrameClassOps, &SavedFrame::classSpec_}; const JSClass SavedFrame::protoClass_ = { "SavedFrame.prototype", JSCLASS_HAS_CACHED_PROTO(JSProto_SavedFrame), JS_NULL_CLASS_OPS, &SavedFrame::classSpec_}; /* static */ const JSFunctionSpec SavedFrame::staticFunctions[] = {JS_FS_END}; /* static */ const JSFunctionSpec SavedFrame::protoFunctions[] = { JS_FN("constructor", SavedFrame::construct, 0, 0), JS_FN("toString", SavedFrame::toStringMethod, 0, 0), JS_FS_END}; /* static */ const JSPropertySpec SavedFrame::protoAccessors[] = { JS_PSG("source", SavedFrame::sourceProperty, 0), JS_PSG("sourceId", SavedFrame::sourceIdProperty, 0), JS_PSG("line", SavedFrame::lineProperty, 0), JS_PSG("column", SavedFrame::columnProperty, 0), JS_PSG("functionDisplayName", SavedFrame::functionDisplayNameProperty, 0), JS_PSG("asyncCause", SavedFrame::asyncCauseProperty, 0), JS_PSG("asyncParent", SavedFrame::asyncParentProperty, 0), JS_PSG("parent", SavedFrame::parentProperty, 0), JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "SavedFrame", JSPROP_READONLY), JS_PS_END}; /* static */ void SavedFrame::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(gcx->onMainThread()); JSPrincipals* p = obj->as().getPrincipals(); if (p) { JSRuntime* rt = obj->runtimeFromMainThread(); JS_DropPrincipals(rt->mainContextFromOwnThread(), p); } } JSAtom* SavedFrame::getSource() { const Value& v = getReservedSlot(JSSLOT_SOURCE); JSString* s = v.toString(); return &s->asAtom(); } uint32_t SavedFrame::getSourceId() { const Value& v = getReservedSlot(JSSLOT_SOURCEID); return v.toPrivateUint32(); } uint32_t SavedFrame::getLine() { const Value& v = getReservedSlot(JSSLOT_LINE); return v.toPrivateUint32(); } uint32_t SavedFrame::getColumn() { const Value& v = getReservedSlot(JSSLOT_COLUMN); return v.toPrivateUint32(); } JSAtom* SavedFrame::getFunctionDisplayName() { const Value& v = getReservedSlot(JSSLOT_FUNCTIONDISPLAYNAME); if (v.isNull()) { return nullptr; } JSString* s = v.toString(); return &s->asAtom(); } JSAtom* SavedFrame::getAsyncCause() { const Value& v = getReservedSlot(JSSLOT_ASYNCCAUSE); if (v.isNull()) { return nullptr; } JSString* s = v.toString(); return &s->asAtom(); } SavedFrame* SavedFrame::getParent() const { const Value& v = getReservedSlot(JSSLOT_PARENT); return v.isObject() ? &v.toObject().as() : nullptr; } JSPrincipals* SavedFrame::getPrincipals() { const Value& v = getReservedSlot(JSSLOT_PRINCIPALS); if (v.isUndefined()) { return nullptr; } return reinterpret_cast(uintptr_t(v.toPrivate()) & ~0b1); } bool SavedFrame::getMutedErrors() { const Value& v = getReservedSlot(JSSLOT_PRINCIPALS); if (v.isUndefined()) { return true; } return bool(uintptr_t(v.toPrivate()) & 0b1); } void SavedFrame::initSource(JSAtom* source) { MOZ_ASSERT(source); initReservedSlot(JSSLOT_SOURCE, StringValue(source)); } void SavedFrame::initSourceId(uint32_t sourceId) { initReservedSlot(JSSLOT_SOURCEID, PrivateUint32Value(sourceId)); } void SavedFrame::initLine(uint32_t line) { initReservedSlot(JSSLOT_LINE, PrivateUint32Value(line)); } void SavedFrame::initColumn(uint32_t column) { if (js::SupportDifferentialTesting()) { column = 0; } initReservedSlot(JSSLOT_COLUMN, PrivateUint32Value(column)); } void SavedFrame::initPrincipalsAndMutedErrors(JSPrincipals* principals, bool mutedErrors) { if (principals) { JS_HoldPrincipals(principals); } initPrincipalsAlreadyHeldAndMutedErrors(principals, mutedErrors); } void SavedFrame::initPrincipalsAlreadyHeldAndMutedErrors( JSPrincipals* principals, bool mutedErrors) { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(principals, principals->refcount > 0); uintptr_t ptr = uintptr_t(principals) | mutedErrors; initReservedSlot(JSSLOT_PRINCIPALS, PrivateValue(reinterpret_cast(ptr))); } void SavedFrame::initFunctionDisplayName(JSAtom* maybeName) { initReservedSlot(JSSLOT_FUNCTIONDISPLAYNAME, maybeName ? StringValue(maybeName) : NullValue()); } void SavedFrame::initAsyncCause(JSAtom* maybeCause) { initReservedSlot(JSSLOT_ASYNCCAUSE, maybeCause ? StringValue(maybeCause) : NullValue()); } void SavedFrame::initParent(SavedFrame* maybeParent) { initReservedSlot(JSSLOT_PARENT, ObjectOrNullValue(maybeParent)); } void SavedFrame::initFromLookup(JSContext* cx, Handle lookup) { // Make sure any atoms used in the lookup are marked in the current zone. // Normally we would try to keep these mark bits up to date around the // points where the context moves between compartments, but Lookups live on // the stack (where the atoms are kept alive regardless) and this is a // more convenient pinchpoint. if (lookup.source()) { cx->markAtom(lookup.source()); } if (lookup.functionDisplayName()) { cx->markAtom(lookup.functionDisplayName()); } if (lookup.asyncCause()) { cx->markAtom(lookup.asyncCause()); } initSource(lookup.source()); initSourceId(lookup.sourceId()); initLine(lookup.line()); initColumn(lookup.column()); initFunctionDisplayName(lookup.functionDisplayName()); initAsyncCause(lookup.asyncCause()); initParent(lookup.parent()); initPrincipalsAndMutedErrors(lookup.principals(), lookup.mutedErrors()); } /* static */ SavedFrame* SavedFrame::create(JSContext* cx) { Rooted global(cx, cx->global()); cx->check(global); // Ensure that we don't try to capture the stack again in the // `SavedStacksMetadataBuilder` for this new SavedFrame object, and // accidentally cause O(n^2) behavior. SavedStacks::AutoReentrancyGuard guard(cx->realm()->savedStacks()); RootedObject proto(cx, GlobalObject::getOrCreateSavedFramePrototype(cx, global)); if (!proto) { return nullptr; } cx->check(proto); return NewTenuredObjectWithGivenProto(cx, proto); } bool SavedFrame::isSelfHosted(JSContext* cx) { JSAtom* source = getSource(); return source == cx->names().selfHosted; } bool SavedFrame::isWasm() { // See WasmFrameIter::computeLine() comment. return bool(getColumn() & wasm::WasmFrameIter::ColumnBit); } uint32_t SavedFrame::wasmFuncIndex() { // See WasmFrameIter::computeLine() comment. MOZ_ASSERT(isWasm()); return getColumn() & ~wasm::WasmFrameIter::ColumnBit; } uint32_t SavedFrame::wasmBytecodeOffset() { // See WasmFrameIter::computeLine() comment. MOZ_ASSERT(isWasm()); return getLine(); } /* static */ bool SavedFrame::construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_NO_CONSTRUCTOR, "SavedFrame"); return false; } static bool SavedFrameSubsumedByPrincipals(JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, Handle frame) { auto subsumes = cx->runtime()->securityCallbacks->subsumes; if (!subsumes) { return true; } MOZ_ASSERT(!ReconstructedSavedFramePrincipals::is(principals)); auto framePrincipals = frame->getPrincipals(); // Handle SavedFrames