/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * * Copyright 2016 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "wasm/WasmDebug.h" #include "mozilla/BinarySearch.h" #include "debugger/Debugger.h" #include "ds/Sort.h" #include "jit/MacroAssembler.h" #include "wasm/WasmJS.h" #include "wasm/WasmStubs.h" #include "wasm/WasmValidate.h" #include "gc/GCContext-inl.h" #include "wasm/WasmInstance-inl.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::jit; using namespace js::wasm; using mozilla::BinarySearchIf; DebugState::DebugState(const Code& code, const Module& module) : code_(&code), module_(&module), enterFrameTrapsEnabled_(false), enterAndLeaveFrameTrapsCounter_(0) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(code.metadata().debugEnabled); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(code.hasTier(Tier::Debug)); } void DebugState::trace(JSTracer* trc) { for (auto iter = breakpointSites_.iter(); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { WasmBreakpointSite* site = iter.get().value(); site->trace(trc); } } void DebugState::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx) { for (auto iter = breakpointSites_.iter(); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { WasmBreakpointSite* site = iter.get().value(); site->delete_(gcx); } } static const uint32_t DefaultBinarySourceColumnNumber = 1; static const CallSite* SlowCallSiteSearchByOffset(const MetadataTier& metadata, uint32_t offset) { for (const CallSite& callSite : metadata.callSites) { if (callSite.lineOrBytecode() == offset && callSite.kind() == CallSiteDesc::Breakpoint) { return &callSite; } } return nullptr; } bool DebugState::getLineOffsets(size_t lineno, Vector* offsets) { const CallSite* callsite = SlowCallSiteSearchByOffset(metadata(Tier::Debug), lineno); return !(callsite && !offsets->append(lineno)); } bool DebugState::getAllColumnOffsets(Vector* offsets) { for (const CallSite& callSite : metadata(Tier::Debug).callSites) { if (callSite.kind() != CallSite::Breakpoint) { continue; } uint32_t offset = callSite.lineOrBytecode(); if (!offsets->emplaceBack(offset, DefaultBinarySourceColumnNumber, offset)) { return false; } } return true; } bool DebugState::getOffsetLocation(uint32_t offset, size_t* lineno, size_t* column) { if (!SlowCallSiteSearchByOffset(metadata(Tier::Debug), offset)) { return false; } *lineno = offset; *column = DefaultBinarySourceColumnNumber; return true; } bool DebugState::stepModeEnabled(uint32_t funcIndex) const { return stepperCounters_.lookup(funcIndex).found(); } bool DebugState::incrementStepperCount(JSContext* cx, Instance* instance, uint32_t funcIndex) { StepperCounters::AddPtr p = stepperCounters_.lookupForAdd(funcIndex); if (p) { MOZ_ASSERT(p->value() > 0); p->value()++; return true; } if (!stepperCounters_.add(p, funcIndex, 1)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } enableDebuggingForFunction(instance, funcIndex); enableDebugTrap(instance); return true; } void DebugState::decrementStepperCount(JS::GCContext* gcx, Instance* instance, uint32_t funcIndex) { const CodeRange& codeRange = codeRanges(Tier::Debug)[funcToCodeRangeIndex(funcIndex)]; MOZ_ASSERT(codeRange.isFunction()); MOZ_ASSERT(!stepperCounters_.empty()); StepperCounters::Ptr p = stepperCounters_.lookup(funcIndex); MOZ_ASSERT(p); if (--p->value()) { return; } stepperCounters_.remove(p); bool anyStepping = !stepperCounters_.empty(); bool anyBreakpoints = !breakpointSites_.empty(); bool anyEnterAndLeave = enterAndLeaveFrameTrapsCounter_ > 0; bool keepDebugging = false; for (const CallSite& callSite : callSites(Tier::Debug)) { if (callSite.kind() != CallSite::Breakpoint) { continue; } uint32_t offset = callSite.returnAddressOffset(); if (codeRange.begin() <= offset && offset <= codeRange.end()) { keepDebugging = keepDebugging || breakpointSites_.has(offset); } } if (!keepDebugging && !anyEnterAndLeave) { disableDebuggingForFunction(instance, funcIndex); if (!anyStepping && !anyBreakpoints) { disableDebugTrap(instance); } } } bool DebugState::hasBreakpointTrapAtOffset(uint32_t offset) { return SlowCallSiteSearchByOffset(metadata(Tier::Debug), offset); } void DebugState::toggleBreakpointTrap(JSRuntime* rt, Instance* instance, uint32_t offset, bool enabled) { const CallSite* callSite = SlowCallSiteSearchByOffset(metadata(Tier::Debug), offset); if (!callSite) { return; } size_t debugTrapOffset = callSite->returnAddressOffset(); const ModuleSegment& codeSegment = code_->segment(Tier::Debug); const CodeRange* codeRange = code_->lookupFuncRange(codeSegment.base() + debugTrapOffset); MOZ_ASSERT(codeRange); uint32_t funcIndex = codeRange->funcIndex(); if (stepperCounters_.lookup(funcIndex)) { return; // no need to toggle when step mode is enabled } bool anyEnterAndLeave = enterAndLeaveFrameTrapsCounter_ > 0; bool anyStepping = !stepperCounters_.empty(); bool anyBreakpoints = !breakpointSites_.empty(); if (enabled) { enableDebuggingForFunction(instance, funcIndex); enableDebugTrap(instance); } else if (!anyEnterAndLeave) { disableDebuggingForFunction(instance, funcIndex); if (!anyStepping && !anyBreakpoints) { disableDebugTrap(instance); } } } WasmBreakpointSite* DebugState::getBreakpointSite(uint32_t offset) const { WasmBreakpointSiteMap::Ptr p = breakpointSites_.lookup(offset); if (!p) { return nullptr; } return p->value(); } WasmBreakpointSite* DebugState::getOrCreateBreakpointSite(JSContext* cx, Instance* instance, uint32_t offset) { WasmBreakpointSite* site; WasmBreakpointSiteMap::AddPtr p = breakpointSites_.lookupForAdd(offset); if (!p) { site = cx->new_(instance->object(), offset); if (!site) { return nullptr; } if (!breakpointSites_.add(p, offset, site)) { js_delete(site); ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return nullptr; } AddCellMemory(instance->object(), sizeof(WasmBreakpointSite), MemoryUse::BreakpointSite); toggleBreakpointTrap(cx->runtime(), instance, offset, true); } else { site = p->value(); } return site; } bool DebugState::hasBreakpointSite(uint32_t offset) { return breakpointSites_.has(offset); } void DebugState::destroyBreakpointSite(JS::GCContext* gcx, Instance* instance, uint32_t offset) { WasmBreakpointSiteMap::Ptr p = breakpointSites_.lookup(offset); MOZ_ASSERT(p); gcx->delete_(instance->objectUnbarriered(), p->value(), MemoryUse::BreakpointSite); breakpointSites_.remove(p); toggleBreakpointTrap(gcx->runtime(), instance, offset, false); } void DebugState::clearBreakpointsIn(JS::GCContext* gcx, WasmInstanceObject* instance, js::Debugger* dbg, JSObject* handler) { MOZ_ASSERT(instance); // Breakpoints hold wrappers in the instance's compartment for the handler. // Make sure we don't try to search for the unwrapped handler. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(handler, instance->compartment() == handler->compartment()); if (breakpointSites_.empty()) { return; } for (WasmBreakpointSiteMap::Enum e(breakpointSites_); !e.empty(); e.popFront()) { WasmBreakpointSite* site = e.front().value(); MOZ_ASSERT(site->instanceObject == instance); Breakpoint* nextbp; for (Breakpoint* bp = site->firstBreakpoint(); bp; bp = nextbp) { nextbp = bp->nextInSite(); MOZ_ASSERT(bp->site == site); if ((!dbg || bp->debugger == dbg) && (!handler || bp->getHandler() == handler)) { bp->delete_(gcx); } } if (site->isEmpty()) { gcx->delete_(instance, site, MemoryUse::BreakpointSite); e.removeFront(); } } } void DebugState::enableDebuggingForFunction(Instance* instance, uint32_t funcIndex) { instance->setDebugFilter(funcIndex, true); } void DebugState::disableDebuggingForFunction(Instance* instance, uint32_t funcIndex) { instance->setDebugFilter(funcIndex, false); } void DebugState::enableDebugTrap(Instance* instance) { instance->setDebugTrapHandler(code_->segment(Tier::Debug).base() + metadata(Tier::Debug).debugTrapOffset); } void DebugState::disableDebugTrap(Instance* instance) { instance->setDebugTrapHandler(nullptr); } void DebugState::adjustEnterAndLeaveFrameTrapsState(JSContext* cx, Instance* instance, bool enabled) { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!enabled, enterAndLeaveFrameTrapsCounter_ > 0); bool wasEnabled = enterAndLeaveFrameTrapsCounter_ > 0; enterAndLeaveFrameTrapsCounter_ += enabled ? 1 : -1; bool stillEnabled = enterAndLeaveFrameTrapsCounter_ > 0; if (wasEnabled == stillEnabled) { return; } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(&instance->metadata() == &metadata()); uint32_t numFuncs = metadata().debugNumFuncs(); if (enabled) { MOZ_ASSERT(enterAndLeaveFrameTrapsCounter_ > 0); for (uint32_t funcIdx = 0; funcIdx < numFuncs; funcIdx++) { enableDebuggingForFunction(instance, funcIdx); } enableDebugTrap(instance); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(enterAndLeaveFrameTrapsCounter_ == 0); bool anyEnabled = false; for (uint32_t funcIdx = 0; funcIdx < numFuncs; funcIdx++) { // For each function, disable the bit if nothing else is going on. This // means determining if there's stepping or breakpoints. bool mustLeaveEnabled = stepperCounters_.lookup(funcIdx).found(); for (auto iter = breakpointSites_.iter(); !iter.done() && !mustLeaveEnabled; iter.next()) { WasmBreakpointSite* site = iter.get().value(); const CallSite* callSite = SlowCallSiteSearchByOffset(metadata(Tier::Debug), site->offset); if (callSite) { size_t debugTrapOffset = callSite->returnAddressOffset(); const ModuleSegment& codeSegment = code_->segment(Tier::Debug); const CodeRange* codeRange = code_->lookupFuncRange(codeSegment.base() + debugTrapOffset); MOZ_ASSERT(codeRange); mustLeaveEnabled = codeRange->funcIndex() == funcIdx; } } if (mustLeaveEnabled) { anyEnabled = true; } else { disableDebuggingForFunction(instance, funcIdx); } } if (!anyEnabled) { disableDebugTrap(instance); } } } void DebugState::ensureEnterFrameTrapsState(JSContext* cx, Instance* instance, bool enabled) { if (enterFrameTrapsEnabled_ == enabled) { return; } adjustEnterAndLeaveFrameTrapsState(cx, instance, enabled); enterFrameTrapsEnabled_ = enabled; } bool DebugState::debugGetLocalTypes(uint32_t funcIndex, ValTypeVector* locals, size_t* argsLength, StackResults* stackResults) { const TypeContext& types = *metadata().types; const FuncType& funcType = metadata().debugFuncType(funcIndex); const ValTypeVector& args = funcType.args(); const ValTypeVector& results = funcType.results(); ResultType resultType(ResultType::Vector(results)); *argsLength = args.length(); *stackResults = ABIResultIter::HasStackResults(resultType) ? StackResults::HasStackResults : StackResults::NoStackResults; if (!locals->appendAll(args)) { return false; } // Decode local var types from wasm binary function body. const CodeRange& range = codeRanges(Tier::Debug)[funcToCodeRangeIndex(funcIndex)]; // In wasm, the Code points to the function start via funcLineOrBytecode. size_t offsetInModule = range.funcLineOrBytecode(); Decoder d(bytecode().begin() + offsetInModule, bytecode().end(), offsetInModule, /* error = */ nullptr); return DecodeValidatedLocalEntries(types, d, locals); } bool DebugState::getGlobal(Instance& instance, uint32_t globalIndex, MutableHandleValue vp) { const GlobalDesc& global = metadata().globals[globalIndex]; if (global.isConstant()) { LitVal value = global.constantValue(); switch (value.type().kind()) { case ValType::I32: vp.set(Int32Value(value.i32())); break; case ValType::I64: // Just display as a Number; it's ok if we lose some precision vp.set(NumberValue((double)value.i64())); break; case ValType::F32: vp.set(NumberValue(JS::CanonicalizeNaN(value.f32()))); break; case ValType::F64: vp.set(NumberValue(JS::CanonicalizeNaN(value.f64()))); break; case ValType::Ref: // It's possible to do better. We could try some kind of hashing // scheme, to make the pointer recognizable without revealing it. vp.set(MagicValue(JS_OPTIMIZED_OUT)); break; case ValType::V128: // Debugger must be updated to handle this, and should be updated to // handle i64 in any case. vp.set(MagicValue(JS_OPTIMIZED_OUT)); break; default: MOZ_CRASH("Global constant type"); } return true; } uint8_t* globalData = instance.globalData(); void* dataPtr = globalData + global.offset(); if (global.isIndirect()) { dataPtr = *static_cast(dataPtr); } switch (global.type().kind()) { case ValType::I32: { vp.set(Int32Value(*static_cast(dataPtr))); break; } case ValType::I64: { // Just display as a Number; it's ok if we lose some precision vp.set(NumberValue((double)*static_cast(dataPtr))); break; } case ValType::F32: { vp.set(NumberValue(JS::CanonicalizeNaN(*static_cast(dataPtr)))); break; } case ValType::F64: { vp.set(NumberValue(JS::CanonicalizeNaN(*static_cast(dataPtr)))); break; } case ValType::Ref: { // Just hide it. See above. vp.set(MagicValue(JS_OPTIMIZED_OUT)); break; } case ValType::V128: { // Just hide it. See above. vp.set(MagicValue(JS_OPTIMIZED_OUT)); break; } default: { MOZ_CRASH("Global variable type"); break; } } return true; } bool DebugState::getSourceMappingURL(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleString result) const { result.set(nullptr); for (const CustomSection& customSection : module_->customSections()) { const Bytes& sectionName = customSection.name; if (strlen(SourceMappingURLSectionName) != sectionName.length() || memcmp(SourceMappingURLSectionName, sectionName.begin(), sectionName.length()) != 0) { continue; } // Parse found "SourceMappingURL" custom section. Decoder d(customSection.payload->begin(), customSection.payload->end(), 0, /* error = */ nullptr); uint32_t nchars; if (!d.readVarU32(&nchars)) { return true; // ignoring invalid section data } const uint8_t* chars; if (!d.readBytes(nchars, &chars) || d.currentPosition() != d.end()) { return true; // ignoring invalid section data } JS::UTF8Chars utf8Chars(reinterpret_cast(chars), nchars); JSString* str = JS_NewStringCopyUTF8N(cx, utf8Chars); if (!str) { return false; } result.set(str); return true; } // Check presence of "SourceMap:" HTTP response header. char* sourceMapURL = metadata().sourceMapURL.get(); if (sourceMapURL && strlen(sourceMapURL)) { JS::UTF8Chars utf8Chars(sourceMapURL, strlen(sourceMapURL)); JSString* str = JS_NewStringCopyUTF8N(cx, utf8Chars); if (!str) { return false; } result.set(str); } return true; } void DebugState::addSizeOfMisc(MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf, Metadata::SeenSet* seenMetadata, Code::SeenSet* seenCode, size_t* code, size_t* data) const { code_->addSizeOfMiscIfNotSeen(mallocSizeOf, seenMetadata, seenCode, code, data); module_->addSizeOfMisc(mallocSizeOf, seenMetadata, seenCode, code, data); }