that have been reconstructed from stacks in a heap // snapshot. if (framePrincipals == &ReconstructedSavedFramePrincipals::IsSystem) { return cx->runningWithTrustedPrincipals(); } if (framePrincipals == &ReconstructedSavedFramePrincipals::IsNotSystem) { return true; } return subsumes(principals, framePrincipals); } // Return the first SavedFrame in the chain that starts with |frame| whose // for which the given match function returns true. If there is no such frame, // return nullptr. |skippedAsync| is set to true if any of the skipped frames // had the |asyncCause| property set, otherwise it is explicitly set to false. template static SavedFrame* GetFirstMatchedFrame(JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, Matcher& matches, Handle frame, JS::SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted, bool& skippedAsync) { skippedAsync = false; Rooted rootedFrame(cx, frame); while (rootedFrame) { if ((selfHosted == JS::SavedFrameSelfHosted::Include || !rootedFrame->isSelfHosted(cx)) && matches(cx, principals, rootedFrame)) { return rootedFrame; } if (rootedFrame->getAsyncCause()) { skippedAsync = true; } rootedFrame = rootedFrame->getParent(); } return nullptr; } // Return the first SavedFrame in the chain that starts with |frame| whose // principals are subsumed by |principals|, according to |subsumes|. If there is // no such frame, return nullptr. |skippedAsync| is set to true if any of the // skipped frames had the |asyncCause| property set, otherwise it is explicitly // set to false. static SavedFrame* GetFirstSubsumedFrame(JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, Handle frame, JS::SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted, bool& skippedAsync) { return GetFirstMatchedFrame(cx, principals, SavedFrameSubsumedByPrincipals, frame, selfHosted, skippedAsync); } JS_PUBLIC_API JSObject* GetFirstSubsumedSavedFrame( JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, HandleObject savedFrame, JS::SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted) { if (!savedFrame) { return nullptr; } auto subsumes = cx->runtime()->securityCallbacks->subsumes; if (!subsumes) { return nullptr; } auto matcher = [subsumes](JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, Handle frame) -> bool { return subsumes(principals, frame->getPrincipals()); }; bool skippedAsync; Rooted frame(cx, &savedFrame->as()); return GetFirstMatchedFrame(cx, principals, matcher, frame, selfHosted, skippedAsync); } [[nodiscard]] static bool SavedFrame_checkThis(JSContext* cx, CallArgs& args, const char* fnName, MutableHandleObject frame) { const Value& thisValue = args.thisv(); if (!thisValue.isObject()) { JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_OBJECT_REQUIRED, InformalValueTypeName(thisValue)); return false; } if (!thisValue.toObject().canUnwrapAs()) { JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTO, SavedFrame::class_.name, fnName, "object"); return false; } // Now set "frame" to the actual object we were invoked in (which may be a // wrapper), not the unwrapped version. Consumers will need to know what // that original object was, and will do principal checks as needed. frame.set(&thisValue.toObject()); return true; } // Get the SavedFrame * from the current this value and handle any errors that // might occur therein. // // These parameters must already exist when calling this macro: // - JSContext* cx // - unsigned argc // - Value* vp // - const char* fnName // These parameters will be defined after calling this macro: // - CallArgs args // - Rooted frame (will be non-null) #define THIS_SAVEDFRAME(cx, argc, vp, fnName, args, frame) \ CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); \ RootedObject frame(cx); \ if (!SavedFrame_checkThis(cx, args, fnName, &frame)) return false; } /* namespace js */ js::SavedFrame* js::UnwrapSavedFrame(JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, HandleObject obj, JS::SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted, bool& skippedAsync) { if (!obj) { return nullptr; } Rooted frame(cx, obj->maybeUnwrapAs()); if (!frame) { return nullptr; } return GetFirstSubsumedFrame(cx, principals, frame, selfHosted, skippedAsync); } namespace JS { JS_PUBLIC_API SavedFrameResult GetSavedFrameSource( JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, HandleObject savedFrame, MutableHandleString sourcep, SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted /* = SavedFrameSelfHosted::Include */) { js::AssertHeapIsIdle(); CHECK_THREAD(cx); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cx->realm()); { bool skippedAsync; Rooted frame( cx, UnwrapSavedFrame(cx, principals, savedFrame, selfHosted, skippedAsync)); if (!frame) { sourcep.set(cx->runtime()->emptyString); return SavedFrameResult::AccessDenied; } sourcep.set(frame->getSource()); } if (sourcep->isAtom()) { cx->markAtom(&sourcep->asAtom()); } return SavedFrameResult::Ok; } JS_PUBLIC_API SavedFrameResult GetSavedFrameSourceId( JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, HandleObject savedFrame, uint32_t* sourceIdp, SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted /* = SavedFrameSelfHosted::Include */) { js::AssertHeapIsIdle(); CHECK_THREAD(cx); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cx->realm()); bool skippedAsync; Rooted frame(cx, UnwrapSavedFrame(cx, principals, savedFrame, selfHosted, skippedAsync)); if (!frame) { *sourceIdp = 0; return SavedFrameResult::AccessDenied; } *sourceIdp = frame->getSourceId(); return SavedFrameResult::Ok; } JS_PUBLIC_API SavedFrameResult GetSavedFrameLine( JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, HandleObject savedFrame, uint32_t* linep, SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted /* = SavedFrameSelfHosted::Include */) { js::AssertHeapIsIdle(); CHECK_THREAD(cx); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cx->realm()); MOZ_ASSERT(linep); bool skippedAsync; Rooted frame(cx, UnwrapSavedFrame(cx, principals, savedFrame, selfHosted, skippedAsync)); if (!frame) { *linep = 0; return SavedFrameResult::AccessDenied; } *linep = frame->getLine(); return SavedFrameResult::Ok; } JS_PUBLIC_API SavedFrameResult GetSavedFrameColumn( JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, HandleObject savedFrame, uint32_t* columnp, SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted /* = SavedFrameSelfHosted::Include */) { js::AssertHeapIsIdle(); CHECK_THREAD(cx); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cx->realm()); MOZ_ASSERT(columnp); bool skippedAsync; Rooted frame(cx, UnwrapSavedFrame(cx, principals, savedFrame, selfHosted, skippedAsync)); if (!frame) { *columnp = 0; return SavedFrameResult::AccessDenied; } *columnp = frame->getColumn(); return SavedFrameResult::Ok; } JS_PUBLIC_API SavedFrameResult GetSavedFrameFunctionDisplayName( JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, HandleObject savedFrame, MutableHandleString namep, SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted /* = SavedFrameSelfHosted::Include */) { js::AssertHeapIsIdle(); CHECK_THREAD(cx); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cx->realm()); { bool skippedAsync; Rooted frame( cx, UnwrapSavedFrame(cx, principals, savedFrame, selfHosted, skippedAsync)); if (!frame) { namep.set(nullptr); return SavedFrameResult::AccessDenied; } namep.set(frame->getFunctionDisplayName()); } if (namep && namep->isAtom()) { cx->markAtom(&namep->asAtom()); } return SavedFrameResult::Ok; } JS_PUBLIC_API SavedFrameResult GetSavedFrameAsyncCause( JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, HandleObject savedFrame, MutableHandleString asyncCausep, SavedFrameSelfHosted unused_ /* = SavedFrameSelfHosted::Include */) { js::AssertHeapIsIdle(); CHECK_THREAD(cx); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cx->realm()); { bool skippedAsync; // This function is always called with self-hosted frames excluded by // GetValueIfNotCached in dom/bindings/Exceptions.cpp. However, we want // to include them because our Promise implementation causes us to have // the async cause on a self-hosted frame. So we just ignore the // parameter and always include self-hosted frames. Rooted frame( cx, UnwrapSavedFrame(cx, principals, savedFrame, SavedFrameSelfHosted::Include, skippedAsync)); if (!frame) { asyncCausep.set(nullptr); return SavedFrameResult::AccessDenied; } asyncCausep.set(frame->getAsyncCause()); if (!asyncCausep && skippedAsync) { asyncCausep.set(cx->names().Async); } } if (asyncCausep && asyncCausep->isAtom()) { cx->markAtom(&asyncCausep->asAtom()); } return SavedFrameResult::Ok; } JS_PUBLIC_API SavedFrameResult GetSavedFrameAsyncParent( JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, HandleObject savedFrame, MutableHandleObject asyncParentp, SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted /* = SavedFrameSelfHosted::Include */) { js::AssertHeapIsIdle(); CHECK_THREAD(cx); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cx->realm()); bool skippedAsync; Rooted frame(cx, UnwrapSavedFrame(cx, principals, savedFrame, selfHosted, skippedAsync)); if (!frame) { asyncParentp.set(nullptr); return SavedFrameResult::AccessDenied; } Rooted parent(cx, frame->getParent()); // The current value of |skippedAsync| is not interesting, because we are // interested in whether we would cross any async parents to get from here // to the first subsumed parent frame instead. Rooted subsumedParent( cx, GetFirstSubsumedFrame(cx, principals, parent, selfHosted, skippedAsync)); // Even if |parent| is not subsumed, we still want to return a pointer to it // rather than |subsumedParent| so it can pick up any |asyncCause| from the // inaccessible part of the chain. if (subsumedParent && (subsumedParent->getAsyncCause() || skippedAsync)) { asyncParentp.set(parent); } else { asyncParentp.set(nullptr); } return SavedFrameResult::Ok; } JS_PUBLIC_API SavedFrameResult GetSavedFrameParent( JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, HandleObject savedFrame, MutableHandleObject parentp, SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted /* = SavedFrameSelfHosted::Include */) { js::AssertHeapIsIdle(); CHECK_THREAD(cx); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cx->realm()); bool skippedAsync; Rooted frame(cx, UnwrapSavedFrame(cx, principals, savedFrame, selfHosted, skippedAsync)); if (!frame) { parentp.set(nullptr); return SavedFrameResult::AccessDenied; } Rooted parent(cx, frame->getParent()); // The current value of |skippedAsync| is not interesting, because we are // interested in whether we would cross any async parents to get from here // to the first subsumed parent frame instead. Rooted subsumedParent( cx, GetFirstSubsumedFrame(cx, principals, parent, selfHosted, skippedAsync)); // Even if |parent| is not subsumed, we still want to return a pointer to it // rather than |subsumedParent| so it can pick up any |asyncCause| from the // inaccessible part of the chain. if (subsumedParent && !(subsumedParent->getAsyncCause() || skippedAsync)) { parentp.set(parent); } else { parentp.set(nullptr); } return SavedFrameResult::Ok; } static bool FormatStackFrameLine(js::StringBuffer& sb, JS::Handle frame) { if (frame->isWasm()) { // See comment in WasmFrameIter::computeLine(). return sb.append("wasm-function[") && NumberValueToStringBuffer(NumberValue(frame->wasmFuncIndex()), sb) && sb.append(']'); } return NumberValueToStringBuffer(NumberValue(frame->getLine()), sb); } static bool FormatStackFrameColumn(js::StringBuffer& sb, JS::Handle frame) { if (frame->isWasm()) { // See comment in WasmFrameIter::computeLine(). js::Int32ToCStringBuf cbuf; size_t cstrlen; const char* cstr = Uint32ToHexCString(&cbuf, frame->wasmBytecodeOffset(), &cstrlen); MOZ_ASSERT(cstr); return sb.append("0x") && sb.append(cstr, cstrlen); } return NumberValueToStringBuffer(NumberValue(frame->getColumn()), sb); } static bool FormatSpiderMonkeyStackFrame(JSContext* cx, js::StringBuffer& sb, JS::Handle frame, size_t indent, bool skippedAsync) { RootedString asyncCause(cx, frame->getAsyncCause()); if (!asyncCause && skippedAsync) { asyncCause.set(cx->names().Async); } Rooted name(cx, frame->getFunctionDisplayName()); return (!indent || sb.appendN(' ', indent)) && (!asyncCause || (sb.append(asyncCause) && sb.append('*'))) && (!name || sb.append(name)) && sb.append('@') && sb.append(frame->getSource()) && sb.append(':') && FormatStackFrameLine(sb, frame) && sb.append(':') && FormatStackFrameColumn(sb, frame) && sb.append('\n'); } static bool FormatV8StackFrame(JSContext* cx, js::StringBuffer& sb, JS::Handle frame, size_t indent, bool lastFrame) { Rooted name(cx, frame->getFunctionDisplayName()); return sb.appendN(' ', indent + 4) && sb.append('a') && sb.append('t') && sb.append(' ') && (!name || (sb.append(name) && sb.append(' ') && sb.append('('))) && sb.append(frame->getSource()) && sb.append(':') && FormatStackFrameLine(sb, frame) && sb.append(':') && FormatStackFrameColumn(sb, frame) && (!name || sb.append(')')) && (lastFrame || sb.append('\n')); } JS_PUBLIC_API bool BuildStackString(JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, HandleObject stack, MutableHandleString stringp, size_t indent, js::StackFormat format) { js::AssertHeapIsIdle(); CHECK_THREAD(cx); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cx->realm()); js::JSStringBuilder sb(cx); if (format == js::StackFormat::Default) { format = cx->runtime()->stackFormat(); } MOZ_ASSERT(format != js::StackFormat::Default); // Enter a new block to constrain the scope of possibly entering the stack's // realm. This ensures that when we finish the StringBuffer, we are back in // the cx's original compartment, and fulfill our contract with callers to // place the output string in the cx's current realm. { bool skippedAsync; Rooted frame( cx, UnwrapSavedFrame(cx, principals, stack, SavedFrameSelfHosted::Exclude, skippedAsync)); if (!frame) { stringp.set(cx->runtime()->emptyString); return true; } Rooted parent(cx); do { MOZ_ASSERT(SavedFrameSubsumedByPrincipals(cx, principals, frame)); MOZ_ASSERT(!frame->isSelfHosted(cx)); parent = frame->getParent(); bool skippedNextAsync; Rooted nextFrame( cx, js::GetFirstSubsumedFrame(cx, principals, parent, SavedFrameSelfHosted::Exclude, skippedNextAsync)); switch (format) { case js::StackFormat::SpiderMonkey: if (!FormatSpiderMonkeyStackFrame(cx, sb, frame, indent, skippedAsync)) { return false; } break; case js::StackFormat::V8: if (!FormatV8StackFrame(cx, sb, frame, indent, !nextFrame)) { return false; } break; case js::StackFormat::Default: MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected value"); break; } frame = nextFrame; skippedAsync = skippedNextAsync; } while (frame); } JSString* str = sb.finishString(); if (!str) { return false; } cx->check(str); stringp.set(str); return true; } JS_PUBLIC_API bool IsMaybeWrappedSavedFrame(JSObject* obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(obj); return obj->canUnwrapAs(); } JS_PUBLIC_API bool IsUnwrappedSavedFrame(JSObject* obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(obj); return obj->is(); } static bool AssignProperty(JSContext* cx, HandleObject dst, HandleObject src, const char* property) { RootedValue v(cx); return JS_GetProperty(cx, src, property, &v) && JS_DefineProperty(cx, dst, property, v, JSPROP_ENUMERATE); } JS_PUBLIC_API JSObject* ConvertSavedFrameToPlainObject( JSContext* cx, HandleObject savedFrameArg, SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted) { MOZ_ASSERT(savedFrameArg); RootedObject savedFrame(cx, savedFrameArg); RootedObject baseConverted(cx), lastConverted(cx); RootedValue v(cx); baseConverted = lastConverted = JS_NewObject(cx, nullptr); if (!baseConverted) { return nullptr; } bool foundParent; do { if (!AssignProperty(cx, lastConverted, savedFrame, "source") || !AssignProperty(cx, lastConverted, savedFrame, "sourceId") || !AssignProperty(cx, lastConverted, savedFrame, "line") || !AssignProperty(cx, lastConverted, savedFrame, "column") || !AssignProperty(cx, lastConverted, savedFrame, "functionDisplayName") || !AssignProperty(cx, lastConverted, savedFrame, "asyncCause")) { return nullptr; } const char* parentProperties[] = {"parent", "asyncParent"}; foundParent = false; for (const char* prop : parentProperties) { if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, savedFrame, prop, &v)) { return nullptr; } if (v.isObject()) { RootedObject nextConverted(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, nullptr)); if (!nextConverted || !JS_DefineProperty(cx, lastConverted, prop, nextConverted, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) { return nullptr; } lastConverted = nextConverted; savedFrame = &v.toObject(); foundParent = true; break; } } } while (foundParent); return baseConverted; } } /* namespace JS */ namespace js { /* static */ bool SavedFrame::sourceProperty(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { THIS_SAVEDFRAME(cx, argc, vp, "(get source)", args, frame); JSPrincipals* principals = cx->realm()->principals(); RootedString source(cx); if (JS::GetSavedFrameSource(cx, principals, frame, &source) == JS::SavedFrameResult::Ok) { if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &source)) { return false; } args.rval().setString(source); } else { args.rval().setNull(); } return true; } /* static */ bool SavedFrame::sourceIdProperty(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { THIS_SAVEDFRAME(cx, argc, vp, "(get sourceId)", args, frame); JSPrincipals* principals = cx->realm()->principals(); uint32_t sourceId; if (JS::GetSavedFrameSourceId(cx, principals, frame, &sourceId) == JS::SavedFrameResult::Ok) { args.rval().setNumber(sourceId); } else { args.rval().setNull(); } return true; } /* static */ bool SavedFrame::lineProperty(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { THIS_SAVEDFRAME(cx, argc, vp, "(get line)", args, frame); JSPrincipals* principals = cx->realm()->principals(); uint32_t line; if (JS::GetSavedFrameLine(cx, principals, frame, &line) == JS::SavedFrameResult::Ok) { args.rval().setNumber(line); } else { args.rval().setNull(); } return true; } /* static */ bool SavedFrame::columnProperty(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { THIS_SAVEDFRAME(cx, argc, vp, "(get column)", args, frame); JSPrincipals* principals = cx->realm()->principals(); uint32_t column; if (JS::GetSavedFrameColumn(cx, principals, frame, &column) == JS::SavedFrameResult::Ok) { args.rval().setNumber(column); } else { args.rval().setNull(); } return true; } /* static */ bool SavedFrame::functionDisplayNameProperty(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { THIS_SAVEDFRAME(cx, argc, vp, "(get functionDisplayName)", args, frame); JSPrincipals* principals = cx->realm()->principals(); RootedString name(cx); JS::SavedFrameResult result = JS::GetSavedFrameFunctionDisplayName(cx, principals, frame, &name); if (result == JS::SavedFrameResult::Ok && name) { if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &name)) { return false; } args.rval().setString(name); } else { args.rval().setNull(); } return true; } /* static */ bool SavedFrame::asyncCauseProperty(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { THIS_SAVEDFRAME(cx, argc, vp, "(get asyncCause)", args, frame); JSPrincipals* principals = cx->realm()->principals(); RootedString asyncCause(cx); JS::SavedFrameResult result = JS::GetSavedFrameAsyncCause(cx, principals, frame, &asyncCause); if (result == JS::SavedFrameResult::Ok && asyncCause) { if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &asyncCause)) { return false; } args.rval().setString(asyncCause); } else { args.rval().setNull(); } return true; } /* static */ bool SavedFrame::asyncParentProperty(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { THIS_SAVEDFRAME(cx, argc, vp, "(get asyncParent)", args, frame); JSPrincipals* principals = cx->realm()->principals(); RootedObject asyncParent(cx); (void)JS::GetSavedFrameAsyncParent(cx, principals, frame, &asyncParent); if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &asyncParent)) { return false; } args.rval().setObjectOrNull(asyncParent); return true; } /* static */ bool SavedFrame::parentProperty(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { THIS_SAVEDFRAME(cx, argc, vp, "(get parent)", args, frame); JSPrincipals* principals = cx->realm()->principals(); RootedObject parent(cx); (void)JS::GetSavedFrameParent(cx, principals, frame, &parent); if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &parent)) { return false; } args.rval().setObjectOrNull(parent); return true; } /* static */ bool SavedFrame::toStringMethod(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { THIS_SAVEDFRAME(cx, argc, vp, "toString", args, frame); JSPrincipals* principals = cx->realm()->principals(); RootedString string(cx); if (!JS::BuildStackString(cx, principals, frame, &string)) { return false; } args.rval().setString(string); return true; } bool SavedStacks::saveCurrentStack( JSContext* cx, MutableHandle frame, JS::StackCapture&& capture /* = JS::StackCapture(JS::AllFrames()) */) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cx->realm()); MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(&cx->realm()->savedStacks() == this); if (creatingSavedFrame || cx->isExceptionPending() || !cx->global() || !cx->global()->isStandardClassResolved(JSProto_Object)) { frame.set(nullptr); return true; } AutoGeckoProfilerEntry labelFrame(cx, "js::SavedStacks::saveCurrentStack"); return insertFrames(cx, frame, std::move(capture)); } bool SavedStacks::copyAsyncStack(JSContext* cx, HandleObject asyncStack, HandleString asyncCause, MutableHandle adoptedStack, const Maybe& maxFrameCount) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(cx->realm()); MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(&cx->realm()->savedStacks() == this); Rooted asyncCauseAtom(cx, AtomizeString(cx, asyncCause)); if (!asyncCauseAtom) { return false; } Rooted asyncStackObj( cx, asyncStack->maybeUnwrapAs()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(asyncStackObj); adoptedStack.set(asyncStackObj); if (!adoptAsyncStack(cx, adoptedStack, asyncCauseAtom, maxFrameCount)) { return false; } return true; } void SavedStacks::traceWeak(JSTracer* trc) { frames.traceWeak(trc); pcLocationMap.traceWeak(trc); } void SavedStacks::trace(JSTracer* trc) { pcLocationMap.trace(trc); } uint32_t SavedStacks::count() { return frames.count(); } void SavedStacks::clear() { frames.clear(); } size_t SavedStacks::sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) { return frames.shallowSizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf) + pcLocationMap.shallowSizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf); } // Given that we have captured a stack frame with the given principals and // source, return true if the requested `StackCapture` has been satisfied and // stack walking can halt. Return false otherwise (and stack walking and frame // capturing should continue). static inline bool captureIsSatisfied(JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, const JSAtom* source, JS::StackCapture& capture) { class Matcher { JSContext* cx_; JSPrincipals* framePrincipals_; const JSAtom* frameSource_; public: Matcher(JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, const JSAtom* source) : cx_(cx), framePrincipals_(principals), frameSource_(source) {} bool operator()(JS::FirstSubsumedFrame& target) { auto subsumes = cx_->runtime()->securityCallbacks->subsumes; return (!subsumes || subsumes(target.principals, framePrincipals_)) && (!target.ignoreSelfHosted || frameSource_ != cx_->names().selfHosted); } bool operator()(JS::MaxFrames& target) { return target.maxFrames == 1; } bool operator()(JS::AllFrames&) { return false; } }; Matcher m(cx, principals, source); return capture.match(m); } bool SavedStacks::insertFrames(JSContext* cx, MutableHandle frame, JS::StackCapture&& capture) { // In order to look up a cached SavedFrame object, we need to have its parent // SavedFrame, which means we need to walk the stack from oldest frame to // youngest. However, FrameIter walks the stack from youngest frame to // oldest. The solution is to append stack frames to a vector as we walk the // stack with FrameIter, and then do a second pass through that vector in // reverse order after the traversal has completed and get or create the // SavedFrame objects at that time. // // To avoid making many copies of FrameIter (whose copy constructor is // relatively slow), we use a vector of `SavedFrame::Lookup` objects, which // only contain the FrameIter data we need. The `SavedFrame::Lookup` // objects are partially initialized with everything except their parent // pointers on the first pass, and then we fill in the parent pointers as we // return in the second pass. // Accumulate the vector of Lookup objects here, youngest to oldest. Rooted stackChain(cx, js::GCLookupVector(cx)); // If we find a cached saved frame, then that supplies the parent of the // frames we have placed in stackChain. If we walk the stack all the way // to the end, this remains null. Rooted cachedParentFrame(cx, nullptr); // Choose the right frame iteration strategy to accomodate both // evalInFramePrev links and the LiveSavedFrameCache. For background, see // the LiveSavedFrameCache comments in Stack.h. // // If we're using the LiveSavedFrameCache, then don't handle evalInFramePrev // links by skipping over the frames altogether; that violates the cache's // assumptions. Instead, traverse the entire stack, but choose each // SavedFrame's parent as directed by the evalInFramePrev link, if any. // // If we're not using the LiveSavedFrameCache, it's hard to recover the // frame to which the evalInFramePrev link refers, so we just let FrameIter // skip those frames. Then each SavedFrame's parent is simply the frame that // follows it in the stackChain vector, even when it has an evalInFramePrev // link. FrameIter iter(cx, capture.is() ? FrameIter::IGNORE_DEBUGGER_EVAL_PREV_LINK : FrameIter::FOLLOW_DEBUGGER_EVAL_PREV_LINK); // Once we've seen one frame with its hasCachedSavedFrame bit set, all its // parents (that can be cached) ought to have it set too. DebugOnly seenCached = false; // If we are using evalInFramePrev links to adjust the parents of debugger // eval frames, we have to ensure the target frame is cached in the current // realm. (This might not happen by default if the target frame is // rematerialized, or if there is an async parent between the debugger eval // frame and the target frame.) To accomplish this, we keep track of eval // targets and ensure that we don't stop before they have all been reached. Vector unreachedEvalTargets(cx); while (!iter.done()) { Activation& activation = *iter.activation(); Maybe framePtr = LiveSavedFrameCache::FramePtr::create(iter); if (capture.is() && iter.hasUsableAbstractFramePtr()) { unreachedEvalTargets.eraseIfEqual(iter.abstractFramePtr()); } if (framePtr) { // See the comment in Stack.h for why RematerializedFrames // are a special case here. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(seenCached, framePtr->hasCachedSavedFrame() || framePtr->isRematerializedFrame()); seenCached |= framePtr->hasCachedSavedFrame(); if (capture.is() && framePtr->isInterpreterFrame() && framePtr->asInterpreterFrame().isDebuggerEvalFrame()) { AbstractFramePtr target = framePtr->asInterpreterFrame().evalInFramePrev(); if (!unreachedEvalTargets.append(target)) { return false; } } } if (capture.is() && framePtr && framePtr->hasCachedSavedFrame()) { auto* cache = activation.getLiveSavedFrameCache(cx); if (!cache) { return false; } cache->find(cx, *framePtr, iter.pc(), &cachedParentFrame); // Even though iter.hasCachedSavedFrame() was true, we may still get a // cache miss, if the frame's pc doesn't match the cache entry's, or if // the cache was emptied due to a realm mismatch. If we got a cache hit, // and we do not have to keep looking for unreached eval target frames, // we can stop traversing the stack and start building the chain. if (cachedParentFrame && unreachedEvalTargets.empty()) { break; } // This frame doesn't have a cache entry, despite its hasCachedSavedFrame // flag being set. If this was due to a pc mismatch, we can clear the flag // here and set things right. If the cache was emptied due to a realm // mismatch, we should clear all the frames' flags as we walk to the // bottom of the stack, so that they are all clear before we start pushing // any new entries. framePtr->clearHasCachedSavedFrame(); } // We'll be pushing this frame onto stackChain. Gather the information // needed to construct the SavedFrame::Lookup. Rooted location(cx); { AutoRealmUnchecked ar(cx, iter.realm()); if (!cx->realm()->savedStacks().getLocation(cx, iter, &location)) { return false; } } Rooted displayAtom(cx, iter.maybeFunctionDisplayAtom()); auto principals = iter.realm()->principals(); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(framePtr && !iter.isWasm(), iter.pc()); if (!stackChain.emplaceBack(location.source(), location.sourceId(), location.line(), location.column(), displayAtom, nullptr, // asyncCause nullptr, // parent (not known yet) principals, iter.mutedErrors(), framePtr, iter.pc(), &activation)) { return false; } if (captureIsSatisfied(cx, principals, location.source(), capture)) { break; } ++iter; framePtr = LiveSavedFrameCache::FramePtr::create(iter); if (iter.activation() != &activation && capture.is()) { // If there were no cache hits in the entire activation, clear its // cache so we'll be able to push new ones when we build the // SavedFrame chain. activation.clearLiveSavedFrameCache(); } // If we have crossed into a new activation, check whether the prior // activation had an async parent set. // // If the async call was explicit (async function resumptions, most // testing facilities), then the async parent stack has priority over // any actual frames still on the JavaScript stack. If the async call // was implicit (DOM CallbackObject::CallSetup calls), then the async // parent stack is used only if there were no other frames on the // stack. // // Captures using FirstSubsumedFrame expect us to ignore async parents. if (iter.activation() != &activation && activation.asyncStack() && (activation.asyncCallIsExplicit() || iter.done()) && !capture.is()) { // Atomize the async cause string. There should only be a few // different strings used. const char* cause = activation.asyncCause(); Rooted causeAtom(cx, AtomizeUTF8Chars(cx, cause, strlen(cause))); if (!causeAtom) { return false; } // Translate our capture into a frame count limit for // adoptAsyncStack, which will impose further limits. Maybe maxFrames = !capture.is() ? Nothing() : capture.as().maxFrames == 0 ? Nothing() : Some(capture.as().maxFrames); // Clip the stack if needed, attach the async cause string to the // top frame, and copy it into our compartment if necessary. Rooted asyncParent(cx, activation.asyncStack()); if (!adoptAsyncStack(cx, &asyncParent, causeAtom, maxFrames)) { return false; } stackChain[stackChain.length() - 1].setParent(asyncParent); if (!capture.is() || unreachedEvalTargets.empty()) { // In the case of a JS::AllFrames capture, we will be populating the // LiveSavedFrameCache in the second loop. In the case where there is // a debugger eval frame on the stack, the second loop will use // checkForEvalInFramePrev to skip from the eval frame to the "prev" // frame and assert that when this happens, the "prev" // frame is in the cache. In cases where there is an async stack // activation between the debugger eval frame and the "prev" frame, // breaking here would not populate the "prev" cache entry, causing // checkForEvalInFramePrev to fail. break; } } if (capture.is()) { capture.as().maxFrames--; } } // Iterate through |stackChain| in reverse order and get or create the // actual SavedFrame instances. frame.set(cachedParentFrame); for (size_t i = stackChain.length(); i != 0; i--) { MutableHandle lookup = stackChain[i - 1]; if (!lookup.parent()) { // The frame may already have an async parent frame set explicitly // on its activation. lookup.setParent(frame); } // If necessary, adjust the parent of a debugger eval frame to point to // the frame in whose scope the eval occurs - if we're using // LiveSavedFrameCache. Otherwise, we simply ask the FrameIter to follow // evalInFramePrev links, so that the parent is always the last frame we // created. if (capture.is() && lookup.framePtr()) { if (!checkForEvalInFramePrev(cx, lookup)) { return false; } } frame.set(getOrCreateSavedFrame(cx, lookup)); if (!frame) { return false; } if (capture.is() && lookup.framePtr()) { auto* cache = lookup.activation()->getLiveSavedFrameCache(cx); if (!cache || !cache->insert(cx, *lookup.framePtr(), lookup.pc(), frame)) { return false; } } } return true; } bool SavedStacks::adoptAsyncStack(JSContext* cx, MutableHandle asyncStack, Handle asyncCause, const Maybe& maxFrameCount) { MOZ_ASSERT(asyncStack); MOZ_ASSERT(asyncCause); // If maxFrameCount is Nothing, the caller asked for an unlimited number of // stack frames, but async stacks are not limited by the available stack // memory, so we need to set an arbitrary limit when collecting them. We // still don't enforce an upper limit if the caller requested more frames. size_t maxFrames = maxFrameCount.valueOr(ASYNC_STACK_MAX_FRAME_COUNT); // Turn the chain of frames starting with asyncStack into a vector of Lookup // objects in |stackChain|, youngest to oldest. Rooted stackChain(cx, js::GCLookupVector(cx)); SavedFrame* currentSavedFrame = asyncStack; while (currentSavedFrame && stackChain.length() < maxFrames) { if (!stackChain.emplaceBack(*currentSavedFrame)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } currentSavedFrame = currentSavedFrame->getParent(); } // Attach the asyncCause to the youngest frame. stackChain[0].setAsyncCause(asyncCause); // If we walked the entire stack, and it's in cx's realm, we don't // need to rebuild the full chain again using the lookup objects - we can // just use the existing chain. Only the asyncCause on the youngest frame // needs to be changed. if (currentSavedFrame == nullptr && asyncStack->realm() == cx->realm()) { MutableHandle lookup = stackChain[0]; lookup.setParent(asyncStack->getParent()); asyncStack.set(getOrCreateSavedFrame(cx, lookup)); return !!asyncStack; } // If we captured the maximum number of frames and the caller requested no // specific limit, we only return half of them. This means that if we do // many subsequent captures with the same async stack, it's likely we can // use the optimization above. if (maxFrameCount.isNothing() && currentSavedFrame) { stackChain.shrinkBy(ASYNC_STACK_MAX_FRAME_COUNT / 2); } // Iterate through |stackChain| in reverse order and get or create the // actual SavedFrame instances. asyncStack.set(nullptr); while (!stackChain.empty()) { Rooted lookup(cx, stackChain.back()); lookup.setParent(asyncStack); asyncStack.set(getOrCreateSavedFrame(cx, lookup)); if (!asyncStack) { return false; } stackChain.popBack(); } return true; } // Given a |lookup| for which we're about to construct a SavedFrame, if it // refers to a Debugger eval frame, adjust |lookup|'s parent to be the frame's // evalInFramePrev target. // // Debugger eval frames run code in the scope of some random older frame on the // stack (the 'target' frame). It is our custom to report the target as the // immediate parent of the eval frame. The LiveSavedFrameCache requires us not // to skip frames, so instead we walk the entire stack, and just give Debugger // eval frames the right parents as we encounter them. // // Call this function only if we are using the LiveSavedFrameCache; otherwise, // FrameIter has already taken care of getting us the right parent. bool SavedStacks::checkForEvalInFramePrev( JSContext* cx, MutableHandle lookup) { MOZ_ASSERT(lookup.framePtr()); if (!lookup.framePtr()->isInterpreterFrame()) { return true; } InterpreterFrame& interpreterFrame = lookup.framePtr()->asInterpreterFrame(); if (!interpreterFrame.isDebuggerEvalFrame()) { return true; } FrameIter iter(cx, FrameIter::IGNORE_DEBUGGER_EVAL_PREV_LINK); while (!iter.done() && (!iter.hasUsableAbstractFramePtr() || iter.abstractFramePtr() != interpreterFrame.evalInFramePrev())) { ++iter; } Maybe maybeTarget = LiveSavedFrameCache::FramePtr::create(iter); MOZ_ASSERT(maybeTarget); LiveSavedFrameCache::FramePtr target = *maybeTarget; // If we're caching the frame to which |lookup| refers, then we should // definitely have the target frame in the cache as well. MOZ_ASSERT(target.hasCachedSavedFrame()); // Search the chain of activations for a LiveSavedFrameCache that has an // entry for target. Rooted saved(cx, nullptr); for (Activation* act = lookup.activation(); act; act = act->prev()) { // It's okay to force allocation of a cache here; we're about to put // something in the top cache, and all the lower ones should exist // already. auto* cache = act->getLiveSavedFrameCache(cx); if (!cache) { return false; } cache->findWithoutInvalidation(target, &saved); if (saved) { break; } } // Since |target| has its cached bit set, we should have found it. MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(saved); // Because we use findWithoutInvalidation here, we can technically get a // SavedFrame here for any realm. That shouldn't happen here because // checkForEvalInFramePrev is only called _after_ the parent frames have // been constructed, but if something prevents the chain from being properly // reconstructed, that invariant could be accidentally broken. MOZ_ASSERT(saved->realm() == cx->realm()); lookup.setParent(saved); return true; } SavedFrame* SavedStacks::getOrCreateSavedFrame( JSContext* cx, Handle lookup) { const SavedFrame::Lookup& lookupInstance = lookup.get(); DependentAddPtr p(cx, frames, lookupInstance); if (p) { MOZ_ASSERT(*p); return *p; } Rooted frame(cx, createFrameFromLookup(cx, lookup)); if (!frame) { return nullptr; } if (!p.add(cx, frames, lookupInstance, frame)) { return nullptr; } return frame; } SavedFrame* SavedStacks::createFrameFromLookup( JSContext* cx, Handle lookup) { Rooted frame(cx, SavedFrame::create(cx)); if (!frame) { return nullptr; } frame->initFromLookup(cx, lookup); if (!FreezeObject(cx, frame)) { return nullptr; } return frame; } bool SavedStacks::getLocation(JSContext* cx, const FrameIter& iter, MutableHandle locationp) { // We should only ever be caching location values for scripts in this // compartment. Otherwise, we would get dead cross-compartment scripts in // the cache because our compartment's sweep method isn't called when their // compartment gets collected. MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(&cx->realm()->savedStacks() == this); cx->check(iter.compartment()); // When we have a |JSScript| for this frame, use a potentially memoized // location from our PCLocationMap and copy it into |locationp|. When we do // not have a |JSScript| for this frame (wasm frames), we take a slow path // that doesn't employ memoization, and update |locationp|'s slots directly. if (iter.isWasm()) { // Only asm.js has a displayURL. if (const char16_t* displayURL = iter.displayURL()) { locationp.setSource(AtomizeChars(cx, displayURL, js_strlen(displayURL))); } else { const char* filename = iter.filename() ? iter.filename() : ""; locationp.setSource(Atomize(cx, filename, strlen(filename))); } if (!locationp.source()) { return false; } // See WasmFrameIter::computeLine() comment. uint32_t column = 0; locationp.setLine(iter.computeLine(&column)); locationp.setColumn(column); return true; } RootedScript script(cx, iter.script()); jsbytecode* pc = iter.pc(); PCKey key(script, pc); PCLocationMap::AddPtr p = pcLocationMap.lookupForAdd(key); if (!p) { Rooted source(cx); if (const char16_t* displayURL = iter.displayURL()) { source = AtomizeChars(cx, displayURL, js_strlen(displayURL)); } else { const char* filename = script->filename() ? script->filename() : ""; source = Atomize(cx, filename, strlen(filename)); } if (!source) { return false; } uint32_t sourceId = script->scriptSource()->id(); uint32_t column; uint32_t line = PCToLineNumber(script, pc, &column); // Make the column 1-based. See comment above. LocationValue value(source, sourceId, line, column + 1); if (!pcLocationMap.add(p, key, value)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } } locationp.set(p->value()); return true; } void SavedStacks::chooseSamplingProbability(Realm* realm) { { JSRuntime* runtime = realm->runtimeFromMainThread(); if (runtime->recordAllocationCallback) { // The runtime is tracking allocations across all realms, in this case // ignore all of the debugger values, and use the runtime's probability. this->setSamplingProbability(runtime->allocationSamplingProbability); return; } } // Use unbarriered version to prevent triggering read barrier while // collecting, this is safe as long as global does not escape. GlobalObject* global = realm->unsafeUnbarrieredMaybeGlobal(); if (!global) { return; } Maybe probability = DebugAPI::allocationSamplingProbability(global); if (probability.isNothing()) { return; } this->setSamplingProbability(*probability); } void SavedStacks::setSamplingProbability(double probability) { if (!bernoulliSeeded) { mozilla::Array seed; GenerateXorShift128PlusSeed(seed); bernoulli.setRandomState(seed[0], seed[1]); bernoulliSeeded = true; } bernoulli.setProbability(probability); } JSObject* SavedStacks::MetadataBuilder::build( JSContext* cx, HandleObject target, AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion& oomUnsafe) const { RootedObject obj(cx, target); SavedStacks& stacks = cx->realm()->savedStacks(); if (!stacks.bernoulli.trial()) { return nullptr; } Rooted frame(cx); if (!stacks.saveCurrentStack(cx, &frame)) { oomUnsafe.crash("SavedStacksMetadataBuilder"); } if (!DebugAPI::onLogAllocationSite(cx, obj, frame, mozilla::TimeStamp::Now())) { oomUnsafe.crash("SavedStacksMetadataBuilder"); } auto recordAllocationCallback = cx->realm()->runtimeFromMainThread()->recordAllocationCallback; if (recordAllocationCallback) { // The following code translates the JS-specific information, into an // RecordAllocationInfo object that can be consumed outside of SpiderMonkey. auto node = JS::ubi::Node(obj.get()); // Pass the non-SpiderMonkey specific information back to the // callback to get it out of the JS engine. recordAllocationCallback(JS::RecordAllocationInfo{ node.typeName(), node.jsObjectClassName(), node.descriptiveTypeName(), JS::ubi::CoarseTypeToString(node.coarseType()), node.size(cx->runtime()->debuggerMallocSizeOf), gc::IsInsideNursery(obj)}); } MOZ_ASSERT_IF(frame, !frame->is()); return frame; } const SavedStacks::MetadataBuilder SavedStacks::metadataBuilder; /* static */ ReconstructedSavedFramePrincipals ReconstructedSavedFramePrincipals::IsSystem; /* static */ ReconstructedSavedFramePrincipals ReconstructedSavedFramePrincipals::IsNotSystem; UniqueChars BuildUTF8StackString(JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals, HandleObject stack) { RootedString stackStr(cx); if (!JS::BuildStackString(cx, principals, stack, &stackStr)) { return nullptr; } return JS_EncodeStringToUTF8(cx, stackStr); } uint32_t FixupColumnForDisplay(uint32_t column) { // As described in WasmFrameIter::computeLine(), for wasm frames, the // function index is returned as the column with the high bit set. In paths // that format error stacks into strings, this information can be used to // synthesize a proper wasm frame. But when raw column numbers are handed // out, we just fix them to 1 to avoid confusion. if (column & wasm::WasmFrameIter::ColumnBit) { return 1; } // XXX: Make the column 1-based as in other browsers, instead of 0-based // which is how SpiderMonkey stores it internally. This will be // unnecessary once bug 1144340 is fixed. return column + 1; } } /* namespace js */ namespace JS { namespace ubi { bool ConcreteStackFrame::isSystem() const { auto trustedPrincipals = get().runtimeFromAnyThread()->trustedPrincipals(); return get().getPrincipals() == trustedPrincipals || get().getPrincipals() == &js::ReconstructedSavedFramePrincipals::IsSystem; } bool ConcreteStackFrame::constructSavedFrameStack( JSContext* cx, MutableHandleObject outSavedFrameStack) const { outSavedFrameStack.set(&get()); if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, outSavedFrameStack)) { outSavedFrameStack.set(nullptr); return false; } return true; } // A `mozilla::Variant` matcher that converts the inner value of a // `JS::ubi::AtomOrTwoByteChars` string to a `JSAtom*`. struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS AtomizingMatcher { JSContext* cx; size_t length; explicit AtomizingMatcher(JSContext* cx, size_t length) : cx(cx), length(length) {} JSAtom* operator()(JSAtom* atom) { MOZ_ASSERT(atom); return atom; } JSAtom* operator()(const char16_t* chars) { MOZ_ASSERT(chars); return AtomizeChars(cx, chars, length); } }; JS_PUBLIC_API bool ConstructSavedFrameStackSlow( JSContext* cx, JS::ubi::StackFrame& frame, MutableHandleObject outSavedFrameStack) { Rooted stackChain(cx, js::GCLookupVector(cx)); Rooted ubiFrame(cx, frame); while (ubiFrame.get()) { // Convert the source and functionDisplayName strings to atoms. Rooted source(cx); AtomizingMatcher atomizer(cx, ubiFrame.get().sourceLength()); source = ubiFrame.get().source().match(atomizer); if (!source) { return false; } Rooted functionDisplayName(cx); auto nameLength = ubiFrame.get().functionDisplayNameLength(); if (nameLength > 0) { AtomizingMatcher atomizer(cx, nameLength); functionDisplayName = ubiFrame.get().functionDisplayName().match(atomizer); if (!functionDisplayName) { return false; } } auto principals = js::ReconstructedSavedFramePrincipals::getSingleton(ubiFrame.get()); if (!stackChain.emplaceBack(source, ubiFrame.get().sourceId(), ubiFrame.get().line(), ubiFrame.get().column(), functionDisplayName, /* asyncCause */ nullptr, /* parent */ nullptr, principals, /* mutedErrors */ true)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } ubiFrame = ubiFrame.get().parent(); } Rooted parentFrame(cx); for (size_t i = stackChain.length(); i != 0; i--) { MutableHandle lookup = stackChain[i - 1]; lookup.setParent(parentFrame); parentFrame = cx->realm()->savedStacks().getOrCreateSavedFrame(cx, lookup); if (!parentFrame) { return false; } } outSavedFrameStack.set(parentFrame); return true; } } // namespace ubi } // namespace JS